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The dark underbelly of an idyllic Midwestern resort town is revealed in the aftermath of a murder with ties to America’s opioid epidemic in this unputdownable and thrilling debut that is perfect for fans of James Lee Burke, William Kent Krueger, and Mindy Mejia.

Eli North is not okay.

His drinking is getting worse by the day, his emotional wounds after a deployment to Afghanistan are as raw as ever, his marriage and career are over, and the only job he can hold down is with the local sheriff’s department. And that’s only because the sheriff is his mother—and she’s overwhelmed with small town Shaky Lake’s dwindling budget and the fallout from the opioid epidemic. The Northwoods of Wisconsin may be a vacationer’s paradise, but amidst the fishing trips and campfires and Paul Bunyan festivals, something sinister is taking shape.

When the body of a teenage boy is found in the lake, it sets in motion an investigation that leads Eli to a wealthy enclave with a violent past, a pharmaceutical salesman, and a missing teenage girl. Soon, Eli and his mother, along with a young FBI agent, are on the hunt for more than just a killer.

If Eli solves the case, could he finally get the shot at redemption he so desperately needs? Or will answers to this dark case elude him and continue to bring destruction to the Northwoods?

288 pages, Hardcover

First published January 9, 2024

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Amy Pease

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Profile Image for PamG.
947 reviews620 followers
January 4, 2024
Northwoods by Amy Pease combines a crime thriller with a police procedural and a story of the personal struggles of the main character Eli North. This gripping and suspenseful novel pulls at the heart strings as it takes readers to the events occurring in Shaky Lake, Wisconsin. Eli is working as a deputy, but the only reason he has the job is that his mother is the sheriff. He is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after a deployment to Afghanistan. Now his drinking is out of control and his marriage and career are on the line. When Eli finds the body of a teenage boy and then a teenage girl is reported missing, Eli and rest of the small sheriff’s department along with FBI Agent Alyssa Mason must unravel the multiple mysteries.

Eli uses alcohol to cope with memories resulting in broken promises and lateness. However, he also has the need to discover the truth, is kind, and loves his son and wife. His relationships with them, his mother, and others in the town made Eli more relatable. Most of the characters have significant depth that is shown through their actions and dialogue.

This novel has a complex and multi-layered plot that is intriguing and pulls readers into the story quickly. Most of the action is at the end of novel, but it didn’t feel slow. This may be because I was emotionally engaged in the various character struggles that are revealed, which felt authentic and held my interest.

Gripping scenes and an emotional story intermix with contemporary issues. Themes include relationships, family, friendship, substance abuse, mental health, power, greed, ethics, and much more. The realistic issues made this story somewhat disturbing, but a feeling of hopefulness and the encouragement and support of some of the characters helped to offset this.

Overall, this tense, suspenseful, and tragic novel gripped me from the beginning. It’s more character-driven than action-driven, but kept me ensnared in the events making it hard to put the book down. The ending wraps up the main mysteries, but there are threads that could be used for a sequel. I would love to see more books featuring Eli.

The author brings strong characters, a great plot, fascinating relationships, and excellent pacing to the novel. Written for those who love crime novels and police procedurals, Northwoods is a thought-provoking debut book. I can’t wait to read what the author writes next.

Atria Books, Atria/Emily Bestler Books and Amy Pease provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. The publication date is currently set for January 9, 2024. This review was originally posted at Mystery and Suspense Magazine.

My 3.95 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.
January 17, 2024
Set in the small vacation town of Shaky Lake - a vacationer’s paradise for the wealthy with its posh country club and vacation homes - in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, the story begins with the discovery of a teenager’s body in a fishing boat docked in the lake behind a cabin in a local resort. The dead teenager, Ben Sharpe was supposed to be meeting his friend sixteen-year-old Caitlin Wallace, who is missing. Sherman County Sheriff Marge North heads local law enforcement, an understaffed and underfunded institution in a town dealing with the fallout of the opioid epidemic, with bare minimum resources. Her son Eli, who works as a deputy, was the one who found Ben’s body. FBI Agent Alyssa Mason joins Eli and Marge in their search for Caitlin for Caitlin, though she might know more about the case than she initially reveals. Caitlin’s father, a pharmaceutical sales professional, was supposed to join his family in Shaky Lake but stayed back in Chicago and is also proving difficult to trace. What follows is a complex web of murder, kidnapping, greed, crime and much more, revealing a darker side to the lakeside resort town. Eli, Marge, and Alyssa must race to find the killer and locate the missing teenager before it is too late.

Eli was an investigator with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service before he served in Afghanistan , joining local law enforcement after he returned from his deployment. Battling severe PTSD for which he is reluctant to seek help, his dependency on alcohol contributed to his failing marriage though he deeply cares for his soon-to-be ex-wife and eleven-year-old son. His mother’s position has helped him secure and keep his present job. As the story progresses, we also follow Eli’s journey as he battles his personal demons while trying to find a killer and locate the missing teenager.

With a cast of interesting characters, a dark and suspenseful vibe and a solid mystery at its core, Northwoods by Amy Pease is a gripping thriller/ police procedural that touches upon several important issues such as PTSD, alcoholism, mental health, substance abuse and the opioid crisis. Needless to say, this is not an easy read, but I was completely immersed in the story and thought that the plot was well structured and consistently paced. I must mention that the author has succeeded in striking a perfect balance between the plot-driven, primary murder mystery/procedural aspect and the character-driven aspects detailing the characters’ personal struggles, which is quite impressive given that this is the author’s debut novel. Though we do get a resolution to the murder mystery, the ending indicates there is much more to this story and I’ll be eagerly waiting for the follow-up installment.

Many thanks to Atria Books for the digital review copy via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Northwoods was published on January 9, 2023.

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Profile Image for Liz.
2,248 reviews3,010 followers
October 31, 2023
All it took was a recommendation from William Kent Krueger for me to want to read Northwoods. And luckily, my choice was not misplaced. This is Amy Pease’s debut novel, but it doesn’t read like a debut.
Northwoods is set in a small lakeside resort town in Wisconsin. The sheriff’s office is consistently understaffed and underfunded. So, when the dead body of a young teenager is found and another teenager is missing, it stretches them to their limits even with the help of an FBI agent.
Pease has created a great main character. Eli North returned home from Afghanistan with a serious case of PTSD which he attempts to keep under wraps by self medicating with alcohol. But it’s not working. His wife has asked for a divorce. And the only reason he still has a job as a deputy is that his mother is the sheriff. The secondary characters, including his mom, the FBI agent and the other deputies and the parents of the two teenagers are equally well done.
The plot gets more complicated as it goes along. It strays slightly into unbelievable territory. I had a strong suspicion (rightly so) of who was behind the crimes, but it didn’t dampen my enjoyment. The story covers themes of addiction, corporate malfeasance and absent parents. Pease does an excellent job setting a scene. I could feel myself right there.
My thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for an advance copy of this book.
Profile Image for Karen R.
858 reviews522 followers
July 30, 2023
A thrilling murder mystery incorporating topical themes with strong, interesting characters. So well done. Investigator Eli was my favorite. I hope to see more of him from storyteller Amy Pease.
Profile Image for Judy.
1,219 reviews10 followers
January 8, 2024
This book I picked up because I thought I would like it after reading the description. This is the first book I've read by Amy Pease (and after reading it I found out this is her debut novel). Well done Amy Pease and I hope this will be a series!

Eli North is not okay.

His drinking is getting worse by the day, his emotional wounds after a deployment to Afghanistan are as raw as ever, his marriage and career are over, and the only job he can hold down is with the local sheriff’s department. And that’s only because the sheriff is his mother—and she’s overwhelmed with small town Shaky Lake’s dwindling budget and the fallout from the opioid epidemic. The Northwoods of Wisconsin may be a vacationer’s paradise, but amidst the fishing trips and campfires and Paul Bunyan festivals, something sinister is taking shape.

When the body of a teenage boy is found in the lake, it sets in motion an investigation that leads Eli to a wealthy enclave with a violent past, a pharmaceutical salesman, and a missing teenage girl. Soon, Eli and his mother, along with a young FBI agent, are on the hunt for more than just a killer.

If Eli solves the case, could he finally get the shot at redemption he so desperately needs? Or will answers to this dark case elude him and continue to bring destruction to the Northwoods?

My Thoughts:
This is both a crime thriller and a police procedural. The story was engrossing and kept me guessing. I liked Eli and was rooting for him to get a handle on his alcohol addiction and PTSD from his service in Afghanistan and get back on track for himself and his family. The story moved at a good pace and I kept turning the pages. The town seemed nice as a resort destination, but there is something darker going on beneath the facade. The death of a teenager and then another missing teenager triggers the investigation that follows. Pease seemed able to put me into the town and feel what was happening there. I would recommend this to any of my friends who like crime drama.

Thanks to Atria Books through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication is January 9, 2024.
Profile Image for Kristy Johnston.
948 reviews34 followers
January 12, 2024
This story is told in third person and follows multiple characters in the Northwoods of a small lake town in Wisconsin that is short on law enforcement personnel amid an opioid problem. The small community of Shaky Lake with its fancy summer vacation homes and run down lake cabins displayed a sharp contrast between the country club set and working-class locals setting the perfect scene for this moody, atmospheric mystery.

The characters were vivid and distinct from the young FBI agent with mysterious scars to the father of a missing girl caught up in a corporate conspiracy. The mystery had me quietly absorbed while these characters slowly revealed their prospective thread in the larger web of the story. I did have an issue with the plausibility of a lawnmower incident as I have been mowing my own lawn since I was ten and thought that it could have been handled in a more realistic manner given current modern safety requirements.

I found the central character of Eli to be multi-faceted from his problems with alcohol, PTSD from serving in Afghanistan and challenging relationships with the locals and his own family including his mother, the sheriff and his estranged wife and son. His mental struggles were met very realistically by the other characters in his life with compassion, love, and frustration, some at the end of their rope and others holding out hope. I came to feel very protective of him by the end and I look forward to any future installments of this series.

Recommended to quiet or slow-burn mystery/suspense lovers.

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for a copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tammy.
983 reviews231 followers
January 10, 2024
4.5 stars! An excellent suspensive debut for crime lovers. This novel follows a mystery involving two teens, the opioid crisis, and mental illness. It centers on Sheriff’s Deputy Eli North whom while facing challenges of PTSD from serving in Afghanistan, family troubles and drinking to excess.. must help solve a case after finding the body of a teenage boy on Shaky Lake, and that of a teen missing girl he needs to find and fast! Amy Pease very skillfully took this police procedural and pulled me into the storyline, and the characters lives, becoming a story I’d easily see happening in current times. It’s a quick read at 287p., finishing with an open-ending leading me to believe there’s a second book in the works. If so I’m here for it. — Pub. 1/9/24

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the complimentary arc in exchange for an honest opinion.
Profile Image for Donne.
1,242 reviews14 followers
December 28, 2023
Came across this one through some fellow GR members I follow who really liked this one. So glad I did because it is a good one (thx Liz, Pam & Kara). The book summary introduces the storylines with the primary one being the death of a teenaged boy, Ben, and a missing teenaged girl, Caitlin, who was last seen with Ben. There is a secondary storyline of the MC, Eli, who is a returning veteran suffering from a severe case of PTSD that is wreaking havoc on pretty much his whole life (job, marriage, fatherhood, etc…). There is also another storyline of the vacation resort owners, Mike and Kim, who are in the process of partnering up with a drug company to turn their resort into a drug rehab facility.

Most of the story revolves around the investigations of Ben and Caitlin. Eli and the Shaky Lake PD are also joined by an FBI agent, Alyssa, to assist in the investigation. The team soon discovers connections between Caitlin’s dad, Cal, who is a drug rep, and Ben who died of an overdose. There is also the connection of Ben dying at Mike and Kim’s vacation resort where Caitlin is a guest at the resort with her mother Beth. Most of the story flips back and forth between Eli and Cal

It's well into the second half that the storylines begin to merge and the Shaky Lake team begin to narrow in on what happened and concludes in a scary and intense scene with a twist out of left field that I never saw coming. However, there was kind of cliffhanger – sort of. Makes me wonder if this is maybe the first installment of a new series. Hmmm….. I want to thank NetGalley and Atria Books for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

#NetGalley #AtriaBooks #Northwoods
Profile Image for Kailey (kmc_reads).
627 reviews141 followers
January 10, 2024
Really enjoyed- 4ish, I wish the ending had been more wrapped up? But overall a very compelling read.
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,113 reviews1,508 followers
January 12, 2024
A lot is going on in this small lakeside resort town which has a woman sheriff and only two other police officers - one being her son Eli who has PTSD from his time in Afghanistan.

Eli only has the job because of his mother, and he tries to medicate himself with alcohol.

When Eli is asked to check on a cabin that has a radio blaring, he finds no one inside, but finds something worse - a dead child in a boat.

The autopsy indicates that the child was hit over the head and also injected with drugs.

Another interesting part about finding the child is that he was with another resident of the campgrounds during the day, but now she is missing.

We follow the investigation and hope Eli can help solve the murder and redeem himself and get some help with his problems.

NORTHWOODS was a bit confusing at first, but once the investigation got going, my interest picked up.

There were a few people I had in mind as the murderer and kidnapper and a few surprises, but I never suspected the real murderer.

Also addressed was PTSD and how it affects those suffering from it. Also addressed was alcohol abuse.

Enjoy if you read this well-written debut. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,787 reviews395 followers
January 11, 2024
Amy Pease hits the ground running with her standout, impressive, compelling, character-driven debut, NORTHWOODS — a gripping murder mystery crime thriller with vivid settings that explores the challenges of a small Midwestern resort town when the past and present collide and dark secrets emerge.

Set against the backdrop of America's opioid epidemic, both heartbreaking and deeply emotional, the author explores struggles and real consequences both with individuals and the community—from addiction, substance abuse, PTSD, and mental health with great insights into current issues of today with compassion and sensitivity.

It's a fantastic start to a new series, leaving readers eager to return to Shaky Lake and this electrifying cast of characters for the next installment.

Set in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in a small idyllic resort town of Shaky Lake (Beran's Resort), we meet a mother and son law enforcement team as they unravel a conspiracy when the past collides with the present in this sleepy small town—owned by Kim and Mike Beran. They have been approached to turn the resort into a healthcare facility.

The resort is rustic, nostalgic, and picturesque. From cabins, campfires, porches, firepits, screened porches, Adirondack chairs, canoes, a beach, and a long L-shaped pier across Shaky Lake. However, is it peaceful? While dark secrets lie underneath the surface?

Meet Sheriff Marge North and her son, Deputy Eli North (ex-wife, Michelle, and his son, 11-year-old Andy) of Sherman County Sherriff's Department. Eli is barely holding down the job his mother gave him as a functional alcoholic to cope with the memories from his deployment in Afghanistan.

Northwoods is a vacation paradise resort town where people go to fish, campfires, and festivals. However, is there something dark and menacing lurking beneath beyond the peace and beauty?

No one trusts Eli, but Marge cannot give up on her son. She is trying to protect their town and her beloved son from his destructive tendencies. Eli loves silence with no voices, noise, radios, motorboats, or helicopters.

Marge is pushing 60 and has migraines. She needed Eli's help. Eli's father had been in law enforcement and had been killed in the line of duty when Eli was three.

When Eli discovers the body of a sixteen-year-old boy, Ben, floating dead in a boat in Shaky Lake, this may be his shot at redeeming himself, and he is charged with finding the missing girl.

What he does not anticipate leading him to a wealthy enclave with a violent past, a pharmaceutical salesman, a dead teen boy, and a missing teen girl, Caitlin. What do drugs have to do with this? Who can be trusted?

The county will give them some outside help. This leads Marge, Eli, and a young FBI agent on the hunt for more than they bargained for.

NORTHWOODS is an unputdownable page-turner! From a small town police department stretched beyond its means, from pharmaceuticals, illegal opioids, and power. You will fall in love with complex and well-developed characters—Eli who is savvy and uses his investigative skills. I enjoyed the mother-son relationship. I loved Marge and Eli! I cannot wait for the next book!

Beautifully written, a powerful debut, and a fully immersive suspense mystery with solid character development that will keep you on the edge of your seat from page one to the ending, anxiously awaiting the next installment.

For fans of Joshua Moehling's Ben Packard series and authors Tim Johnson Distant Sons: A Novel, William Kent Krueger, Allen Eskens, and Karen Katchur's The Greedy Three.

Stay tuned for my #AuthorElevatorSeries Q&A (pub day Jan 9th, 2024) with Amy, where we go behind the book's scenes and this newfound voice in fiction!

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Jan 9, 2024
My Rating: 5 Stars +
Jan 2024 Must-Read Books
Jan 2024 Newsletter
Q&A with Amy Pease
Profile Image for AndiReads.
1,158 reviews124 followers
July 28, 2023
This is Amy Pease's first novel and I cannot wait to read more. I had thought I had reached my fill of detective and police procedurals but this North Wisconsin atmospheric story pulled me right it.

Eli North is barely surviving. He has ptsd from serving and he mitigates it with alcohol costing him his marriage and possibly his career. He is, in fact is only serving as a detective in the sheriff's department because his mother is sheriff. Marge is ready to retire but is sticking it out to help Eli and help her beloved town.

When a summer local boy is found dead the department is stretched beyond it's abilities. The FBI send someone and Eli and his mom down the rabbit hole of legal pharmaceuticals, illegal opioids and power. It's really fascinating and the world Pease has shared with us will stay with you for a long time. It wasn't until midway through the book that you learn how Eli's background lends him to be a great investigator. I think knowing that earlier in the story would have made the start seem more credible, but I may have personally missed more hints. Eli is an intriguing character and I hope so much that we get a book 2 or 20 of his adventures! If you like an underdog, interested in the opioid and pharma-caused crisis or just want to read a first novel from a spectacularly talented author, Northwoods is for you!
#Atria #AmyPease #Northwoods
Profile Image for Julie (JuJu).
765 reviews204 followers
January 11, 2024
This novel is so well-written that it’s hard to believe it is a debut.

It is a very character-driven mystery/police procedural and will interest those who enjoy intense characters with tortuous personal struggles.

The intricate plot addresses PTSD in veterans, opioid abuse, alcohol abuse, and big pharma in the form of a drug company that has developed a miracle drug that will help opioid addicts.

When the body of a dead boy is found, it leads to a missing teenage girl from the Chicago area. This was a bonus because I spent part of my childhood around the areas discussed in the book.

#Northwoods #AmyPease #Mystery #Police #NetGalley #ARC #HonestReview #AtriaBooks #EmilyBestlerBooks #Debut #ReadersOfTheLateArc #TalkWordyToMe #LoveToRead #BookAddict #ThrillerBookLovers #BookReviewer #Thriller #LoveBooks #ThrillerBookLoverPromotions #ThrillerFriendsUnite #ThrillerObsessedBookishClub #Bookstagrammer #BookReels
Profile Image for Michelle.
655 reviews678 followers
January 9, 2024

This was a really excellent debut and I hope that it continues to find success and leads to more books with these characters. If you're like me and you like books that have a mystery element, but make you think about things or reconsider your perspective on a people, place or thing then this is the book you should grab to start your 2024.

Without really going over the plot, I think what this book does best is take a lot of contemporary struggles (opioid use/addiction, PTSD) well, without being preachy or beating the issue to death. Things were presented like we were all intelligent adults and we weren't talked down to. Even if I agree with an author on a particular issue, sometimes I think the plot can get a little lost in pursuing the urge to educate or change minds on a particular issue (even if I agree), so I was really glad that this book didn't get bogged down in that. You were able to see the impacts on each character and how that reverberated throughout their life. (I realize I just went on a mini soapbox myself just now!)

The mystery was a good one and even though I kind of figured out the outcome towards the end, it didn't take away from my enjoyment what so ever. In fact, this book really shined because of the characters. They were interesting, complex and sort of random! A local police chief, her son (who used to be an Special Agent with the US Fish & Wildlife service who is now part of his mother's dept) and an FBI agent who comes to assist them.

I think this would be a great start to a series and it should also be optioned. This would be an excellent adaptation. I am very excited to see what Amy Pease writes next and it will absolutely be at the top of my list. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Thank you to Netgalley, Atria Books & the author for a gifted e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Review Date: 01/09/2024
Publication Date: 01/09/2024
Profile Image for Lauren Crump.
206 reviews5 followers
January 20, 2024
2.5 rounded down. IMO Amy Pease tried to tackle too many subjects with Northwoods - addiction, PTSD, a kidnapping, big pharma, murder, DV abuse and divorce - and it was all too much. I didn’t think anything was really developed as fully as it should be and I was often frustrated by the different asides and flashbacks. The murder/thriller aspect was decent if not a little predictable but it kept me engaged enough to want to keep reading. I had pretty high expectations for this and was left feeling disappointed.
Profile Image for Susan.
27 reviews5 followers
January 11, 2024
This was more of a family drama than a mystery thriller book. The mystery was maybe 20% of the book and the rest focused on Eli and his struggles with alcohol, ptsd and his failing marriage. I would give this author another chance as this is her debut and the book was very well written.
Profile Image for Valleri.
829 reviews12 followers
August 8, 2023
Big thanks to both Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of Northwoods, by Amy Pease. Expected publication January 9, 2024.

The Northwoods of Wisconsin may be a vacationer's paradise, but amidst the fishing trips, campfires, and Paul Bunyan festivals, something sinister is taking place. What has Eli gotten himself into? He's barely able to take care of himself, so how is he going to solve a murder that has ties to America’s opioid epidemic?

I liked this book a lot and I'm amazed Northwoods is Ms. Tan's first book! The character development was believable and the storyline was so interesting. This is not just another book about PTSD or the opioid crisis. I absolutely loved Eli's mom, Marge, and my heart went out to her son, Eli.

I definitely recommend Northwoods and would love to see it developed as a series!
Profile Image for Belle.
523 reviews45 followers
January 18, 2024
Bump to 4.5.

This is a very strong debut novel and maybe the start to what could be a fine series.

I loved the up north cabin town setting. That is the very essence of who I am.

I loved the mother-son relationship of Marge and Eli.

“…but she knew Eli like she knew her own soul. Knew what he used to be like. Strong and steady. A protector. Someone to be relied on to get things done, to have the answers, to keep cool when things were difficult….No, he needed more than just her love. She wasn’t so delusional as to think she could help him all by herself.”

What mom hasn’t wanted to love a son out of his problems? It’s a unique quality to that relationship.

I also loved Dan, rehabilitated and puppy lover.

This book has strong themes of PTSD in veterans and drug addiction. Having been around people with addictions my whole life long, I think it was well done and very realistic.

There was a line in the book that reminded Eli that he hadn’t chosen the addiction. That really resonated with me. If only we all believed this, we could remove the stigma and the hiding and secrets. That would be halfway to a solution.
Profile Image for Jeanie ~ MyFairytaleLibrary.
407 reviews42 followers
January 12, 2024

Eli North works for the sheriff’s department. He’s a former soldier who was deployed to Afghanistan and he has PTSD and a drinking problem. This usually quiet midwestern resort town is thrown when the body of a teenage boy is discovered and a girl goes missing. Eli will work with a young FBI agent to solve the crime. An added complication is Eli’s mother is the town sherrif.

I loved this unique and original debut. The story is simply captivating. I listened to it in one day and I’m so happy I bought a hardcover for my library. Don’t miss this one! I’m from Minneapolis so I enjoyed all the familiar landmarks. Northwoods was a Book of the Month selection for January. I was sold when I saw William Kent Krueger penned the blurb. The plot is great and the characters here are so well developed. The narration on audio by Chris Henry Coffey and Zac Altman is very good. I’m wondering if the author plans to write a sequel. If so, I’m all in!
Profile Image for Shelby (allthebooksalltheways).
642 reviews111 followers
February 1, 2024
𝗔𝗺𝘆 𝗣𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲

⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 rounded to 5

When a teenager is murdered in Shaky Lake, Wisconsin, a damaged and drunken military-vet-turned-sheriff uncovers the ways in which the opioid epidemic has turned this Northwoods resort town into something sinister.

This is a fantastic debut mystery/thriller. I was certain I had it all figured out, but was pleased to be proven wrong! I listened to the audiobook, co-narrated by Chris Henry Coffey and Zac Aleman. I highly recommend it, especially the audiobook.
Profile Image for Delaney.
339 reviews244 followers
November 21, 2023
A debut to put on your TBR! A well rounded, intriguing story surrounding a murder and disappearance in a small town. Eli is apart of the police investigating, but he’s got his own baggage weighing him down. The story is much deeper than you’d expect, and the characters keep you invested. A quick read that I would recommend!

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC
Profile Image for Kara.
363 reviews84 followers
December 23, 2023
Excellent debut novel!! With a recommendation from William Kent Krueger, had to check this one out and SOOO glad I did!!

Small town police force facing a murder and kidnapping, Eli finds the body of teen Ben Sharpe and discovers later Ben was to be with his friend Caitlin and she didn’t make it home. The FBI is called in to assist and agent Alyssa is written well and definitely adds to the story. The relationships between characters are woven so well also the drug company/ opioid addiction tie in really adds to the plot and kept me guessing!! I did not figure out all the bad guys by the end!! Can’t wait to see more from this author!!

Thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books for my electronic advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Val (pagespoursandpups).
345 reviews114 followers
December 26, 2023
Suspenseful is the perfect descriptive word for this book. The story centers around Eli, a soldier previously, who uses alcohol to help him forget. A habit that has alienated him from his wife and son. He has come back home to Shaky Lake and is working in law enforcement where his mother is the Sheriff. This very small, sleepy town becomes much less sleepy when Eli finds a dead body and finds that a girl is missing.

This story is the search for answers. It also delves into mental illness, the effects of alcohol, and the opioid epidemic. This one had lots of great characters and the story unravels slowly, but very gratifyingly. This book takes the reader to places they had no idea they were going. There was a big twist at one point that I did not see coming at all.

I found this to be a smart thriller with great characters that kept you guessing up until the end. Definitely recommend! Thank you to Atria books and NetGalley for the arc to read and review.
Profile Image for Debbie.
561 reviews
October 1, 2023
Amy Pease's debut novel, "Northwoods," has a captivating plot and complex characters, this mystery novel is sure to intrigue readers of this genre. At first glance, Eli North may not be the most likable character. His struggles with alcoholism and emotional trauma from his time in Afghanistan make him a challenging figure to connect with. However, as the story progresses, Pease skillfully develops Eli's character, allowing readers to witness his growth and transformation. By the end of the novel, Eli becomes a character that readers can't help but root for. When the body of a teenage boy is discovered in the lake, Eli finds himself embroiled in an investigation that uncovers a web of secrets, a violent past, and a missing girl. Joined by his mother, the local sheriff, and a determined young FBI agent, Eli must navigate the twists and turns of the case while dealing with his own personal struggles. While the novel excels in its storytelling and character development, there are moments when the pacing feels slightly uneven. Some sections may feel slower compared to the overall fast-paced nature of the plot. However, this minor flaw does not detract from the overall enjoyment of the book. I found "Northwoods" to be a standout debut that promises great things to come from this talented author.
Profile Image for Donna.
533 reviews10 followers
August 14, 2023
This is an amazing first novel! Amy Pease has woven an intricate, thrilling mystery, with memorable, realistic characters. Set in a small Mid-western resort town, the investigation of a murder reveals a hidden darkness within the town, centered on the opioid crisis, PTSD, and corporate deception. The main character, Eli, is determined to uncover the murderer, but as he investigates, he fights demons of his own, related to his deployment in Afghanistan. He is flawed, yet admirable for his determination both to solve the case and conquer his fears. Eli is definitely a character I won't soon forget! The plot is full of unexpected, yet plausible twists that kept me guessing throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed the book! Thanks to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for my advance copy. The opinions of my review are my own.
Profile Image for Ruth.
771 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2023
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Seriously good and quite believable small town crime/mystery novel! Solid characters, well plotted, good pacing. Trigger warning for veterans and those experiencing PTSD. A rare 4.5 star rating from me, especially because of the deft handling of what panic attacks are like/how they feel/how they rule one's world until they get the right kind of help. Loved the primary character, flaws and all.
Profile Image for Melodi | booksandchicks .
763 reviews56 followers
January 10, 2024
I have very mixed feelings about this book and I think because it was a mixed bag of content. The pacing felt off along with a myriad of threads throughout the book. That said, it kept my attention and as I neared the end, I realized it was being set up to be a series which explained why the many threads of differing storylines. Let me explain more.

1. The main crux is opioid use and crimes circled around that. I honestly am a bit fatigued reading on this matter.
2. Our main guy, Eli, I wasn't all that endeared to him and got a bit annoyed with some of his behaviors. BUT, I think that is the point. It was clear that Eli is a great guy and has a shadowed and medaled past that we aren't privy to. I'm curious to continue reading because of Eli and the bread crumbs left.
3. The story is set up with a good solid plot, and then we start getting fed numerous strings of connections and side stories. It felt a bit haphazard. But again, this was the weaving in to create a series.
4. The original crime seemed all but forgotten by half way into the book and then wrapped up right at the end. Pacing.
5. I am definitely intrigued by the larger crime at hand that will clearly lead us into the next book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for the advance e-book.
Profile Image for Josh Krysak.
381 reviews10 followers
January 11, 2024
*3.5 stars. Perfectly pleasant popcorn novel with minimal character development and plenty of suspenseful and twisty moments. Pease hints at larger ambitions with a handful of passages that mined deeper into trauma, addiction, PTSD and depression, but ultimately settles for a trope-ey suspense novel that was a fast, mostly enjoyable read.
December 20, 2023
Northwoods by Amy Pease is the perfect murder mystery to curl up with on a cold winter’s night. If you’re a fan of quiet, slower-paced, and character-driven dramas, then this debut has your name all over it. The characters truly made this novel for me. Marge and Eli, the compelling mother-son duo pulled me into the storyline immediately. My heart ached for Eli, a father, officer, and veteran experiencing PTSD after his deployment in Afghanistan. He can’t get his drinking under control, his marriage is crumbling, and he’s struggling to hold down his job at the local sheriff’s department. His mother and town sheriff, Marge is a woman you can’t help but admire. She’s one of those genuine, “salt of the earth” types who deeply cares about her town and the citizens living in it. You can tell that she’s greatly respected and valued in her community. Together, they investigate the murder of a teenage boy and coinciding disappearance of a teenage girl in their tiny resort town in northern Wisconsin. I especially loved the setting of this novel because I have a personal connection to the area. My husband was born and raised in northwestern Wisconsin, so I’ve been visiting the area for many years. Pease described the breathtaking scenery and culture of the locals perfectly. It gave this story such a warm and welcoming feel that I very much appreciated.


- Mother-son relationships
- Murder investigations
- Scenic northern Wisconsin setting
- Small town drama
- Slow-burning mysteries
- Opioid epidemic backdrop
- Complex and well-developed characters
- Reflections on PTSD and addiction

Overall, Amy Pease delivered a very impressive debut that I highly recommend. I can’t wait to read more from the author. 4/5 stars for Northwoods! It’s out on January 9th!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 473 reviews

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