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What You Need to Be Warm

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During the coldest season, when the world feels scary—what do you remember about being warm? Baked potatoes. Trust. A kettle on the stove. Blankets. A smile. And, most of all, the reassurance that you belong. In his powerful and moving poem, featuring illustrations from thirteen extraordinary artists, bestselling author and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Neil Gaiman draws together many different memories to answer the question, what do you need to be warm?

32 pages, Hardcover

First published October 31, 2023

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Neil Gaiman

2,055 books310k followers

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5 stars
718 (49%)
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470 (32%)
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206 (14%)
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26 (1%)
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38 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews
Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,040 reviews7,727 followers
November 7, 2023
As winter approaches, the need to be warm becomes vital. Working in a library, I am often worried for those without a permanent residence and am confronted with how very lucky I am to have four walls and a roof above my head during a snowstorm. Neil Gaiman’s picture book What You Need to Be Warm was born out of a similar concern. Gaiman took to social media to ask people what memories they have of being warmth and was flooded by countless powerful memories. He took these and wove them into a poem around which 13 illustrators have added their art.
The results are beautiful and moving and we are reminded of those who must struggle to find warmth. For this reason, proceeds of the book go to UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, to help provide for those who need warmth in their lives. While the words are just okay here, the art is really spectacular and I love the variety we see as well as the responses from each artist included at the end on their ideas of warmth and what they hoped to capture with their art.

This is a lovely little book worth checking out, and sales go to a good cause!

9 reviews
October 3, 2023
The use of page space and layout is so stunning in this graphic poetry book. I could stare at Marie-Alice Harel's illustration for days, and I'm so tempted to frame Benji Davies' two-page spread and hang it on my bedroom wall. This is a beautiful collection, and Gaiman's voice is as charming and concise in poetry as it is in prose. Not only is this book swathed in comforting imagery, but its message is clear and timely, and I sincerely hope it inspires some kindness in those of us who are privileged enough to offer support to refugees and those without homes as winter sets in.
Profile Image for Blair Roberts.
198 reviews3 followers
November 28, 2023
What You Need to be Warm is a short poem by Neil Gaiman to raise funds and bring awareness to the struggles of refugees across the globe and what people are reminded of to keep warm.

"Places we slept as children:
they warm us in the memory.
We travel to an inside from the outside."
-Neil Gaiman
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
499 reviews213 followers
December 1, 2023
"cometimes it only takes a stranger, in a dark place
to hold out a badly knitted scarf,
to offer a kind word"

Profile Image for Lauren Downard.
72 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2023
'A powerful poem of welcome from award winning-author and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Neil Gaiman, with illustrations from thirteen extraordinary artists'

'What you need to be warm' takes thousands of people's ideas of what it means to be warm and wraps them up into a beautiful, powerful and cohesive poem. That paired with the gorgeous illustrations from each artist makes this one special little book.

This poem made me feel thankful that, even when I was homeless, I still had a place to go back to. The thought of being outside in the cold with nothing to call your own is heartbreaking, and a situation that no-one deserves to be in.

As well as the above, each purchase of this book donates money to the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, who help protect and support refugees around the world.
Profile Image for Emilie Christine.
70 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2023
I know nothing about poetry,… but I do know that this was beautifully written and illustrated. It was wonderful.

The poem “What you need to be warm” by Neil Gaiman is a poem written from responses by his twitter followers about what reminds them of warmth, and is a made with the intention to help support the work of UNHCR, a refugee agency.

A short poem is not to be underestimated, and this proves exactly that.

“Breath-ice on the inside of windows, to be scratched off with a fingernail, melted with a whole hand”
Profile Image for Blanche.
89 reviews8 followers
November 10, 2023
This book creates thoughts and asks you to think about it.
It's got great illustrations and each word is on point

Personal bonus points: I've listened to a lot of Neil Gaiman's audio books. So my inner voice read this book to me in his tone.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
883 reviews121 followers
November 2, 2023
Gorgeous illustrations! The poetry delivers a timely message which will hopefully inspire empathy and kindness not only in the winter but all year round as well.
Profile Image for hazel.
89 reviews12 followers
November 1, 2023
These illustrations and specifically the stories behind the illustrations are so incredibly beautiful and thoughtful 🫶
Profile Image for Lily.
39 reviews
October 25, 2023
Short but mighty!
A clear message, churning, and cutting straight to the heart, albeit a bit too concise. It left me yearning for more. The illustrations are simply gorgeous!
Profile Image for Harbir.
105 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2023
I rarely give a 5 star review. This book bought tears to my eyes. Brilliantly written, amazingly executed. I will be reading this to young children over Christmas to make them realise that they're lucky to have what they have.

I am also hoping the parents over Christmas will have a deeper understanding of the pain people are going through whilst theyre out enjoying themselves.

Brilliantly moving poem.
All of your poems are.

Thank you for raising awareness of such negativity in the world. Hopefully soon, a light will shine for everyone and it'll end.
Profile Image for Maria.
722 reviews46 followers
November 11, 2023
I loved the idea behind this!
Gaiman mentions in the foreward that he asked for people to submit ideas behind the theme of what it means to be warm and then he used his skills to combine the different ideas to make a cohesive poem brought to lif side by side with different illustrations from various artists.

The poem itself reminded me of the different good memories I've counted myself to have had and how lucky I still am that I have what I have. This short read grounded me and made me realize how thankful I am for what I have—regardless if it's a good, bad, terrible, or amazing day, to be thankful and to share when able.

I borrowed this from the library but I'm hoping to buy a few copies as gifts as each purchase of the book will help support the work of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, which helps forcibly displaced communities and stateless people across the world.
Profile Image for Michaela Buccola.
189 reviews4 followers
November 18, 2023
Neil is such an amazing storyteller but this poetry didn’t quite do it for me. That said each artist did a beautiful job illustrating the pages and this small but mighty book is for a great cause. (It also didn’t hurt that this less than ten minute read is helping me catch back up to my end of year goal)!
Profile Image for poiboy.
170 reviews66 followers
November 6, 2023
Lovely children’s book with a variety of beautiful illustrations.
193 reviews17 followers
October 27, 2023
OK, I will be honest, I only bought this book to get a Neil Gaiman signed, illustrated book at a price I could afford. This is not very good poetry, in fact, I am not sure it is really poetry at all. In my view although it is designated as a children's book I am not really sure many children would be very interested it but, and the reason for the 4 stars, it is beautifully illustrated and that my lovelies is the sum total of the review. Short and sweet like the book.
Profile Image for Kandice.
1,590 reviews336 followers
November 1, 2023
If I were judging this on the words alone it would not be a five star read, but judging on the origin, process, art work and purpose, it was divine!

Orange has always been my least favorite color. When I was small I never used that crayon, but would occasionally color a whole blank page with it so it didn't look unused in the box. The use of orange and black for this book should have put me off, but...it was delivered (and released) on Halloween, and really, what color has more warmth? How do you illustrate heat, flames, warmth without orange? I think you would be hard pressed to do so.

I applaud Gaiman for his humanitarian acts. He involves others, gives back, and is just an all around good human being.

From the publicity:

"In 2019 Gaiman asked his Twitter followers, “What reminds you of warmth?” Sourcing material from the responses, Gaiman composed a poem in aid of the UNHCR’s 2019 winter appeal, which has now been transformed into a picture book. What You Need to Be Warm explores flight from conflict by spotlighting the objects and memories that offer hope during trying times.

Neil Gaiman.

The picture book touts a list of 13 illustrators, including Oliver Jeffers for the book’s cover, Benji Davies, Yuliya Gwilym, Chris Riddell, and many more.

“I am thrilled that the words originating from a single tweet back in 2019 will now become pages in a book, imagined through the eyes of 13 wonderful artists,” Gaiman said in a statement. “I hope that the ideas and memories collected and woven into this poem and the beautiful images they’ve inspired will be shared far and wide, as the humanitarian message is even more urgent today than it was when I typed that original tweet.”
Profile Image for James.
93 reviews
November 20, 2023
A poem with illustrations by various artists, some refugees, about the things that humans need for warmth - physical and emotional. 100% of proceeds go to UNHCR to help refugees. Beautiful and heartwarming
Profile Image for Mandi Hidalgo.
Author 2 books16 followers
November 1, 2023
What a great poem written by a legendary writer illustrated in a myriad of beautiful ways by a group of very talented artists. It's a beautiful piece and the art contributes to that beauty through and through. I also love how the artists broke down their piece in the back of the book. And it's all for a good cause too? The world needs more of this.
Profile Image for Amber Grewal.
53 reviews
November 4, 2023
I held it together for the whole poem and then the "Notes from the artists" happened. Cue the waterworks.
2,908 reviews18 followers
November 11, 2023
Great idea to make a crowd-sourced poem and donate the profits to helping keep people warm.
Profile Image for Elyssa.
710 reviews10 followers
November 15, 2023
Absolutely heartwarming. I will be adding this to my least of books I buy for people, as well as be buying one for myself.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews

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