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Last Girl Breathing

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When the answers to a present-day murder lie in the past, one teen girl must examine a tragic event to prevent more lives from being lost. No one expected it to rain that much. But the rain kept coming, the dam broke, and lives were lost. One was Lucy Michaels’s little brother. She was there and while she saved the lives of many young boy scouts, despite being a child herself, she couldn’t save him.

Now eight years later, Lucy is preparing to graduate from high school and compete in the air rifle competition at the Olympics when her stepbrother goes missing right before his most important football game. The search is focused on the same plot of land where her younger brother died, and she can’t help but draw parallels.

When the search for a missing person becomes a murder investigation, Lucy knows the secrets she holds about what her stepbrother was up to that day could help find the murderer. The clues quickly connect Lucy’s ex-boyfriend to the murders, but he couldn’t be guilty... could he?

Everyone involved has their own secrets and revealing hers to the wrong person could put her life—and her whole town—at risk. Last Girl Breathing is a page-turning hunt for the truth as Court Stevens once again creates nonstop suspense with characters who will break your heart.

400 pages, Hardcover

First published November 7, 2023

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About the author

Court Stevens

6 books83 followers
Courtney “Court” Stevens grew up in the knockabout town of Bandana, Kentucky. She is a former adjunct professor, youth minister, Olympic torchbearer, and bookseller at Parnassus Books in Nashville, TN. These days she writes coming-of-truth fiction and is the Executive Director of Warren County Public Library in Bowling Green, KY. She has a pet whale named Herman, a bandsaw named Rex, and a tiny fleet of novels with her name on the spine.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews
Profile Image for Susan's Reviews.
1,137 reviews603 followers
October 19, 2023
Maybe I've read way too many mysteries and thrillers in my lifetime, but I was able to spot the culprit from the very beginning.

But the worst of it is that Court Stevens created such likeable, true to life, (mostly) decent characters, that all of the various tragedies and injustices woven into this tensely atmospheric novel gave me a perpetually uneasy feeling - as if the events in this story were happening to people close to me, that I cared about.

I suppose that this is the mark of great storytelling. You may not always like what you are reading, and may have to cringe a time or two, but you are riveted nonetheless. I dare you not to grow to love Martin, or Neil - and Lucy is a true champion in so many ways..

This is in the YA category, but I suspect that the story will appeal to everyone. I won't drop any spoilers: I'm just going to encourage you to read this well written tangled web of misdirection, lies and murder. (I felt compelled to deduct one star from my rating because Dana's character (the private investigator) did not ring true for me, but every other main character in this story lived and breathed and seemed so real to me. There was also a two-year time jump that left me stranded in my emotions, and there were a few points where my credulity was a tad strained, but I went with it because the writing was so good!) My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
N.B. I was also granted the audiobook, which I listened to in between reading spurts. McKenzie Fetters did an excellent job of bringing all of the characters to life, and maintaining the suspense throughout. I would also highly recommend this audiobook, and I thank the author and
HarperCollins Christian Publishing/Thomas Nelson Fiction for an opportunity to both read and listen to both versions of this excellent novel.
Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Kimberly R .
279 reviews
September 28, 2023
Lucy’s little brother Clay was swept away in a flood when a dam broke. He was never found. Years later her stepbrother is murdered and his sister missing. Could the events be connected? This was a heart wrenching read that had me hooked from beginning to end. I couldn’t hardly put it down. I hope to read more from Court Stevens. Thanks NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for this ARC that will be published November 7, 2023!
Profile Image for Esme.
504 reviews21 followers
November 2, 2023
This was such well done thriller! I questioned everyone because everyone seemed guilty in some way.

it's a very emotionally packed book, there's a lot of trauma, with the current time line as well as the past timeline from when the flood happened. With that said PLEASE go look at the triggers there's a lot in this book. (they may contain spoilers)

I liked the audiobook a lot! the narrator did a good job bringing the story to life.

thank you Netgalley, Court Stevens as well as HarperCollins for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,104 reviews1,696 followers
December 5, 2023
Lucy Michaels lost her little brother years ago, to the flood waters and broken dam that also nearly ruined the town she lives in. They all rebuilt and time moved on. She was not prepared to lose another brother, however, or to have old traumas and secrets reappear and threaten to bury them all again.

Damn, that was a twisted final quarter! Everything that occurred before that point had me engaged and enthralled, but the concluding events proved, yet again, that Court Stevens can pen an emotionally taut and truly twisted novel.

I felt like I knew the town and all its inhabitants, by the novel's close, and Stevens had me not only invested in the outcome but feeling like I was a part of the drama unfolding so truly did she recreate the events occurring in both the characters' present and in their pasts.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, Court Stevens, and the publisher, Thomas Nelson Fiction, for this opportunity.
Profile Image for Caitlin Miller.
Author 10 books230 followers
July 8, 2023
3 ⭐️

I'm breaking this review down into mini sections because different aspects of the story were 5 stars for me while others were 3 stars, so to do this review justice...stick around ;)

Plot: 5/5
I made the mistake of reading this book at night before I went to bed, and man, did I get spooked easily by the slightest noise, hahaha. It was thrilling. Suspenseful. My eyes bugged out a handful of times. Got chills. Was devastated and awed by how the author even thought of such a nail-biting plot like this. The plot was so good--no complaints here.

Characters: 4/5
The MC in this story, Lucy, is a really well-developed character. She feels grief. She has to be stronger for others so they can be broken. She's by no means perfect, which makes her all the more real and relatable. I really enjoyed having the story narrated solely through her POV. The character's mom was a little *too* emotionally dependent on her daughter, which made her not my favorite. Everyone else was great, though!

Themes: 5/5
This story, in many ways, reminds me of Caroline George's "The Summer We Forgot" with its YA themes of teenage love, broken relationships and trust, learning how to heal, etc. I really loved the themes in this book--they were deep and relevant and important.

Content: 3/5
Here's where I have some issues with the book...I was a little over halfway done with the book, no issues whatsoever, and then bam...two things made me mad, haha. I'll try and make this as non-spoilery as possible.
1. A couple page scene about two characters, who were twelve (or thirteen, I believe) having their first kiss + moments leading up to it/during it/after it. Way too descriptive for my liking. Started reading it and ended up skim reading because I didn't feel comfortable with that, especially given the character's ages.
2. Sooo...basically, to summarize this second complaint, there was a weird relationship thing going on between one of the main characters and her stepbrother. I actually had to stop and go back for a second and make sure that he was actually her stepbrother because...y'all, it got weird for a hot minute. Ended up skim reading this because it just felt so weird and totally unnecessary to the story and made me drop my rating from 5 stars to 3 :(

If you're wanting to read this book but skip those scenes, let me assure you that they're just sections of one chapter and not scenes that are carried out throughout the entire book (towards the 60% mark, I believe).

Besides those two things...this book was good. And I wish I could give it a higher rating, but the content concerns I had kept me from doing so. Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC of Last Girl Breathing. A positive review was not required, only my honest opinion. All thoughts are expressly my own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
421 reviews57 followers
November 8, 2023
ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

McKenzie Fetters did a wonderful job with the narration! Her characters were spot on and I was always able to distinguish which character was speaking! The story itself is about a small country town that has been struck by tragedy in the past when a dam break kills some children and years later are faced with more missing, possibly in danger, people. It was intriguing and I really liked how all the characters and backstories really made you feel like a part of this small town life. I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes mysteries and thrillers!
Profile Image for Trisha.
4,976 reviews181 followers
November 17, 2023
Wow. I've just finished and I'm still stunned. This is a well-paced, suck-you-in kind of mystery. It was a little jumbly to start - I had to catch on to who everyone was and how they tied together. It took a minute but once I did, I found their unique pieces, the story was easy to slide into.

And I was completely immersed! Lucy was compelling, her story was so sad and horrible. Her shooting isn't something I know about so I was intrigued with this part of her life. I liked that this was based so much on their land and where they lived. They are next to moving water, the Tennessee River, and it feeds and nurtures as much as it hurts and takes.

When Lucy was very young, the dam failed. Her family, along with many others, were caught in the water. This molds most of their lives in the town, as they grow up respecting, loving, and hating the water that has taken so much. Because they are all tied to the water in different ways.

I was surprised that others said they were able to guess the twists. I never saw them coming and enjoyed each twist and turn. The characters had me hooked. I loved this one!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
Profile Image for Donna.
4,093 reviews104 followers
December 27, 2023
This was 3.5 stars.

There were a lot of things to like. I liked the characters. They were firmly anchored and most were fairly likable. The author managed to shift suspicion on to everyone. The red herring chase was actually fun. The ending also felt satisfying. Overall, I was pulled into the story and wanted to see the outcome.

And there were a few things that had me deducting a star. One is that some of this felt like a shock and awe campaign. A couple of big things happened and they were just kind of glossed over like it wasn't a big deal. I think some details were needed to make it seem plausible. And then there was the culprit. He/she had far reaching tentacles and not once did I see how that could possibly be. They were just a guy/girl in a small town. So some of the events seemed incredibly improbable.

One last thing: the title sounded intense and it didnt' really fit the story.

So all things considered, 3 stars.
Profile Image for Ranjini Shankar.
1,022 reviews69 followers
December 21, 2023
3.5 rounding up. This was a surprisingly dark book and every time I thought it couldn’t go darker it managed to out do itself. This is YA and while the writing is easier than in an adult book, the plot and characters are very nuanced and well developed.

Lucy is a sharpshooter training for the Olympics and grew up in a small community that is still reeling from the natural disaster leading to the local dam breaking. Lucy lost her brother in the flood and now her new step brother, Martin, is asking questions about it. When Martin disappears Lucy has to ask whether his disappearance has anything to do with the questions he was asking.

There were a lot of characters and I had a hard time keeping them straight and also remembering who was related to whom and how. I also found the final reveal to come out of nowhere because there was nothing dropped along the way. Nevertheless this was a fast paced and intriguing read so 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Nina Bryce.
235 reviews18 followers
May 9, 2023
I have been following Courtney/Court Stevens since her debut novel, Faking Normal. I said it then and I'll say it now... Court Stevens' novels do not get the attention they deserve from the young adult community. As a reader, it has been amazing to witness this author really come into her own and find her niche in the young adult suspense genre.
I enjoyed We Were Kings but Last Girl Breathing absolutely blew me away! Last Girl Breathing sucks readers right into Lucy Micheals's world on page one and does loosen its grip until the final page. As a reader, I was not only consumed by the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Lucy's friends but the way the setting of Grand Junction, KY was brought to life, the characters who lived in this world, and the grief that lingers in this town after a tragic dam break. The various ways people experience grief is beautifully woven into this small town mystery. I have NEVER annotated so many passages in a suspense/thriller novel in my life.
Last Girl Breathing will repeatedly break your heart and keep you guessing until you question your own sanity. Do yourself a favor, go ahead and preorder this book, and clear your schedule for November 7th, 2023.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. (:
Profile Image for Tracy Shouse.
131 reviews6 followers
August 26, 2023
Court Steven's does not disappoint in this fantastic thriller. The rural setting of Kentucky and the tragedy that follows a devastating flood is something many can relate to as Kentucky is filled with waterways. For Lucy and her friends, the loss of her little brother, Clay, ties them together as they deal with the trauma. Once it is discovered that the dam break was due to sabotage and those that uncovered the secret ended up dead or missing things really heat up. All clues seem to place Lucy's boyfriend at the scene of the recent murders, and he is arrested, convicted, and jailed. Lucy doesn't believe that Neil is responsible, so she begins to investigate on her own. The twists and turns that this story takes you through has you guessing as to who it could be that had the most to lose if the truth came out. A fun and gripping tale that I would encourage anyone who likes a great mystery to read. Oh, and did I mention there was a dog! Who doesn't love a dog, especially a therapy dog! Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to enjoy this ARC!
Profile Image for Joni Owens.
1,311 reviews7 followers
November 11, 2023
Ugh this book was just so ughhhhhh. Like in the best possible way. I have the biggest book hangover now. I don’t even know how to write a good enough review for this one. I suspected everyone throughout the whole book. Well except the dog.

One thing made me laugh and it’s a just me thing. I’ve had my name misspelled a lot but Joanny is a new one even for me. I wouldn’t have even assumed it was Joni if I hadn’t listened to the audiobook in tandem with reading the book.
Profile Image for Jammin Jenny.
1,443 reviews215 followers
November 21, 2023
I really enjoyed this story about a girl who loses everything, then has to come back and face the old story with new information. There were lots of twists and turns, and I thought I knew who did it but I was wrong. So, I like that in a mystery/thriller. The characters were well written, once you got to know them. I want to thank the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for giving me an e-copy of this book, in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Flor Méndez.
Author 1 book108 followers
January 21, 2024
Muy bueno.

Lleno de plot twists que me hacían sospechar de uno o de otro (o de varios) y ninguna persona parecía ser inocente.

Me gustó mucho la resolución y me gustó que la autora haya dado pistas de quien realmente terminó siendo, cosa de poder adivinarlo y que no sea tan random. Pero más me gustó que diera pistas de casi todos los personajes para que vos sospeches de todos.

Volvería a leer algo de ella sin dudas.

PD: la lectora del audiolibro respira re fuerte y me desconcentraba un montón 😭
Profile Image for Habiba Khalid.
107 reviews3 followers
July 30, 2023
1st of all, thanks to Netgally for approving my request. I received the book 3 days back, and i started reading it immediately because i love the synopsis. The book is a quick read for me because of the writing style. I like the suspense that grips the reader till the end. What i was confused about is the collision of past and present, which at the beginning created some problems for me to understand the character. The remaining book is fanatically written.
Profile Image for Chelsea Bashore.
619 reviews37 followers
April 22, 2023
This is a complicated layered novel with nods to environmentalism, gun rights (and abuse), and what happens when the past and present collide with secrets. Growing up in a small town I could imagine the rural culture and close ties to the community. This story will leave you curious, angry, and flipping pages to see what comes next.
Profile Image for Shannon  Miz.
1,247 reviews1,068 followers
November 14, 2023

Last Girl Breathing is such a harrowing gut punch, but with some truly lovely moments scattered throughout. I adore Court Steven's books, and this one is no exception. It is, however, pretty dark, so do go in prepared. I could not find any official content warnings, but there is murder, and death of a child, so it does deal with some heavy topics. Lucy's story is sad from the first page, knowing she lost her beloved younger brother. And it only gets more harrowing from there, when her loved ones start to go missing, or worse, end up dead.

The author does an amazing job at allowing the readers to truly feel Lucy's emotions throughout the story. Add to it, everyone in the town seems both too kind to be the killer, but also just a bit suspicious enough to plausibly be the baddie. You don't want to think that any of these people Lucy loves could be capable of murder, but you also can't be sure. So much like real life experiences, really- you think you know people, and they cannot be capable of horrific things, but then they often are. Anyway, obviously someone is responsible for what is happening here- the victims did not hurt themselves, that much is clear.

This story is told over many years and many heartbreaks, and I loved that it seemed so realistic. There is nothing neat and tidy about this, and the author made some very daring, but very realistic choices. While my emotions didn't always love them, my head knew that they were right narratively. While the book itself is definitely darker in style, there is absolutely some heartwarming hopefulness to be found.

Bottom Line: Another stunning and heartwrenching novel from Court Stevens, complete with relatable characters and just enough glimmers of hope.

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight
Profile Image for exploraDora.
582 reviews288 followers
October 26, 2023
Eight years have passed since a broken dam caused a flood that swept away Lucy's younger brother. Now tragedy strikes again when her stepbrother disappears and ends up dead a few days later. This sets Lucy on a path to find out if the events are related and to find out the truth behind it all.

The novel does a great job of capturing the complex family dynamics that follow such tragedy. I liked how strong Lucy was under these circumstances and how she was a rock to her mother. The number of characters in the story was so large, but everyone was well-developed, and Court Stevens wrote them so intricately woven together, that it was difficult for me to determine who was responsible for what.

I found this plot to be quite original, but part two ruined the suspense somehow, and the time jump in part three pulled me out of the narrative a little. All in all, I thought this book was OK and despite its sadness and heartbreak, I was intrigued enough to finish reading it. But I think it's a hard one to rate, as it is not a pleasant reading experience.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the audiobook arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cora.
110 reviews5 followers
December 19, 2023
actually really good! I enjoyed this book a lot. I felt bad for the main character though.
Profile Image for Robyn.
1,965 reviews129 followers
March 6, 2024
Last Girl Breathing

I really, really enjoyed this book. I know it is a YA book, but heck it was so well done that there was not a great deal of YA attitude showing. The characters were dedicated to getting the job done, making accomplishments in their life, and becoming successful and productive members of society. WELL DONE, Ms. Stevens!

I am not sure that I can say enough about this plot and story. It was fast-paced, slowed when required, flashed back, shot forward and although I knew who it was about halfway, I wasn't exactly sure what made me say, "........ did it!". I had to read on to make sure that I was correct and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

One thing I liked about the book is that it stayed on the positive side the whole way, despite some tragic events that left our cast bereft. Today our YA readers need more heroes with more visible abilities to get things over things, face hardship and still be polite and attentive to others.

I will be looking for Ms. Stevens' books in the future.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Leni ♥.
188 reviews11 followers
November 26, 2023
4 ⭐
I'm keeping this review extremely short due to time constraints.

Things I liked:
- The book focused pretty heavily on the plot, which is great in thriller books
- The book focused more on friendships and family rather than romance (though romance is still part of it), which is refreshing to see in a YA book
- The plot twists at the last 25% of the book
- The revelation of the culprit and the explanation of all events leading up to the gruesome happenings
- I listened to the audiobook, so I also loved the narrator, she did a brilliant job at narrating the characters and all their emotions and stuff

Things I thought could've been done better:
- I liked Lucy, but I did wish her characterization could have had a bit more depth
- The pacing was a bit slow in the middle of the book

This one's 50/50:
- The book is told from three timelines: from when Lucy was 12-ish, when she was 18-ish, and when she was 20-ish
- I personally thought that the different timelines were interesting, however, some people may find it more difficult to follow than a single, linear timeline

Finally, thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
584 reviews8 followers
April 29, 2023
What a book! It left me guessing until the end on who was behind all of the chaos! I had a little trouble keeping up on which kids belonged with which parents throughout the book. The mystery and suspense will definitely hook the reader, though!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own
Profile Image for Laura Hundley.
821 reviews34 followers
August 2, 2023
Last Girl Breathing by Court Stevens
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Genre Murder Mystery YA
Release Date November 07, 2023

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 4/5
Pace: 4/5
Suspense: 4/5
Overall Enjoyment: 4/5

*My Thoughts*
I have just recently started reading Books geared to the YA readers and found that I really enjoy the ones that do not contain writing that is juvenile, which I have found is only a few. So if the blurb looks good, I am ready to read it.
I started reading this book and really like Stevens ability to tell a story and keep the readers engaged and entertained the whole time. The story has a great build up of the characters as well as the suspense. The setting and her descriptive nature was so very well developed that I honestly felt as though I was in the book myself. Grief is the main focus with the characters and the way that the author weaves that into the story is perfect. Not overly done but it allows the reader to understand the and feel the intensity of how grief can overwhelm people.The other great part is that you may or may not have a clue who the culprit is but that does not change how the story is exposed to you, the reader. I truly could feel the emotions that the author set out for the reader and I so wanted Lucy to make all of her dreams come true.


Eight years ago in the town of Grand Junction, Lucy lost her brother Clay when a dam broke due to very heavy rainfall. Lucy continues to feel as though she is to blame. She was responsible for watching him. Now at seventeen Lucy has aspirations of going to the Olympics on the rifle team as she is a skilled air rifle shooter and most of all graduating from high school. However, tragedy strikes again and poor Lucy is thrust right back into the center of it. Two of her best friends were found murdered in the exact same place that her brother died and the prime suspect is none other than Lucy’s ex boyfriend. Yet Lucy has no idea if she can believe that. So she sets off to investigate the matter herself. Lucy is very strong willed, smart, confident and persistent. It all pays off for her because during her snooping she finds that not everyone is telling the truth and and they have some secrets to hide. Can Lucy figure out who killed her friends and can she do it before someone else is killed?
Profile Image for Vickie.
1,822 reviews53 followers
November 8, 2023
This was a slow burn thriller for me with a lot of backstory before I could really understand the current events. Every character had some kind of secret in their past and every character had a heartbreak that they needed to overcome in order to face the future. I did not relate to any of the characters but I did empathize with many of them, especially Lucy who had lost her little brother to a drowning when he was a child and now her stepbrother has been murdered. I was not trying so hard to figure out who was the murderer as I was trying to tie all of the plot threads together. The plot is complicated with a lot of things that happened in the past that influence the present. The characters are well-developed but their personalities and true selves are revealed slowly and methodically as the dual mysteries unravel. This is a sad mystery, sad in that it is a mystery within a mystery and the murder would not have happened if the drowning did not happen first, but the connection is not totally clear until the end. The mystery was satisfying but I cannot say that it was well-written as I felt as though I was pushing my way through deep, muddy waters in order to get to the truth of what was really happening. I think what I enjoyed best about the story was how much the characters pulled on my heartstrings and made me really want them to see some kind of resolution to their hard luck lives.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”
Profile Image for Kirstyn (readwithkirstyn).
705 reviews26 followers
November 10, 2023
Last Girl Breathing is a thrilling YA mystery that truly lives up to expectations. From the first page, it captivates with a suspenseful narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The storyline is intricately woven, filled with unexpected twists and turns that continuously defy expectations. The author skillfully balances tension and intrigue, making it nearly impossible to put the book down. As the protagonist unravels the layers of the mystery, the sense of urgency and anticipation builds, creating a gripping reading experience. "Last Girl Breathing" not only meets the high standards set for YA mysteries but surpasses them, delivering a compelling and satisfying story that will leave readers eager for more.
Profile Image for The Shelf Life.
91 reviews9 followers
November 9, 2023
Eight years have passed since the dam broke and caused a flood that swept away Lucy's younger brother. The dam breaking was just an act of nature, or was it? Now tragedy strikes again when Lucy’s stepbrother disappears and ends up dead a few days later. This sets Lucy on a path to find out if the events are related and to find out the truth of who is behind it all.

I really enjoyed this book, with all of the twist and turns. Last Girl Breathing is truly a who-done-it in the best way. I can’t wait to read more by Court Stevens.

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to enjoy this ARC.
16 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2023
This was a great small town, who done it. The past is also at play and affects the present. I eventually figured it out, but I loved the twists and turns along the way.

Lucy is an air shooter with aspirations to go to the Olympics. She comes from a small town with a tragic past, and you get to know all of the main players at hand throughout the book. People have disappeared, people have died, and you get to unravel the mystery of what is really happening and who is responsible.

Great read.. 4.5stars.

Thank you to net galley and Thomas Nelson publishers for the arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jenn.
4,368 reviews68 followers
August 9, 2023
It's been eight years since Lucy's brother was lost in a flood when the dam burst. Now she's preparing for a shot at the Olympic air rifle team. But when her stepbrother goes missing just before he's about to reveal a big secret to Lucy, suddenly the whole town is searching and the secrets are going to come out eventually.

I wasn't too sure about this one at first, but I was quickly drawn into this one. The twists and turns were fantastic and kept me on the edge of my seat. This didn't feel very YA to me, but what does that matter?
November 24, 2023

I wish there was more character development in the beginning before cutting right to the suspense & drama. Would’ve felt more connected this way. As the story goes on though, more & more is revealed due to the switching between past & present tenses. As an audiobook, it took some adjusting to get used to but once you figured it out, the style of writing led to a fast paced thriller. I enjoyed it but think it fell a bit short for some reason.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews

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