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The Perfect Marriage

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Would you defend your husband if he was accused of killing his mistress?

Sarah Morgan is a successful and powerful defense attorney in Washington D.C. At 33 years old, she is a named partner at her firm and life is going exactly how she planned.

The same cannot be said for her husband, Adam. He is a struggling writer who has had little success in his career. He begins to tire of his and Sarah’s relationship as she is constantly working.

Out in the secluded woods, at Adam and Sarah’s second home, Adam engages in a passionate affair with Kelly Summers.

Then, one morning everything changes. Adam is arrested for Kelly’s murder. She had been found stabbed to death in Adam and Sarah’s second home.

Sarah soon finds herself playing the defender for her own husband, a man accused of murdering his mistress.

But is Adam guilty or is he innocent?

342 pages, Paperback

First published July 3, 2020

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About the author

Jeneva Rose

10 books13k followers
Jeneva Rose is the New York Times bestselling author of The Perfect Marriage, One of Us is Dead, The Girl I Was & You Shouldn’t Have Come Here. Her work has been translated into more than a dozen languages and optioned for film/tv. Originally from Wisconsin, she currently lives in Chicago with her husband, Drew, and her English bulldog, Winston.
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46,990 reviews
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,029 reviews310k followers
September 1, 2022
When I'm feeling a reading slump coming on, I usually pick up a nice fast-paced thriller to get me back into things. According to the reviews, The Perfect Marriage should have been that. All I can say is I guess it's true that it did make me want to read literally anything else.

I don't get the hype. The writing isn't great, needs at least another round of editing, and there are plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon. Everything is obvious, yet also verging on ridiculous, and people (mostly Adam) act absolutely moronic for no reason whatsoever.

Everyone is awful, and not in an interesting way. Adam is the doucheiest misogynistic alpha male douchebag, not to mention a total dumbass, who seemed to do everything within his power to make himself look guilty. Sarah has to whisper "bitch" to herself whenever another woman in the room doesn't kiss her arse.

The police investigation is laughable, so is the fact that they would charge Adam and send this to trial without accounting for several anomalies that showed up in the "evidence" (like someone else's DNA). Sarah, a lawyer, gets more facts on this case than the police have by simply having a conversation with the victim's colleague, which I guess the police neglected to do.

Also, was Kelly in an abusive relationship? Because I'm pretty sure that wasn't cleared up(?) I don't like when a character knows something is or isn't true because they see it in someone's eyes, or some other such nonsense, but then it turned out that maybe he was lying? Who even knows?

So many other things I could whine about. The dialogue and the characters' actions all seemed so juvenile; not a single member of law enforcement or attorney behaved with a hint of professionalism-- all of them acted seedy, violent or just plain stupid. I got the sense that the author had no idea about criminal investigations or court proceedings.

It is irritating when I put things together way before the characters do and have to watch them scratch their heads and think "where have I seen this guy before?" It is also irritating when characters act one way for the entire book then

So much doesn't make sense. The outcome of this book is only reached by having everyone be stupid and do silly things for no reason.
Profile Image for Jeneva Rose.
Author 10 books13k followers
January 2, 2024
TPM was a book I wrote on nights and weekends while working a full-time day job as well as several freelance writing gigs. This space serves as a placeholder to share news related to The Perfect Marriage, including the film adaptation and a sequel that's currently in the works.

The Perfect Marriage is being adapted for film. William Broyles (known for Cast Away, Unfaithful & Apollo 13) is writing the script and Sigal Avin (known for Losing Alice) is directing. The film will be produced by Patrick Wachsberger, who’s coming off Best Picture for CODA, and Ashley Stern from Picture Perfect Federation.

Thank you to my readers for all of your support. I also have a readers' group on Facebook called Jeneva Rose's Convention of Readers. It's a positive little slice of the internet where I enjoy interacting. I share behind the scenes content, sneak peeks, news, giveaways, etc...
Profile Image for Clementine.
1,555 reviews158 followers
April 13, 2021
Oh, honey, no. The writing is so bad and is trying so hard to be good that it's painful to read. The syntax is constructed so strangely that it's actively distracting. There's no character development. The plot doesn't make sense.

I have so many questions, and none of them are good. Did this ever see an editor’s desk? Did anyone think to google the legality (or even the ethics???) of a spouse representing their partner in a murder trial? Did anyone suggest that maybe investing a little more time in the characters and their development might make the story work even a little? Did no one mention the whole "show, don't tell" part of good storytelling? Why does this have so many five-star reviews?

This book definitely thinks it’s the next Gone Girl, or Shari La Pena, or Ruth Ware. It's trying so hard to be a twisty psychological thriller, and it fails at every single level.

This isn't it. WOOF.
Profile Image for Melissa (Behind Again, Trying to Catch Up).
4,720 reviews2,373 followers
February 9, 2021
This is a 100% big nope from me.
From the gratuitous bad language (does every single character need to use the f-word twice in every sentence? Does the main character need to whisper "bitch" every time she walks past another woman?) to the wooden characters to the stomach turning conclusion, there's just nothing about this book that I can say that I liked.
I read this book because I had seen so many people say that it was amazing and had so many twists. Those people must not read the same thrillers or as many of them as I do because this one was just bad on many levels. Don't get me started on the author's lack of legal and police investigation authenticity, it is laughable. So. Many. Plot. Holes.
Another book that I'm glad I read on KU and didn't actually purchase. I'd recommend giving this one a big pass. I'm heading out to take an antacid so that I can get try to get this sick feeling out of the pit of my stomach.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,289 reviews3,216 followers
August 3, 2022

A first-person unreliable narrator for a story that made no sense

Lawyer wife sets up her cheating husband for the death of his pregnant mistress and the excuse is she didn't want to give him half in a divorce?

Clearly, Rose did no research because the funny thing is Washington D.C. is not a community property state, so, really, the story is redundant. Moreover, the wife, Sarah Morgan, could have simply gotten a divorce but to take another's life because they dipped the quill in the inkwell is not good enough.

There are people in prison for stealing a backpack, and this woman kills a pregnant woman and eventually her husband yet somehow is absolved because the husband cheated on her?

I don't like it. It's gratuitous and excessive and far too indulgent.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
516 reviews30 followers
April 8, 2023
What the hell did I just read? I hate this book. I loathe it. I want to burn it into ash.

“Those are strong feelings” you might say to yourself. Well trust me when I tell you that this book is NOT WORTH IT.

First of all, everything is so incredibly obvious, that the fact that they seriously titled it “a completely gripping psychological suspense” is so laughable. It was none of those things. It was sloppy and messy and the writing was so awkward that at times I found myself asking if I really just read the sentence that just came out of a persons mouth.

And let me tell you something: I am so sick of these people writing about protagonists who talk as if they know nothing and then turn around and are the ones who committed the crime.


Gone Girl worked because Amy’s diaries were in the past. As soon as it switched to after, she was all “hahahaha I’m awesome I got away with it” all things she was thinking about THE WHOLE TIME. You can’t stick me with someone who acts surprised and upset and affronted when presented with evidence of murder when YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DID IT. Thoughts do not work that way. It is not possible to sit through an entire book of present-time thoughts and not once think about how great you are that you’ve pulled this off. I don’t buy it.

It’s the worst trope out there, and it really just makes no god damn sense. Stop trying to pull one over on me and make it actually thrilling.

And pro tip? If you want me to believe someone didnt do it, don’t make them say shit like “I’m the only one who can do this and you know why”. Yeah, I do. Because you’re the person!!! Ugh.

This book was horrendous and I can’t believe I wasted so much time being even slightly intrigued by it. Do not do the same. Save yourself.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ER.
79 reviews26 followers
August 10, 2021
The writing is so bad that I’m genuinely suspicious of the 5 star reviews.

The characters are poorly written, between the lawyers and police officers, not one of them is professional and/or good at their job.

The main character is supposed to be an outstanding defense attorney but just lets it slide when she gets attacked by a police officer while at a police station, and doesn’t make a scene when the rest of the policemen don’t act professionally during an interrogation? Yeah, okay- definitely believable.

Also, early in the book the assistant offers to cover a 300 dollar lunch tab, unless she’s using a company card I have a hard time believing she is getting paid enough money to pay for her boss’s lunch.

I could not even finish this book because it was so terrible.
Profile Image for Laura Snider.
Author 9 books131 followers
June 13, 2021
As a lawyer who specializes in criminal work, I couldn’t stomach this book. The relationship between the sheriff and the female lead is ridiculous and unrealistic. For instance, a sheriff would never allow a defense attorney to sit in while questioning a potential witness. Then there is the representation of her husband. That is so wrong for so many reasons. No logical defense attorney would believe she could do a better job than an impartial attorney with no familial connections. Especially considering the victim is the husband’s mistress. It would also be a major conflict for her to take her husbands case since she is a potential witness.

As for non-lawyer reasons for a two star review: I hated the characters. They all sucked. I didn’t like or root for a single one. I didn’t care what happened to any of them, good or bad. For all those reasons, I strongly disliked this book.

Profile Image for Joey R..
284 reviews472 followers
January 30, 2022
1.0 stars— First the good about this novel — I finished it.
I chose to read “The Perfect Marriage” after looking through the highest rated thrillers on Kindle Unlimited and discovering a very high number of 4 and 5 star reviews. This is how I discovered Colleen Hoover’s “Verity,”and I still consider it one of my favorites. “The Perfect Marriage” has a good framework as it begins with Adam being charged with murdering his lover. He “naturally” decides to let his jilted wife,Sarah, represent him on what is literally a life or death case. The book is written in the alternative perspectives of Adam and Sarah and neither one of them is even slightly likable. They both cuss like sailors, treat everyone in their life horribly and are as arrogant as any two characters I have ever read. Throw in Adam’s vile mother, Elenor who never says or does anything nice and you have a cornucopia of nastiness no matter who you are reading about. The plot itself is ridiculous with stilted dialogue, decisions that defy common sense, and a lack of knowledge of what happens during murder investigations as well as criminal and legal procedure that is embarrassingly bad. I should of put the book down as soon as the sheriff allowed the attorney for the defendant to be a part of the murder investigation and in some cases direct it. This NEVER happens … ever. All in all (if you couldn’t tell) this one wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for Hayley.
31 reviews
July 22, 2022
tl;dr: this is the worst book i have ever read.

if i could choose any book to burn this would be the one. this is THE WORST book i have ever read. i honestly felt like ripping my hair out everytime i read it. the writing is so horrific, i felt like i was reading a 13 year olds wattpad book, or worse... my year 8 creative writing (obviously not including the disgusting smut in this book). the perfect marriage is trying to become the next gone girl and it is failing.... miserably. the dialogue in this book is truly one of the worst i have ever seen. it is so stunted and its very hard to believe that it could be real.

ALSO can we talk about the legal side of this book?????? i'm certainly no author (or lawyer) but i'm pretty sure that authors do research before they begin writing?? so the book is accurate??? anyways i don't think that jeneva rose did a single bit of research regarding legal proceedings or anything (and i'm no expert).

let me elaborate. firstly, a wife.... defending her husband.... in a murder case???????????? WHERE THE VICTIM IS THE HUSBANDS MISTRESS??????

conflict of interest much??? it is beyond me that only two characters mentioned a conflict of interest throughout the entire novel. not to mention the ethical issues with that. i get that its technically legal but there is still a lot of problems with it especially in a case as serious as murder. AND sarah is technically a witness? she was the person to see adam right after the murder took place...

another nitpicking thing... if you are on trial for murder, you cannot be placed on house arrest?? adam is on trial for a very violent crime, he can't just be on house arrest. according to brittanica, 'violent offenders are not considered eligible for house arrest'. regardless of whether adam actually committed the crime, it is a very dumb idea for him to just be in his house. ESPECIALLY the house where the murder took place?? HELLO???? literally a couple days after kelly was murdered adam was back in that very house, sleeping in the same room and everything. i get that they can't keep the crime scene there forever but surely thats not a very good idea.

okay, next thing that i hate about this book


i have never read a book where every character is the worst ever until i read this book. every single character, every single interaction is so bad. the lawyers, policemen, and basically any other adults with jobs acted so unprofessionally it was just funny. they had no idea how to do their jobs and why were they tackling eachother all the time??

things i hate about sarah
1. i get it. you're a successful female lawyer. cool. now stop talking about it for one page please
2. her louboutin heels.
3. her assistant. the most annoying stupid character i've ever seen.

things i hate about adam
1. everything. literally everything
2. his mum
3. how he literally slept with another women for a year and gets mad when sarah flirted with the sheriff? someone please humble this man
4. how he hates the fact that sarah works and gets ALL the money for them? like shut up you don't do anything and get mad because your wife is at work all the time?? get a real job adam
5. how he enlists a random 'reporter' to help him solve his case and immediately trusts her with everything?? and then kisses her. good job adam!

okay last thing i swear. THE PLOT HOLES

there were so many plot holes the book made zero sense. from a random person coming into sarah's house in the middle of the night to have sex with her (never mentioned again) to kelly being murdered while adam was sleeping RIGHT NEXT TO HER?? and then when adam left the lakehouse he touched kelly you know.. down there.. and concluded that she was very wet (yeah. that happened). surely if it was blood it would of been on his hands or somewhere on him?

other plot holes
- the police leaving a literal door open in adams cell (i think it was a cell) so he just left and hid in the woods??!??! this is less of a plot hole and more of a ?????
- if bob and sarah were in it together why did they have private fights with eachother? especially about sarah taking on the case. if bob was in on it why would be come up to sarah and argue about that when there is nobody even watching them
- the entire ending reveal? there was nothing throughout the book that even suggested that sarah and bob were in on it together. if there were a little clues (like most thrillers) that kind of gave away who it could be it would have been so much better. BUT THERE WAS NONE OF THAT!

thanks for reading... sorry i got a bit into it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Annie.
44 reviews7 followers
January 11, 2023
FYI saying a policeman “decided to go Rodney King” on someone isn’t cool or funny at all. Also the use of slurs for literally no reason was completely unnecessary from a white female author and added nothing to the story. This whole book is just a massive cringe & beyond offensive to several marginalized groups of people. Do better, Geneva. Or just stay out of literature pls n thx.
Profile Image for Sara (sarawithoutanH).
560 reviews3,714 followers
August 2, 2021
The writing in this book is horrifically bad. It sort of feels like a thesaurus threw up in the author's attempt to sound smart and it's quite painful to read. The dialogue was stunted and so odd to read and the narrative is not any better. None of the characters are likable and there's zero character development. The plot makes literally no sense and is extremely far-fetched. I don't think Miss Rose did even five minutes of research regarding police work or law. It was all just a big no from me.

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Profile Image for Allison Faught.
347 reviews182 followers
January 3, 2023
The Perfect Marriage has everything I could want in a thriller: Mistress of cheating husband is murdered and who out of all these sketchy characters did it?
The story pulled me in pretty quickly and was engrossing enough to start. I even really enjoyed the ending although horribly predictable.
My gripes might sound nit-picky but I’m choosing to bring them up because they deterred me from fully enjoying the story.
There were a handful of discrepancies I couldn’t get past.
1. The title is not aptly named at all. I have read many a book where the marriage seems great on the outside but is horrible on the inside. It never showed Sarah and Adam having a flawless marriage as they never seemed to be together with her always working and him always at the lake house.

2. After an embarrassingly long time of researching this on my phone, it looks like situationally a lawyer can defend their spouse. This is not one of those situations as it is too much of a conflict of interest.

3. A couple things were brought up as seemingly important and were never circled back to again. For example, Anne and Sarah had an ‘awkward moment’ at the bar. I kept wondering throughout the story what Anne said to make this awkward and it was never brought up again.

4. Warning ⚠️ : This one is a little gross and possibly a minor spoiler. When he leaves the cottage, Adam touches Kelly’s leg and notes that she’s wet and wiped it on his pants. She was already dead by this point. Stabbed 37 times. I assumed that would come back as evidence against Adam seeing as how she couldn’t have been ‘wet’ if she was dead and if it was blood, it would have been on his pants when he wiped his hand. This was never circled back to.

5. Warning ⚠️: Minor spoiler again. Scott was supposedly suspended after beating up Adam. He never goes through any time off for funeral arrangements for his wife and all of the sudden he’s handling Adam’s breaking house arrest then beating up Bob then put on suspension again? Wasn’t he already suspended? How long does suspension last? Isn’t all of this a big conflict of interest because of messes like this happening? Then Sheriff Stevens asks Bob if he wants to press charges but he never asked Adam that when he got beat up.
If you can look past the discrepancies and inconsistencies this could be a good book for you. I’m a very meticulous person to a fault (a blessing and a curse) and I just couldn’t overlook these.
I will definitely pick up something else by Jeneva Rose in the future as I do like her storytelling. However, this had too many things working against it for me to rate this higher and I hope it’s just because this is a debut.
2.5⭐️ rounding up.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,197 reviews3,855 followers
February 4, 2021
Oh my! Almost at a loss for words...Almost!

I was really looking forward to this audio, as domestic thrillers are one of my favorites to lose myself in.

Well this one sadly did not live up to my expectations.

Adam is having an affair. His wife Sarah is too busy at her law firm to have time for him so he looks elsewhere for his companionship. And the woman he falls for just happens to live in the town where Adam and Sarah have a vacation home. Well that’s convenient! Oh yeah, did I mention this woman Kelly also happens to be married!?💁🏻‍♀️

When Kelly turns up dead, of course Adam is the prime suspect right off the bat. And Sarah needs to step in as his lawyer to save him.


I thought the premise sounded terrific and was chomping at the bit to listen to this audio. Unfortunately it just fell far short of my high hopes.

Was it the storyline? Perhaps. I felt no real connection or empathy towards any of the characters.

Could it have been the audio version? Maybe. When I listen to an audiobook I want the narrators to breathe life into the characters and make them real. I didn’t feel that at all.

There are a lot of mixed reviews for this book so I truly hope you enjoy this one more than I did.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an 🎧 To review
Profile Image for Mindy.
13 reviews7 followers
December 28, 2021
Disappointing. Started off promising but rushed at the end with too many plot holes. If you’ve read Gone Girl, you could see this coming, but without the details that truly pulled it all together. Ending was disappointing. I was left feeling “that’s it?”
Profile Image for Christina.
550 reviews208 followers
December 19, 2020
“Don’t call me Cubby Bear, Mom. I’m in JAIL.”

This is a wildly unrealistic, yet very entertaining domestic thriller/mystery. I have to mention that it’s unrealistic because, as a lawyer myself, I really couldn’t get past the premise of a wife defending her husband for murdering the woman he was cheating on her with. Girrrrrl, no. No one even mentions a conflict of interest until halfway through the book. So, if it’s a traditional legal thriller you’re looking for, this is not the book for you. However, once I decided to go with the premise, I found myself very entertained. There are some juicy suspects, good red herrings, and interesting and fun characters, not least of which is our heroine, Sarah — the county’s most famous female criminal defense attorney who has inexplicably decided to defend her sleazebag philandering husband.

The excellent audiobook performances, narrating for both husband and wife, really enhanced my enjoyment of this book. While not super intellectual or heavy on the accurate legal thriller details, this is a fun and devious portrait of a marriage gone wrong. I was entertained. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Dreamscape Audio for the advance listening copy!
Profile Image for Catherine Pieroni.
1 review4 followers
September 8, 2020
This book had an ending that was totally unearned, and simply didn’t fit. A character who is written in the first person feeling surprise, anger, etc. it turns out was faking those things. That simply doesn’t work as you are supposedly inside that characters head. To work it would have to be in the third person.

Also, no understanding of how the legal system or criminal justice system works. Murder cases take years to get to trial, and I think death penalty cases are automatically appealed.

I think there are the bones of a good story here, but needs a lot more editing. This feels like an early draft.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melissa.
4 reviews4 followers
September 26, 2020

I honestly don't know how this book is so highly rated. I had to speed read through parts of it just so I could finish it. I thought the premise was really interesting and wanted to know who the killer was, which was why I didn't DNF it. But man, I wish I had. The reveal and ending were not worth it at all. Those are hours of my life that I won't get back. But hey, at least that's one more book read for my reading challenge.

Anyway. Where do I start? I did not like the writing style at all. So many unnecessary descriptions and metaphors. So many pointless things minutely explained. There wasn't a single likeable character in the whole book. Pretty much everything they did and the way they interacted with each other was exasperating or stupid. I was constantly shaking my head or rolling my eyes. The trial, which seems like it would be a pretty important part of the book, gets glossed over. We get the Defense's opening statement, then the verdict. How did the jury come to their verdict? The one time I wanted details about something in this book... Sigh. Nothing about this book was gripping or suspenseful. The "twists" were lame. The reveal was lame. The explanation of why and how the murder was committed was lame. The ending was lame. All of the characters were irritating and just ugh. The only good thing about this book is that it was in Kindle Unlimited, so I didn't waste my money on it. I won't be reading anything by this author again.
Profile Image for L.A..
511 reviews196 followers
December 30, 2022
What did I just read? Wow! What a shocking Ending! I have seen this on so many IG posts that I knew I needed to get it! I have on my NetGalley You Shouldn't Have Come Here and cannot wait to read it from this talented author. Even though Gone Girl is used in so many analogies of talented writers, I feel she fits in this category of surprise! It is deserving of one of the bestselling thrillers!

"His mistress is dead. His wife is his only hope." That wife is Sarah Morgan, a successful attorney in D.C. She is representing her husband, Adam, in his defense of murdering his mistress. Not sure I could be in the same room with him, but she builds his case. Adam is a writer with not much luck in that area. Sarah bought him a lake house to get away in to help his writing. It was helping with more than his writing tool..... The Lake house becomes a place for his steamy and passionate affair with Kelly. She was found stabbed to death in their bed.
With the evidence stacked against him, I was not expecting so many twists and turns. I finished in record time to make this a great ending to 2022!
Profile Image for Dutchie.
228 reviews22 followers
July 13, 2022
If you're looking for something plausible, realistic or have well developed characters(pick any one) might I suggest NOT this book. It is the exact opposite. I apologize in advance for the snarky review but this book deserves some snark….

Quick Synopsis: Adam's mistress/girlfriend was found dead in his lake house and he is arrested for capital murder. Lucky for him his wife, Sarah, is a hot-shot criminal defense attorney. Conflict of interest you say? Nope not in this book apparently.

What I liked:
* This was a fast paced read but that's it in the likable area. And I think I only sort of liked it up until roughly the 30% mark if that.

What I did NOT like:
*The description of the characters for sure, so one dimensional. if I read "doe - eyed" one more time I was going to throw up. Each time Adam used that while he was in an intimate setting made me think of Bambi --- yes Bambi. Totally not cool. And Sarah was constantly described by the expensive shoes/outfits and perfectly coifed hair. Anne was the assistant that none of the higher up partners/lawyers could remember her name who idolized Sarah. Nothing new here

*I'm not an expert in the legal field by any means but I'm thinking the head of Law Enforcement on the case shouldn’t be catering to the defense attorney. Much less making googly eyes at her. They were the most incompetent, unprofessional group of law enforcement ever! I didn't realize everyone and literally their mother was allowed to see interviews etc....

*Eleanor's treatment of Adam: Cubbie-Bear - no just nope. And who makes a snack plate for their 30ish year old son right after he gets out on bail for his MURDER trial. And to add on to the snack plate she brings Lunchables, Gushers and Go-Gurt?

*Adam - so much to write on this one but what really had me rolling my eyes was him wondering if something was going on with Sarah and the Sheriff. I personally think I would be worrying about the DEATH PENALTY over that. Especially since he isn't a saint (obviously). Then he gets irritated with Sarah for not returning his calls and he wonders why she would be too busy to call…ummm yeah maybe its that small murder case she is working on to save YOUR life.

*Sarah - super pretentious, nasty "fill in the blank". However I'm guessing that is the route the author wanted to go after I got to the ending....

*Speaking of ending - Around 70% it turned into a full-fledged three ring circus at the police station. Any small chance of plausibility this book had went right out the window - sigh! Everyone is too busy tackling, slapping, name calling or what-have-you that the door is unlocked and Adam just slips on out because he's going to solve this case, which obviously doesn't go well.

Ok rant over! I apologize to anyone who sat thru my ranting review but this book totally deserved it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nick Galentine.
140 reviews11 followers
August 30, 2022
0.5/5 stars
I don't think there are enough vitriolic words in my vocabulary for me to properly sum up how much I disliked this book.

It wasn't the ending that got me. However stupidly it all played out, I didn't mind how it ended. It made no damn sense, of course, but what in The Perfect Marriage actually did? Certainly not the way the law enforcement officers and attorneys acted. Certainly not the 'red herrings' the author included to try and throw us off the track. Which worked, but only because you couldn't have predicted her ending unless you were throwing out random guesses.

I think what really ground my gears about this book is the fact that it felt so raw. And not in the sense of something that really gets at the core of an issue, more like raw as in undercooked. It's like she published her first draft. Her beta readers, agent, and editors really let her down. The sheer number of misplaced commas alone frustrated the shit out of me.

And let's talk about Matthew. Every single one of the characters in The Perfect Marriage was a cardboard cutout, caricatures of stereotypes. I'm ALL for queer representation in books. I welcome it; I love it. However, I felt like the goal of adding Matthew in – who served no purpose whatsoever in the advancement of the plot – was to check a diversity box. And she wrote him in a way that was borderline offensive. Could he have been more stereotypical?

I'm still not entirely convinced that I read the same book as everyone else. Thank god I got my copy from the library, otherwise I might have sued Jeneva Rose for my money and for the dental bill I'm sure to get after how hard I ground my teeth while reading this mess.

I won't read another one of her books. Her writing is so incredibly juvenile that it actually made me miss Colleen Hoover's style.

I, resoundingly, do not recommend The Perfect Marriage.
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,079 reviews609 followers
October 17, 2022
When I was a teenager, me and my friends loved to watch bad horror movies. Reading the perfect marriage reminded me of the feeling I got. Adam was the half-crazed zombie with barely any brain-cells left. The cops felt like headless chicken running around in circles.

I felt entertained though, just as I did when I laughed from the bad acting in those horror movies. I especially liked Adam`s strange behavior and the way the author portrayed his tought process. What I didn`t like was; That the police didn`t do its job when there clearly was other avenues to explore. That Sarah, Adam`s wife, became his lawyer despite that being a conflict of interest and that there only were some short sequences where this was questioned. It made more sense when I came to the end, but it still annoyed me nonetheless. The twist was good, and unlike some other psychological thrillers who have done the same, I felt like what happened earlier in the book fitted with the twist.
Profile Image for Jessica.
328 reviews521 followers
December 28, 2020
The Perfect Marriage grabbed my attention from the beginning. This story is so crazy. I was constantly trying to figure out if Adam was guilty or not. Adam is adamant that he had nothing to do with killing the mistress he loved. There are so many twists and turns throughout this book. I liked how Sarah’s personal conflict was brought up throughout the book along with the suspense. The Perfect Marriage is an excellent domestic thriller with so much drama and surprises.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Neil Hellegers and Teri Schnaubelt and loved the narration. They talked with so much emotion and were the perfect voices for Sarah and Adam.

Thank you Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the audiobook of The Perfect Marriage.

Full Review: https://justreadingjess.wordpress.com...
Profile Image for Sorcha.
18 reviews4 followers
December 13, 2023
What a piece of garbage. I read a lot of psychological thrillers, and this one missed the mark on EVERY level. Absolutely unbelievable plot, one dimensional characters, insane plot holes, zero redeeming qualities. If I had purchased a physical copy instead of digital I would have thrown it in the trash to remove just one copy from the world.

Update 12/13/23:

I am utterly SHOCKED at the number of 4 and 5 star reviews. It leads me to believe that this was the very first book they have ever read that was supposed to be a psychological thriller, so they have no comparisons. To those readers, go get the Fourth Monkey trilogy and prepare to have your minds BLOWN. You can thank me later.
Profile Image for Kaci.
219 reviews27 followers
May 6, 2023
What. did. I. just. read?

This book made me so uncomfortable and yet I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to feel bad for Adam (I was almost positive he was innocent), but I just... couldn’t. He had no redeeming qualities. None. His behavior and attitude disgusted me and he made such unbelievably selfish and foolish choices. So while I didn’t hope for him to be found guilty, I couldn’t root for him either.

I’m having a hard time figuring out how I feel about the ending. I liked the “whodunnit” aspect of the story but once I found out who the killer was, I had to go back and reread several parts. I had to make it add it up because when the story ended, I felt a little misled. I did briefly suspect this person... but I soon brushed off that suspicion because it didn’t make sense.

After rereading a number of chapters through a new lens I did make a little more sense out of the reveal, but I think it’s asking a lot of the reader. Unless you can easily suspend your disbelief. There were a lot of red herrings.

And that ending? Ugh I just don’t know.

Did I like this book? Like I said, I couldn’t put it down. I liked her writing style. I liked the idea of the plot. But I don’t know if I actually liked the story. All I know is I feel icky after having read it.

Don’t let that discourage you, though! In fact, PLEASE read it so I can discuss it with you. Because for all of the negatives I’ve said, I can’t stop thinking about it. So maybe it’s actually a good story? Help me out and read it and comment below, please!
Profile Image for Derek (temp hiatus).
262 reviews104 followers
March 10, 2023
I was pumped to read this because the reviews are so polarizing. I knew I was either going to love this with passion or hate it with fervor. I was going to feel something.

I'll start with the good: the story was riveting. Unputdownable even. Very intriguing plot. Tightly written, short chapters, perfect pacing, the whole nine yards.

I was already aware of an explosive twist ending which made it easier to identify. So I was missing that initial shock reaction that bumps thrillers up another star rating. Despite some holes, it was a good ending.

What really bothered me was the absurd way the police investigation was written. It's like the author's research was to ask a group of 6 year olds how they would conduct a murder investigation and then says "ok kiddos, let's go with that."

I rarely criticize police work in books because a) what the hell do I know and b) it's fiction after all. But the way this plays out is a crime against literature.

I also hate how Adam was written. The super attractive, alpha, douchebag, dumb as rocks husband who falls in love instantly with every woman who enters his orbit. I was waiting for him to express his love to the fridge for simply existing and keeping his beer cold.

Welp, at least I felt something. Cheers!
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,451 reviews5,089 followers
April 3, 2022

3.5 stars

This review was first posted on Mystery and Suspense. Check it out for features, interviews, and reviews. https://www.mysteryandsuspense.com/th...

Sarah and Adam Morgan are very much in love, but their decade-long marriage is experiencing a bit of strife.

Sarah is doing well as a top defense attorney in Washington DC, but Adam - who was once a best-selling author - hasn't finished a novel in years. To spur his career, Adam convinced Sarah to buy a vacation home in Virginia, where he could write in a quiet atmosphere. Adam goes to Virginia for three or four days at a time.....

.....while Sarah usually remains in Washington to work.

Sarah and Adam's tenth anniversary is in a couple of days, and the couple plan to celebrate the occasion in their Virginia residence. Adam goes on ahead, but Sarah is held up by a trial and can't make it. So Adam spends a lusty night in the Virginia abode with beautiful Kelly Summers, a married woman he's been seeing for 18 months. Adam returns to Washington the next morning, while Kelly is still asleep in his bed.

A few hours after Adam returns home, while Sarah is at work, Virginia sheriffs come knocking on the door.

They say the housekeeper found Kelly Summers stabbed to death in the Morgans' Virginia house. Adam is a prime suspect, and he's promptly hauled off to Virginia, where he's questioned and arrested for murder.

When Sarah learns of Adam's predicament - and his long-term affair - she's hurt, shocked and angry.

Nevertheless, Sarah believes she's the only lawyer good enough to get Adam acquitted, so she takes on his defense. Adam insists on a speedy trial, and the proceedings are set to begin in two weeks, with the death penalty attached. (At this point I have to say the quickie police investigation and accelerated judicial proceedings stretch credulity to the breaking point, but I'm willing to grant author's license.)

As part of her trial preparation Sarah searches for other suspects, to raise reasonable doubt with the jury.

Moreover, Adam - who's granted bail and confined to his Virginia home with an ankle bracelet - launches an investigation of his own.

The book alternates back and forth between Sarah and Adam's point of view, so we see what each of them thinks and does.

As the story unfolds, Kelly's dubious past is revealed, and the secrets of other characters are exposed as well. The tension builds as one possible killer after another comes to light, and my suspicions leapt from person to person.

The book has a rich array of secondary characters, including the Virginia sheriff who investigates Kelly's murder, and seems unsure of Adam's guilt;

Kelly's cop husband, who's jealous and has a terrible temper;

Adam's over-protective mother, who blames Sarah for her son's troubles;

Sarah's sarcastic friend Matthew, who insults people with clever quips;

Sarah's law partner Bob, who's envious of Sarah's success;

the district attorney, who's good at his job;

an aggressive reporter, who wants to interview Adam;

Adam's greedy agent, who asks his client to write a tell-all; and more.

If you like suspenseful thrillers filled with surprises, this is the book for you.

You can follow my reviews at https://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot.com
Profile Image for LTJ.
152 reviews175 followers
July 15, 2022
“The Perfect Marriage” by Jeneva Rose was truly a brilliant read. Her style of writing is fantastic as the characters, story, plot, twists, turns, and everything else in between were all great. You truly get pulled in as a reader as this mystery novel pushes the envelope for telling an incredible story that involves murder, infidelity, and all the consequences that come with it.

From Sarah, Adam, the cops/lawyers involved, and all the events that transpired in law offices/courtrooms, this was such a wild ride. I truly had no idea how this would get all wrapped up since the tension was real as it kept me guessing until the very end. Don’t worry, I won’t ruin or spoil anything for you but I totally had no idea that this would have such a mind-blowing ending.

The ending completely and utterly blew me away and instantly made me a reader of Rose because it was that crazy! I plan to read her previous and future work as my goodness, this was such an awesome read from beginning to end. I also enjoyed how the ending filled all the gaps for me by answering all the questions I had about things as I read to know what really happened when everything was going down.

Overall, I give “The Perfect Marriage” by Jeneva Rose a perfect 5/5 as it checks all the boxes for me when it comes to a wonderful mystery novel that also falls into the thriller/suspense genre. This was quite the reading experience as I’d recommend this to anyone that also loves these genres. I’ll remember this one for many years to come!
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