Comments on Best Books of the 20th Century - page 3

Comments Showing 101-150 of 511 (511 new)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads A few of the late Henry James novels are 20th Century - Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors, I think. Haven't read them, myself.

message 102: by Slash (new)

Slash I think that where the red fern grows is a classic. It included a good story line. and i just think it could of gotten more people. Percy Jackson is good!

message 103: by Sangamesh (new)

Sangamesh madineni i think Harry Potter books should be well considered, as they mesmerized many people around the world, compared to many books......

message 104: by Gog (new)

Gog My favorite book off of this list is LOLITA by Vladimir Nabokov... you should check it out . Its ah-mazing.

message 105: by Scott (new)

Scott I made my way through the first 500 or so and am disappointed that "Dandelion Wine" isn't here. Wonderful book!

message 106: by Joan (new)

Joan Roxanne wrote: "The Tin Drum must be among the top 100...BB"
Ditto on the Tin Drum

message 107: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany Maybe we should just retitle this "most popular read books of the 20th century".

message 109: by Juanma (new)

Juanma Roca Blanco Sugiero que la novela Las Horas del Alma esté entre los mejores libros del siglo XX

message 110: by Vonney (new)

Vonney Young I'm late as usual. Pillars of the Earth was published
the first time about 15 to 18 years ago, because I remember listening to the unabridged version while I was sorting mail at work. Don't know why he re-published it. Dont plan to read it this time, so I don't know if author changed anything or not.
Why isn't Maya Angelou's "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" on this list. It is a wonderful read.

message 111: by Marsia (new)

Marsia This website is the only place in my experience where children's stories and books written for teenagers are treated as if they were on a par with books written for adults. Look at the trivia questions, as well as this list. Much as I love Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne is not on the same level as James Joyce or Toni Morrison, for example.

Why not make a separate "BEST" list for children's books, and another "BEST" list just for young-adult books, then remove titles such as the Dr. Seuss and Harry Potter and Tolkien books from this list? Why not follow the standards set by expert sources such as the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize, and the New York Times Best-Seller list for this list and restrict it to books for grown-ups? And while we're at it, why not make two trivia quizzes, one for kids?

If this suggestion is unacceptable, then the name of this list should be changed from "BEST" to "MOST POPULAR."

message 112: by Katherine (new)

Katherine there were only to harry potter books written in the 20th century! and they were harry potter and the sorceres stone and harrry potter and the chamber of secrets

message 113: by Katherine (new)

Katherine check the copyright next time!

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Because this is a popular vote list, Marsia, not a list made by "experts."

message 115: by Maia (new)

Maia I hated the Diary of Anna Frank... and i accidentally voted for it! darn.

message 116: by Meghan (new)

Meghan Please remove Monkey/Folk Novel of China by Cheng-en Wu. Although published in English in 20th century, this is a classic 16th century Chinese story.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads It's easy to change your vote, Maia - just click on "voted" and it will remove your vote.

message 118: by Maia (new)

Maia Meghan wrote: "Please remove Monkey/Folk Novel of China by Cheng-en Wu. Although published in English in 20th century, this is a classic 16th century Chinese story."

oh thanks!

message 120: by Karla (new)

Karla For all the people that are freaking out about the books from the wrong century on this list, how about creating a list for best books of the 19th century? Best books of all time? The button is right there at the top -- hit "create a list" and go crazy! (sheesh!)
BTW, Gen X should *really* be on here.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads There are already lists for "Best Books of the Nineteenth Century" and for "Best Books of All Time," by the way.

message 122: by Karla (new)

Karla Thanks Susanna, I figured there were. So people! Move your books to their proper list so we can be done with this nitpicking and get back to what is really important -- *reading books*!!!
Harry Potter books should not be on this list -- they are not in the same league as "To Kill A Mockingbird" or "Heart of Darkness". 'Getting record numbers of kids to put down their computer games and read', while admirable, is just not enough of a qualification.

message 123: by Karla (new)

Karla Kelsey- Fitzgerald is on there -- "The Great Gatsby", #4.

message 124: by Davis (new)

Davis jessica juniper wrote: "There are several books on here that are not from the 20th Century...Jane Austen, The Brontes, and Joyce plus many more...can someone fix this please!"

Joyce is 20th century.

message 125: by Lobstergirl (new)

Lobstergirl Walden by Thoreau is 19th century....he's on there at least twice.

message 126: by Emily (new)

Emily  O A. Learn dates.
B. Seriously? Harry Potter? The Giving Tree? Green Eggs and Ham? This is supposed to be a list of great books, not just books you like. Focus on writing style people.

message 127: by Travis (new)

Travis Karla wrote: "Thanks Susanna, I figured there were. So people! Move your books to their proper list so we can be done with this nitpicking and get back to what is really important -- *reading books*!!!
Harry Pot..."

Isn't that up to the reader? It's kind of elitist to talk to someone, ask them their favorite book or what they think the best book is, and then tell them they're wrong when it's all opinion and is entirely subjective. I mean, I think the HP novels are better than other books people hold in high regard like "The Great Gatsby".

Sure, people are happy to tell me that certain books are classics and are the best books, but that doesn't make them so. I've read them, and I disagree, but I'm wrong because it's not what you want me to believe? I agree that HP doesn't belong as a top tier book, but that's just my opinion, just like it's only my opinion that HP is better than the likes of Gatsby or a lot of Steinbeck. I'm not just "some kid who put down his videogames to read", and I frankly find it insulting that not agreeing with the titles that certain elitists say must be on top that I am somehow some lower class reader.

I agree with others that the list needs to be cleaned of titles that don't fit the 20th century criteria. But last I checked this is still a society of free thought, and nowhere in the criteria does it state that readers can only vote for titles that certain elitists tell them are deserving.

message 128: by Ikra (new)

Ikra Amesta 20th century is a good time for novels, because after that people get annoyed by Twilight series. Maybe this happen to be the only list without that Vampires-shit book in it.

message 129: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Gary wrote: "Jane Austen? Oscar Wilde? Louisa May Alcott? Charles Dickens? William Shakespeare? Alexandre Dumas? Bram Stoker's Dracula?

None of those are 20th century."

Gary wrote: "Jane Austen? Oscar Wilde? Louisa May Alcott? Charles Dickens? William Shakespeare? Alexandre Dumas? Bram Stoker's Dracula?

None of those are 20th century."

so right!!!! This site should know better.

message 130: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Elizabeth wrote: "I saw so many of my all time favorites! Mists of Avelon, Rebecca, Diary of Anne Frank, James and the Giant Peach even The Witching Hour! WOW! I guess as much as I read I consider something reall..."

I'm having trouble separating what I LOVED (REBECCA, for example) from what was truly important (Joyce, Conrad--which I also loved but in a different way)
This asks for important. Anyway, that's how I interpret BEST.It should be better explained.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Barbara wrote: so right!!!! This site should know better.

It has to do with incorrect original publication dates for books. Passing librarians can work on it, but it's a slow process.

message 132: by Adam (new)

Adam The Giver by Lois Lowry- an amazing beautiful book that changed my life.

message 133: by Guia Genifona (new)

Guia Genifona Ortega
I wonder why Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights aren't included in the list. They are good books!! They must be included than the Harry Potter series!!

message 134: by Guia Genifona (new)

Guia Genifona Ortega

I read "Three Junes" and it's a good story. But I think it was released in this century that's why not included in the list, couldn't remember when it was released though.

message 135: by Guia Genifona (new)

Guia Genifona Ortega

The comment by David is right. The Harry Potter books are entertaining but not in the same league as the other books here!

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Three Junes was, I think, first published in 2002.

message 137: by Guia Genifona (new)

Guia Genifona Ortega
thanks Susanna.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads Maria wrote: "The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf: A Novel"

Which was first published in 2003.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads The form to add books to the list is at the right hand side of the page.

message 142: by Thom (new)

Thom Dunn LOBBYING EFFORT: February 21, 2010: Stanislaw Lem's novel, Solaris added today, I had to hunt to find one that was "published in this century" etc. If you love great books, vote for it.....or READ IT !

message 143: by Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (last edited Feb 21, 2010 06:53PM) (new)

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads What's the correct year, Thom? I'll be happy to change it in the database.

Eta: Is 1961 correct?

message 144: by Thom (last edited Feb 22, 2010 05:14AM) (new)

Thom Dunn Susanna wrote: "What's the correct year, Thom? I'll be happy to change it in the database.

Eta: Is 1961 correct?"

On page 2 of the listings I found one. We don't have to edit this one as it wasn't tagged "not publ....". Just vote for it !

message 145: by Thom (new)

Thom Dunn It's called "Solaris with illustrations"

message 146: by Sue (new)

Sue Bell So many great books, no matter the century. Great walk down memory lane!

message 147: by Mohammad (new)

Mohammad Akhtar I would say that it is tentamount to a disgrace to the all time greats like Kafka and John Steinbeck to list them in teh same league with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. For this reason alone, this list disgusts put it very benignly it's in bad taste.....

message 148: by Christos (new)

Christos R. Tsiailis what about 2010 books? are they listed

message 149: by Thom (new)

Thom Dunn Mohammad wrote: "I would say that it is tentamount to a disgrace to the all time greats like Kafka and John Steinbeck to list them in teh same league with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. For this reason alone, ..."

But, Sir, many participants on GR are young kids who have not yet the sophistication to read Kafka. Perhaps we should be happy that so many kids are reading on their on, even if it is only magical fantasy ?

message 150: by Mohammad (new)

Mohammad Akhtar You are right, dear. I was not aware of it before. No action is in itself good or bad it's the intention behind it that makes it good or bad.

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