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208 pages, Paperback

First published April 4, 2022

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About the author

Gege Akutami

63 books2,418 followers
Gege Akutami 芥見下々 is a Japanese manga author, known for their work Jujutsu Kaisen.

The author does not show their face in public, and their gender is not disclosed.
They previously worked as assistant to mangaka Yasuhiro Kanō.

List of works (including one-shots not published indipendently yet):
Kamishiro Sōsa (神代捜査) on Shōnen Jump NEXT!! vol. 2 [debut work]
No.9 on Weekly Shōnen Jump 46-2015
Nikai Bongai Barabarujura (二界梵骸バラバルジュラ) on Weekly Shōnen Jump 44-2016
Tōkyō toritsu jujutsu kōtō senmon gakkō (東京都立呪術高等専門学校) serialized on Jump GIGA (volume 1 to 4)
from 2018:
Jujutsu Kaisen (呪術廻戦) on Weekly Shōnen Jump

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 518 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
756 reviews284 followers
April 7, 2023
Higuruma’s domain expansion is so cool! I never imagined that an ex criminal defense lawyer would become one of my favourite jjk characters. 😭
I was dying to meet the pathetic man with the droopy sunflower on this cover.... of course he turns out to be awesome (in a lowkey lame way. Did I mention I loveeeeee him).

In terms of the actual storyline, I'm thoroughly enjoying this little bit of peace (nothing is peaceful) before Sukuna and kenjaku decide to interfere in the culling game and ruin things even more!!
Profile Image for Manvi.
240 reviews214 followers
June 11, 2022
It's always the overworked ones, innit? Higuruma is Nanami 2.0... I swear, at this point, Higuruma, Choso and Yuta are the only ones keeping me sane while reading this.
Profile Image for Rylan.
377 reviews13 followers
May 5, 2022
the series kinda peaked after the maki stuff i’m waiting for it to pick back up again
Profile Image for lou.
249 reviews491 followers
January 6, 2023
if megumi dies i'll stop reading forever, I'm tired of the characters I love either dying or getting sealed or just stop existing
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alexandra Elend Wolf.
628 reviews309 followers
April 7, 2022
“If everyone told the truth, we wouldn’t need trials.”

This was such a fun volume!

We get a lot of fighting had between Itadori and Megumi but there are also some very interesting moral dilemmas that enriched the whole plot.

There's no doubt in my mind that this whole arc is gonna involve a lot of action and fights, however. It was nice to see how cool both boys have become and how they are that much more capable and ready to do some serious damage.

Higuruma, one of the new characters, was frankly fascinating and I want to have a lot more of him going forward. We don't have a shortage of characters that lean more to the gray areas of morality but having such a rigid morally gray character is quite different. Overall, I just think there is a lot more to explore about him and that makes him a lot of fun.

He was one of the highlights of this volume for me.

“All people! Are flawed and hideous!! No matter how noble a soul you wish to have!! You won’t find anything more than that! The darkness lying before your eyes is nothing more than darkness!! Even if you ignite a light!! A brilliant void will once again be sprawled out ahead of you!!”

Someone seriously needs to hug Itadori, however, because that look in his eyes is just terrifying.

Now that the rules are set we're getting to understand better what this whole thing is about and though it seemed really daunting at first, it's shaping to be nothing but deathly and intriguing with tons of new faces and stories to explore and much more soul searching to do.

“If you don’t fight with intent to kill, you’ll regret it once you’re dead.”
Profile Image for Yeferzon Zapata.
117 reviews26 followers
May 21, 2023
- El chico que conoce a Itadori es de la misma ciudad que él, se llama Amai. Aunque Itadori no lo conoce, si reconoció el apodo con el que lo llamaban en dicha ciudad "El tigre de Sugisawa"

- Itadori encuentra a el abogado Higuruma para pedirle que le de los 100 puntos que posee para añadir una regla al viaje de la extinción y acabar con ese juego, pero Higuruma se niega, ya que ve potencial en ello para que las reglas se cumplan.
Utilizando su expansión territorial llamada Judgeman, juzga a Itadori como si fuera un juzgado en la vida real, bastante curioso.

- Después de ser juzgado por entrar al casino de Kenji, Itadori es juzgado por las muertes de Shibuya, mientras era controlado por Sakuna, por esa razón es declarado inocente y entabla una conversación con Higuruma donde le concede a Itadori los 100 puntos que tenía y añade una nueva regla, que cualquier jugador puede transferir puntos a otro sin importar la cantidad.

- Remi conduce a una trampa a Megumi, que se encuentra con un tipo llamado Regee, donde le dice que el Kenjaku va a matar a todos los fuertes al final del viaje de la extinción, y quiere que Megumi sea su compañero, pero Megumi quiere sus puntos, por lo cual no será algo amigable este encuentro.

- Durante la pelea Regee y su compañero atacaban a Megumi, pero aparece un hechicero desconocido llamado Takaba, que dice ser un artista y ayuda a Megumi.

- Megumi conduce a Regee a un gimnasio donde utiliza su expansión territorial y el tomo termina en suspenso, ya que no se sabe si el elefante de Megumi aplastará primero a Regee o a él mismo.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenny.
718 reviews57 followers
November 27, 2022
Glad to see that Megumi woke up and chose absolute violence. Go offfffff king, like father like son. Am I right or am I right?
Profile Image for Afifa Afreen.
176 reviews15 followers
March 19, 2023
Volume not only unlocked my favourite character, but also unlocked my fear of Megumi. Dude is becoming ferocious and scary and I'm loving it.
Profile Image for Lucy Tonks.
540 reviews820 followers
June 9, 2022
i still have so many questions which are left unanswered
Profile Image for airany.
130 reviews5 followers
January 12, 2022
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
634 reviews63 followers
January 29, 2022
Fushiguro popped off in this volume. Very little else to say. The story's taking it's sweet time. 🤷😂
Profile Image for Paola.
124 reviews
March 22, 2022
Holy shit Megumi!!! This is going to look so good animated
Profile Image for Isla.whimsybooks.
126 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2023

Jetzt heißt es wieder warten 😭
Schrecklich ….

(Warum habe ich die ersten 18 Mangas letztes Jahr an einem Stück gelesen?🥲)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 518 reviews

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