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Where He Can't Find You

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From USA Today bestselling horror/thriller author Darcy Coates comes the chilling legend of a monster no one can escape.


Abby Ward lives in a town haunted by disappearances. People vanish, and when they're found, their bodies have been dismembered and sewn back together in unnatural ways. But is it the work of a human killer…or something far darker?


She and her younger sister live by a strict set of rules designed to keep them safe―which is why it's such a shock when Hope is taken. Desperate to get her back, Abby tells the police everything she knows, but they claim their hands are tied.


With every hour precious, Abby and her friends are caught in a desperate game of cat and mouse. They have to get Hope back. Quickly. Before too much of her is cut away. And before everything they care about is swallowed up by the darkness waiting in the tunnels beneath the home they thought they knew.

416 pages, Paperback

First published November 7, 2023

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About the author

Darcy Coates

63 books8,359 followers
Darcy Coates is the USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen horror and suspense novels.

She lives in the Central Coast of Australia with her family, cat, and a collection of chickens. Her home is surrounded by rolling wilderness on all sides, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

You can hear about her next book by joining her newsletter: www.darcycoates.com/updates

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews
Profile Image for LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah!.
633 reviews335 followers
November 10, 2023
My thanks to Sourcebooks fire, Darcy Coates and Netgalley.
This may have been listed as YA, but that was wrong. The only thing young about this story is the characters.
If I'd read this in my YA years, then it would have been my first freezer book!
So, I ended up enjoying the shit outta this story.
It was flawed as eff! It was overly long, and still I would have read more.
The Sticher and the town would have left me either running for the hills, or trying to figure stuff out.
I'm truth? I was a bit skeeved out by the town and the BIG bad.
Also, I loved this damned story near as much as I hated it!
Would I read this damn book again? No.
It's Darcy. It's good. Not great, but good.
Profile Image for Melissa (Semi-Hiatus until January).
4,699 reviews2,300 followers
November 7, 2023
Stranger Things vibes, good if you like spooky books.

Creepy creepy creepy! This book is the perfect read for the Halloween/spooky season.

The Stitcher has been terrifying the town of Doubtful for years. He is a serial killer who kidnaps people, dismembers them, and sews them back together in strange ways with red thread. Abby wants nothing more than to save enough money to get her sister Hope out of Doubtful, but no one seems to ever leave the area. They take precautions against The Stitcher, but no one seems to be able to stop him.

This book had me turning pages quickly to see what would happen. Although it is labeled as a YA read, I think it has widespread appeal, especially for those who like Stranger Things, because it has a very similar feel--kids fighting against a supernatural force trying to save each other.

I'm usually a person who steers clear of books with supernatural explanations for things, but in this horror novel it works well and didn't annoy me too much. If you're looking for a creepy book, this is definitely one for you.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,526 reviews35.5k followers
November 7, 2023
Beware the Stitcher Man!

That is what they have been told for their entire lives. People tend to vanish in Abby Ward's town. If they are found it is in pieces, taken apart and sewn back together. There are rules to follow to keep safe: don't walk alone, don't stay out late, etc.

When Hope, Abby's younger sister, is taken it is shocking, frightening, and disturbing. Will Abby and her friends be able to find her in time? Do they even have a hope of getting her back alive? There is a sense of danger and urgency as Abby attempts to find Hope.

I'm a little bit of an outlier on this book. I usually love books by Darcy Coates and while this book was creepy, it was missing that little bit of something that would have made this more enjoyable for me. This is a YA read and is creepy and has a strong supernatural element to it.

I am a fan of many of her books, and I am used to the chills, thrills, and horror in them. This one is horrific and creepy but for me it was not scary as I would have liked. This comes down to it's me and not the book.

Many are enjoying this book more than I did, so please read their reviews as well. I do look forward to reading more of Coates books in the future.

Creepy, sinister, and well written.

Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Fire and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Lisa.
109 reviews20 followers
August 12, 2023
Before writing my review, I want to extend a huge thank you to NetGalley, Darcy Coates, and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for gifting me the ARC of this book! I appreciate you trusting me with an honest review!! It was a privilege to be able to read WHERE HE CAN’T FIND YOU before publication in November.

When I saw this book by Darcy Coates available on NetGalley, I requested it immediately. And I was like a kid on Christmas morning when I found out my request had been approved! I started reading at that very moment, and realized early on this was going to be an unforgettable read. And it was!!

The book started off with a bang and did not let up for even a second! The suspense and tension created through Darcy Coates’s narrative and dialogue were off the charts. I found myself holding my breath during the most intense parts, my heart racing, not knowing what was going to happen next—realizing I probably wasn’t ready for whatever horror would soon jump off of the pages. The book read like a ghost story, one that would forever haunt your dreams. It was difficult to put it down for even a few minutes. Had life not gotten in the way, I definitely would have finished the novel in one sitting.

I loved the friendships among our protagonists, whom you forget are only teenagers. Each one of them is so well-developed and incredibly likable, with very distinct personalities. Their loyalty to one another only makes you like them more. As you near the end of the book, you find yourself rooting for them, fiercely protective of them, and completely invested in what happens to them, good or bad.

The novel had a brilliantly written villain! Even the name —the Stitcher—creates horrific and terrifying images! Creepy, oh so very creepy, and horrifying. Definitely memorable, haunting, and the stuff of nightmares. I found this book hard to read at night — in the darkness, every noise in my house made me jump. And that ending — could not have asked for a better one! Actually gave me goosebumps. I hated for the book to end—I enjoyed it that much! (And what a fantastically chilling movie this would make.) For fans of ghost stories, horror-filled novels, and night owls everywhere, please read this one from Darcy Coates! All you have to lose is a bit (maybe more than a bit) of sleep. :)
Profile Image for Samantha.
64 reviews18 followers
November 7, 2023
Happy Publication Day! This was a good one! 5 stars!

The words “somewhere he won’t find you” are slashed in dark red paint on the the side of the general store in town. The omen has been there for decades. There are no cars. Lights flicker. Cell phones fail. And there are especially no people around outside after dusk. No one will speak a word of The Stitcher.

Although people have been disappearing for what feels like eternity, no one will acknowledge The Stitcher’s wrath. They follow the rules and they avoid the dark at all costs. Not only does The Stitcher take people- they dismantle the bodies and put them back together in unseemly ways with red thread.

Abby’s sister, Hope, is taken from right underneath her. Abby and her friends are determined to cut through the lies, hidden secrets, and theories that surround The Stitcher to find Hope before it is too late.

Darcy Coates constructed an epic tale with this one. This book is so dark, terrifying, and made me jump at the slightest unexpected noise. I honestly don’t know how she got away with calling this YA.

I haven’t read Coates before, as I found her pretty intimidating. So many books she has! How would I ever pick?! I am so glad I started with this one. She has such an atmospheric and petrifying style, that I will now reach to pick up her books off the shelves. Also- who else related this to Stephen King’s It? Just like Pennywise, The Stitcher will continue to haunt me.

A great thank you goes out to Darcy Coates, Sourcebooks Fire, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tabitha -.
380 reviews87 followers
July 29, 2023
It's labeled as YA, I'm 37 and am still unsettled. The imagery. 🤌🤌🤌

Coats continues to be a new fav author of mine. This did run a *little* long, but also... not in a way that made me mad, I just needed the conclusion a little faster because at one point you feel TRAPPED. My skin crawled.

Thanks so much to Sourcebooks Fire for a physical ARC! <3
Profile Image for Holly &#x1f308;.
192 reviews57 followers
October 13, 2023
I will start this review by admitting that Darcy Coates is one of my favorite authors. I’m happily biased and I don’t see that ever changing! That said, I’m not huge into YA but when I saw an opportunity to read her newest book I jumped on it. This is a wonderfully character driven story. You wind up falling for all the kids as they battle their own fears and demons. The sister relationship is wholesome and honest and the friendships feel incredibly real. I will admit that this story dragged for me in the beginning. I stuck with it and it was well worth it in the heart-pounding end. The creature is something straight out of a nightmare!! I highly recommend this book. Especially if you’re into YA and like horror. You won’t be disappointed!
Profile Image for Jamie Loves Books .
416 reviews80 followers
September 19, 2023

This is my third book by Darcy Coates and I just want to read so much more from this author. The best part is each book I have read has been a different style of horror and they're fantastic.

This is a young adult horror, but don't let that age genre fool you it is just as terrifying and unsettling as the others. We are trying to figure out in murders happening in this small town is the work of one serial killer or a super natural being. We follow this story they a group of teenagers as they unravel the mystery.

This book reminds me of so many other horror stories I have enjoyed or been scarred by, It has elements of Jeepers Creepers With the assembling of body parts, Stranger Things, and IT vibes with the rag tag group of teens. I love it.

I would recommend this book to any fans of stranger things and speculative horror.

Then you so much to NetGalley and Sourcebooks fire for this advanced reader copy. My review is voluntarily my own.

I will be posting my review to my Instagram page the.floofs.booknook and retail sites close or on publication.
Profile Image for Cobwebby Eldritch SpaceReader Reindeer .
5,330 reviews305 followers
July 8, 2023
Breathtakingly Suspenseful, immensely terrifying: who says YA Horror can't be every bit as heart-rendingly Horrifying as so-called grown-up Horror? Prolific Australian author Darcy Coates maximally delivers in this lengthy novel of literally nonstop tension fraught with overwhelming, implacable danger..

Doubtful, Illinois, is a town that seems to attract, not to repel, people, and once living there, they can't seem to leave. Yet its population is balanced by the vanishings: unaccountable disappearances without any recognizable pattern. Some will eventually be found; others never will. And now a small group of adolescent friends have reached their limit of cowering to fear: they're going to take back the night....or die trying.

WHERE HE CAN'T FIND YOU is my Summerween read #2, read at night (and also Thriller).
Profile Image for BrownBookNerd.
83 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2024
Really enjoyed this book. It was a page turner for me. The town was strange and everyone feared The Stitcher. It took the Jackrabbits and all of their rules to somewhat change how things were done in the town. Glad I started the year off with this one.
Profile Image for carissa | the.grim.readers.
258 reviews213 followers
October 26, 2023
Just me here again obsessing over Darcy's newest release. If you're hesitant to pick this up because you're not much of a YA reader I definitely encourage you to still give it a shot - this was so much more gory, descriptive and morbid than I thought YA could be and I'm so obsessed.

There's not many if any authors who can get me to binge almost 400 pages in less than 24 hours but I can't really say I'm surprised if anyone could do it she can. All hail queen Darcy!
Profile Image for andrea.
737 reviews145 followers
November 8, 2023
yay! thanks to goodreads & sourcebooks for this giveaway win!


this was fun!

there was this late 90's film called the faculty starring elijah wood and josh hartnett. it takes place in a school where kids are having to fight off their classmates and teachers because they've been infested with pod people.

don't ask me why, but this book gave me those vibes though the plot was fundamentally different. it was like, campy and cheesy teen horror flick kind of stuff. felt like there was an eu de vampire diaries, too.

so, what is it?

a town is dying, taken over by the legacy of a serial killer? creature? (no one knows, which makes it scarier!) that takes people. people are found months, sometimes years later, dissected and sewn back together with red thread.

all of our main characters have been impacted by the stitcher - abby's dad was taken, her friend rhys' parents have been missing a while. when abby's sister gets taken, she and her friends decide that they're going to hunt down the stitcher once and for all until her sister's body is returned, too. and it all starts by confronting the man they know is responsible that the police refuse to arrest.

honestly, this was the best darcy book that i've read so far. i don't really know why shudder isn't scooping these up for some really great adaptations full of cheese, but i loved the serial killer angle, i loved the visuals that i was getting of the stitcher's murder scenes.

this was very fun!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,440 reviews71 followers
July 15, 2023
Despite its length, it took me mere hours to read this book. While I've enjoyed Darcy Coates' work for some time, this is the first novel of hers that I just couldn't put down, and much of that is due to the way the plot combines some of horror's most basic tropes - teenagers and monsters are a longstanding combination - with mere glimpses of Doubtful, Illinois' haunted past. Where most of Coates' other books would have focused more on that haunted past and relied on descriptions of decayed homes and grim discoveries, this novel keeps the focus on the tension primary protagonist Abby feels as she tries to solve the mystery of her sister Hope's abduction.

If Hope's name is a bit too on the nose, that's easily forgiven when we consider that it was the grief of losing a family member that started the entire mess in the old mining town, and loss of family is a theme that manages to weave throughout the tale without being too glaring. Some of Coates' trademark scenes, such as the trophy cave where the Stitcher keeps his mementos or the home of Abby's friend Jessica, are still along for the ride, and it's interesting to see them used as window dressing rather than the driving force of the plot. Coates also manages to avoid a lot of the cringier aspects of YA fiction that authors who more frequently write for adults (or at least new adult) fall into; Jen comes the closet to that particular issue.

Overall, this is a solid piece of YA horror, drawing from slasher films, ghost stories, and monster tales. If any of those things appeal to you, definitely check this out.

(And thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for access to this title!)
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,157 reviews140 followers
August 2, 2023
"The Stitcher is some monster. And if that’s true… I don’t think that’s a world I know how to live in."

Everyone who knows that I love everything horror has told me that I needed to read any book by Darcy because they scream my name from the dark depths of hell. If you're screaming my name... I'm all in.

This being my first ever experience with this author's books, I jumped in with the highest of expectations. Her books sounded like something that would be right up my dark alley but I wasn't that impressed with her YA debut. It won't stop me from trying her adult reads. Maybe they'll make me jump out of my seat in terror.

This was an okay read. It contained bits and pieces of different horror movies and it was fun to piece together what she borrowed from where. The story itself didn't really hold my attention and it felt as if it took me forever to read. I was expecting more from her since everyone seems to love her books. Just not sure if her YA suits me since I've been reading the craziest things.

Profile Image for Laura Hundley.
782 reviews33 followers
August 30, 2023
Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates
Publisher Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date November 07, 2023

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 4/5
Suspense: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Darcy Coates and her books. They all are very well written stories of horror and terror and this is no exception. I remember as a child parents used to tell us stories that would keep us from doing certain things. When I first read the blurb for this book, I thought that was what was going to be the premise but I was dead wrong….pun intended. A well thought out story about a town that has its residence disappearing and then cut into pieces and sewn back together. But not sewn correctly. As a YA book, I did feel that this was more targeted toward young adults but I honestly believe that someone who is the targeted age or older could read this book and really enjoy it for what it is.


Abby Ward and her sister are terrified about getting disappeared and cut up so they do everything they are supposed to in order to stay safe. But honestly who is doing this to the people of their town? Is a person killing for the hell of it or is it a monster? So when her sister, Hope is taken, Abby is worried and goes straight to the police. (Here is one of my bad dreams) To her dismay, the police cannot help her. They say that there hands are tied.


They call themselves the jackrabbits… They are there for each other in this book and help Abby, who is a part of the group, to find her sister. They get along well and all seem to have a great relationship. They, together fight to save the town from who or what is taking its citizens.


It is now or never for the band of friends to save everyone and fight this monster whoever it may be. The cat and Mouse game continues in the tunnels underneath the houses until………..

You will have to read the book to find out what happens but I do think the ending was amazing. The story itself is well told with a great build up that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Coates tugs at your soul and certainly does not let go at any point. This is one that you will want to make extra time for because you will not want to stop reading. All I can say is hold on tight because it is one hell of a ride. This is great for all ages and certainly a YA would find this book age appropriate and scary enough to read with their friends.

******I have to say that I was disappointed in some of the other reviews that said they thought this was too scary for the age I group in which it was aimed for. I completely DISAGREE.

5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.
Profile Image for hollyreadit.
304 reviews243 followers
November 5, 2023
This book is probably the scariest book I’ve read in a while! It said it was Young Adult so I didn’t expect to be absolutely terrified, but alas.

The haunting of Ashburn house has always been my favorite @darcybooks but, I believe this one has stolen that top spot. This was creepy, different and binge worthy (only in the daytime) and I feel like this needs to be turned into a horror movie, cause my heart was racing towards the end!

Definitely pick this up on November 7th, and it’s scary, you’ve been warned.

Thank you @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for the arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jonathan.
178 reviews7 followers
December 1, 2023
4.5 ⭐️ For me

Darcy Coates really delivered with this one, and I couldn’t believe how gruesome it got. Although, this started off slow but once it picked up it was nearly impossible to put down.

In Abby’s small town people are being taken by "The Stitcher". Bodies are stitched together using red thread and containing body parts from multiple people. When Abby’s sister Hope is taken from her bedroom, Abby, will do anything she can to get her back. Things to point out are how the supernatural elements and how much of YA horror his was. Truly a riveting story that scares you up until the very end.

In my opinion this is easily Darcy Coates best story. Just an emotional scary rollercoaster all throughout. So intriguing, mysterious, and suspenseful as well! The dynamic of a creepy tale and setting was chilling and alluring to read. Can’t say enough about the story, as this was up my alley and props to Darcy Coates for being a brilliant writer!

Likes: Chilling tale, Mysterious, great characters, love the graphics in the novel, this almost read like a comic, and I love how well written this was.
Profile Image for Monique.
89 reviews35 followers
August 8, 2023



Abby Ward lives in a town haunted by disappearances. People vanish, and when they're found, their bodies have been dismembered and sewn back together in unnatural ways. But is it the work of a human killer…or something far darker?

Where He Can’t Find You was such clever and creepy read! YA Horror fans are going to love this!
I’m never going to look at red thread the same ever again. But damn, that whole aspect was wholly unique and pretty sadistic! Just the term “The Stitcher” gave me the chills🙌🏼

Coates describes the setting & scenes so well; the small, rundown town with all its neglect and abandonment, the rules that accompany the setting sun and the mines! Reading about the tunnels…ooph! It was so clear to me, it felt cinematic!

Oh yea, this was fun!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

Pub date: 11.7.23.
Profile Image for Kim Sundling.
400 reviews31 followers
July 14, 2023
Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC. This book could have been such a gem for me, but I felt this was way too long with way too much back story. I didn't like the slow pace and felt it could have been "nerve-racking" with a shorter story. I know many people will like this but not for me.
Profile Image for Shu Wei Chin.
502 reviews26 followers
December 21, 2023
3.5 stars
I think this is Darcy Coates' first dive into writing YA horror, and while I'm pretty sure the frightening and nasty as shit Stitcher might be a little dark for YA, I loved the young characters written in this book. YA tropes I personally despise such as overly angsty teenagers, adults who are absolutely no help and an unnecessary amount of puppy love are thankfully, not used here. The teenagers are flawed, real people who are easy to root for, and the adults... are unhelpful for a reason.

The book is a little too long for how easily the main mystery is solved, but I still finished it in as close to one sitting as possible. The story is tense, exciting and even though I found the ending to be too quick and clean, I still liked it (an important note because I rarely enjoy the ending of slasher type stories, I find them too Scooby Doo-esque in settings that usually take themselves too seriously, making them underwhelming and cringe worthy).
Profile Image for Kim.
243 reviews35 followers
December 11, 2023
This was scary freaky. I read in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep. Would make a good horror movie.
Profile Image for Steven.
1,105 reviews414 followers
November 7, 2023
Thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for giving me an early copy of this novel. Below you'll find my honest review.

I read my first Darcy Coates horror story earlier this year, and was really excited to get my hands on this one. It did not disappoint!

This one drops you right into the thick of it, into the town of Doubtful. It lets you know that it's a bad place where bad things happen. It tells you the rules you must follow to have the best chance of staying alive, so the Stitcher doesn't take you. It doesn't explain what's going on, why these things are happening... it just lets you discover all of that as the story unfolds.

And unfold it does... when one of the main characters' sister is taken by the Stitcher, vanishing into the night, they do the unthinkable... they decide to fight back and try to save her.

The bonds of friendship, the isolation of only depending on each other as the town has given up trying, and the constant fear of the Stitcher - man or monster?, intertwined with the weird effects on wildlife and electronics and the empty, dead feeling of the town, really push this novel into true horror. The atmosphere is set up perfectly. The hook is set deep inside. And the action drives it forward.

My one complaint is that I'd have loved a little more detail of how things became the way they are. The explanation is satisfactory, but I'm craving more information on this well-painted world.

Absolutely loved this one. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for AndiReads.
1,110 reviews116 followers
July 27, 2023
Is there anything more frightening then a serial killer that disappears people and leaves them stitched back together in unnatural ways? I might lose sleep over this haunted novel for many days to come!

The Stitcher haunts the town of Doubtful and the police have their hands full trying to keep the town safe.
Abby and her friends live with the disappearances and live their lives with specific rules such as - never walk alone. When her sister Hope is taken, Abby is desperate to save her and she and her friends band together to take back the town.

Great pacing, backstory and tension. Promoted as a YA but not too much over-wrought emotions- just right for a new adult or plain adult reader. If you like a scary town, a serial killer story or want to root for a brave group of teens, Where He Can't Find You is for you!
#Sourcebooksfire #Wherehecantfindyou #Darcycoates. #NetGalley
Profile Image for Julie.
133 reviews42 followers
November 6, 2023
I love Darcy Coates, definitely one of my favourite authors, Where He Cant Find You was good but not great, like some of her other books that I have read.

~Darcy's writing style in very good.
~The body horror in this was insane, very dark and I had a good time with it. I was actually surprised at how much there was for a YA book. as a 35 year old, this was very unsettling to read.
~ The idea if the Stitcher was really interesting & unique.
~the friendships in this story, I enjoyed the strong bond this group of friends had. Connor was my favourite.

~Way too long, IMO this did not need to be 400+ pages.
~The twist & ending left me with a lot more questions than answers. How does the killer have these "powers", the entire thing with the animals and technology failing didn't make sense to me, also WTF was the deal with Abbys mother throughout the book and the ending, seemed out of the blue and didn't really connect to anything in the story. I need answers to WHY these things were happening, and it just felt like these ideas were there but no actual depth or thought was put into it beyond "this is happening because its happening".
~Some parts kind of felt unnecessary, and could have easily been replaced with more background/history on the Stitcher.
~Ultimately disappointed with Charles Vickers character, I feel there was a lot of potential for him to be a great character but 3/4 of way and onwards what happens to him and his role almost felt like an afterthought.

READ THIS BOOK IF YOU ENJOY: serial killers, body horror, friendships, small creepy towns, creature features, the supernatural, YA horror, mystery.

Thanks to netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for sharing a digital copy for me to read and review, as always, opinions are my own 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻
Profile Image for MK ( MaKayla) &#x1f987;✨.
325 reviews149 followers
December 4, 2023
Begs Darcy Coates to write more YA. This was absolutely horrifying in the best way possible. I read this in a few hours on a rainy December evening, unable to put this down for more than a quick bathroom break.

Atmosphere: 10/10 You could feel the tension , and dread
Scare factor : 6/10 Creepy and unsettling , but not enough to sleep with the lights on .
Gore: Kind of hard to rate the descriptions were disturbing, but infrequent. I tend to skip any descriptions of gore so I can't attest to the level of gore.
Language: 1/10 Mild language use of d*** twice
Other content : two female characters blush around each other and seem to be attracted to each other, one kiss briefly mentioned. This is not at all a horror romance or a thriller romance novel . The romance is not the focus of the book, overall friendship is more highlighted.

Highly recommended for fans of Stranger Things , The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst , and Hunted by Darcy Coates
Profile Image for Grace.
1,012 reviews78 followers
November 3, 2023
This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year! It’s not gonna make my top 5 list of favorite Darcy Coates books, but it was still awesome. It was a little less gripping than I’m used to (typically I cannot physically put a Darcy Coates book down), but as always, the characterization was superb. So many horror novels don’t focus on characterization, but Darcy is a master at it. The Jackrabbits were a wonderful group. Abby was so brave and a worthy heroine. Rhys was so lovable. Connor was my absolute favorite, the goof. And holy heck, the Stitcher was an awesome villain. Especially in the last quarter of the book, my eyes were glued to the page as the final mysteries were unveiled.
Profile Image for Jessica {Litnoob}.
1,204 reviews96 followers
January 1, 2024
If you have been in search for something very stranger things but without an irritating ass William Byers character then I’d totally say this book if for you. A quick paced and intense tale that’s half thriller channeling criminal minds and have monster story as intimidating as your favorite slasher. While I believe it’s sold as YA it was properly creepy and outside of the characters ages it didn’t read as majorly YA. A town under the shadow of their own local boogie man, with a group of kids just trying to survive, surrounded by adults that are hiding hard in their ptsd. I was super invested the whole time and highly recommend.
Profile Image for Bobbi bobbijoreads.
153 reviews13 followers
November 11, 2023
I went into this book blind other than it was by Darcy Coates who I am obsessed with.

The town of Doubtful has a killer that has been haunting the town for so long that everyone is desensitized to the disappearances. They've adapted: get home before dark, lock your doors and windows, don't walk alone.

Abby and her friend group, which have named themselves the Jackrabbits, are just trying to survive until they're old enough to leave the town and live somewhere where bodies being dismembered and sewn back together isn't a normal occurrence. But when a window isn't locked, and The Stitcher takes one of their own, the Jackrabbits band together to put an end to the terror plaguing them their whole lives.

This is considered YA horror but honestly I was creeped out and felt claustrophobic and I am a 30-something horror addict. Darcy Coates has a way of grabbing my imagination and twisting it into her dark fictitious world and making things feel real.

The plot felt reminiscent of Stephen King (The Outsider & IT) mixed with aspects of some of my favorite horror flicks from the 90s (I don't want to name them because it will spoil The Stitcher) told from the POV of each of the Jackrabbits.

This novel was just published a couple days ago and you should read it.

[I received a complimentary copy through Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press and am leaving an honest review voluntarily.]
Profile Image for Cassidy.
214 reviews25 followers
October 11, 2023
4.5 ⭐️

I really loved reading this book! It is my favorite Darcy Coates so far, and while I have really enjoyed the others I’ve read by her, this book takes it to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. While there are a few things I have questions about, I can say for certain that this story freaked me out more than just about any other I’ve read lately—in the best way. It nods heavily at Stephen King’s IT, and I loved that. Highly recommend for someone who wants to read a story that’ll scare their socks off but who isn’t willing to commit to 1000+ pages.

More thorough review to come?


Thanks a million to Sourcebooks Fire and NetGalley for this ARC! Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates comes out on November 7, 2023!

YA horror from Darcy Coates?! YES, PLEASE. 👋 I've been hawk-eyeing NetGalley for it to be added, and TODAY IS THE DAY!!! It's now available to request! Sourcebooks Fire, pick me! Pick me!
Profile Image for Katelyn.
36 reviews111 followers
November 15, 2023
Where He Can’t Find You
Darcy Coates


I received a copy of this book as an advanced reader’s copy. Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!

Where He Can’t Find You is a horror/suspense novel about a serial murder in the town of Doubtful. After years of gruesome deaths at the hands of the Stitcher, the town grows emptier by the day; people abandoning their homes willingly or unwillingly. The Stitcher has been taking people from the town for as long as anyone can remember. They know that it’s him because of the signature; when bodies are found, they are taken apart and put back together again with bright red thread.

Despite police involvement, they are unable to locate the mastermind behind these murder. A group of teenagers, the Jackrabbits, have created a strict set of rules to follow to ensure that they are safe from the Stitcher’s clutches. Having all been affected by the Stitcher, they all work together to make sure that none of them wind up the next victim. Don’t go out alone. Be home by sundown. Stay away from Vickers, the creepy old man that everyone thinks (more like knows) is the Stitcher.

The Jackrabbits have done well in protecting themselves. That is, until Abby’s younger sister Hope goes missing. Abby will stop at nothing to get back her sister. Even if it means facing certain death by the hands of the Stitcher himself.

I really enjoyed this book! I can usually figure out the twists in books way before they happen, and this book kept me on my toes for quite a few things! I would recommend this to anyone looking for a horror/suspense novel that they want to keep them guessing!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews

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