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Rogue & Gambit (Collected Editions) #4

Rogue & Gambit: Power Play

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Rogue & Gambit find themselves swept up on a date with Destiny which will change them bother forever and reveal startling secrets about the island of Krakoa!

Destiny strikes your favorite X-Men couple! Krakoa is on a precipice. Destiny alone can see what’s coming — but the precog cannot act. For that, she’ll need her adoptive daughter, Rogue. Husbands need not apply…but with mutant duties stealing Rogue away so much these days, Gambit is determined to make the most of the mission and put some Cajun spice back into their increasingly complicated love affair. He just has to make it out of the bar first… Powerhouse writer Stephanie Phillips (Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, MILLIE THE SPY) joins fan-favorite artist Carlos Gómez (X-TERMINATORS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) for a thrill ride that will lay bare some of Krakoa’s biggest secrets!

COLLECTING: Rogue & Gambit (2022) 1-5

136 pages, Paperback

First published January 9, 2024

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Stephanie Phillips

393 books51 followers

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Khurram.
1,811 reviews6,662 followers
February 4, 2024
I am a bit disappointed in this book, if I am being honest. Partly, this might be my bias, as Gambit is my favourite X-MAN, Rogue and Gambit are my faverite X couple. For me, this book does neither of them justice and resolves nothing.

Rogue and Gambit are supposed to be on a well-earned vacation, among other things, to sort out their personal issues. However, Destiny (not Gambit's biggest fan) arrives with a mission for Rogue.

The book started wrong for me. In all the years I have been reading comics or X-MEN, I have never seen Gambit drunk. He is always in control of every situation. Gambit had gone through a lot, and it was mentioned, but nothing was done about it.

I am probably being unfair, saying absolutely nothing is resolved, because there is some trust at the end, though again I think the wrong person is being accused of being shifty. I was expecting a lot from this book, and I was expecting a lot more character development and got very little. The book finishes with a with a varient cover gallery and a recipe?
Profile Image for Dakota.
193 reviews8 followers
July 15, 2023
Makes you wish Stephanie Phillips had an ongoing Rogue and Gambit book! She writes those two characters perfectly.
Profile Image for Fiona.
493 reviews11 followers
October 2, 2023
this is the one comics couple that i truly believe could last forever look at themmm live action when

the texts from everyone were a nice touch
Profile Image for Tyler Jenkins.
376 reviews
July 13, 2023
This one was good. Marvel doesn’t use the character Manifold as much as they should and this points out how powerful and important he could be. So I really appreciate that. I’m interested to see see what Irene saw, and why she thinks he’s a key to mutant survival though. Only time will tell as the Fall of the House of X gets closer and closer.
Profile Image for Bob.
507 reviews
July 14, 2023
Gems include Destiny hates on her son-in-law, Gambit v. Panther, Rogue goes to Rocket for relationship advice, Storm harasses Gambit, & Rogue betrays Manifold
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer Taylor.
431 reviews3 followers
July 21, 2023
It was a good story. Gambit & Rogue are a personal favorite and always have been. The whole story of this made me happy, just to have this "check in" with them.
Profile Image for Fahad Ahmed.
323 reviews27 followers
October 5, 2023
Rogue and Gambit are one of my favorite superhero couples, but this miniseries doesn't really do them justice. It doesn't do much of anything, honestly, that couldn't have been done in some other title.

The key thing that X-Men true believers will need to know is that Destiny needs Manifold because of a vision she saw, and she's entrusting Rogue with getting him on board. Meanwhile, something happened to Gambit in the pages of Knights of X, and that's causing tension in their relationship. You've got about enough material here for a solid one shot, but in order to stretch this to a 5 issue miniseries, we have this whole story about Manifold and others heroes and villains being kidnapped, stuck with a mind control chip and sold to the highest bidder.

That story about Manifold being kidnapped is both irrelevant and boringly written, so that's a shame, but it's hard to even get invested in Rogue and Gambit's relationship drama. The thing that happened to Gambit in Knights of X is mentioned in passing, but X readers will understand that it's a big deal, and its implications are never addressed in this book. All you see here is the two of them having pretty normal and relatable problems stemming from Rogue's work with the X-Men. I suppose this is my punishment for not reading of Knights of X...

Also, the climax of the story has to do with the fact that Rogue can't remove her mind control chip without dying - but why exactly is that a problem? The existence of the resurrection protocols should push writers to come up with more interesting threats for mutants to face, but Steph missed the mark here.

It doesn't help that I didn't even enjoy the artwork. Some of Marvel's top artistic talents are working in the X-Office, and this felt below par to me. Overall, this one is a total skip, even for fans of this couple.
Profile Image for Ross.
940 reviews
September 14, 2023
Oh, look...
It's another book that ties into the massive X-Men and Krakoa storyline. Have to set things up before the Hellfire Gala 2023. This is yet another piece of the puzzle that is X-Men vs Orchis.

This story has Destiny dooming and glooming Rogue with a general request to find and bring back Manifold before it's 'too late'. As with all things Destiny, it's got future implications that can't be mentioned or they'll change the future. Remy hates it. The Avengers hate it. That doesn't stop them (Rogue and Gambit) from tagging along with Manifold on his own fact finding mission. Villains have been disappearing (just another day in the life of villany)

Orchis appears! Uhoh! Get teleported away and get time to discuss/not discuss how they've reached that point in the marriage where they aren't talking about things. Add some cell phone text message screens so your artists don't work TOO hard....

Instant X-Men classic(?)
Bonus: Hey! It's the Vanisher. Maybe he....oh....nevermind..
Bonus Bonus: Those neck chips seem an awful lot like control discs from 'The Controller' (Iron Man villain)
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books99 followers
January 9, 2024
Destiny gives Rogue & Gambit a mission - kidnap Manifold, or Orchis will win. Does she elaborate? Of course not, she's Destiny.

This is okay. I'm all for a little Rogue & Gambit story a la Mr & Mrs X, but it does feel a little wrote. We get the usual "Rogue and Gambit keep secrets from each other" followed by the "Rogue and Gambit make up and kick ass", which we're all expecting at this point. It's a shame that there isn't much more to be said about these two together, apparently.

The actual plot, involving the Power Broker, has been done before. There's the Krakoa/Orchis bent to it that makes it a little different, but it's nowhere near as fun as say, X-Terminators' insane vampire plot or any of the myriad secret organisations that Orchis have employed in any of the other X-books.

It's fine, just kinda unremarkable, which is really the best way to describe the book in its entirety.
Profile Image for Maxine Springer.
254 reviews
December 29, 2023
4 | I don’t know much about these characters, but they’re two of Darryll’s favorites. He doesn’t read a lot, but he read this series and suggested I read it, too. While I didn’t have much context for them, the series did an awesome job giving me just enough detail to understand what was happening. I really appreciated other little touches as well, including the text conversations between characters and interludes like interviews or pages from notebooks.
November 16, 2023
While Stephanie Phillips does write these characters well, I would not recommend this to someone who is not caught up on the current dealings of the X-Men/X-Community. It may be fun to see these two interact together again, but the plot will confuse you if you’re not sure what is going on in the other titles.
Profile Image for Stephanie Krause.
139 reviews9 followers
January 14, 2024
I always worry about jumping into any comic book series without context of what’s going on in the larger continuity, but this one was a great self-contained story with enough exposition to really enjoy it. I love Rogue & Gambit.
Profile Image for Erik.
1,958 reviews9 followers
August 14, 2023
Stephanie Phillips did a great job writing both characters and made this fun for fans of Rogue and Gambit despite a fairly standard story.
Profile Image for Christian Zamora-Dahmen.
Author 1 book30 followers
November 2, 2023
It was such a fun read. It does work as a set, though. Having it in five separate chapters through five months, I don’t think would have worked as nicely.
81 reviews
November 13, 2023
Read as individual comics, ratings below:
#1= 4 stars
#2= 2 stars
#3= 4 stars
#4= 3 stars
#5= 4 stars
Overall rating of 4 stars
267 reviews3 followers
January 18, 2024
Fine art and a fine story but the reasons behind the hero's actions are left To Be Continued, making it all feel a bit empty.
Profile Image for Braulio Valenzuela.
101 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2024
Me la pasé muy bien leyendo esto. Gambit y Rogue nunca han sido mis favoritos, pero Phillips les inyecta mucha química en esta historia.
Profile Image for Tori ✼.
174 reviews20 followers
February 2, 2024
An enjoyable read that got me to learn a bit more about the relationship of Rogue and Gambit, for sure my favorite X men couple ♥️ The art was great! ⭐️
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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