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Cane Brothers #3

A Long Time Coming

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2023)
A witty take on a romantic comedy classic, My Best Friend's Wedding. Steamy, laugh-out-loud, and full of charm, these two best friends heat up the pages while proving true love might be right in front of you.<

Have you ever heard of a man-in-waiting?

Yeah, neither has my best friend's soon-to-be monster-in-law. Ooo, sorry, I meant mother-in-law. Nor has she heard of the term, what the bride wants, the bride gets.

With wedding planning underway and a short timeline, my best friend, Lia, has recruited me to help her battle the snarly beast that is Mrs. Beaver. Not scared at all, I accept the challenge as her man-in-waiting--aka, man of honor--and take matters into my own hands.

The only problem is, with every second we draw closer to the wedding, I'm starting to see my best girl in a different light.

She's always been beautiful to me, but now . . . I find myself staring a touch too long. My hand lingering for one more minute. And when she's upset? Allowing her to sleep in my bed.

And before I know what's happening, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm in love with my best friend. Not just in love, but infatuated.

No one compares to her and nothing seems to distract me from that realization.
Not the girl I try to date while I help plan Lia's wedding.
Not her angry fiancé who thinks I'm growing too close.
And not the looming deadline of her nuptials.

Which means, there's only one thing left for me to do. Prove to Lia I'm the one she should be with instead. But with the pressure of her engagement, the stress from her soon-to-be mother-in-law, and the breath-stealing nerves running through me, I'm finding it a lot harder to claim the girl than I would like to admit.

Say a little prayer for me . . .

450 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 10, 2023

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About the author

Meghan Quinn

109 books27.5k followers
Like me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinna...

When I was in high school I occasionally read books but was consumed by other teenage things so I didn't take the time to appreciate a good book on a cloudy day, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. It wasn't until I received a Kindle for Christmas one year that my world completely flipped upside down. When looking for books I came across the Contemporary Romance genre and was sold and I haven't turned back since.

You can either find my head buried in my Kindle, listening to inspiring heart ripping music or typing away on the computer twisting and turning the lives of my characters while driving my readers crazy with anticipation.

​I currently reside in beautiful Colorado Springs where the sun is always shining and there is a trail waiting to be hiked on every corner. I share a lovely and warm home with the love of my life and my five, four-legged children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,122 reviews
January 31, 2023

‘a not so meet cute’ holds such a special place in my heart but wow this gave it a run for its money.

THE WAY THAT THIS WAS A PERFECTLY EXECUTED BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS. they were both so sweet, nerdy, fun, cute and honestly so much more realistic than the other couples!!!!! just overall: swoon!

and don’t even get me started on the spice. i’m still in a state of shock over it. 🥵🥵🥵🥵

also loved seeing huxley + lottie again <3 and all of them together!!! amazing.
Profile Image for Carol Vickers.
343 reviews523 followers
February 20, 2023
OH MY PICKLE!!! Another amazing hit by Meghan Quinn!! I absolutely loved this book!! This is the third book of the Cane brothers series and is the PERFECT friends to lovers, slow burn rom-com. Definitely, my favorite book in the series! It had everything I could possibly want in a book and more and deserves ALL the stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!

Breaker and Lia have been best friends since college and they have been each other’s person for the last ten years. When Lia gets engaged and is roped into a quickie wedding things began to change. Breaker becomes her man of honor to help her with the wedding plan with the controlling mother-in-law. Somewhere along the way, Breaker realizes he is absolutely in love with his best friend. I found myself rooting for Breaker and Lia because there is no denying that they are soulmates. The chemistry between them was spicy hot 🔥🔥!! All the wedding antics were hilarious 😂😂. I loved Breaker so much and he is my favorite of the brothers.

If you love friends to lovers and angst to die for then this book is for you. Truly, this book is phenomenal! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Breaker and Lia are friends to lovers and meant to be forever!!!
Profile Image for Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up).
375 reviews923 followers
January 25, 2023
This book was pretty mid. It had its moments, but it made me cringe so many times I was having facial spasms. 🥴

Billionaire Breaker Cane is a down to earth awesome guy who realizes he has feelings for his bestie, Lia, of 10 years, when she becomes engaged to her boyfriend.

Breaker served for sure, he was sweet and sexy and I really liked him. His third act was chef's kiss good. The banter with his brothers is super funny and getting to see past characters from the previous books was fun. That's all I got for positives.

Lia, is so damn needy and insecure, I could barely get through this book. Also, her behavior while engaged to another dude wasn't cute. Sleeping in your guy best friends' bed in nothing but a t-shirt, asking him to spoon you, but “it's ok bc you are just friends.” No babe, that's foul AF. And there was some other really shady stuff that I just couldn't buy.

The friends to lover's trope to me is always super hard to pull off and then add the "she's not like other girls vibes" this book has going on and it's a miss for me. But three stars bc Breaker was too cute. 💙
Profile Image for siff ♡ (semi - hiatus).
111 reviews875 followers
January 12, 2024
➵ 3.5 stars

ugh i’m so happy about how this read turned out. the first book is still my favorite but this one is close second, and it did indeed put me in a good mood 💌
- rtc <33

y’all i’m actually so behind on my reviews it’s starting to be laughable, can’t even remember what some of the book were about 💀
Profile Image for Jen (jensdreamylittlereads).
845 reviews95 followers
January 3, 2023
This book is EVERYTHING. I loved every single second and that is not an exaggeration. It’s adorably sweet, hilariously funny, achingly romantic, and it squeezed and tugged at my heart strings in that pleasurable, painful way I adore. I loved Breaker and Lia so much and loved the way the Meghan Quinn showcased a beautiful love and friendship with her quintessential magical touch. I laughed, I weeped like a baby and could not stop rooting for this fantastic couple. With her signature wit, irresistible banter and two characters you just can’t help but love, Meghan Quinn has once again delighted me with a story that’s wonderfully quirky and charming.

Lia and Breaker meet in college at a top secret Scrabble society and instantly became best friends. Cue ten years later, where they live next door to each other and Lia is newly engaged. Breaker offers to be her man in waiting, and in the midst of all the wedding madness, he realises he is completely and utterly in love with his best friend.

The minute I started this story when they met in college, and Lia ridicules Breaker’s ‘pervert moustache’, I was hooked. And then when I really met Lia, I fell in love with her and her sass and humour. And Breaker?! Lord!! He is my new favourite Meghan Quinn hero as he was just brilliant. I had this fondness for him for most of the book that just exploded into this teary adoration by the very end. THAT moment and scene where he realises he is in love with Lia just touched my heart. And now? I'm just completely crazy about both of them. It was so brilliantly written that my heart was on overdrive the whole way through. Breaker and Lia hit all of my sweet spots, dead on. It's sweet and sexy. I laughed out loud (a lot). My heart clenched and ached while these two took their sweet time finding their way to each other.

Gah! The wit, banter and swoons in this story were glorious. Breaker and Lia were both such endearing and fantastic characters and I loved their connection and chemistry. I adored them, and I can’t say enough good things about how their relationship evolved. The romance was perfection. It’s an effortless, slow-burning friends to lovers story with the most easy to love hero and heroine. Fun, lighthearted, sexy, and completely entertaining…Meghan Quinn took it to the NEXT LEVEL with this unforgettable romance!
Profile Image for Nikita Navalkar.
738 reviews85 followers
January 20, 2023
Someone get me out of here

I fell for the cover and the premise of this book, a sort of Made of Honor meets My Best Friend’s Wedding, and I went for it even if it’s the last book in the series. But that really wasn’t the problem here since it does work as a standalone. I started it all happily anticipating the forbiddenness of developing feelings for your engaged bestie and giggling at the funny parts, encouraged that this could potentially be at least a 4 star book.

Then I don’t know where it all went wrong. Actually no, I do. Lia is the Amy Dunne definition of a “cool girl”, the glasses wearing nerd with non mainstream tastes and a boy best friend. Oh, and she doesn’t wear dresses and hates romcoms. Stop it Lia, we get it, you’re “not like other girls”, no need to wallop us over the head with it. What she is is a self centered, manipulative manic pixie dream girl who got on my last nerve. I’d give her some grace but then she goes and judges another woman for being girly and that was my last straw. I know she was jealous and confused, but her cluelessness does not add to her charm either.

Breaker is the type of guy I would never let go if he were my best friend, he’s that perfect, but he also gets annoying with his constant reiteration that he’s a “good guy”, we don’t have to hear it every other page my dude, it only makes me believe you less. And for a man who does not like to throw around his billionaire status, he brings it up unbelievably often. Also, judging your date’s food order is a heck no bro, even if it is about her eating less or healthier. We know they’re not all like your cool best friend, chill 🙄

Which brings me to the sheer stupidity of their denial that they were into each other. I know this can be a pitfall of friends to lovers romance but this was another level. They’re codependent to an unhealthy amount, they spend so much time together their partners should absolutely take exception to it, everyone in their life is even telling them they’re into each other, but these two idiots are the last ones to get there, and Ms Smartypants Lia even slower at that. And of course he realizes it in a big dress moment. Maybe some 90s cliches do need to retire. The inevitability of it all was a big yawn. We know she doesn’t want to go through with the wedding, why prolong the torture? I know they had to find a way to keep them apart for plot, but at what cost? The reader’s sanity?

Speaking of which, why on earth was this book so long? So many words? So many pages! I get why it was a slow burn, but there was no reason for it to be as long as it was. Someone badly needed to take a red pen to swathes of this book; the repetitive writing, the several brain numbing pre-wedding meetings when we know the wedding will not be happening, at one point we get to suffer through an entire day of a Disneyland date, heck we get to see them brush their teeth, go pee pee, and get ready for bed god knows how many times in the book. And so much incessant talking! Not the dirty talk that was good. Consent and communication is great, but it can be done so effectively without making the reader want to pull their hair out. Show not tell my friends. I would’ve rated it higher if it was shorter probably. I was literally going to dnf halfway but finished on principle to be able to write a fair review. I know, petty but I had to.

Because it was not all bad. There were funny moments, parts of their friendship were cute (when they weren’t being dunderheads), Breaker’s dirty talk was on point, and the sex scenes were pretty hot, technically. Pity I couldn’t feel an ounce of tension between them. Even the forbidden aspect was lost because there’s really no edge to them. I liked his dynamic with the brothers and their wives, and I love a Bromance, but after a point even that got excessive and awkward. A lot of it was just awkward. Her initiation into the wives’ group felt totally forced and out of the blue. The cheesiness of it all has likely given me lactose intolerance. And I appreciate well done cheese usually.

This all sounds harsh, but no one is sadder than I am to not like a book. Especially this one coz I wanted to love it. But hey, I dislike a friends to lovers book again (I don’t care enough to use the word hate), maybe all is right with the world after all.
Profile Image for Travelogged Blogs.
982 reviews98 followers
January 1, 2023
“I think it’s because in my mind, I’ve always been with you . You’ve always been mine.”

When Breaker & Ophelia first met, their connection was instant but platonic. Now as they settle into their adult life, living next to each other and spending their free time together has become a norm. But everything is about to change since Lia has been roped into a quickie wedding with her boyfriend and Breaker has suddenly come to realise his feelings. For me, this was an adorable bestfriends to lovers book! I was rooting for Breaker & Lia since the very beginning because there was no denying that they were made for each other. It was a light-hearted read but still so entertaining to read especially because of the involvement of Huxley, Lottie, JP, Kelsey, Ryot & Myla. The side characters made this book so much more fun! Overall, the epilogue left me with a huge smile on my face. The chemistry was definitely present between Breaker & Lia. The plot might've been predictable but it was still a lovely read!

I received an ARC in exchange of an honest review
Profile Image for Dali.
1,899 reviews524 followers
January 6, 2023
A Long Time Coming is standalone rom-com novel by author Meghan Quinn. Dual POV with a HEA.

✔️ friends to lovers
✔️ billionaire

Lia and Breaker met in college through the SSS = Secret Scrabble Society and instantly knew they were kindred spirits. Although Breaker would have loved to ask Lia out, she asked him to be his friend.

Ten years later they are more than best friends, they’re neighbors and now Breaker has agreed to be Lia’s man in waiting.

They know everything a friend could know about each other, but helping Lia prepare to get married to another man makes Breaker realize he’s head over heels in love with her.

Meghan Quinn hooked me from the start with this story. Lia and Breaker were adorbs right from the get go, starting with her making fun of his ‘perverted moustache.’

Lia is fun and sassy, and although she gets a bit lost, Breaker is there to not only support her but also let her beauty shine. And OMG Breaker is going straight to my fav book boyfriend list.

Can a book boyfriend be too perfect? Well actually, it did take a while for them to realize they were in love with each other, and he did go out with a really nice woman Lia’s fiancée set him up with. But other than that he’s such a great brother, brother in law, friend and a deliciously alpha lover.

Breaker and Lia are great couple with incredible banter, chemistry and an incredible connection. Their romance was an engaging, sexy, lighthearted slow burn that I wish we could get more of.

It has of course a “Made of Honor” with Patrick Dempsey & Michelle Monaghan vibe.

By the numbers quick review:
★ Hero: 👤👤👤👤👤
★ Heroine: 👤👤👤👤👤
★ Plot: 📚📚📚📚📚
★ Romance: 💕💕💕💕
★ Sexiness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

★ I received an ARC of this title from the author. The excerpts are from that copy. I am voluntarily reviewing this title.
See all my book edits on Instagram
Profile Image for booksnpenguins - lia (wingspan matters).
837 reviews3,526 followers
April 12, 2023
“I think it’s because in my mind, I’ve always been with you. You’ve always been mine.”
“That’s annoyingly sweet.”
“You said you trust me, right?”
“Then let me lead the way, okay? Can you do that?”

Considering one of my favorite rom-coms of all times is Made of Honor, that I'm a sucker for bat-boys-like brotherly dynamics, and that this contains some of the steamiest scenes I've ever encountered in a romance novel, I'd say without a doubt that Meghan Quinn definitely lived up to the hype that seem to surround her and her books.

★𝗪𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼/5
★𝗣𝗟𝗢𝗧: 📜📜📜/5

This is how you do a best-friends to lovers and make it impossible not to root for the main characters to end up together.
I'll admit Lia, the FMC, was a little annoying and immature at times (and, yes, I'll choose to ignore the fact that we share a name, for the same reason listed before), and I didn't always agree with Breaker's decisions: I also cringed more times than I could count, but the book was overall cute and pretty enjoyable, and I guess I've read worse, at this point.
Filled to the brim with pop culture references and a funny prose, A Long Time Coming was my first Mwghan Quinn book, but it definitely won't be the last.

I adored the relationship Breaker had with his brothers and how forward he was with the girl he was dating when he figured out hsi feelings for Lia; on the other hand, it felt a little ridiculous how, all of a sudden, Lia was the woman of Breaker's dreams -and the other way around- when they've been spending every moment together since that moment, and everything was always extremely platonic between them.
It also didn't sit right with me that up until that moment, FMC's fiance was a decent guy and then it suddenly became a douchebag, only because we were supposed to root for the two main characters. Which, of course, we already were.
The real challenge would have been to have them both fall for each other despite Brian being a nice and likeable guy.
Profile Image for Casey Reads ✨.
158 reviews49 followers
December 12, 2023

When I first started reading this, I honestly didn’t think I was going to like it. Breaker was very nerdy, would not be my type in real life. But I was sooo wrong.

I laughed out loud, which is rare for me, at so many of the wedding planning scenes.

The chemistry between Breaker and Lia was unstoppable. The longtime friends first to lovers doesn’t always work in books. This time it absolutely did. Their relationship as friends was perfect and then it perfectly changed into more than that.

Originally Lia was with someone else and engaged to be married and Breaker basically stole her away. This did not bother me one bit, because Brian, the other guy, was so not right for her. I was rooting for Breaker every step of the way.

The spicy scenes almost gave me a heart attack they were soooo good. 🔥🔥

Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Destiney Bomberry.
229 reviews1,310 followers
March 6, 2023
5⭐️ 3.5🌶

This was a banger!!! Am I surprised? NO!!!
Hands down my favourite out of the Cane brother series!!! Breaker and Lia were just sooooo good. That being said the whole series was amazing and so much fun to read!! Like these are what Romcom books should be!

Friends to lovers is not my usual jam but this was phenomenal.The slowburn was SLOW and I loved every excruciating painful moment it took leading up the spice, the wait was WORTH IT!! Don’t even get me started on the bathtub scene, I melted.

A series you must read if you haven’t yet!!!!
Profile Image for Shelby.
206 reviews1,250 followers
February 9, 2023
4.5 ⭐️

MY FAVOURITE FRIENDS TO LOVERS EVER. Who wouldaa thought I’d have a FAVE for this trope 🤣 which is usually dry af.

Lack of angst is the reason friends to lovers never works for me, but this has PLENTY going for it. The wedding and the nightmare MIL concept was genius!! I HOWLED at The Beave 🤣

I loved Breaker and Lias development and CHEMISTRY 🔥🔥🔥 it was a delicious slow burn 😩10/10!!!!

It’s not 5⭐️ like it’s predecessor bc it wasn’t as funny. Parts were funny, yes, but I laughed an ugly amount at SNMTB. And it didn’t have the same thrilling spice as ANSMC so this is definitely my third fave of the Cane brothers series.

BUT I still loved and laughed with it and I’m so sad it’s over 😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
Profile Image for Caitlin Da Silva.
38 reviews2,565 followers
January 14, 2023
Think this may be my favourite in the series — the friendship angle, the slow burn, the rising tension 👌😍
Profile Image for Abbie.
392 reviews39 followers
February 17, 2023
I wanted to like this book. The banter was great. I could feel the connection between Lia and Breaker. I love friends to lovers as a trope but this book is not it.

I had to stop 44% in.

This author tried so hard to make these characters “not like anyone else” that this entire book felt unreal.

What kind of names are these: Banner, Breaker, Birdy, Huxley, Ryot Binsley, Myla.

Now the main reason I DNF this book.

Lia is selfish. She wants her cake and to eat it too. She invalidates Breaker’s feelings. The fact that she wouldn’t acknowledge that her spending all her free time with Breaker was preventing him from finding someone is insane. She gets jealous when he starts spending time with another girl. She asks to stay at his house (and to sleep in his bed with him) when her fiancé is out of town because she’s lonely. She wears one of Breaker’s shirts to bed, leaving her bra out for him to see on the handle of a door, even though she lives next door and can wear her own pajamas. This is the most uncomfortable emotional manipulation that I have ever read. I do not understand how she thinks any of her behavior is appropriate. How is this girl so dense. I can see what the author is trying to do with the bed sharing scene but there needed to be a better reason then her just being “lonely.” That whole scene feels like emotional cheating. At least Breaker acknowledged how not ok it was but dude was so caught up in not wanting to hurt her feelings that he didn’t push her away. He should have stood his ground and told her she can’t be sleeping in his bed while being engaged to another man.
Profile Image for Samantha (bookgramsaga reviews).
594 reviews624 followers
May 22, 2023

''I'd move mountains for you''

Safety warnings:
- No cheating
- OW/OM drama






60% is how long it takes for our FMC to DUMP her fiancé.

I loved the first two books and was super excited to read Breaker's story but honestly? It took TOO long for these two to get together. Too long for them to realize they wanted and loved each other, it felt forced? Like here is your best friend and perfect match, took you ten years though so it's just meant to be right? He did not have gfs or meaningful relationships ever since meeting her, but she did, so it felt unbalanced to me in a way. Especially when you figure out his reasons for NOT having anything serious aka, he had her so why would he need companionship when she provided everything except sex so he got that from others.

We spent 60% of the book dealing with things that should have been resolved in the first 20-30% of the book. Lia spends more than enough time being a doormat to her fiancé and his overbearing (overbeaving lol) mother.

I loved Breaker and Lia's friendship, but I really was shocked to hear neither of them ever thought about the other sexually even for a moment in ten years?? Then BOOM it happens?

We barely got them together before the book ended and it was just sad to see such a large portion of the book wasted on a storyline that was resolved so quickly??

I really thought going into this that either of them had feelings and suppressed it when the other didn't seem to want it and so they spent 10 years in angst or hiding their feelings but NOPE.

Rant over.

The only reason I gave it 3 stars is because of the banter and funny moments in this book, especially with their true friendship showing throughout each page but let’s not forget Kazoo's honorable mentions.
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,004 reviews1,199 followers
May 23, 2023
4.5 stars- the way I always wanted My Best Friend’s Wedding to end

“I’ll say a little prayer for youuuuuu” (not me jamming out over here…)

When I was a pre-teen, I watched My Best Friend’s Wedding expecting and wanting the best friends to get together.

They didn’t 😐 lol (I mean. Come on! Cameron Diaz was a pretty sweet girl 😬 and Julia Roberts was the home wrecker 🫣).

So reading this gave me the satisfaction I needed for the past 20 years 🤣(how has it been THAT long 😩).

Lia (Ophelia) and Breaker (both about 30 ish) have been best friends since they were in college (junior year) when Lia joined the SSS club (Secret Scrabble Society). They hit it off right away, and for ten years, these two have bonded over so many things- board games, movies, shows, life…

And now, Lia’s going to get married to Brian, whom she met shortly after her parents’ deaths (they died over 18 months before in a tragic helicopter accident ☹️). Luckily, she has her ride-or-die Breaker by her side. Breaker’s going to be her MOH, Man of Honor. It’s perfect timing for him since he’s not allowed to work with his brothers because of an unfounded lawsuit against him. He’ll have PLENTY of time to help Lia with her wedding 😅

And help her deal with a controlling, unsympathetic future MIL 😐.

It isn’t until Breaker sees Lia in her wedding dress that something awakens in him. Something that involves feelings…

A Long Time Coming type of feelings 👀

What I loved: spoilers ahead
—the slow 🔥. Okay. Listen. I know. I know so many people are gonna want this to be a fast burn. But. The way that it’s done here MAKES SENSE. Lia and Breaker have been best friends for a decade. For a chunk of the book, she’s with someone else. It needed to be on the slow burn side 🤷🏻‍♀️. Sure, Breaker could’ve pushed her, but he made sure to get her to FEEL 🥵 the delicious tension 💦 between them. It’s the little touches that had even MY heart beating 👀 and got lots of juices flowing 😉. He needed her to know that they are IT. This isn’t a game. They’re not just gonna move on. This is IT. And man… did I enjoy it 😋.

—the smeeexy scenes 💦. Oh LAWD. Breaker knows what he’s doing 🥵. At about 56% he describes some stuff he likes to get done to him and what he likes to do as well 👀🔥. At 70% ish we get some completions that showcase the duuuurty mouth on Breaker 💦 and lots of sprinkles of 🔥 until 90% when it finally happens 😉

—I love cereal eaters 💅😈

—DISNEYLAND!!!! 🥰. Ermagod. I was screaming at this. I used to have annual passes, so I’m a hooooar for anything Disney 🥰❤️. Plus. Their first official kiss happens her 🥹🥹🥹. ITS. SO. PERFECT 😭

—he fell first 😈. I love it when the MMC goes a little cuckoo for the FMC, especially if he’s the one that falls first. It made all the tension even more delicious 🤤

—the redemption to My Best Friend’s Wedding 🤣. This was slightly different (obviously) because it’s the FMC getting married. Plus. The future groom isn’t the best guy (unlike Cameron Diaz in the movie). He didn’t cheat, but he was inattentive or hands off with the wedding.

—Breaker as a best friend. I mean. This man stands up for Lia when no one else does (I’m looking at you Brian 😐😑). He made me SWOOOON!!! This is as even MORE important because Brian wasn’t standing up to his mother; his mother was basically walking all over Lia, and Brian not doing anything aggravated me to no end 🤬

—3 knocks. Then 4 knocks 😭. I love that they shared a wall 🥹🥰

—games… movies… common interests… I don’t know how these two didn’t see it sooner 🤦🏻‍♀️

—my favorite couples from the past books. ERMAGOD!!! Seeing Huxley/Lottie, JP/Kelsey, and Ryot/Myla together and in various parts throughout the book had me fangirling 🥰😭. Plus. I adore seeing their HEAs and futures way after their own books 🥹 gaaaah (I’m STILL bitter about Banner 😑 I’m looking at you Untying the Knot!!!)

—THE EXTENDED EPILOGUE WAS EVERYTHING 😭. It also made me sad 😩 after I swooned a lot ❤️. I don’t want them to end 🥹

What I didn’t like/wanted more of:
—the quick closure on Brian. It happened way at the end. Yes. It added some angst, but I felt like Lia could’ve dealt with this smoother. However, it didn’t bug me that much 🤷🏻‍♀️. Brian wasn’t being a good fiancé and just kept brushing Lia’s concerns and feelings under the rug… so… good riddance 💅 🫣

—the Beave aka future MIL. She pissssssed me off 🤬. I’m so glad Breaker told her off and that Lia did too… sorry not sorry your veil got ruined 😬😅 whoops

—the lack of sexual safety talk😐. I dislike when things like STDs or pregnancies are ignored. Lia was in a SERIOUS relationship with someone (duh… she was engaged) and Breaker was VERY experienced. They used condoms, but one of the times, they don’t and eventually get one on😐. I would’ve liked them to at least address being clean 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe go get tested? That way, there’s no barriers anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️. Come on 🤦🏻‍♀️

—I didn’t mind this too much… but hearing about how good Breaker is in the sheets had me side-eying his escapades 😐 (🤣🤣🤣 I’m such a jealous person 🤣)… he’s not EXACTLY comparing Lia to OW, but more like telling her what he likes and how he would do things to her as well… but yeah… still had me 😑 a little 🤣

Overall, I loved this 🤷🏻‍♀️

⚠️ safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/sharing
-OMD- the h is engaged to OM. The H and OM barely tolerate each other. There’s a scene where the H thinks the h is with OM after the breakup but it gets cleared up quickly
-OWD- the H goes on dates with OW. They kiss twice. This is before the H and h do anything. The H is starting to see the h in a different light but isn’t sure what he’s thinking. He ends things with ow once he realizes he has feelings. She recalls one time she heard him have sex in the 10 years they’ve known each other. He has a dirty mouth
-death of parents (before book begins): h lost both her parents in an accident the year before
-praise kink/edging/hand necklace/toys/spanking/dirty talk/p slapping
-condoms/then none/no talk about bc or safety 😐
-HEA/epilogue/extended epilogue ❤️
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,550 reviews388 followers
February 23, 2023
Friends to Lovers?

Aunque la autora no es de mis favoritas y el primer libro no fue tan wow, me animé a leerlo porque es un Friends to lover trope fav de la vida.

La trama es muy similar a la película Made of Honor.
Ellos han sido amigos desde la universidad, cuando ella quería pertenecer al club ultrasecreto de scrabble donde Breaker es el fundador, desde ahí han sido inseparables, compartiendo sus momentos frikis y nerds.
Nunca han tenido sentimientos románticos, siempre han sido totalmente platónicos, hasta que ella le da la noticia que se va a casar en 5 semanas.
Ël decide ser su dama de honor y acompañarla a todos los eventos para la preparación de la boda y a darle apoyo con bruja controladora de la suegra.
Mientras más se acerca el día, Breaker se da cuenta que la ama y que la va a perder.

Hubo cosas que no me gustaron la principal, y es algo de gusto personal, no me gustan los libros sobre todo en los Friends to lovers donde los protas tienen parejas.
Ella duró comprometida más del 60 % del libro y sin rastros de fijarse en su amigo, además era bien mensa pero no me cayó mal.
También sentí que él estuvo más enamorado de ella que ella de él, hasta el final fue como una revelación de ah lo amo.

Sé que será una contradicción pero le daré las 4 estrellas, porque el final me gustó mucho es de lo más lindo, las escenas spicy estuvieron HOT HOT HOT y sobre todo la amistad de ellos es lo más bonitos del mundo es lo que yo pido siempre en éste cliché.
Y fue un libro entretenido que pese a sus casi 500 páginas no pude parar de leer y lo terminé en un día.
Profile Image for Anna.
564 reviews460 followers
January 11, 2023
4.5 stars

Yallllllll… something about the (best)friends to lovers trope hits so right for me. Especially when they realize they have feelings for each-other & sh*t gets real!! Breaker was perfect & dirty & I just loved him!!!! Lia was also wonderful & their entire 10+ year friendship just made my heart so happy. They are so cute, nerdy & fantastic. It was amazing to see Huxley & JP back in action, with our favorite sisters.

The internal monologue in Breaker’s head had me swooning so much I almost melted. And the fact that this made me think of the movie “made of honor” made me happy. Sometimes it takes your best friend planning her wedding to realize you are deeply, unequivocally in love with her!!

I knew the youngest Cane brother was going to be the hottest (& dirtiest 👅💦). I highlighted so many things y’all don’t even understand. THE BATHTUB SCENE. Whew.

“Everything is different with you. It’s as if I can see better, hear better, taste better. You’ve brought vivid color into my life, Lia. You’re the one pumping the oxygen through my veins.”

My favorite moment was their first kiss.🫠

Spice: 🌶🌶🌶.5

Best friends to lovers
It’s always been you
Forced proximity
Profile Image for Felicity Vaughn.
Author 15 books62 followers
January 10, 2023
“𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.”

♾ stars.
4 peppers.

What you’ll get:

-best friends to lovers
-he’s the man of honor
-he falls first
-he’s OBSESSED with her
-they’re so adorably nerdy
-“good girl”
-ohhh the angst
-he ✨teaches✨ her things
-slow burn
-“it’s always been you.”
-recurring character cameos
-LOL funny

It is no secret that JP Cane is my number one book boyfriend and that Meghan Quinn is my favorite author. I was so excited to read A Long Time Coming, and needless to say, my expectations for Breaker were through the roof. And with expectations like that, it’s easy to end up disappointed.

But that was not the case here. Breaker Cane was SO damn close to swooping in and stealing the number one spot from his brother. The sexy, nerdy thing really does it for me, and the way he is soooo obsessed with Ophelia is just to die for.

And I adored Lia. I loved her sass, wit, vulnerability, and loving heart. During the prologue, her character was practically ME in college!

Lia and Breaker’s connection was just so precious. I loved their friendship, and this book reminded me how much I love friends to lovers. And their spice…GOOD. LORD. It had me sweating! This was absolutely the spiciest Cane brother book to date. It was such a slow burn with so much tension. And when it finally burst…whewwww!

I don’t want to spoil anything - just read it. ASAP!

Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,403 reviews163 followers
December 30, 2022
I was really nervous for this book, mainly because I didn't like Kelsey at all in the last book and was really nervous I would be in the same situation.. but I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked Lia -- she seemed so real to me, and Breaker is tied for my favorite brother with Huxley! This had all of MQ's one of a kind humor with PLENTY of steam and longing and passion and friendship wrapped in love, and love wrapped in friendship. I genuinely appreciated how there wasn't a third act conflict and they communicated like fucking ADULTS. That alone was in the big plus collum, plus all the cameos from Breakers brothers, their women, plus a few familiar faces, this was easily a winner for me!

Lia and Breaker meet in college, where they were both apart of a super secret scrabble society. They are self proclaimed nerds who enjoy what they enjoy, regardless of what anyone else thinks of them. Right away the banter on these two is on point, and although you know they are meant to be because they just *fit* for the next ten years they are purely best friends. They are each others person through and through, and even though Lia is getting married, Breaker is the one she turns to. When her fiance is noticeably not interested in planning her wedding, combined with a mama's boy with the mother in law from hell, Breaker offers to be her man in waiting, and help her plan her wedding and making sure her voice & opinions don't get lost along the way. With all that going on, Lia feels lost and trapped, and her only solace is her best friend. But when Lia notices that her future husband isn't the one for her, can she jump into Beakers arms? Or will they be destined to just be friends?

One thing I truly adored was how much Beaker was convinced that he and Lia were just friends, until the moment he realized they weren't just friends. He was used to his brothers always teasing him about secretly being in love with her, but he genuinely only saw her platonically until THAT moment (which was wonderfully written) and then suddenly it was game on. He did everything in his power to show Lia that she deserved so much more than what she was settling herself with, and just proved to her that he was the one for her.

Now, I didn't love the fact that they were with different people for over half the book. I get the plot revolves around Lia almost marrying the wrong guy, but I wished she left him a lot sooner than she did (though that bakery scene was FANTASTIC.) I also hated how Breaker tried to date someone (this was before he had his moment of realization) and though I'm so glad the woman he tried to date didn't have any nefarious plans up her sleeve and was just really great-- so much so that I hope her and a certain ex baseball player will get their own book!- I wish it didn't happen that way. I get *why* it did, but I just don't love reading about our main characters trying to make it work with other people when we know they belong with each other instead. Ugh.

That being said, I did love it when they finally get together and the rest of the book was just flawless. They were so effortless in their relationship that even though it took no time to being just friends to head over heels in love, it didn't feel fake at all. They were just so right for one another!

And holy vibrator in the bath tub, Breaker is the filthiest, kinkiest brother yet. Holy hell his mouth, the good girls, the throat grabs. Just YES.🥵🥵🥵🥵

I really did enjoy this book, and it was the perfect ending to this series. I wish some things played out differently, but all in all, this was a great laugh out loud romance with all the feels!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions **
Profile Image for Gaby.
291 reviews273 followers
February 5, 2023
5/5 ⭐️

Amazing. I am absolutely in love with this book. It was so funny and I am a huge fan of friends to lovers so this was done so well. I love when the characters continuously tease each other. They play fight and always joke around with one another and it’s the best thing ever. The fact that they are best friends turned lovers was just so so fun to see. Also it’s “he falls first” and oh my god is it amazing.

This was dual pov and both Lia and Breaker were so interesting to read about. I never once felt bored, both povs kept me so hooked and wanting to speed through it. I loved when Lia finally stands up for herself, I felt myself smiling so hard and wanting to cheer her on myself. I couldn’t wait for Brian to get out of the picture so that Breaker could make his move. Also Breaker absolutely panicking at the thought of losing Lia was hilarious but also so sweet. He is such a caring and hot boyfriend. He made me swoon so many times with how considerate and lovely he was. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Tara.
952 reviews7 followers
December 31, 2022
The chemistry and banter between Lia & Breaker gives me warm fuzzies and, oh my goodness, was I surprised in the best way by the steam between them! Phew! Oh my heart....I can't even begin to explain what this story did to me, the emotions it evoked from me and when I say this is a book that needs to be read.....YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!!

Erin Mallon & JF Harding do an amazing job portraying the characters, bringing them to life and humanizing them with their emotions, attitude and persona
Profile Image for moniqueॱ◌̥*⃝̣ ⋆.
186 reviews126 followers
August 17, 2023

And THIS, dear readers… is how you avoid an annoying and unnecessary third act conflict and lead a healthy and beautiful relationship!! Lia and Breaker are the prime example of how communication is key and I LOVE to see!!!

They’re definitely my favourite couple out of the whole series!! They were just perfect from beginning to end! Since page one, I was rooting for them nonstop! I didn’t care if Lia was with this Brian dude or that Breaker was set up with Birdy, I knew that these two are freaking soulmates and I’m just so glad that they got together in the end (even though it was obvious that it would end this way lmao)!

The only thing that annoyed me in this book and is the cause why I can’t give it a full on 5 star rating, is Brian. He was there for toooooooo long and my girl Lia should’ve broke up with him a LOOOOONG time ago!! It was just so frustrating seeing her tolerate his annoying behaviour for 60% of the book! Bro did not deserve that big amount of time in the book.

Moving on from that, everything else was just amazing!! These two prove that friends to lovers is an amazing and over-hated trope. Seeing the way they cared for each other platonically and romantically was just so endearing!! It had my heart racing and melting at the same time! They’re just so freaking adorable!!

Also the way Breaker finally realised that he was in love with Lia?! To DIE for!!! It was so cute and romantic and magical and whimsical… just perfect!!!!! And the way he acted afterwards?! All shy and awkward!!! It was so freaking cute and had me screaming, kicking my feet and giggling my ass off!!! Breaker is the freaking standard and the definition of “if he wanted to he would”. He was just made for Lia!!

And Lia was made for him. I love her so much and she deserves the freaking world, honestly. It made me so mad how her self-esteem got ruined by that bastard Brian and his witch of a mother. I’m just glad that she finally realised what a piece of work he actually is and left him for someone who actually deserves her!

Because Lia and Breaker are (as already mentioned) soulmates!! They literally match each others energy, hobbies, interests and personalities so well!! It was just so funny how everyone was able to see it besides them! It was literally so obvious and these two were so oblivious but it made the whole process of them realising even better and funnier to me.

What I also loved about this book is seeing the other couples again and seeing how happy and content they are with one another. It was so sweet seeing them all become a big, happy family at the end. It really summed up this series and story well!!

Overall, I’m really gonna miss this universe and its characters!! I will most definitely be rereading this series sometime in the future!!
Profile Image for Auđur.
253 reviews31 followers
January 29, 2023
Dear Meghan Quinn I had things to do like work, talk to people owww and sleep. 😴 Did I do any of the things awww no. What I did do is stay up til four in the morning to finish this book 📖
This is by far my favourite Meghan Quinn book 🥰 I highly recommend giving this one a try 😀
Profile Image for Isabella.
252 reviews2,113 followers
January 27, 2023
breaker is the most elite cane brother. friends to lovers perfection. loved these two.
Profile Image for Catherine Victor Simpson.
92 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2024
The third is the Cane Brothers trilogy comes at a good time for some fresh air. Having found the first 2 instalments somewhat similar the third is considerably different.
We see the youngest Cane brother realising somewhat late that his long time best friend Lia is his soulmate. She on the other hand has just gotten engaged and so ensues a story which can only be best described as a mixture of My best friend's wedding and Made of honour with a hilarious comically one dimensional mother aka monster in law. Planning a wedding in 5 short weeks might just be the kind of stress Breaker Cane can use to his advantage to win his love.
The female main character Lia is not your typical girl, we are constantly reminded of this because she wears glasses, doesn't dress girly and likes 'nerdy' things (her words not mine).
The spice is a slow tease coming in towards the end in the usually hot Meghan Quinn fashion. We also see the older 2 Cane Brothers happily married offering some 'good' advice along with their wives.
A refreshing read after having just read the other 2 but what was the best of all was the surprising addition of the pictures every few chapters. I felt like a child with pictures but I loved it! More please!
Profile Image for Wicked Spines.
254 reviews4 followers
January 4, 2023
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Meghan Quinn for an ARC of this book! All opinions are my own.

I think this is now my favorite Meghan Quinn book. I've adored this series and as always love MQ's books, but when I say I was almost in tears over the fact that I finished this within 24 hours, I'm not being dramatic. Lately, I've been worried that I'm not finding as much joy in reading as I used to, but I devoured this book and my heart is settled again.

Breaker and Lia are the cutest, nerdiest, most fun couple I've read about in a while and through 60% of the book they aren't even a couple. They're best friends who have the best kind of relationship. They have the same interests, finish each other's sentences and always put the other first.

When the time comes for Lia to get married to someone other than Breaker, he gets a swift kick to the head and realizes that his perfect woman is on the brink of being lost to him forever. Still he selflessly puts his wants to the side to ensure that Lia is given the chance to have the wedding she deserves. His absolute adoration of her is swoon worthy and I loved that he's such a cinnamon roll and YET he has a filthy side that comes out in the bedroom.

Lia's character had a great transformation in this book and as always I love character growth. She went from being a passive person to taking what she wants and it was so exciting to see, especially since Breaker was her #1 fan. The incorporation of JP, Kelsey, Huxley, Lottie, Myla, and Ryot was just the icing on the cake for me. I'm excited to see who the next couple will be in the future from this world.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this book. I loved every single moment of it and I think Breaker might be my new favorite Cane brother. I'll say it again, THANK YOU MQ for writing this book and showing me how much I still love to read good books that hit me in the feels, make me laugh out loud, burn up the pages, and fall in love with love again and again!
Profile Image for Ashley.
228 reviews897 followers
January 27, 2023
My favorite of the series! I freaking loved this book. It might be my all time favorite friends to lovers romance book. Breaker is whewww 🥵
Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,122 reviews

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