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チェンソーマン [Chainsaw Man] #13

チェンソーマン 13 [Chainsaw Man 13]

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チェンソーマンだとバレたくて仕方がないデンジ。その欲求は、監視を続ける吉田をものともせず…!? 一方、負傷したユウコの見舞いに訪れたアサ。仲を深める2人は、“秘密”を告白し合うことになるが!? 悪魔が来たりて、少女たちの友情は地獄絵図と化す!!

184 pages, Paperback

First published January 4, 2023

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About the author

Tatsuki Fujimoto

62 books1,809 followers
Tatsuki Fujimoto 藤本タツキ (Fujimoto Tatsuki) is a Japanese manga author, mostly known for Chainsaw Man.

- Shōgakukan Manga Award: Shōnen category for Chainsaw Man (2020)
- Harvey Award: best manga for Chainsaw Man (2021-2022)

Chinese language profiles: 藤本樹 and 藤本树.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews
Profile Image for Aida.
263 reviews17 followers
April 10, 2023
خیلی راز بدی بودددد
نباید این اتفاق آخرش میفتاددددد ولی کاملا میشد از این نویسنده حدس زد که قراره کار سادیسمی انجام بده مخصوصا که فضای خیلی آروم با گل و آسمان و ساختمون نشون میداد🥲💔
Profile Image for Lucy Tonks.
540 reviews823 followers
January 7, 2023
while the story is interesting, i just dont find it as good as the first part
and although i love asa too, i want more denji screentime
Profile Image for Sarah.
399 reviews178 followers
July 16, 2023
The Chainsaw Man series has fully gotten into its stride now, this was one of my favourite volumes so far! It’s so funny at times, and the lack of Power was absolutely made up for by Asa/Yoru 🖤 They’re quickly becoming one of my favourite characters, a Jekyll & Hyde type-situation going on.
Denji is desperate to be outed as Chainsaw Man - but is he being almost too obvious at school? His classmates are starting to think that he just a super fanboy.

So annoying there’s no cover art yet for the English edition 😅 I read on the Shonen Jump app, so I get the chapters wayyy before the volumes are released !!
Profile Image for Sanja.
7 reviews24 followers
January 13, 2023
When it comes to CSM I have zero objectivity. That's it. That's the review. ✨
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
5,883 reviews215 followers
February 1, 2024
The high school arc continues. Denji is a side character for now, but the story is intriguing enough. It doesn't seem wholly necessary yet given what has gone before, but there are some of the twists and shocks one expects from this series.


Contents: Chapter 104. Spoiler -- Chapter 105. Red Hot -- Chapter 106. Bonfire -- Chapter 107. School Attacker -- Chapter 108. Something Important to Asa -- Chapter 109. The Easy Way to Stop Bullying -- Chapter 110. A Ring in the Night -- Chapter 111. Aha Ha Ha Ha -- Chapter 112. Between Cat and Criminal
Profile Image for emily.
139 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2022
tbh asa and denji are as hopeless as each other
Profile Image for Sara Bakhshi.
1,254 reviews291 followers
January 25, 2023
دنجی واقعن خره!:)))
کاش هر چپترش بیتشر طول می‌کشید.خیلی زود تموم میشن و چون داره چیزای جدیدی شروع می‌کنه خیلی به نظر کند میاد.
Profile Image for bibi.
99 reviews
December 22, 2022
Part 1: Public Safety Saga (volumes 1-11) really got my attention and was wonderful but Part 2: Academy Saga is not as good as Part 1. I know it's soon to say this because it only has two volumes but, for me, it's so boring... I've been reading the weekly chapters and I don't like it as much as I did when I read Part 1
Profile Image for Mert.
Author 3 books67 followers
January 11, 2023
3/5 Stars (%65/100)

Better than the previous one but still not great. Asa and Denji's interaction was good and I'm curious about their relationship. However, I'm kind of annoyed at Denji. After everything that's happened, he is still childish and thinks about girls. So, he might really be a devil more than a human (like Power who was childish and had silly goals). The whole thing with Yuko caught me off-guard. It was a good volume but I'm honestly reading it because I'm too invested.
Profile Image for jay.
78 reviews6 followers
March 14, 2023
i love how much more intense the story has gotten since part 1
Profile Image for Katharine.
343 reviews8 followers
December 25, 2022
I'm so mixed about this volume. I do genuinely like Asa and Denji's interactions, and I'm curious how that relationship (not as in shipping, as in two people who interact) will develop over arc two. But the rest...it's right back to stereotypical Shonen tropes. Also, Denji's current goal is so stupid, and it makes me actually aggravated every time it's brought up. Asa having to run around in her underwear also pissed me off. Like, come the hell on, was it necessary for the TEENAGE GIRL to be running about in her damn drawers?! This series has an annoying problem was sexualizing the bejesus out of the teenage characters, and it's been grating. I excused it at first since it was originally from Denji's viewpoint, and he is a "dumb horny teenager". But now that it's not, it's so goddamn irritating. The "twist" was pretty sad, but again, so god damn cliche. Oh, and I forget to mention it in my review of the previous volume, but. The little fourth wall breaks are really annoying and need to stop. Doing the "it's not like we're in a manga!" or "It's like we're manga characters!" thing is cutely cheeky once or twice, but multiple times in a single volume? Stop. Once was enough.
Profile Image for Marianne.
552 reviews15 followers
April 3, 2023
This volume is a whole lot of twists and turns on Yuko’s twisted and crazy personality! She’s not the person that Asa think she is! 😵‍💫 Also, who is that “shadow” Chainsaw Man attacking the Justice Devil?

This volume’s pacing is slow first but gets better on as the chapter goes on because Yuko’s Justice Devil form got decapitated by “shadow” Chainsaw Man!

The best moment for me in this volume is when Asa Mitaka transformed her uniform into a weapon (beat that, Sailor Moon!!) 🤣. Also loving the moment when Asa is asking Denji out for a date! 😍🥰

Read Viz Media Chapter 112 (11th out of possibly 11 chapters) Vol. 13 on Nov. 22, 2022 - And, the mysterious "Anything for my little sister" girl keeps appearing in this chapter! Who is she?

And if we're finally getting a date between Asa and Denji, I can’t wait for the next chapter! Oh my gosh!! I ship them so much already!!! 😄🥰😍

There’s also a philosophical chapter here between “Cat” and “Criminal”. Where do you compromise when choosing to kill criminals against innocent ones? Your emphasized the necessary evil just like how Tatsuki Fujimoto utilized that concept to mould Makima’s personality in Chainsaw Man Part 1. 😳

Actual chapters are from 104-112
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cassie Daley.
Author 8 books239 followers
February 12, 2024
Loved this!! As with Vol. 12, this is a bit of a departure from the first few arcs of the series since this is the second part of the Chainsaw Man overall story. Denji is more of a side character right now, which I at first wasn't super into, but I have to admit that the Asa/Yoru story arc is growing on me, and I totally get needing to spend more time with her character as it develops considering what Yoru's ultimate goal is. I LOVE the way the characters interact without really knowing who the other truly is, and I love the mystery we get from the Devil Hunter Club -- definitely makes the high school time spent a lot more interesting.

Unexpectedly, the Asa / Yuko relationship hit me in my sad little heart and I looooved the end to this. Sad shit always gets me, I am who I am!


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Profile Image for Bella.
89 reviews3 followers
January 20, 2024
i thought i wouldnt like this storyline as much without denji being the focus but im so here for it
Profile Image for Leila ✨.
1,505 reviews455 followers
April 21, 2023
Che, la verdad que no le tenía fe al nuevo arco, pero me está sorprendiendo lo mucho que lo estoy disfrutando.

4 de 5 estrellas.
Profile Image for Andrea.
408 reviews15 followers
April 26, 2023
Se viene la mejor historia de amor jamás contada 😎
Profile Image for Sarah666.
375 reviews5 followers
November 4, 2023
I never thought Chainsaw Man would be the only manga to have me invested in a heterosexual ship but here we are
Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews

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