WorldCat Identities

Thomas Aquinas, Saint 1225?-1274

Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Thomas
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Most widely held works by Thomas
Nature and grace : selections from the Summa theologica of Thomas Aquinas by Thomas( Book )

167 editions published between 1485 and 2021 in 10 languages and held by 5,388 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

In this volume we have sought to present the view taken by Thomas Aquinas of the moral and spiritual world in which we live, and of the conditions of man's self-realization which are consequent upon it. The final end of man lies in God, through whom alone he is and lives, and by whose help alone he can attain his end. The teaching of Aquinas concerning the moral and spiritual order stands in sharp contrast to all views, ancient or modern, which cannot do justice to the difference between the divine and the creaturely without appearing to regard them as essentially antagonistic as well as discontinuous. For Aquinas, no such opposition obtains between God and the world which he has made. - General introduction
St. Thomas Aquinas on evil by Thomas( )

36 editions published between 1993 and 2003 in English and Undetermined and held by 3,222 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Many great thinkers have wrestled with the topic of evil, and this treatise by St Thomas Aquinas is one of the most comprehensive. This translation is based on the critical edition of the Latin text published by the Leonine Commission in 1982
Summa contra gentiles by Thomas( Book )

274 editions published between 1469 and 2018 in 9 languages and held by 2,289 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"The Summa Contra Gentiles is not merely the only complete summary of Christian doctrine that St. Thomas has written, but also a creative and even revolutionary work of Christian apologetics composed at the precise moment when Christian thought needed to be intellectually creative in order to master and assimilate the intelligence and wisdom of the Greeks and the Arabs. In the Summa Aquinas works to save and purify the thought of the Greeks and the Arabs in the higher light of Christian Revelation, confident that all that had been rational in the ancient philosophers and their followers would become more rational with Christianity. This exposition and defense of divine truth has two main parts: the consideration of that truth that faith professes and reason investigates, and the consideration of the truth that faith professes and reason is not competent to investigate. The exposition of truths accessible to natural reason occupies Aquinas in the first three books of the Summa. His method is to bring forward demonstrative and probable arguments, some of which are drawn from the philosophers, to convince the skeptic. In the fourth book of the Summa St. Thomas appeals to the authority of Sacred Scripture for those divine truths that surpass the capacity of reason."--
Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas by Thomas( Book )

28 editions published between 1944 and 2002 in English and held by 2,141 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

For contents, see Author Catalog
A commentary on Aristotle's De anima by Thomas( )

28 editions published between 1994 and 2010 in English and Undetermined and held by 2,099 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Summa theologiae by Thomas( Book )

845 editions published between 1380 and 2021 in 14 languages and held by 2,089 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

V. 1 Part 1 of the prima pars, q. 1-13. v. 2 is part 2 of the prima pars, q. 14-26
Commentaries on Aristotle's "On sense and what is sensed" and "On memory and recollection" by Thomas( )

72 editions published between 1928 and 2012 in 7 languages and held by 2,029 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Santo Tomás de Aquino comenzó a redactar estos Comentarios a las correspondientes obras de Aristóteles en Roma (1268) y los terminó en París (1269). Son un complemento al tratado "Del alma" y dan por supuesto lo que este tratado explica sobre la esencia, las facultades y los actos del alma, especialmente los actos de los sentidos, tanto externos como internos. Aunque a lo largo de sus "Comentarios" Santo Tomás repite algunos rasgos básicos de la sensación expuestos en "Del alma", su preocupación es explanar la psicofísica de tales actos en relación con sus objetos respectivos. Por lo que a la secuencia de estos libros se refiere, se aprecia un avance vital desde el comentario esquivo al "De sensu et sensato" al cautivante comentario al "De memoria et reminiscentia". Al traspasar la raya ideal que divide el mundo exterior y el interior, penetramos en un ámbito de luz orientadora y de ejercicio persuasivo
The academic sermons by Thomas( )

16 editions published between 1900 and 2010 in English and held by 1,968 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"The philosophical and theological works of St. Thomas Aquinas are held in universal esteem. His commentaries on Scripture and the role of Scripture in his theological works have garnered considerable attention. Yet Thomas's academic sermons delivered on Sundays and special occasions have been widely overlooked. Considering that Thomas was a Dominican, a member of the Order of Preachers, and that he held the position of Magister in Sacra Pagina at the University of Paris--wherein preaching was a required task--the oversight is remarkable. Though hundreds of medieval sermons are attributed to Thomas Aquinas, the Leonine Commission has identified only 20 as his. This book features all 20 sermons, and one whose authenticity has been debated, translated from the original Latin texts, five of which have never been published before. An introduction and notes accompany the first-ever English translation. Readers will gain insight into the way in which Thomas translated his exegesis and thoughts into his sermons. The sermons cover an array of topics, among them Advent, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Exaltation of the Cross, Mary, other Saints, and ordinary Sundays. Thus, from different angles readers will have a better view of Thomas's spirituality and also of the way in which he translated his theological and spiritual thoughts into consequences for an authentic Christian life, the religious life, doing good to one's neighbor, and pastoral work. The Academic Sermons will fascinate readers as it presents Thomas's unique style of preaching and how he skillfully communicated the things he contemplated. With this book, Thomas the preacher comes to the fore."--Publisher's description
Political writings by Thomas( )

29 editions published between 2002 and 2014 in English and Undetermined and held by 1,920 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) is a massively influential figure in the history of western thought and of the Catholic Church. In this major addition to the Cambridge Texts series R.W. Dyson (whose modern rendition of Augustine's City of God has already been widely acclaimed) has chosen texts by Aquinas that show his development of a Christian version of the philosophy of Aristotle, its contrast with the Augustinian thought that had coloured so much political thinking in the previous eight centuries, and St. Thomas's views as to the purpose of government, constitutions, and the relations between secular and ecclesiastical power. Property, slavery and usury are fully covered, as are St. Thomas's celebrated and influential writings on law. The translations are extremely accessible and the whole is supported by all of the usual series features designed to assist the reader, including brief biographies, notes for further reading and a concise critical introduction."--Jacket
Commentary on the Book of causes by Thomas( )

12 editions published in 1996 in English and held by 1,862 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Thomas's Commentary on the Book of Causes, composed during the first half of 1272, offers an extended view of his approach to Neoplatonic thought and functions as a guide to his metaphysics. Though long neglected and, until now, never translated into English, it deserves an equal place alongside his commentaries on Aristotle and Boethius
An exposition of the On the hebdomads of Boethius by Thomas( )

13 editions published in 2001 in English and Latin and held by 1,850 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"In his sixth-century work commonly known as the De hebdomadibus, Boethius (ca. 480-524) poses the question of how created things or substances can be good just as they are -- that is, good just by existing -- without being the same as the source of all goodness, God, who is understood to be Goodness Itself. In his commentary written in the thirteenth century, St. Thomas Aquinas sets out to explain the problem Boethius is treating as well as to explicate Boethius's solution. In doing so, however, the Angelic Doctor suggests a more developed analysis of goodness, based on his own metaphysical perspective. Still, his view can be seen to continue the emphasis Boethius himself placed on the notion of creation -- bringing into being -- as crucial to understanding the issues at hand. Book jacket."--BOOK JACKET
Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas by Thomas( Book )

18 editions published between 1948 and 2007 in English and held by 1,832 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Selections ... from Basic writings of St. Thomas Aquinas ... published in 1945." Bibliography: p. 682-690
On love and charity : readings from the Commentary on the sentences of Peter Lombard by Thomas( )

14 editions published between 1900 and 2008 in English and held by 1,808 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Among the great works of Thomas Aquinas, the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard has suffered almost total neglect among translators. Such neglect is surprising, when one considers that the massive Commentary - more than 4,000 pages in the last printed edition - is not only Aquinas's first systematic engagement with all the philosophical and theological topics on which he expended his energy over the span of a short career but is also characterized by an exuberance and elaborateness seldom found in his subsequent writings. Although M.-D. Chenu had already drawn attention decades ago to the importance of studying this youthful tour de force for a fuller understanding of Thomas's later work, the Commentary on the Sentences has remained a closed book for many modern students of Thomistic and medieval thought because of its relative inaccessibility in English or in Latin." "The present volume, containing all the major texts on love and charity, makes available what is by far the most extensive translation ever to be made from the Commentary with the added benefit that the better part of the translation is based on the (as yet unpublished) critical edition of the Leonine Commission. The collection of texts from all four books has a tight thematic coherence that makes it invaluable to students of Thomas's moral philosophy, moral theology, and philosophical theology. In addition, the inclusion of both of the author's commentaries on Distinction 17 of Book 1, the original (Parisian) version and the second (Roman) version from the recently rediscovered Lectura romana, makes this edition all the more valuable for those who wish to track the internal development of Thomas's thinking."--Jacket
Faith, reason and theology : questions I-IV of his Commentary on the De Trinitate of Boethius by Thomas( Book )

88 editions published between 1946 and 2019 in 4 languages and held by 1,794 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The topics here are of vital interest to the Christian philosopher and theologian. Question 1 treats of the possibility of our knowing God, and the human limitations of this knowledge. Question 2 concerns theology as a science which reaches out to God by faith in his revealed word and uses philosophical reasoning to throw light on the contents of revelation. In Question 3 Aquinas takes up the nature of faith, showing its relation to religion and its necessity for the welfare of the human race. He argues for the catholicity or universality of the Christian faith and defends the orthodox teaching of the Trinity of Persons in the one God. Question 4 turns to a set of philosophical problems occasioned by Boethius' treatise on the Trinity: the factors that cause a plurality in general, specials and individuals. In this connection Aquinas makes one of his most controversial statements of the principle of individuation
Compendium of theology by Thomas( Book )

42 editions published between 1700 and 2012 in 7 languages and held by 1,770 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Towards the end of his life, St. Thomas Aquinas produced a brief, non-technical work summarizing some of the main points of his massive Summa Theologiae. This 'compendium' was intended as an introductory handbook for students and scholars who might not have access to the larger work. It remains the best concise introduction to Aquinas's thought. Furthermore, it is extremely interesting to scholars because it represents Aquinas's last word on these topics. Aquinas does not break new ground or re-think earlier positions but often states them more directly and with greater precision than can be found elsewhere. There is only one available English translation of the Compendium (published as 'Aquinas's Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of his Summa Theologiae, ' by Sophia Institute Press). It is published by a very small Catholic publishing house, is marketed to the devotional readership, contains no scholarly apparatus. Richard Regan is a highly respected Aquinas translator, who here relies on the definitive Leonine edition of the Latin text. His work will be received as the premier English version of this important text."--Jacket
On creation : Quaestiones disputatae de potentia Dei, Q. 3 by Thomas( )

12 editions published between 1900 and 2011 in English and held by 1,724 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

This volume includes a new English translation of Question 3, in which Thomas takes up questions and ideas about divine and human freedom, whether or not the world is created, the problem of evil, the efficacy of creatures, and the status of the developing human embryo. It offers a comprehensive treatment of creation and the metaphysics and anthropology Thomas employs in considering the general creation of the universe and the particular creation of each human being
An Aquinas reader by Thomas( )

32 editions published between 1972 and 2008 in English and Undetermined and held by 1,542 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

This new edition of An Aquinas Reader contains in one closely knit volume representative selections that reflect every aspect of Aquinas's philosophy. Divided into three sections- Reality, God, and Man- this anthology ofers an unrivaled perspective of the full scope and rich variety of Aquinas's thought. It provides the general reader with an overall survey of one of the most outstanding thinkers of all time and reveals the major influence he has had on many of the world's great thinkers. This revised third edition of Clark's perennial still has all of the exceptional qualities that made An Aquinas Reader a classic, but contains a new introduction, improved format, and an updated bibliography
Commentary on the Gospel of John by Thomas( )

3 editions published in 2010 in English and held by 1,458 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Commentary on the Gospel of John by Thomas( )

3 editions published in 2010 in English and held by 1,455 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Commentary on the Gospel of John by Thomas( )

3 editions published in 2010 in English and held by 1,451 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Nature and ... to 0.00 for Nature and ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Political writings
St. Thomas Aquinas on evilSumma contra gentilesBasic Writings of Saint Thomas AquinasA commentary on Aristotle's De animaSumma theologiaeCommentaries on Aristotle's "On sense and what is sensed" and "On memory and recollection"The academic sermonsPolitical writings
Alternative Names
Akinolu Thomas

Akinolu Thomas skolastik hristiyan felsefesinin babası

Akvīnas Toms

Akvīnas Toms 1225?-1274 Svētais

Akvīnas Toms, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Ākvīnās, Tūmās, Saint, 1225?-1274

Akʻvineli, Tʻoma

Akʻvineli, Tʻoma 1225?-1274 Saint

Akʻvineli, Tʻoma, Saint, 1225?-1274

Akvinietis, Tomas

Akvinietis, Tomas 1225?-1274 Saint

Akvinietis, Tomas Saint 1225-1274

Akvinolainen, Tuomas

Akvinski, svetnik

Akvinskiĭ, Foma

Akvinskiĭ, Foma 1225?-1274 Saint

Akvinskiĭ, Foma, Saint, 1225?-1274

Akvinskij, Foma

Akvinskij, Foma, 1225-1274

Akvinskij, Foma Heiliger 1225-1274

Akvinský, 1225-1274

Akvinský, Tomáš

Akvinský, Tomáš, 1225-1274

Akvinský, Tomáš, svätý, 1225-1274


Akwīnī, Tūmā al-

Akwīnī, Tūmā al-, Heiliger 1225-1274

Akwinu, Thomasz Z

Akwinu, Tomasz z

Akwinu, Tomasz z 1225?-1274 sant

Akwinu, Tomasz z, sant, 1225?-1274

al-Akwīnī, Tūmā

Antonio, Thomas 1350?-1434 O.P.

Aquin, Thomas d'

Aquin, Thomas d', 1225-1274

Aquin, Thomas d' saint

Aquin, Thomas d', saint, 1225?-1274

Aquin, Thomas von

Aquin, Thomas von 1225-1274

Aquin, Thomas von, Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquin, Thomas von um 1225-1274


Aquinas 1225?-1274

Aquinas Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquinas, saint

Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 1225?-1274

Aquinas., Thomas

Aquinas, Thomas, 1225-1274

Aquinas, Thomas 1225?-1274 Saint

Aquinas, Thomas 1225?-1274 sant

Aquinas, Thomas 1225?-1274 Svētais

Aquinas, Thomas c. 1225-1274 s

Aquinas, Thomas ca 1225-1274 Saint

Aquinas, Thomas de

Aquinas, Thomas de, Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquinas, Thomas Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquinas, Thomas, s., c. 1225-1274

Aquinas Thomas saint

Aquinas, Thomas Saint 1225-1274

Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, ca 1225-1274

Aquinas Thomas Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Aquinas, Thomas, sant, 1225?-1274

Aquinas, Thomas, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Aquinas, Thomas, svetnik

Aquinas (π. 1225-1274)

Aquinatis, Thomae

Aquinatis, Thomae, 1225-1274

Aquinatis, Thomas, 1225-1274

Aquinatus, Thomas

Aquinatus, Thomas, 1225-1274

Aquinatus, Thomas Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, São Tomás de

Aquino, São Tomás de 1225?-1274

Aquino, Thoma de, svetnik

Aquino, Thomas.

Aquino, Thomas ab

Aquino, Thomas af

Aquino, Thomas av

Aquino, Thomas av, saint, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Thomas de

Aquino, Thomas de, Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, Thomas de um 1225-1274

Aquino, Thomas fra

Aquino, Thomas van, 1225-1274

Aquino, Thomas von

Aquino, Thomas von 1225-1274

Aquino, Thomas von, Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, Tomàs d' 1225?-1274 sant

Aquino, Tomàs d', sant, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tomás de

Aquino, Tomás de 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tomás de 1225?-1274 sant

Aquino, Tomás de 1225?-1274 Santo

Aquino, Tomás de, Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, Tomas de, saint, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tomás de, sant, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tomás de, Santo, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tomas från

Aquino, Tommaso

Aquino, Tommaso d'

Aquino, Tommaso d', Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, Tommaso D' Saint

Aquino, Tommaso d', saint, 1225?-1274

Aquino, Tommaso N. d'

Aquino, Tommaso N. d', Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquino, Tommaso Niccolò d'

Aquino, Tommaso Niccolò d', Heiliger 1225-1274

Aquinói Szent Tamás

Aquinói Szent Tamás középkori filozófus és teológus

Aquinoi Tamás Sz.

Aquitanis, Thomae, 1225-1274

Aqvinas, Thomas

Aqvinatis, D. Thomae

Aqvinatis., Thomae

Caffarini il

Caffarini, Thomas

Caffarini Thomas d'Antoine de Sienne

Caffarini, Tommaso

Caffarini, Tommaso 1350?-1434 O.P.

Caffarini, Tommaso approximately 1350-approximately 1434

Caffarini, Tommaso ca. 1350-ca. 1434

Caffarini Tommaso Nacci

Daqui, Thomas Seut 1225-1274

d'Aquin, Saint Thomas

d'Aquin., Thomas

d'Aquino, Thommaso

d'Aquino, Tommaso

d'Aquino, Tommaso 1225-1274

d'Aquinu, Tummasu 1225-1274

De Aquino, Thoma, svetnik

De Aquino, Thomas

De Aquino, Thomas um 1225-1274

Doctor Angelicus 1225-1274

Dottore angelico 1225-1274

Duomasi, 1225-1274


Foma 1225?-1274 Akvinskiĭ, Saint

Foma Akvinalı

Foma Akvinskiĭ

Foma Akvinskiĭ, Saint 1225-1274

Foma Akvinskiĭ Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Foma Akvinskij, Heiliger 1225-1274

Foma Akvinskiy

Homoi Akvinlaine

Nacci Caffarini Tommaso

Nacci-Caffarini, Tommaso 1350?-1434

Nacci-Caffarini, Tommaso 1350?-1434 O.P.


Pseudo-Thomas [Aquinas]

Pseudo-Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274

Pseudo Thomas Aquinas, saint

Pseudo-Thomas de Aquino 1225-1274

Pseudo-Thomas um 1225-1274 de Aquino

Pseudo-Thomas von Aquin 1225-1274

Pתומאס אקווינאס 1225-1274

Pתומס אקווינס 1225-1274

S. Thomae Aquinatis 1225-1274

S. Thomas Aqvinas.

S. 토마스 아퀴나스 1225-1274

Saint Thomas

Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Saint Thomas ca 1225-1274

Saint Thomas d'Aquin.

Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 1225-1274

Saint Thomas d'Aquin ca 1225-1274

Saint Tomas d'Aquin

San Tomas d'Aquin

San Tomas de Aquino

San Tommaso

Sancti Thomae Aquinatis.

Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, 1225-1274

Sancti Thomae de Aquino 1225-1274

Sanctus Thomas.

Sanctus Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274

Sanctus Thomas Aqvinas.

Sanctus Thomas Aqvinas, 1225-1274

Sant Tomas Aquinas

Santo Tomas de Aquino

Santo Tomás, de Aquino, 1225?-1274

Sei Tomasu Akuinasu

Senis "Caffarini", Thomas Antonii de

Sheng Duomasi, 1225-1274

St. Thomas Aquinas.

St Thomas Aquinas, svetnik

sv. Tomáš Akvinský, 1225-1274

Svätý Tomáš Akvinský, 1225-1274

Sveti Toma Akvinski

Sveti Tomaž Akvinski

Święty Tomasz z Akwinu

Tamas Akwainas

Thoma de Aquino, svetnik

Thomae Aquinatis

Thomae Aquinatis 1225-1274

Thomae Aquinatis s.

Thomae Aquinatis, saint

Thomae Aqvinatis


Thomas, 1225-1274

Thomas 1225?-1274 Aquinas, Saint

Thomas 1225?-1274 Aquinas, sant

Thomas 1225?-1274 Aquinas, Svētais

Thomas 1225?-1274 av Aquino, Saint

Thomas 1225?-1274 d'Aquin, saint

Thomas 1225?-1274 d'Aquin, sant

Thomas 1225?-1274 von Aquin, Saint

Thomas 1225?-1274 von Aquin, sant

Thomas 1225?-1274 von Aquin, Svētais

Thomas ab Aquino

Thomas ab Aquino 1225-1274

Thomas ab Aquino ca 1225-1274

Thomas ab Aquino, Heiliger 1225-1274

thomas,,ab aquinos

Thomas af Aquino

Thomas af Aquino ca 1225-1274 helgon

Thomas af Aquino, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Thomas Aguinas, 1225-1274

Thomas Akinatos

Thōmas Akinatos, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Akuinatos

Thomas Akuinatos, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Antonii de Senis Caffarini

Thomas Aq., S.

Thomas, Aq., St.

Thomas Aquin, 1225-1274

Thomas Aquin., S.

Thomas Aquinas.

Thomas, Aquinas, 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinas 1225?-1274 Saint

Thomas Aquinas c. 1225-1274 s

Thomas Aquinas ca 1225-1274 helgon

Thomas Aquinas fîlozofê îtalî

Thomas Aquinas fuit presbyter in Ordine Praedicatorum, philosophus, theologus scholasticus

Thomas Aquinas, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinas, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinas Imam, Filsuf, dan Teolog.

Thomas Aquinas Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church

Thomas Aquinas Italian Dominican priest of the Roman Catholic Church

Thomas Aquinas italiensk filosof og teolog

Thomas Aquinas italiensk teolog og filosof

Thomas Aquinas Mtakatifu

Thomas Aquinas Mtakatifu Swahili

Thomas Aquinas Philosopher and theologian

Thomas Aquinas, S.

Thomas Aquinas saint

Thomas Aquinas, Saint 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinas Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Thomas Aquinas, Sanctus

Thomas, Aquinas, sant, 1225?-1274

Thomas Aquinas, Santo, 1225?-1274

Thomas Aquinas, St.

Thomas, Aquinas, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Thomas Aquinatis

Thomas Aquinatis, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinatis, S.

Thomas Aquinatus.

Thomas Aquinatus, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinatus, Sanctus 1225-1274

Thomas Aquino

Thomas Aquinus

Thomas Aquinus, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas Aquinus saint

Thomas, Aquinus, saint, 1225?-1274

Thomas Aqvinas.

Thomas,,av Aquino

Thomas av Aquino italiensk dominikanbroder, katolsk präst, teolog och filosof

Thomas av Aquino, Saint 1225-1274

Thomas av Aquino Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Thomas, B.

Thomas, beatus

Thomas Beatus 1225-1274

Thomas ca. 1225-1274 sanctus

Thomas Camisensis

Thomas Camisensis, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas d' Aquin, 1225-1274

Thomas d’Aquin religieux de l’ordre dominicain, théologien, philosophe, docteur de l'Église

Thomas Daqui, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas d'Aquin.

Thomas d'Aquin 1225-1274

Thomas d'Aquin ca 1225-1274 saint

Thomas d'Aquin, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas d'Aquin religieux de l'ordre dominicain

Thomas d'Aquin saint

Thomas d'Aquin, Saint 1225-1274

Thomas d'Aquin, saint, ca 1225-1274

Thomas d'Aquin Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Thomas, d'Aquin, sant, 1225?-1274

Thomas d'Aquin, Santo, 1225?-1274

Thomas d'Aquin, svetnik

Thomas d'Aquino

Thomas [de Aquinas]

Thomas de Aquinas, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas de Aquine

Thomas de Aquine 1225-1274

Thomas de Aquino.

Thomas de Aquino 1225-1274

Thomas de Aquino ca 1225-1274 helgon

Thomas de Aquino, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas de Aquino, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Thomas de Aquino, S.

Thomas de Aquino (s. ; 1225-1274). [m]

Thomas de Aquino, saint

Thomas, de Aquino, saint, 1225?-1274

Thomas de Aquino, sanctus

Thomas de Senis Antonii 1350?-1434 O.P.

Thomas fra Aquino

Thomas [ho Akinatas]

Thomas ho Akinatas, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thōmas 'o Akinatēs, saint

Thomas 'o Akinates, Saint 1225-1274

Thōmas 'o Akinatos, saint

Thomas 'o Akinatos, Saint 1225-1274

Thōmas 'o Akuinatēs, saint

Thomas 'o Akuinates, Saint 1225-1274

Thōmas 'o Akuinatos, saint

Thomas 'o Akuinatos, Saint 1225-1274

Thomas of Aquino

Thomas saint

Thomas, saint, 1225-1274

Thomas [Sanctus]

Thomas, sanctus, ca. 1225-1274

Thom'as [Santo]

Thomas st.

Thomas, svetnik

Thomas um 1225-1274 Aquinas

Thomas um 1225-1274 Aquino

Thomas um 1225-1274 von Aquin

Thomas van Aquino

Thomas van Aquino Dominikaanse filosoof

Thomas van Aquino Italiaans filosoof

Thomas van Aquino Italiaans filosoof en theoloog

Thomas vo Aquin

Thomas von Aquin.

Thomas von Aquin 1225-1274

Thomas von Aquin ca 1225-1274 helgon

Thomas von Aquin dominikanischer Philosoph und Theologe

Thomas von Aquin, heiliger

Thomas von Aquin, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Thomas von Aquin mittelalterlicher Philosoph und Theologe

Thomas von Aquin, saint

Thomas von Aquin, Saint 1225-1274

Thomas von Aquin, Sankt

Thomas, von Aquin, sant, 1225?-1274

Thomas von Aquin, Santo, 1225?-1274

Thomas, von Aquin, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Thomas von Aquin, svetnik

Thomas von Aquino

Thomas von Aquino 1225-1274

Thomas von Aquino, Heiliger 1225-1274

Thomas vun Aquin

Thomas vun Aquin italieeneschen Theolog

Thomasz święty

Thomasz Z Akwinu

Thomasz z Aquinu

Thome, Sankti, 1225-1274

Thommaso d' Aquino, 1225-1274

Thommaso d'Aquino

Thommaso d'Aquino, santo, 1225-1274

Thoumas d'Aqùin


Tʻoma 1225?-1274 Akʻvineli, Saint

Toma 1225?-1274 Akvinski, Saint

Toma 1225?-1274 Akvinskiĭ, Saint

Toma 1225?-1274 Akvinsʹkyĭ, Saint

Toma 1225?-1274 ot Akvino, Saint

Tʻoma, Akʻvineli, Saint, 1225?-1274

Toma Akvinski.

Toma Akvinski, 1225-1274

Toma Akvinski, Saint 1225-1274

Toma Akvinski Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Toma Akvinski, sveti

Toma Akvinski, svetnik

Toma Akvinskii, Saint 1225-1274

Toma Akvins'kyi, Saint 1225-1274

Tôma Aquinô

Tomà d'Aquin

Toma de Aquino

Toma de Aquino filosof italian

Toma iz Akvina, sveti

Toma ot Akvino, Saint 1225-1274

Toma ya Aquin



Tomas 1225?-1274 Akvinietis, Saint

Tomas 1225?-1274 de Aquino, Saint

Tomás 1225?-1274 de Aquino, sant

Tómas af Aquino

Tómas af Aquino 1225?-1274

Tomas Akinokoa

Tomas Akuinas

Tomas Akvinat

Tomas Akvinietis.

Tomas Akvinietis, Saint 1225-1274

Tomas Akvinietis šv.

Tomas Akvinietis šventasis

Tomáš Akvinský.

Tomáš Akvinský, 1225-1274

Tomáš Akvinský středověký filozof a teolog

Tomáš Akvinský, sv., 1225-1274

Tomáš Akvinský taliansky filozof a teológ

Tomas Aquinas

Tomas Aquinas, saint

Tomas Aquino Italiano Dominikano a padi ti Romano Katoliko a Simbaan

Tomàs d'Aquin

Tomàs d'Aquino

Tomàs d'Aquino 1225?-1274

Tomàs d'Aquino, sant

Tomàs d'Aquino sant catòlic

Tomàs d'Aquino, St

Tomás d'Aquinu

Tomás de Aquino

Tomás de Aquino, 1225-1274

Tomas de Aquino c. 1225-1274 s

Tomás de Aquino ca 1225-1274 Santo

Tomás de Aquino filósofo, teólogo y fraile italiano

Tomás de Aquino filósofo y teólogo medieval

Tomás de Aquino frade católico italiano, filósofo e Doutor da Igreja

Tomás de Aquino, Heiliger 1225-1274

Tomas de Aquino, s., c. 1225-1274

Tomás de Aquino, Saint 1225-1274

Tomás, de Aquino, sant, 1225?-1274

Tomás de Aquino, santo

Tómas de Aquino Santo 1225?-1274

Tomás de Aquino, Santo, ca 1225-1274

Tomas fan Akwino

Tómas frá Aquino 1225?-1274

Tomas från Aquino

Tomas från Aquino ca 1225-1274 helgon

Tomas från Aquino, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Tomás han Aquino

Tomas iš Akvino

Tomas ng Aquino

Tomás ó Aquino

Tomás [Santo]

Tomás, Santo, 1225-1274

Tomáš, svätý, 1225-1274

Tomaso d'Aquino, santo

Tomaso de Akvino


Tomasu 1225?-1274 Akuinasu, Saint

Tomasu Akuinasu, Saint 1225-1274

Tomasu, Akwinasu

Tomasu Akwinasu, 1225-1274

Tomasu, Akwinasu 1225?-1274 Saint

Tomasu Akwinasu, Saint 1225-1274

Tomasu Akwinasu Saint (π. 1225-1274)


Tomasz 1225?-1274 Akwinu, Saint

Tomasz 1225?-1274 z Akwinu, Saint

Tomasz 1225?-1274 z Akwinu, sant

Tomasz Akwinu, Saint 1225-1274

Tomasz Akwinu Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Tomasz z Akwinu

Tomasz z Akwinu 1225-1274

Tomasz z Akwinu filozof i teolog katolicki, doktor kościoła

Tomasz z Akwinu, Heiliger 1225-1274

Tomasz, z Akwinu, sant, 1225?-1274

Tomasz z Akwinu, św., 1225-1274

Tomasz z Akwinu swięty


Tomasza [z Akwinu]

Tomaž Akvinski

Tomaž Akvinski, svetnik

Tomazo d'Acuin

Tomé de Aquino filósofo e teólogo medieval italiano


Tommaso 1225?-1274 d'Aquino, Saint

Tommaso 1225?-1274 d'Aquino, sant

Tommaso approximately 1350-approximately 1434 da Siena, fra

Tommaso Aquino

Tommaso Aquino, svatý, 1225-1274

Tommaso da Siena

Tommaso da Siena d. ca. 1434 brother

Tommaso d'Aquino.

Tommaso d'Aquino 1225-1274

Tommaso : d'Aquino <1582-1650>

Tommaso d'Aquino c. 1225-1274 s

Tommaso d'Aquino ca 1225-1274 helgon

Tommaso d'Aquino frate domenicano

Tommaso d'Aquino, Heiliger 1225-1274

Tommaso d'Aquino, helgon, ca 1225-1274

Tommaso D'Aquino, S.

Tommaso d'Aquino, s., c. 1225-1274

Tommaso d'Aquino, saint

Tommaso d'Aquino, Saint 1225-1274

Tommaso d'Aquino Saint (π. 1225-1274)

Tommaso D'aquino San

Tommaso d'Aquino, San 1225-1274

Tommaso, d'Aquino, sant, 1225?-1274

Tommaso d'Aquino, santo

Tommaso d'Aquino, Santo, 1225?-1274

Tommaso D'Aquino, svetnik

Tommaso di Antonio approximately 1350-approximately 1434 da Siena, fra

Tommaso di Antonio approximately 1350-approximately 1434 fra

Tommaso di Antonio da Siena

Tommaso di Antonio da Siena 1350?-1434 O.P.

Tommaso di Antonio da Siena ca. 1350-ca. 1434

Tommaso di Antonio da Siena "Caffarini" ca. 1350-ca. 1434

Tommaso [San]

Tommaso, santo

Tommasso D'aquino San

Tomos o Acwin


Tʻovma 1225?-1274 Akʻuinatsʻi, Saint

Tʻovma, Akʻuinatsʻi, Saint, 1225?-1274

Tūmā al-Akwīnī

Tūmā al-Akwīnī Heiliger 1225-1274

Tumas t'Akwinu

Tumasch d'Aquino

Tummasu d'Aquinu

Tuomas Akvinolainen.

Tuomas Akvinolainen italialainen munkki, teologi ja filosofi

Tuoms Akvėnėitis

Van Aquino, Thomas

Von Aquin, Thomas

Θωμάς Ακινάτης

Аквинский, Фома

Аквинский, Фома 1225?-1274 Svētais

Аквинский, Фома, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Аквины Фома

Тамаш Аквінскі

Тома Аквински

Тома Аквінський

Тома, Аквінський 1225?-1274 Saint

Тома Аквінський, Saint 1225-1274

Тома Аквінський один з найвизначніших та найвпливовіших філософів і теологів в історії, засновник теологічної і філософської школи томізму, святий католицької церкви

Томас Аквинат

Томас Аквинский

Томаш Аквіньскый

Фама Аквінскі

Фома 1225?-1274 Аквинский, Svētais

Фома Аквинат

Фома Аквинлы

Фома Аквинский

Фома Аквинский 1225-1274

Фома Аквинский šventasis

Фома, Аквинский, Svētais, 1225?-1274

Фома Аквинский философ и теолог, систематизатор ортодоксальной схоластики, учитель церкви

Թովմա Աքվինացի

אקווינאס, תומאס

אקוינו, תומס די

אקוינס, תומס

אקינא, תומס די

טאמאס פון אקווינא

טומאס די אקינו.


תומאס אקווינאס

תומאס, אקווינאס, Saint, 1225?-1274

תומאס אקווינס

תומאס אקווינס נזיר דומיניקני, תאולוג ופילוסוף מימי הביניים

תומאס מאקווינו

תומאס מאקינו


תומס 1225?-1274 די אקוינו

תומס אקווינס

תומס, אקווינס, Saint, 1225?-1274

תומס אקוינס

תומס, מאקווינו, 1225?-1274

اكويني ، توما

اكويني ، توما 1225-1274

اكويني، توما, Saint, 1225?-1274

أكويني، توماس

<<ال>>اكوپنى، توما

الأكويني، توما، القديس، 1225-1274

الأكويني، توماس

الأكويني، توماس، القديس، 1225-1274

الاكوپنى، توما

القديس توما اللاهوتي، 1225-1274

آکويناس، توماس, Saint, 1225?-1274

ایکویناس سینٹ

تامس آکویناس نویسنده و فیلسوف ایتالیایی

توما الاكوينى

توما الأكويني

توما، الأكويني، القديس، 1225-1274

توما الأكويني راهب وفيلسوف

توماس اكوبناس

توماس اكويناس

توماس الأكويني

توماس الأكويني، القديس، 1225؟-1274

توماس آکوویناس

تھامس ایکویناس

تۆماس ئەکویناس

ټوماس آکوینس

थॉमस अ‍ॅक्विनास

थोमस ईकुइनास

थामस एक्विनास

টমাস আকুইনাস Philosopher and theologian

টমাস আকুইনাস ইতালিয় দার্শনিক ও ধর্মতত্ত্ববিদ

ਥੌਮਸ ਐਕੂਆਈਨਸ

தாமஸ் அக்குவைனஸ்


തോമസ് അക്വീനാസ്

ทอมัส อไควนัส


စိန့်သောမတ်စ်အကွီနာ အီတလီ ဒဿနာပညာရှင်နှင့် ဘာသာရေးယုံကြည်လေ့လာသူ

თომა აკვინარი

თომა აკვინელი

다퀴노, 톰마소 1225-1274

다퀴누, 툼마수 1225-1274

성 토마스 1225-1274

성 토마스 아퀴나스 1225-1274

토마스 아퀴나스

토마스 아퀴나스 1225-1274

토마스 아퀴나스 로마 가톨릭의 신학자, 스콜라 철학자, 자연신학의 선구자

토마스 아퀴나스, 성 1225-1274

토마스 아퀴나스, 성인 1225-1274

ቶማስ አኳይናስ


アクィナス, トマス

アクイナス, トマス

セイ トーマス アクィナス

トマス, アキナス


トマス・アクィナス シチリア王国出身の神学者、哲学者(1225?-1274)


阿奎那, 聖托馬斯 1225-1274


圣多玛斯, 1225-1274


多玛斯, 1225-1274



托马斯·阿奎那 教会圣师,中世纪经院哲学家、神学家

