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An instant #1 USA Today , Wall Street Journal , and New York Times bestseller!

In Big Shot , book 16 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley and sports just don’t mix.

After a disastrous field day competition at school, Greg decides that when it comes to his athletic career, he’s officially retired. But after his mom urges him to give sports one more chance, he reluctantly agrees to sign up for basketball.

Tryouts are a mess, and Greg is sure he won’t make the cut. But he unexpectedly lands a spot on the worst team.

As Greg and his new teammates start the season, their chances of winning even a single game look slim. But in sports, anything can happen. When everything is on the line and the ball is in Greg’s hands, will he rise to the occasion? Or will he blow his big shot?

See the Wimpy Kid World in a whole new way with the help of Greg Heffley’s best friend in the instant #1 bestsellers Diary of an Awesome Friendly Rowley Jefferson’s Journal, Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure , and Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories!

226 pages, Hardcover

First published October 26, 2021

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About the author

Jeff Kinney

380 books16.1k followers
Jeff Kinney is an author of children's books including Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series. Jeff was born in College Park, Maryland, in 1971 where he created a comic strip called "Igdoof."He also created the children's website 'Poptropica'.

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5 stars
6,323 (51%)
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498 (4%)
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202 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 921 reviews
Profile Image for Mango.
249 reviews339 followers
December 18, 2021
Gave me a good laugh! Finals went by so fast, and this book definitely helped get through them.
My mom: You're too old for these books!
Me: Hahahaha, one can never be too old for Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
My mom: *Considers it* Ok, let me try the first book.

*A day later*

My mom: OMG THESE BOOKS ARE SO HILARIOUS. Please don't say "I told you so."
Me: *Trying to resist but temptation gives out in the end* I told you-
My mom: *Rolls her eyes* Do you have the next book?

Can't wait for this one!! XD
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,188 reviews102 followers
December 14, 2022
Greg's mom urges him to join group sports, and despite his misgivings, he follows the obligatory mom mandate and tries out for the basketball team. Of course, he makes the cut and contrary to mom's enthusiasm and positive experience, he finds himself in a less successful position. The focus is squarely on Greg and his individual contributions (or lack thereof) to his school basketball team. Sadly, Rowley, Rodrick, Manny, and the legendary Löded Diper are not present to provide their own brand of comedic interest.

As a non-sporty, athletically disinclined individual myself, I found Greg's experiences to be identical to my own. I remember not having a clue what I was doing in team sports and always getting stuck on the same team in gym class as the super competitive kids who knew every rule of the game and managed to suck all of the fun out of trying to learn and play a new sport. It's possible that this book is entirely more relatable to adults who were the notorious underdogs during their school years and experienced the same type of challenges from peers, parents, and coaches. Entertaining to read, and all too true to life for the athletically challenged team player.
Profile Image for رزی - Woman, Life, Liberty.
233 reviews104 followers
February 27, 2022
من بعد از دیدن جلد جدید ویمپی کید دیگه رزی نیستم. یه ترکیب عجیبی ��ز ذوق و خنده و جیغ و داد و فریادِ دست‌وپادار هستم.
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,052 reviews189 followers
March 22, 2022
Greg's school is hosting Field day which happens once every four years much like the Olympics. And this year whichever Homeroom wins the competition, their class gets a day off from school. After watching the Olympics on TV earlier this summer and at his mum's insistence, Greg tries to get into shape and into sports but things don't pan out well. But his mum keeps insisting that he give sports another shot. So he goes to the tryouts for Basketball just to get his mum off his back. He is absolutely sure that he won't make the team but when his mum gets a response saying that Greg is part of a Basketball team, Greg actually has to play. Would he turn out to be a pro?

A new addition to the series. This is mainly focused on Greg along with his mum which I didn't mind. Although I enjoyed this, I do have to say that this is my least favorite from the series. I loved the sketches as always.

3 stars
Profile Image for Fred Forbes.
1,014 reviews57 followers
October 31, 2021
"Over 250 million sold!" proclaims the cover. Yeah, and 16 of them are mine. I know, I know, kids book. But if you, like me, remember your middle school years and have retained some of your adolescent sense of humor (most males do), you will get a kick out of this one. Particularly if sports was not your "thing" in those days. Entertaining as usual!
Profile Image for •Sincere Nanako•.
71 reviews10 followers
Want to read
August 30, 2021
I want to read this book so bad!!!!!!!!!! But my dad says that I’m too old for this series and I needed to start reading some classics… :/
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
4,708 reviews2,886 followers
December 10, 2023
I think I am done with this series. The kid is still the same. The brother is still the same. The parents are the same. No one has changed much. Guess I am not more into this series and wouldn’t recommend other than the first ten books or so.
Profile Image for Nusrat Mahmood.
583 reviews688 followers
February 6, 2023
উইম্পি কিড একটা নিখাদ আনন্দের নাম কিন্তু একটা সিরিজ বছরের পরবছর লিখে চললে রসভান্ডারে টান পরে। তার প্রমাণ এই বইটা। হিউমার কমে গেছে আগের বইগুলোর তুলনায় অর্ধেকেরও কম। বাচ্চাদের বইয়ে শিক্ষণীয় জিনিস খুঁজবার অপচেষ্টা করলাম না। অনেক প্রধান পার্শ্বচরিত্র নেই বলেই লবণ কম তরকারির মতো হয়ে গেছে এই খানা। এখন আশায় বুক বাঁধবো নাকি লেখককে এ বেলা ক্ষান্ত দিতে বলবো, বুঝতে পারছি না।

*আবার পড়লাম, মতামত বদলায়নি। ০৬.০২.২৩
Profile Image for Ainul Chowdhury.
131 reviews10 followers
November 6, 2021
Disappointing! I am a fan of this series , this is probably one of the bad books of this series. Most of the humors were overused. It’s time to take Greg heffley in middle school
Profile Image for সালমান হক.
Author 53 books1,512 followers
January 8, 2022
উইম্পি কিড সিরিজের সর্বশেষ এই কিস্তি নিয়ে কিছুটা হতাশই বটে। তবে এতদিন ধরে চলমান একটি সিরিজে এরকম ওঠানামা থাকবেই। হয়তো পরের বইটায় পুষিয়ে দেবেন লেখক আর গ���রেগ।
Profile Image for Ms. B.
3,220 reviews59 followers
November 3, 2021
If you like basketball, this is the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book for you. There are references to preschool soccer, the Olympics, and school field days, but the bulk of it is about the time that Greg spends playing basketball after his mother encourages him to get involved with team sports.
Profile Image for Chris Browning.
238 reviews6 followers
October 12, 2022
low two stars. the most uninspired wimpy kid in years. rowley is mentioned once in the first thirty pages and never again, proof that mckinney doesn't really know what to do with him in the main series now that he has a spinoff that paints him as a victim of greg's abuses. all that happens in this one is a mike lupica plot except the team never gets any better and greg’s mom abuses him. was an entire basketball book worth it for a line about susan heffley gettin double-teamed? and does God truly love us for who we are or who we could be?
Profile Image for Sarah.
524 reviews51 followers
December 30, 2022
Ich glaube dieses Buch gehört nicht zu meinen Lieblingen aus der Reihe, einfach weil die Sport Thematik nicht so meins ist und war und mir der Fokus hierauf zu stark war. Trotzdem konnte ich an einigen Stellen lachen und habe es sehr genossen wieder ein wenig Greg und seine Familie zu erleben. Es ist einfach trotzdem immer wieder schön :)
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,431 reviews106 followers
July 23, 2022
I'm giving this 4 stars because I'm in a four-star giving mood today, and the book is still making me smirk thinking about it. But on another day, I'd probably only give it 3 stars.

I wasn't sure this would be my kind of book because I'm not really into sports (though I do like some sports romance, sports can't dominate the book as they do in this book), but I'm glad I stuck with it because I enjoyed it. However, I never laughed out loud, and I'm pretty sure this is the only Diary of a Wimpy Kid book where I failed to do that.

Susan Heffley doesn't know when to give up, from making Greg try out for a basketball team to making them go to a statement tournament for teams who never won all season, which makes for some of the humor in the book.

I've noticed how in the last book as well, the climax of the story is on two pages, with the picture fully expanded. I wonder if this happened in the other books too.

I know some people think the author should just end the series already, but I'm enjoying them too much to want them to ever stop. I wouldn't mind there being 30 books before Jeff Kinney is done or if he continues writing them till he dies/retires.

Anyway, I finally caught up with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series...that is till Book 17 releases in October, but I'm really looking forward to that one about Rodrick's band. (Recently, I was thinking about it would be nice to hear more about the band, and now we're going to be getting a whole book on them! I want them to become famous and make it big, even if they're not actually great ~well, according to Greg~ LOL.)
Profile Image for Monika Ghosh.
175 reviews25 followers
November 30, 2021
I'm a big fan of this series but this one wasn’t quite as good. I'm heartbroken.
Profile Image for Carrot :3.
316 reviews105 followers
March 1, 2022
I know I’m way too old for these books but after 16 books, this series has finally lost it’s charm. This was just straight up boring.
Profile Image for Molly Cow.
28 reviews1 follower
August 13, 2022
Just reading this till my keeper of the lost cities book gets here. This is my second time reading it. I rate it 3 stars ⭐️ because it was pretty boring
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 32 books5,734 followers
November 1, 2021
Greg, who hates anything remotely physical- he sees sweat as a sign that your body is telling you to stop- is first destroyed in every category of his school's Field Day, then cut from every basketball team, to his delight. But his mother is determined to relive her athletic glory days through him, and so he ends up on a team made up entirely of kids who were culled from other teams . . . and of course, hijinks ensue!
Profile Image for Brian.
1,730 reviews44 followers
November 2, 2021
In this book Greg decides to play some team sports. This was not my favorite book by far I enjoy the beginning but as soon as it started getting a bit too sporty I found it to be kind of boring.
January 5, 2022
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Όλοι οι άνθρωποι νομίζουμε πως θα έρθει κάποια στιγμή στη ζωή μας που θα σοβαρευτούμε και θα ωριμάσουμε. Κάποιοι πράγματι το πετυχαίνουν, συνήθως σκοτώνοντας το παιδί μέσα τους και μην κάνοντας τίποτα άλλο απ' το να μιζεριάζουν χειρότερα κι απ' τον Σκρουτζ, ενώ κάποιοι άλλοι -σαν εμένα, καλή ώρα- όχι απλά προσπαθούμε να το διατηρήσουμε, αλλά φροντίζουμε να το τροφοδοτούμε όσο περισσότερο μπορούμε. Όταν, μάλιστα, έχεις κι εσύ ο ίδιος παιδιά, τότε έχεις και μια πολύ καλή κάλυψη, ή και πρόφαση, πείτε το όπως θέλετε, για να χάνεσαι σε μικρές απολαύσεις που θεωρητικά έχουν όριο ηλικίας. Αλλά κατά πως φαίνεται, οι περιπέτειες του Σπασίκλα δεν υπακούν σε όρια και κανόνες.

Στη δέκατη έκτη περιπέτειά του, λοιπόν, ο Γκρεγκ έρχεται ν' αντιμετωπίσει τον εφιάλτη που καλούνται ν' αντιμετωπίσουν πολλά παιδιά στη ζωή τους, το: Πρέπει ν' ασχοληθείς με κάποιο άθλημα γιατί θα σου κάνει καλό! Κι εντάξει, αν είσαι αθλητικός τύπος, παίζει και να μην βρεις την πρόταση αυτή τραγική, αν δεν έχεις ήδη γραφτεί από μόνος σου σε κάποιον αθλητικό σύλλογο. Αν, όμως, έχεις δύο δεξιά ποδάρια και είσαι ανίκανος να τα συγχρονίσεις με τα χέρια σου, ενώ το σώμα σου ουρλιάζει από την ταλαιπωρία που προσφέρει η εκγύμναση, τότε έχεις μεγάλο πρόβλημα. Το ίδιο πρόβλημα που έχει να αντιμετωπίσει στην προκειμένη περίπτωση και ο Γκρεγκ, όταν η μητέρα του τον πιέζει να δοκιμάσει ν' ασχοληθεί με το μπάσκετ κι εκείνος, χωρίς να το περιμένει, βρίσκεται να είναι μέλος της χειρότερης ομάδας που υπάρχει.

Άλλο ένα βιβλίο της σειράς που έχει απόλυτα ρεαλιστικό πυρήνα, αφού πολλοί μπορούν να ταυτιστούν με τον ήρωά μας, ειδικά αν ανατρέξουν στα παιδικά τους χρόνια, αστείο, χιουμοριστικό και διασκεδαστικό, σατιρίζοντας τον ίδιο του τον εαυτό, αλλά με τέτοιον τρόπο που δεν μπορεί να φέρει κανέναν σε δύσκολη θέση. Σίγουρα, μετά από τόσα βιβλία, δεν έχει να σου προσφέρει κάτι που θα σε ξαφνιάσει ή θα σε εκπλήξει ιδιαίτερα, αλλά σε κάθε περίπτωση απολαμβάνεις τη διαδρομή από την αρχή μέχρι και το τέλος, παίρνοντας και τα μηνύματα εκείνα που μπορούν ν' αποτελέσουν μαθήματα ζωής για τους μικρότερους όπως: κάνε ό,τι καλύτερο μπορείς κι ας μην φέρεις τη νίκη γιατί αυτή δεν έχει τόσο μεγάλη σημασία ή τίποτα δεν είναι ακατόρθωτο αρκεί να προσπαθήσεις γι' αυτό.
Profile Image for Momina Munir.
39 reviews715 followers
July 29, 2023
nothing in the world makes me laugh more than these entries
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