108 New Romance Recommendations for (Nearly) Every Kind of Reader

Posted by Sharon on February 1, 2024

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s that magical season when people’s thoughts turn to love and romance…and also to the romance genre! While we think romances make for great reading year-round, it's undeniable that some readers go hunting for them especially now.
Well, we're here to help, with this specially curated guide to romance for (nearly) every kind of reader. Yes, even those who think they might not be romance readers at all! On offer, you'll find some classic tropes, sustained subgenres, and wacky premises from new arrivals to the genre and old flames alike. The idea is to help you find something new, or exciting, or just plain great.
The 108 books featured in the categories below are relatively recent, published within the last few years or upcoming later in 2024. We hope that you find the categorizations useful…or at least entertaining. Click on the book cover images for more details about each book, add any good new leads to your Want to Read shelf, and feel free to let us know what kind of romance reader YOU are in the comments section below.

I go weak in the knees for second-chance romance


I love a romance where the complication is TIME ITSELF


I'd like to read a historical romance NOT set in Regency or Victorian England


OK, but don't leave us Regency/Victorian romance readers hanging!


I'm a sucker for a contemporary Jane Austen retelling!


Falling in love for the first time is THE BEST—show me some of this year's debut romances!


Is there a Himbo Hall of Fame?


I'm really into neighbors who bang

Give me some great marriage-of-convenience plots

And don't forget about those of us who love fake dating!

Show me some protagonists in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond, please!

Whisper in my ear about forbidden love…


Oh hi, dark romance

Reality-TV romances really get to me

I'm ready to dip a toe into romantasy and spicy paranormal…

Can you recommend some romantic literary fiction?

I love young love! Show me some great YA reads.

Have a great romance recommendation? Be sure to share it with your fellow readers in the comments below. 

Check out more romance coverage here:

Comments Showing 1-50 of 129 (129 new)

message 1: by annabelle (new)

annabelle thank you for adding a young adult section!! i would really love to see more lists that are specifically for that age group :)

message 2: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Sajadi Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!

message 3: by Maja (new)

Maja Milocanovich the covers... why are they ALL so horribleeee ahhh

message 4: by Nina (new)

Nina Maja wrote: "the covers... why are they ALL so horribleeee ahhh" Except for one: This Time it's real. I lowkey agree tho

message 5: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Oxley Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?

message 6: by Marina (new)

Marina Shankle Caroline wrote: "Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?"


message 7: by Claire (new)

Claire Handscombe One Star Romance by Laura Hankin is really good and there are lots of upcoming romances featuring books/authors!

message 8: by Emilia (new)

Emilia Aldape What about enemies to lovers romance pleaseeee

📚 Alana (professional book nerd) ✝️ Sarah wrote: "Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!"

Thats what I was looking for!

message 10: by Lyra (new)

Lyra Aw, how about a category for poly romances? I will gladly make a love triangle sacrifice to the trope gods in exchange!

message 11: by Lamar (new)

Lamar Latrell Is it just me, or is there only one male author on this list?

message 12: by Sophia (new)

Sophia annabelle border wrote: "thank you for adding a young adult section!! i would really love to see more lists that are specifically for that age group :)"


message 13: by katelyn (new)

katelyn annabelle border wrote: "thank you for adding a young adult section!! i would really love to see more lists that are specifically for that age group :)"

definitely : )

message 14: by Lene (last edited Feb 01, 2024 03:12PM) (new)

Lene Kretschz Lamar wrote: "Is it just me, or is there only one male author on this list?"

There are five unequivocally male authors on this list (Matt Cain, Timothy Janovsky, Alexis Hall, TJ Klune, and Max Gladstone) and one that uses they/them pronouns but presents as masculine (Jonny Garza Villa). Were there a larger selection of YA and LGBT romances featured the proportion would likely rise, but this is actually pretty good representation for this genre which is traditionally written for and by women. Also, in the past, male romance writers for bigger traditional publishers like Mills and Boon were asked to use female pseudonyms, much as female writers of science fiction and crime often used male pseuds. It's unlikely any of these particular authors are men using a female pseudonym but you never know.

message 15: by Loli (new)

Loli Close door romance recs please!

message 16: by celestina_stan (new)

celestina_stan Lyra wrote: "Aw, how about a category for poly romances? I will gladly make a love triangle sacrifice to the trope gods in exchange!"

yesssss we need that!!

message 17: by celestina_stan (new)

celestina_stan could there be a section just for queer romance?? thanks!

message 18: by hana (new)

hana Unais annabelle wrote: "thank you for adding a young adult section!! i would really love to see more lists that are specifically for that age group :)"

message 19: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Davis Marina wrote: "Caroline wrote: "Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?"


Read Nora Roberts, Year One series. It's great dystopian/romance

message 20: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Oxley Jasmine wrote: "Marina wrote: "Caroline wrote: "Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?"


Read Nora Roberts, Year One series. It's great dystopian/romance"

Nice! Thanks for the recommendation!

message 21: by Amy (new)

Amy Emilia wrote: "What about enemies to lovers romance pleaseeee"

Would so love an enemies to lovers

message 22: by Ripsy (new)

Ripsy I would love some mafia/ MC romance recs next time

message 23: by J (new)

J Y Sarah wrote: "Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!"
Soo true

message 24: by Farhina (new)

Farhina Why are there no Lyn painter books 😭

message 25: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Sarah wrote: "Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!"

I agree!

message 26: by katie (new)

katie Sarah wrote: "Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!"

Me too!

message 27: by Maria (new)

Maria annabelle wrote: "thank you for adding a young adult section!! i would really love to see more lists that are specifically for that age group :)"

You should check out "Well, That was Unexpected" by Jesse Q. Sutanto. An amazing YA romance!

message 28: by hrn (new)

hrn I was hoping for something a little bit gayer.

message 29: by Saphira (new)

Saphira Perry Maja wrote: "the covers... why are they ALL so horribleeee ahhh"

message 30: by Saphira (new)

Saphira Perry Could we get some childhood friends to lovers? I do love some good childhood friends to lovers. Please. CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS. NOW. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!

message 31: by NavyTechHeart (new)

NavyTechHeart Would love to see some sport romances....

message 32: by Lyra (new)

Lyra hrn wrote: "I was hoping for something a little bit gayer."

To be fair, they did include at least one or more queer books in most of those categories. It's just a bit sad that queer romances didn't get their own highlight as well.

message 33: by Mystisith (new)

Mystisith I'm adding my vote for more polyamory romance.
Also unapologetic BDSM & kink romances. Nothing against vanilla for those who like it but it's very rarely satisfying to me emotionally.

message 34: by Xeey (new)

Xeey So many illustrated covers... what a way to sanitize the genre...

message 35: by Melanie (new)

Melanie Maybe next time a section with minimal spice? I usually avoid the genre because of that. Lately I've read a few that I quite enjoyed though that weren't spicy and I'd love to know of more like that!

message 36: by Megan (new)

Megan A clean/cleaner romance section would be appreciated.

message 37: by betterthanyou✨ (new)

betterthanyou✨ Caroline wrote: "Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?"

check out 'reboot' by amy tintera!!

message 38: by Chloe (new)

Chloe Braun Why not fantasy romance?? I love the Throne Of Glass series, it’s so good

message 39: by Dani (new)

Dani shocked that they put "Credence" on this list considering the amount of SA on page in it. I understand the appeal of a "dark romance" but this book I think has extremely problematic depictions for goodreads to promote

message 40: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn What about some sweet, clean romances, not necessarily Christian, just closed door romances. We can all use our imaginations!

message 41: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Barrett Sullivan celestina_stan wrote: "could there be a section just for queer romance?? thanks!"

There were a ton of queer romances sprinkled into almost each section. I kinda love that the plot was the driving factor, not the pairings.

message 42: by Mollie (new)

Mollie Caroline wrote: "Can we have Dystopian romance recommendations?"
yessss pleassse!!

message 43: by Mollie (new)

Mollie Elizabeth wrote: "celestina_stan wrote: "could there be a section just for queer romance?? thanks!"

There were a ton of queer romances sprinkled into almost each section. I kinda love that the plot was the driving ..."

Also yesss pleasssse!

message 44: by Josie (new)

Josie I would love to see recs for people who don't typically read romance!

message 45: by Hira (new)

Hira Hasan Emilia wrote: "What about enemies to lovers romance pleaseeee"


message 46: by Erick (new)

Erick Angulo Why are all the fat chicks on these covers with really fit guys? I don’t get it. Doesn’t seem like ‘healthy at every size’ applies to men 🤷🏻‍♀️

message 47: by Ariane (new)

Ariane Sarah wrote: "Would love to also see a list of closed-door romances in the future!"

Good suggestion!

message 48: by Ariane (new)

Ariane Melanie wrote: "Maybe next time a section with minimal spice? I usually avoid the genre because of that. Lately I've read a few that I quite enjoyed though that weren't spicy and I'd love to know of more like that!"

Have you tried any Denise Hunter books?

message 49: by Ariane (new)

Ariane Thanks for this list, Goodreads!

message 50: by Diginaut (new)


To be fair, they did include at least one or more queer books in most of those categories. It's just a bit sad that queer romances didn't get their own highlight as well."

And here I was just rejoicing over the fact that queer stories were mixed throughout in the various categories and not put in a separate bin.

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