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Speak the Blessing: Send Your Words in the Direction You Want Your Life to Go

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Your words have power.  Get your words going in the right direction  and see how your life moves in the right direction.
 Your words are like seeds. Every time you say them, they're taking root and growing. Are you planting good seeds? Are you seeing the increase, the health, the relationships, and the happiness you dream about? If not, check out what you’re saying. Whether you realize it or not, the words you speak today are setting the direction for the rest of your life.
In Speak the Blessing , New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers you unique insights into this profound Your words have creative power. When you discover the power of speaking what God says about you, you give those words the right to come to pass. There is a miracle in your mouth. There is healing in your mouth, freedom in your mouth, and new levels in your mouth. But nothing happens until you speak the blessing.
Your words become your reality. Start blessing your future today. Use the words you speak to unlock the power within and create the life you were designed to live. The life-changing possibilities are limitless.

192 pages, Hardcover

Published April 9, 2024

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About the author

Joel Osteen

507 books1,623 followers
JOEL OSTEEN is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers. He is the senior pastor of America's largest congregation, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. More than 45,000 people attend services there every week. His televised messages are seen by more than 10 million viewers each week in the United States, and millions more in 100 nations around the world. His 24-hour channel on SiriusXM Satellite Radio and millions of social media followers have prompted numerous publications to name him as one of the most influential Christian leaders in the world. He resides in Houston with his wife, Victoria, and their children.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews
Profile Image for Donna.
4,154 reviews113 followers
April 20, 2024
I like this author. I've watched his sermons for many years and I've read many of his books.

But I think with all of that to draw on, I do have one little complaint. He constantly and consistently uses the same 5 stories. Over. And over. And over. So maybe he can speak that blessing and some new material will come his way. 3 stars.
Profile Image for LaCricia A'ngelle.
Author 11 books5 followers
January 15, 2024
I loved this book. I was given the opportunity by Faith Words, Hachette Book Group and NetGalley to read an advance copy of this book and I am so thankful. I read this book at a time in my life when I was facing many obstacles. It also happened to be the start of a new year. I found Joel Osteen's words to be extremely inspiring. Things such as: The miracle is in your mouth, and Don't talk about the problem, talk about the promise. These nuggets, along with many others included in the book were a great blessing. I'm so glad I requested this book and took the time to read it. I highly recommend this book to those who need a spiritual pick me up or knows someone who does.
Profile Image for A Page of  Fictional Love .
153 reviews19 followers
January 14, 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed this book and feel blessed to have read this. If there is one book you should read this year, it's this one. It will uplift you, bring hope into your heart, remind you of how good God is, and the ways in which you can join hands with God to turn your life around. This is one book that will be by my bedside and in my book bag to carry with me so that I can dip into a remembrance of how to activate the blessings and the promises God has for me (and for you, and everyone of us).
Profile Image for Mary Pauline M.
261 reviews7 followers
December 24, 2023
What a true blessing this book is ! A great reminder for all no matter where we are in our faith walk. What we speak certainly helps to guide what we will receive. I really recommend this book, and feel that it would make a great small group study for support and accountability.
Profile Image for Andrew.
681 reviews10 followers
April 8, 2024
In Speak the Blessing, Joel Osteen has written a new book about speaking out life giving words over our lives and unlocking the power in our mouths. He begins the book by sharing how his church begins every service with a daily declaration filling with everything they are in Christ. It referred to as “I Am”. Joel has seen how the power of your words can change your life. When we send out the words in the direction and way, we want our lives to go, we can witness our lives improving. He explained how if we are wanting to be healthy, we need to declare that we are healed this helps to release the healing in our lives. He shared how scriptures tells us to declare we are strong even if we feel weak. He opened up about his mother had to choose to declare that she was healed. She was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1981 and not given a good medical report and outcome. She would actively read and speak scriptures over her life. She would declare that she would live and not die and forty-three years later she is still alive and was healed.

One of my favorite chapters discussed telling ourselves a new story. Our current story comes from how we choose to see ourselves. It can come from our past and how we were raised our failures. This is limiting ourselves and we are believing what we are telling ourselves. We can make a new decision and write a new story. God has declared that we are a masterpiece, a victor, and an overcomer. He can turn around anything negative that we have faced and cause it to work out for our good. He encouraged readers to take the pen back and rewrite a new story. He used this chapter to share the challenges he encountered when his father passed away and he had to step up and pastor the church. He was transparent in revealing how he thought he couldn’t ever get up and speak to the church and he had fear. He was more typically quiet then his father was. He had to do what he instructed readers to do. He had to tell himself a new story and that God has equipped him and he was anointed to do what he was called to do.

I would this awesome book to anyone who is seeking a book about the power of your mouth. This book can assist you in speaking truth over your life and it can teach you on to send the words in the right direction. One of my favorite stories was about how our story may be limiting and Joel told a story about a bear who was forced to live in a cage and went they tried to resend her into the wild she wouldn’t go. She got out of the cage but the cage wouldn’t get out of her. This is a very insightful story about the story we tell ourselves can cause us to remain stuck in life. I loved how positive this book was and how it taught readers to prophesy their future and to stop cursing your future. The principles in this book can greatly change your life just learn to speak them out!

I received this book free from Faith Words for my honest review.”

Profile Image for Angie Dent.
Author 14 books19 followers
May 25, 2024
This is a very good book of inspiration and encouragement. It’s not just a book on positive speaking. It’s a guide to victory through continuous confession of God’s promises.

This book can help with:
• Spiritual growth
• Staying encouraged though lengthy trials
• Starting and keeping positive days
• Healing
• Obtaining generational blessings
• Salvation
• Receiving financial blessings

The “You Promised” chapter includes plenty powerful biblical declarations. They would have been even more helpful if scripture references were included. I like when he said, “God isn’t obligated to do what we say, but He’s obligated to do what He says.”

In times past, I came across previous content in new books. It was nice having those refreshers. But, this time, there were quite a few repeats. I ended up skipping over pages. Since there are only a handful of Pastor Joel’s books I haven’t read, coming across progressively repetitive content was inevitable. However, it didn’t change helpfulness of book. And there was enough new material for me to take notes.

If you’ve only read a few books by Pastor Joel, buy and read this helpful book. If you already have numerous titles, still read this book. If you want to save a few bucks, I recommend getting this one from a library.

I recommend this book.

Profile Image for Anita.
81 reviews3 followers
May 2, 2024
I was given the opportunity by Faith Words, Hachette Book Group and NetGalley to read an advance copy of this book and I am so grateful. Speak the Blessing by Joel Osteen was inspiring and uplifting. We all have a tendency to go through life and only think about our problems, the negative. It is always so hard to think of the positives as well as speak the positives. Speak the Blessings is a reminder to all of us to speak our blessings out loud. What we speak will help guide us to what we receive. Speak your Blessings will send your words in the right direction. Get the negative out of your head and put in place your blessings. God is always with you, speak your blessings out loud.
Profile Image for Indyha.
6 reviews
May 18, 2024
Really good read. Definitely put a lot of things in perspective for me. Grateful to have read this. I reccomend 🤍
Profile Image for Krisha.
46 reviews
February 16, 2024
When I read this, I can hear Joel’s voice and picture his demeanor exactly how he is on TV. Full of positivity, joy, and laughter. Is the content vastly different from his other books… maybe not, but it’s just as inspiring, relevant, and comforting to hear again. I greatly appreciated and enjoyed reading it. It served as a nice reminder and I gained some new insights from it.

On another note, I was chuckling at all of his jokes at his brother Paul’s expense. I hope Paul is being compensated! ; )

THANK YOU NetGalley & FaithWords for sending this book for review consideration.
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