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The Lincoln Lawyer #7

Resurrection Walk

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Defense attorney Mickey Haller is back, taking the long shot cases, where the chances of winning are one in a million. After getting a wrongfully convicted man out of prison, he is inundated with pleas from incarcerated people claiming innocence. He enlists his half brother, retired LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, to weed through the letters, knowing most claims will be false.

Bosch pulls a needle from the haystack: a woman in prison for killing her husband, a sheriff’s deputy, but who still maintains her innocence. Bosch reviews the case and sees elements that don’t add up, and a sheriff’s department intent on bringing quick justice in the killing of one of its own.

Now Haller has an uphill battle in court, a David fighting Goliaths to vindicate his client. The path for both lawyer and investigator is fraught with danger from those who don’t want the case reopened and will stop at nothing to keep the Haller-Bosch dream team from finding the truth. Packed with intrigue and courtroom drama, Resurrection Walk shows once again that Michael Connelly is “the most consistently superior living crime fiction author” (South Florida Sun Sentinel).

400 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 31, 2023

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About the author

Michael Connelly

393 books29.4k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads' database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Michael Connelly decided to become a writer after discovering the books of Raymond Chandler while attending the University of Florida. Once he decided on this direction he chose a major in journalism and a minor in creative writing — a curriculum in which one of his teachers was novelist Harry Crews.

After graduating in 1980, Connelly worked at newspapers in Daytona Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, primarily specializing in the crime beat. In Fort Lauderdale he wrote about police and crime during the height of the murder and violence wave that rolled over South Florida during the so-called cocaine wars. In 1986, he and two other reporters spent several months interviewing survivors of a major airline crash. They wrote a magazine story on the crash and the survivors which was later short-listed for the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. The magazine story also moved Connelly into the upper levels of journalism, landing him a job as a crime reporter for the Los Angeles Times, one of the largest papers in the country, and bringing him to the city of which his literary hero, Chandler, had written.

After three years on the crime beat in L.A., Connelly began writing his first novel to feature LAPD Detective Hieronymus Bosch. The novel, The Black Echo, based in part on a true crime that had occurred in Los Angeles, was published in 1992 and won the Edgar Award for Best First Novel by the Mystery Writers of America. Connelly has followed that up with over 30 more novels.

Over eighty million copies of Connelly’s books have sold worldwide and he has been translated into forty-five foreign languages. He has won the Edgar Award, Anthony Award, Macavity Award, Los Angeles Times Best Mystery/Thriller Award, Shamus Award, Dilys Award, Nero Award, Barry Award, Audie Award, Ridley Award, Maltese Falcon Award (Japan), .38 Caliber Award (France), Grand Prix Award (France), Premio Bancarella Award (Italy), and the Pepe Carvalho award (Spain) .

Michael was the President of the Mystery Writers of America organization in 2003 and 2004. In addition to his literary work, Michael is one of the producers and writers of the TV show, “Bosch,” which is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

Michael lives with his family in Los Angeles and Tampa, Florida.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 858 reviews
Profile Image for Maureen .
1,483 reviews7,053 followers
November 10, 2023
Defense attorney Micky Haller is inundated with pleas from incarcerated people, all claiming their innocence. This follows a successful case in which he overturned a verdict on an inmate imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit.

Haller enlists the help of ex-LAPD detective Harry Bosch to find the next case which could result in another resurrection walk. The case they take on is Lucinda Sanz, imprisoned five years ago for the murder of her husband, a serving Sheriff’s Deputy. A very complex court case follows that makes you wonder which way it will go. The courtroom scenes are amusing, tense, and always entertaining, and as far as legal thrillers go, it doesn’t get much better than this. Michael Connelly is not the type of author to rest on his laurels and you can immediately appreciate this with Resurrection Walk - gripping and twisty throughout!

*Thank you to Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for my ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *
Profile Image for Liz.
2,198 reviews2,865 followers
November 5, 2023
Resurrection Walk falls under both the Mickey Haller (#7) and Harry Bosch (#37) series labels. The story flips back and forth between the two. In order for Harry to have health insurance and be enrolled in a clinical study for his myeloma leukemia, he’s gone to work for Mickey. Mickey has just gotten a client declared innocent and he’s now keen to run his own sort of Innocence Project. Harry is tasked with reading the many letters asking for help and deciding which, if any, have merit. He focuses on a letter from the ex-wife of a Sheriff’s Deputy. She was talked into taking a nolo contendere plea when she was arrested for her ex’s murder.
Initially, I was peeved at the change from third person narrative during Harry’s sections to Mickey’s first person in his sections. But once the book gets to the court case, having Mickey’s sections in the first person worked well.
Connelly is a master at crafting both a believable criminal investigation and a well toned legal thriller and this book does both well. Kudos to Connelly for coming up with believable plots over and over again. It's very timely, with AI and geo-fencing coming into play. It’s an engrossing story and I kept promising myself just one more chapter. Given the ending, it will be very interesting to see where the Haller series goes next.
One of the big questions when dealing with an ongoing series is, can the book work as a stand-alone. Well, yes and no. The plot is well done and a reader can enjoy it based on that alone. But Connelly doesn’t waste a lot of time giving the backstories of the two main characters, so that would be lost. It’s also so interesting to see the progression of these characters, especially Bosch.
My thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown & Company for an advance copy of this book.
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,186 reviews598 followers
November 17, 2023
When the new Michael Connelly book is released each year it is like an early Christmas present. I wait impatiently for it to come out and then it feels like it is over far too quickly. Resurrection Walk is a Lincoln Lawyer book but the whole gang is here which makes me so happy. As always, it is a brilliantly written story that I was sad when it ended. But the ending gives me much hope for the future of these characters….

Harry Bosch is now working for his half brother, Mickey Haller, The Lincoln Lawyer, as an investigator. Mickey needs the help and Harry needs to keep busy, and he needs the health insurance for treatment of his leukaemia. A letter comes in from a woman who is in prison for the murder for her husband, a sheriff’s deputy. She claims she is innocent and is desperate to get out after 4 years behind bars. Harry sees some issues with the original investigation and convinces Mickey to take the case. The deeper they look, the more innocent their client looks. But there are people out there who want this case to stay closed, and will do anything to keep it that way. Of course, Harry and Mickey thrive on the danger and do whatever it takes to get to the truth.

I just loved everything about this book. The court room scenes when Mickey is involved are always fun. The banter between the brothers made me laugh. I always feel as if I am on the case with these characters, the authors scene settings are so vivid.

If you haven’t read this series, why not? Can we even be friends?!! This is hands down my favourite police and legal series and I hope it will keep going for many many years to come. I can’t wait to see where these characters will be next time.
Profile Image for Andrew Smith.
1,096 reviews644 followers
November 21, 2023
Review first posted on mysteryandsuspense.com

Mickey Haller has only experienced the feeling once, but it’s addictive and he desperately wants to experience it again. The thrill of releasing an innocent victim of the criminal justice system, someone who has been falsely imprisoned. The adrenaline rush was incomparable as the victim, Jorge Ochoa, was finally cleared, the prison doors thrown open and he walked out a free man to be greeted by his waiting family. A moment to savour, Haller called it the resurrection walk.

Haller is known in Los Angeles circles as the Lincoln Lawyer, because he eschews the use of an office, preferring to store his case files in the boot of his car. He’s temporarily being supported by his half-brother, ex-LAPD homicide detective Harry Bosch. Harry is suffering from a form of bone cancer and this employment has enabled Haller to get him enrolled in a clinical trial programme at UCLA Med, where he’s receiving radioisotope treatment. Bosch’s role is that of investigator, and also part-time driver for the lawyer. He’s also overseeing the search for the next injustice case for his boss, sifting through the many letters that have been sent to Haller following Ochoa’s release. His job is to highlight those he believes to be worthy of a closer look. One case he pitches to the lawyer is that of Lucinda Sanz, who accepted a nolo condendere (or no contest) plea, a way of avoiding a potential life sentence. She’d been charged with killing her husband, a sheriff’s deputy, five years ago following a domestic dispute. There was just something in the letter that spoke to Bosch. Lucinda had never admitted guilt, in fact she’d always asserted her innocence. She’d accepted the plea on the advice of her lawyer, who convinced her that the risk of receiving the maximum sentence at trial was just too great. So instead she’d accepted an eleven year sentence, something that at least offered her a life after prison. But now she has good reason to want to leave before her term is served.

Through his novels, Connelly has created a world in which his various protagonists (currently Haller, Bosch and Renee Ballard, a serving LAPD detective) co-exist. Each have their own series of books, but ‘guest’ appearances in each other’s stories are not unusual. This is most clearly a Lincoln Lawyer tale, the set-piece court scenes being the obvious highlights, though the narrative follows both he and Bosch in almost equal measure. It’s broken down into sections, with Haller plotting how he plans to challenge and ultimately undermine the state’s case against Sanz alternating with Bosch's actions in undertaking the investigative legwork. The relationship between the two men here is noticeably different to their interactions in earlier books: now Haller is clearly the boss and the decision maker, and though they seem to work well together it does feel a little odd to see Bosch in this rather subservient role, overseen by the often brusque Haller. In addition, Bosch is somewhat conflicted by working for the defence lawyer given he’s spent his whole career to date on the side of the prosecutor, and to add to this the act of violence he’s investigating was perpetrated against an officer of the law.

Nobody makes a crime fiction story flow quite like Connelly does, and here he once again demonstrates his mastery of the craft. At no point does he release his iron grip on the narrative. Actions taken are rational and precisely placed within the story, each reaction is realistically played out and every character is totally believable. There are no false notes here. There are a couple of minor cases tidied up along the way and Ballard even makes a brief appearance, but all eyes are really focused on the Sanz case. It’s far from clear that a meaningful argument can be made for her release, as reasonable doubt is not the bar that has to be reached – proof of innocence is required to win the day here. However, Haller and Bosch are determined to give it their best shot, despite a degree of intimidation from sources unknown. They also know that should they get the case in front of a judge there remain a number of outcomes in play, including the re-introduction of a potential life sentence for Lucinda.

It’s a Lincoln Lawyer story, so you know they’ll get it to court somehow, and when they do what a brilliantly choreographed courtroom dance it proves to be.

My thanks to Little, Brown and Company for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dave.
3,138 reviews364 followers
August 16, 2023
Resurrection Walk (release date Nov. 7, 2023) is the seventh novel in Connelly’s Lincoln Lawyer Mickey Haller series. That series is now a two-season Netflix series as well as a 2011 film starring Matthew McConaughey ( who for reader will always be the face of Mickey Haller). The novel co-stars Harry Bosch and features a brief cameo appearance by Renée Ballard, two of Connelly’s other series characters.

Unlike other series where the characters never seem to age, Bosch has finally (and for real) retired from the Los Angeles Police Department. He is now undergoing treatment at UCLA for cancer and using his cold case expertise to assist Haller who has been drowned in letters from inmates claiming innocence after Haller managed to get a client’s conviction overthrown. Finding an innocent man behind bars is like picking a grain of sand from the beach, but Bosch has some clues about one where a Sheriff’s Deputy was shot by his ex-wife and the facts do not fully add up. Bosch, though, is conflicted about working the defense side even if it is only to sift through claims of innocence.

Although Bosch plays a prominent role in the investigation, this is primarily a Lincoln Lawyer novel. Haller was so named because he operates out of a Lincoln where he works out of the backseat while being driven between court appearances often by clients working off their fees.

Rather than a jury trial, the focus of the legal work here is the writ if habeas corpus and the efforts of Haller to use the Great Writ to attempt overturning a state conviction after the inmate has already pleaded no contest to manslaughter and been sentenced. Connelly demonstrates a strong knowledge of the ins and outs of little known legal processes which take place solely before a judge although for plot purposes he compressed the time involved, which would generally take far longer in the real world.

All in all, Resurrection Walk is a well-plotted, well-written addition to the Lincoln Lawyer and Harry Bosch franchises. This review follows receipt of an advance reader’s copy.
611 reviews129 followers
November 15, 2023
The last book, 'Desert Star' was quite disappointing, but this book was worth the wait. My Favorite Mickey Haller is back. I was expecting this to be completely Haller story, but this was a Bosch story too. There were mentions of other favorite characters like Legal Siegel, Cisco. Good thing was Ballard had a teeny role, which was bearable (yes, I don't like Rene Ballard). Maggie McPhearson also had a tiny role and even in her brief presence, was annoying.

The police procedural was excellent, And the court room scenes even better. Mickey Haller does everything expected of him. He is not ashamed of advertising himself on billboards and playing to the popular media and using them. But he would never let an innocent suffer. The ending is dramatic like any other MC novel.

I have read every book written by Michael Connelly. And am happy that this was released before the end of 2023. Repeating some of my earlier review of M C s books, I think this is the best detective series I have ever read.
1. every book is unique, there is no formula, doesn’t repeat (nudge, nudge...Lincoln Rhyme- Jeffrey Deaver)
2. each book is a stand alone and can be read in any order (Ref- Coromoran Strike- Robert Galbraith)
3. there is no overload of the detective's personal story, (Roy Grace - Peter James , Coromoran Strike- Robert Galbraith)
4. No overt romance
5. doesn't try to titillate the readers with smut and gore (Karin Slaughter/ Peter James/ Chris Carter/ Most of the authors out there)
Profile Image for Jayne.
597 reviews288 followers
November 29, 2023

"Resurrection Walk" is "The Lincoln #7" and "Harry Bosch Universe #37".

This fast-paced, well-plotted, character-driven series never gets old.

Yes, Michael Connelly has not lost his mojo!

The author refrained from including political diatribes in this book.

FYI, I prefer "politics-free" legal thrillers.

I respect Michael Connelly's political views, I just don't want to read about them in his legal thrillers.

I listened to the audiobook read by Peter Giles, Titus Welliver, and Christine Lakin.

Full-cast audiobooks are always a treat and all of the narrators did an outstanding job with the narration.
Profile Image for Adrian Dooley.
388 reviews111 followers
October 12, 2023
Haller and Bosch return in an absolute gem of a story about the wife of a cop convicted of shooting him dead five years previously.

After pleading no contest to the lesser charge of manslaughter, due to really poor and lazy advice from her lawyer, after five years incarcerated, her letter pleading her innocence lands on the desk of Harry Bosch to consider as a case for Haller, the Lincoln lawyer.

After a big of digging, there are serious doubts about the conviction. Was her husband a bent police man, part of an internal police “gang”? Were the FBI involved? Was the wife framed for the killing?

Connelly is a master story teller and Resurrection Walk is one of the best books I’ve read by him. I mean it was just an effortless read such was the structure, pacing, intrigue and overall crafting of the story.

Largely a court room case, this had me on the edge of my seat throughout. It just reminded me why I love reading a good story. I was sorry when it was over and I didn’t notice the time(or the pages) passing.

An easy 5 stars. Don’t miss this one.

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC through Netgalley.
Profile Image for Alan Teder.
2,115 reviews115 followers
November 21, 2023
Mickey Haller's Innocence Project
Review of the Little, Brown & Company audiobook edition (November 7, 2023) narrated by Peter Giles, Titus Welliver and Christine Lakin.

Despite what seemed like an ominous prognosis for Harry Bosch in Desert Star (2022), Resurrection Walk finds him in an experimental treatment program with signs of remission. His half-brother Mickey Haller (aka The Lincoln Lawyer) used contacts to get Bosch into treatment and Bosch has agreed to be Haller's driver and occasional investigator, despite his reservations about working for a defense lawyer.

Bosch finds a case in which he can believe in the innocence of a convicted wife who pled a no-contest to the shooting death of her husband, a LA Sheriff Deputy, when all the evidence had seemed stacked against her. Haller becomes convinced as well and we have an initial series of interviews and investigations with a courtroom showdown for most of the final half of the book. Haller & Bosch unravel a conspiracy in which the wife was set-up to be the 'fall-guy.'

This had all the best of Bosch and Haller with them facing intimidation from corrupt and / or uncooperative law forces and even the Federal judge who is in charge of the case. The only thing that kept it out of 5-star territory for me was a rather abrupt and convenient out-of-court denouement.

The narration by now series regulars Peter Giles and Titus Welliver (the Bosch TV-actor) was excellent throughout. There is only a very brief cameo by Christine Lakin voicing Rene Ballard.

As always, Bosch is listening to various jazz and blues albums throughout this book. Author Connelly provides a helpful list at his official website's page for The Music in the Novels.
Featured in Resurrection Walk are:
1. Harry's Last Stand by Wayne Shorter from the album Introducing Wayne Shorter (1960).
2. Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers [no specific track or album]
3. Live at the Fillmore East (March 7, 1970) by Miles Davis with the band including Wayne Shorter on saxophone, not to be confused with a later album with the same title Live at the Fillmore East recorded in June 1970 with Steve Grossman on saxophone.
4. Herbie Hancock [no specific track or album]
5. Cannonball Adderley [no specific track or album]
6. Birdland by Joe Zawinul & Weather Report from the album Heavy Weather (1977).

Trivia and Links
Author Michael Connelly gives a brief video introduction to the buildings in downtown Los Angeles which feature in Resurrection Walk which you can see here.
Profile Image for Bill.
957 reviews165 followers
November 23, 2023
Michael Connelly brings together retired detective Harry Bosch & Lincoln Lawyer Mickey Haller, who both hope to free a woman from prison they believe is innocent of killing her ex husband.
Connelly has been writing police prodecurals & courtroom dramas for over 30 years so his novels always flow so smoothly they are a joy to read. This one sees Harry Bosch working for his half brother Mickey Haller and, as Bosch is in a huge amount of the book, I think the publishers should have put "A Bosch and Haller Thriller" on the front cover instead of just "A Lincoln Lawyer Thriller."
There are some fine twists in this novel & the final chapter & the author's comments at the end of the book make me wonder if......well, give it a read & see what you think.
Profile Image for SVETLANA.
195 reviews23 followers
November 27, 2023
I read all previous books from Bosch and Lincoln Lawer series and I am glad that at last, my two favourite characters started to work together in helping innocent people that got in jail to prove that they didn't do it.

I don't know if this storyline will work in the future, but I liked Resurrection Walk very much. It has an interesting and very tense plot, both main characters act in accord with their beliefs. I was a bit confused about the end of the book. It sounded not like Michaell Connelly to me, but maybe this is only a link with what we are going to read in the next books where Harry and Mickey are working together.

I could say that the end put a bit down the whole impression about the book, but not less than 4.75 stars for me.
Profile Image for Ellery Adams.
Author 55 books4,393 followers
November 28, 2023
This is a page-turning, emotional read blending courtroom drama and police investigation. Half-brothers Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch team up to free a wrongly convicted felon—a woman charged with killing her husband. Corruption and mishaps abound. I was completely captivated from the first page and the ending was very moving. Connelly is second-to-none when it comes to writing about justice, and all that entails.
Profile Image for Scott.
458 reviews54 followers
November 21, 2023
“Resurrection Walk” is Michael Connelly’s 38rd book and seventh outing with Mickey Haller as the primary lead. Mickey is the son of Michael Haller, a famous defense attorney in the Los Angeles area back in the sixties and seventies. Mickey himself is a somewhat successful criminal defense attorney operating in Los Angeles County. Unlike his father, his office is a Lincoln Town Car, and his clients are primarily drug dealers, gang members, and gangsters. Mickey’s first ex-wife, Margaret “McFierce” McPherson, is a prosecuting attorney and mother of his grown daughter, Hayley, who just finished law school herself. His second wife, Lorna Taylor, is his case manager and front-line defense to his clients. She is also married to Mickey’s private investigator, Cisco, who has the uncanny ability to hunt down anybody or anything. Last, but not least, Mickey is also the younger half-brother of retired Detective Harry Bosch, Connelly’s long-running detective series.

“Resurrection Walk” is described as a Mickey Haller book, but in many ways it a Haller/Bosch team-up with both characters getting a lot of screen time. The term is a reference to when an innocent person who has been wrongly imprisoned, gets their case overturned and gains their freedom back, as if being resurrected from the dead. We even have appearances from Harry’s daughter and young police officer, Maddie, and Harry’s protégé turned friend, Detective Renee Ballard, who leads a cold-case team. Both of them are welcomed and much appreciated.

The storylines focus on Mickey and Bosch trying to re-open the case of Lucinda Sanz, who was charged with the murder of her husband and policeman in gang-suppression unit. Although Lucinda accepted a plea deal on the advice of her lawyer, she is claiming her innocence. She has sent a letter to the Lincoln Lawyer, pleading for his help, and after reading it, Bosch reviews her case file, finding some things that leave him with unanswered questions.

While Bosch and Cisco investigate, Haller files a legal request for a judge’s review of the case based on new evidence, but faces an uphill battle from local law enforcement who wants nothing to do with bringing the case back. There are also unknown others who don’t want the past brought forth and are willing to turn their threats into violent actions.

At the same time, Bosch is not at his best. He has been physically weakened from his ongoing clinical trial treatment for his cancer. His doctors are telling him to be positive, but who knows if the experimental isotope approach is working. It will take time to measure its effects on Harry and Maddie vows to be with him every step of the way, whether he likes it or not.

There are so many things that I loved about this book. Both Bosch and Haller had their moments. There is nothing better than experiencing Mickey’s courtroom battles with the judge and Prosecuting Attorney. Their back and forth - actions and reactions – are so well delivered in tension packed dialog. As the old Priceline commercials promised – “priceless”. Moving back and forth from Bosch’s investigation and personal issues to Haller in the courtroom, was seamless, smooth, and great storytelling. We even see the influence and impact of AI on the legal system in a very creative and provocative storytelling style that challenges your thinking. And the buildup to the ending was rewarded with a cathartic and emotional ending that held several surprises, including a personal for one for one of the characters that I didn’t see coming. Way to go, Mr. Connelly!

My personal big three go-to writers for mystery and legal thrillers (in particular order) are David Baldacci, John Grisham, and Michael Connelly. But there’s just something so special about Connelly’s style and storytelling. To me, he’s a master storyteller. Period. End of story. Maybe it’s his many years as a newspaper crime beat writer. I’m sure that’s a big part of it. Either way, his insight into police procedural investigations, courtroom procedures and activities, and city/county government politics is second to none.

After 37 previous books, Connelly still creates strong tension, clever plotting, and well-delivered legal twists and turns. He is a master of characters, setting, and plotline. It’s that simple. Whether he is delivering a detective focused Harry Bosch novel, a Mickey Haller legal novel, or a Jack McEvoy investigative reporter thriller, doesn’t matter. They are all awesome reads. I find it interesting that every one of my Goodreads reviews of his books have been a score of 4 or 5 out of a total of 5 points. I have never scored him less than a 4. That is a pretty amazing mark of great consistency, especially an author with almost 40 books on his resume.

I am continually impressed with the strong quality that he applies to each one of his books. Connelly is a master narrator, never telling the same story twice, and constantly treating his readers with tight plotting, well-developed characters, and surprising twists that increase the tension and outcomes. I keep making the same statement after finishing each of his novels, and I am making it once more. Like a fine wine or whiskey, Bosch and Haller just get better and better with age. It’s that simple. I don’t know how Connelly keeps raising the bar, but he consistently does. He’s just that good...

My only complaint of this book is that it was such a smooth and fast read that it was too dang short! Even at 400 pages, I read it in about 24 hours over the weekend. What was intended to be a slow, immersive read, turned into a suspenseful legal thriller that took my full attention, kept me late, and practically had me yelling at characters in the book!

Overall, having read all of Connelly’s books, from the beginning of their stories – Bosch, Haller, Maddie, and Ballard – through their careers, personal growth and development, their struggles and steps back, recoveries, and their natural aging that goes with it. Their lives have been told over 40 years of great storytelling by Connelly, with of course, Bosch’s story arc being the longest. Each character has such an inner strength to persevere and right the wrongs of society. That’s what makes them so heroic. Their passion for serving justice.

The other thing is that we don’t know how much longer we’ll have the character of Harry Bosch in the book version. In the novels Bosch is aging, fighting cancer, and working hard to leave his make on justice before he leaves this world. It’s safe to say that Harry’s on the backside of his literary life.

Connelly is so over-booked as full-time novelist and Executive Producer for the Amazon Prime TV show “Bosch Legacy” (script writing and oversight) and “The Lincoln Lawyer” on Netflix (feedback and input I think…). I also read yesterday that Renee Ballard’s own series has been greenlit with Amazon Prime, so Connelly has his creative hands filled with many responsibilities.

I don’t say this to be mean. There may be three, four, or even more Bosch involved novels to come, but it also means they will most likely come to some kind of end for this enduring character who lives the mantra of “Everybody counts or nobody starts”. And even if Harry were to pass on, there will still be Mickey Haller, Renee Ballard, and Maddi Bosch to carry forward his legacy, but for me, that just means that I need to cherish his remaining days in every opportunity that Connelly gives us in future books.

Thank you, Mr. Connelly. Another 5-star read…
Profile Image for Linden.
1,563 reviews1 follower
September 7, 2023
Mickey Haller is doing a personal "innocence project." He has Bosch looking through letters from incarcerated people claiming they are innocent, and selecting someone to help. He has just helped Jorge with what he calls a Resurrection Walk, freeing him from a crime he did not commit. Now Bosch has focused on Lucinda, charged with killing her sheriff's deputy ex, and coerced into taking a plea deal by a loser lawyer. Can Mickey exonerate her? Who would want to set Lucinda up to take the rap for a murder? But it's not just about excellent plotting--I enjoy all of the characters Connelly writes about: Bosch, Renee Ballard, and Mickey Haller. This is an author that does his research, and his books continue to be exceptional; Connelly has not chosen to "phone it in," or seek out co-authors, as have some other well-known writers. I am grateful to the publisher and to Edelweiss for allowing me to review this exciting combination of police procedural and legal thriller.
Profile Image for Kerry.
853 reviews105 followers
November 13, 2023
The latest Lincoln Lawyer addition by Connelly--a true favorite of mine. I always know November is a the month when Connelly will bring out another book in either his Bosch or Lincoln Lawyer series. I could not wait to get to this one. In this Mickey Haller (the Lincoln Lawyer) is looking for the high he feels when he releases a wrongly accused, innocent man or woman from prison--aka the resurrection walk. Bosch has joined him in this his latest adventure of hoping to free a woman from prison who pleaded No contest to an accusation that she shot and killed her husband, an L.A. sheriff. Getting a person out of jail who has admitted guilt could prove to be an impossible job but Haller and Bosch are up for the challenge.

It was an excellent complicated case and I often wondered if these two were on the right trail or if the twist might be defending a client who is in fact guilty. Loved the audio as Bosch voice is done by Titus Williver who played Bosch on the TV series and is Harry Bosch in my mind.

4.5 stars rounded down as I found the ending a little of a cop out but it was a captivating read for me and I hated to turn it off. The only really sad part is waiting for another year for another Connelly.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,372 reviews2 followers
November 18, 2023
This one was over way too quickly - was trying to listen to it slowly but it was just too good. I had pre-ordered the kindle but ended up getting the audible and listening to it - fantastic narration by Peter Giles, as Mickey. Titus Welliver (who plays Harry Bosch in the TV series) was also very good.

As with other books in the series Mickey is, once again, trying to free a convicted person from prison, where he feels that the evidence just does not add up and Mickey, Harry and the team try to find the evidence to prove the innocence of the incarcerated person.

Yes, Mickey is as sauve as ever ... and as cute as ever (and I don't mean 'cute' in an affectionate or endearing way). He is cunning and always seems to talk his way out of a tricky situation ... especially in the Courtroom (although the Judge can usually see through his wily ways). (maybe I do mean he is cute in an endearing way too - just look at him).

I have not read the Bosch series but now that I am up to date with the Lincoln Lawyer, I may have to rectify that.

The legal jargon might be a bit exaggerated but IT IS a Courtroom/Legal book and I feel that it is well explained by Connelly ...

Mickey is charming (did I already say that?) Cannot wait for the next book from this 'Master' of the crime genre - will probably have to wait a year, at least.

You can't unring a bell ...

So, those of you who haven't checked out the Lincoln Lawyer, I am recommending that you do ...

Profile Image for Bill.
54 reviews
November 27, 2023
"Resurrection Walk" is one of Mr. Connelly's best. He manages to include most of his main protagonists from his prior series which gives me a sense of familiarity, and I feel as though I really know these folks. Attorney Mickey Haller with PI, Harry Bosch assisting, do a great job on this case. Plenty of courtroom drama with many twists and turns make it a true page turner. A favorite so far this year.
Profile Image for Paula.
737 reviews146 followers
November 26, 2023
Connelly can do no wrong.
Excellent addition to both series.
Profile Image for The Girl with the Sagittarius Tattoo.
2,276 reviews284 followers
November 15, 2023
Loved it! All the stars.

Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch team up to try to clear a mother who may have been wrongfully convicted of murder. Lucinda Sands has served 5 years for shooting her ex-husband, an undercover officer assigned to a vice unit. Her desperate letter for help has reached the team, and their guts says her claim of innocence has the ring of truth. Haller faces a fair judge and a formidable DA as he pleads to have her case re-examined.

Man, I *love* Haller's courtroom scenes more than Bosch's police procedurals, although those are a good time, too. It will likely be way too long until another Lincoln Lawyer novel is published.
Profile Image for Kevin.
256 reviews
October 5, 2023
As Benjamin Franklin famously said 'nothing is certain, except death, taxes and the fact that a new Michael Connelly novel is bound to be a 5 star read'. Okay, I may have taken a little bit of artistic licence with that quote but I'm sure that's what he would have said if he were alive today.

When I saw this on Netgalley I couldn't hit the request button quick enough. Harry Bosch? Tick. Mickey Haller? Tick. Joining forces to right some historical wrongs. Tick, tick, tick.....you get the picture.

Here we start off with Haller outside prison having successfully argued for the release of a prisoner. Celebrity (and a large compensation payout) awaits and Haller assigns Bosch to try and find the next 'needle'. Who amongst the thousands of ensuing letters which Haller now receives may actually be innocent.

Bosch finds Cindi, a woman who pled 'no contest' to the shooting of her husband who just happens to be a police officer and has spent the last 5 years in prison. She now sees her son going down the wrong path and yearns for freedom claiming she only pled on legal advice and the likelihood of being found guilty at trial.

Looking into the case Bosch and Haller uncover a number of inconsistencies in the case and seek to highlight this miscarriage of justice.

It is interesting to see Bosch continue. I thought that his last novel could potentially be his last however I really enjoy seeing him back. What I love about Connelly is that Bosch's character is progressing and Connelly can really make the reader feel this. Unlike the Reacher series where he is still the same guy book after book, Bosch's advancing age and ill health are laid out and we can see the changes this has on Bosch's confidence and abilities, he is no longer the guy who can boss the streets, his vulnerability is laid bare and we see our hero really struggle to get by. This is surely near the end for a character we have loved for so long but hopefully there is one more novel left.

Massive thanks to Netgalley and Orion for an ARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Donna.
4,020 reviews63 followers
November 11, 2023
I love reading stories by this author. I've read so many, he feels like family. And when I settle into one of his books, it feels like a long needed visit.

First, I loved the title and how it fit into the story. Makes me curious though, what the next installment is going to look like for Haller.

In this one, I liked the way Haller and Bosch worked together for a worthy cause. Their struggle and the outcome felt satisfying as they tried to get a mom out of prison for killing her husband.

A lot of my favorite characters made their appearance in this one. That is one thing Connelly does well....he nails character development and relationships. He anchors everything down firmly. I can't find one thing to nitpick in this one...so I'll gladly give this a full 5 stars.
Profile Image for Matt.
3,888 reviews12.9k followers
December 1, 2023
The world of Michael Connelly is always full of great stories and amazing adventures. While I have been a long-time Harry Bosch fan, the tangential work of Mickey Haller is just as enticing and so I was pleased to get my hands on this latest novel involving them both. As Mickey agrees to defend a woman who says that she was wrongfully convicted, it is the addition of Harry Bosch to the investigative side of the case that surprises many. Working together to climb the daunting hill that is the court system, Haller and Bosch work together to try freeing a woman who wants only to be with her son. Connelly does a masterful job with this piece, that had me interested until the final pages.

Mickey Haller is the defence attorney who appears to work magic. Taking cases that are million-to-one long shots and successfully getting the client off or out of jail, Haller is more than a bus advertisement or the lawyer who works out of his vehicle. After successfully helping a man get out of jail for false imprisonment, he is inundated with pleas to help. Engaging the services of former LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, who happens to be his half-brother, Haller tries to see who his next client ought to be and how he will approach the case.

While sifting through all the letters, Bosch comes upon the case of a woman who is accused of killing her ex-husband, a sheriff’s deputy. While the initial trial seemed an open-and-shut case, Bosch sees some anomalies that he cannot ignore. It would seem the sheriff’s department rushed the evidence to get a guilty verdict and protect the reputation of one of its own. Bosch cannot stand for this misuse of power and insists that Haller take a deeper look into the case for himself.

Armed and ready for a fight, Haller takes his pleas to the federal courts, in hops of helping his client. Fighting on all the nuances that justice will allow, Haller is able to convince Bosch to take a risky dive and investigate for the defence. What Haller and Bosch discover lead them to believe that they can easily get the case overturned for their client. However, in this David versus Goliath situation, no one thought of the largest enemy of them all, the law as a weapon in the hands of a straight and narrow judge. Now it will take all that Haller has to work his magic on the courtroom, while Bosch does whatever he is able to accomplish overturning every possible rock. Connelly meshes two of his best characters together in this stunning new piece that is sure to impress many.

Michael Connelly has a way both with words and delving strong stories. He puts it all out there and lets the reader feast upon whatever they can. The strong narrative base keeps the reader engaged and intrigued throughout the journey, while providing something worth their time. Well-paced story arcs and short chapters help push the reader in the direction of the climactic ending, when things come together and fall apart in equal measure.

Strong character development is key to a successful novel,. Connelly builds on some of the crumbs from past Mickey Haller cases to better define the protagonist, while also keeping Bosch fresh and on side with everything that is going on. It’s the revelation of Bosch’s illness that has series fans take note and follow along in this novel, if only to better discover how things will progress. A strong collection of secondary characters help flavour the piece and keep the reader on their toes as things develop throughout the story.

The strong plot found within the story keeps the reader engaged and moving towards the final reveal. Legal thrillers are always great, as one can never fully tell what is to come and how it will all play out. Twists provide the best means of adding action to the larger piece and leave the reader fully engaged with what is going on. It is a wonderful skill that Michael Connelly has and I will never discount its effectiveness., I can only hope that there will be more Haller-Bosch stories, though I suspect the latter character might be heading towards the horizon of his life in the series. Still, there is always room for more surprises.

Kudos, Mr. Connelly, for another great thriller!

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Profile Image for Larry Bassett.
1,487 reviews310 followers
November 9, 2023
I am quite surprised to find myself listening to this audible book in the same month in which it was released: November 2023. Somehow I am at the wrong end of my long list of audible books that I have accumulated for future attention.

It will be no surprise to other fans of author, Connelly that he has not lost his touch with either Bosch or Haller. I have left a few succinct observations periodically as I move through the book and those short paragraphs are hopefully available to the discriminating reader/listener. I am an unabashed fan of this series, and I am pleased to find the detective and the lawyer, combining their skills once again after many years.

I have also been leaving reviews here on Goodreads for a good many years for about 1500 books evidently. I have begun to repeat some books. This is some thing I can easily do because my memory for something that I read 10 or more years ago is pretty absent. My reviews have gradually gotten shorter and shorter.
Profile Image for Donna Mcnab.
1,302 reviews17 followers
November 11, 2023
Having enjoyed both the Harry Bosch and Lincoln Lawyer series of novels, it was a really great reading experience to find the two of them joining forces so well in this book. These are two very interesting and very different personalities who, of course, are half brothers and seem to be coming closer with each book that the two of them appear in.
Profile Image for Zuzu.
1,046 reviews31 followers
November 18, 2023
This one was a hit

4.5 stars

I’ve been disappointed with the last several Connelly books. To me, the “voice” of Harry didn’t sound true to his character and the writing wasn’t on par with what I’ve come to expect from the Bosch and Haller books. So I’m very happy to report that I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Mickey Haller had a previous success overturning a wrongful conviction. He brought Harry Bosch, his half brother and retired LAPD detective, on staff to assist him in investigating petitions he’d received from inmates claiming innocence and requesting help. Also because Harry needed insurance for ongoing treatment for leukemia.

Together they make a great team and I hope we see more books with them paired together as I always enjoy them working together. I do wish Harry would see that by helping free innocents from prison he IS fulfilling his mission of seeking justice and not view himself a “traitor” for working for the defense. And I'm very curious to see what Mickey's Resurrection Walk is going to be.

Highly recommend.
104 reviews15 followers
November 26, 2023
I enjoyed this novel.
I had an issue with Bosch & Haller sounding too much alike when having conversations.
Otherwise, it’s a great story.

I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Brent.
443 reviews57 followers
November 14, 2023
The Best Connelly Book In Years

It's not secret that I am both a super fan of Michael Connelly's work and have been quite critical of a few of his more recent efforts. While last year's Desert Star was a fine Bosch/Ballard story the 2 or 3 books prior to that, including the last Haller book, were some of the weakest in his bibliography in my opinion. That's why it pleased me so much to read this book and realize it's now among my favorites of all of his work.

The plotting here is just practically perfect. It was incredibly tight with every item making perfect sense when you find out the details at the end and also it has a lot of twists and turns and ups and downs that all added the perfect amount of tension and didn't seem at all contrived. I was hanging on every word to see what would happen next. But what really put this book over the top was the characters and how they were used. This is every bit as much a Harry Bosch book in my opinion than it is a Mickey Haller one. It was perfectly balanced and it felt you got everything you wanted if you're a fan of both characters. That means it was also well balanced in terms of the investigation aspect as well as the courtroom aspect. And not only that, but the side characters here shine as well especially Mickey's client Lucinda Sands who we feel real empathy for which can't be said for most (or maybe all) of the past Lincoln Lawyer books. Also, I shouldn't overlook Connelly writing. People might think that you can't have great prose in a mystery thriller, but I disagree. There are a lot of great passages and lines here, and as always his use of the setting makes it a character in and of itself. I haven't found a detective series yet that can duplicate that.

All in all this is just great storytelling and I'd recommend this book to almost anyone. Even if you haven't read any other Bosch or Haller books go ahead and start here. You'll probably be hooked and go back and read the rest like I did.
Profile Image for Laura.
778 reviews283 followers
November 26, 2023
Michael Connelly is one hell of a storyteller. His books grab you from the start. And no one does courtroom drama the way he does. His books are thrillers, always very difficult to put down.

Defense attorney Mickey Haller takes the case of a convicted killer who has always proclaimed her innocence. In order to avail his client of the ‘resurrection walk’, he needs to bring new evidence to the table showing her innocence.

I purposely avoid books where a main character is dealing with a . I didn’t know about this going in, but if I had, because it’s Connelly, I probably would have read it anyhow. It loses a star for this reason. For most people, that won’t be an issue, and this is another great novel in the Lincoln Lawyer series that deserves your time and attention.

The audiobook is performed by prior narrators from this series in the past, doing a fantastic job, as expected.

You can’t go wrong with Connelly. He’s one of the greats.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 858 reviews

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