Comments on Best Crime & Mystery Books - page 3

Comments Showing 101-150 of 154 (154 new)

message 101: by David (new)

David O'Neal Corben is there one in the 70'2 (72 maybe) and one in the 90s I saw - probably more

message 102: by Yogesh (new)

Yogesh Gaur Looking for great Mystery recommendations. Here are some of the superb mysteries that I have liked.

message 103: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Found and removed 5 duplicates.

message 104: by Diane (new)

Diane Isn't there any way to search this list for a particular title? I can't find Burned by Thomas Enger and I know I added it. Burned

message 105: by BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) (last edited Jun 11, 2015 10:46PM) (new)

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Diane wrote: "Isn't there any way to search this list for a particular title? I can't find Burned by Thomas Enger and I know I added it. Burned"

If you added it/voted for it, it should show up in your 'my votes' list. If it doesn't, you either haven't voted for it or someone removed it from the list.

Add it again and if you can't check for duplicates yourself, just let me know and I'll do it for you. That way you'll be sure the book isn't in the list twice.

message 106: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Why is "little Women " on this list?

message 107: by Noorilhuda (new)

Noorilhuda ! who voted for that!

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Catherine wrote: "Why is "little Women " on this list?"

Give me the current ranking number and I'll remove it for you.

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Booklovinglady wrote: "Give me the current ranking number and I'll remove it for you."

Never mind, I found it (#336). I haven't removed it though, as no less than 21 people seem to have voted for it...

message 110: by Noorilhuda (new)

Noorilhuda !!!!!!!!

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Noorilhuda wrote: "!!!!!!!!"

My thoughts exactly :-)

message 112: by Greg (new)

Greg Susanna - Censored by GoodReads wrote: "Isaac Asimov wrote several novel-length mysteries (albeit often ones with a science fiction setting): The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, and [book:Murder at the ABA|470356..."
Susanna, All, absolutely some of Asimov's books are mysteries. The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, and The Robots of Dawn trilogy is great: Asimov does give us three mystery novels, and he does it in the sci-fi world by setting up three rules so that we know the rules of the world he creates. For example, one rule is that a robot can't harm a human. And then he spins his mystery within these worlds. I don't particularly like syfy where ANYTHING can happen, and Asimov is brilliant to give us the "rules" of his fictional worlds up front.

message 113: by Greg (new)

Greg Well, "why is Little Women" on this list?" IS an interesting issue. To whoever added it, why did you?

message 114: by Greg (new)

Greg Given the length of this list, I assume it's a list of every book in which one doesn't know how it will end?

message 115: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis The system found and removed 4 duplicates. I removed Next, by Michael Crichton, which is science fiction, from space #854.

message 116: by Donna (last edited Apr 08, 2016 09:01PM) (new)

Donna Davis The system found and removed 3 duplicates.

Alrighty, boys and girls, it's clean up time. Coming down from #287, Catcher in the Rye.

1984, which is science fiction, fantasy, or both, but certainly not mystery or crime and is therefore no longer on this list:

Also science fiction, also gone from page 2: A Clockwork Orange

Oh so much sci fi! Farenheit 451, gone.

I loved Pat Conroy too, and we'll miss him...but he can't be on a mystery and crime fic page. Romance, or straight fiction, but not here. The Prince of Tides came down from page 2:

I question the presence of To Kill a Mockingbird on page 3, but it's a close enough call that I'm not going to touch it.

The Hunger Games is not a close call, and it's leaving #245:

More sci fi, Philip K Dick: A S Darkly, from p. 3:

From page 4, Little Women:

Page 4, Slaughterhouse 5:
I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov, from p.4:

Atlas Shrugged, p5:

Never Let Me Go, p. 5 sci fi:

Son of Sci fi, Dune by Hebert, also p.5:

Jane Eyre from p.5:

Jurrasic Park from p.6:

I am a little reluctant to touch some of the horror that crosses over a little bit, but Memnoch the Devil does not, and it's gone from p. 6:
Also by Anne Rice, Lasher from p.6:
The Brothers Karamazov from p.6:

message 117: by Rita (new)

Rita I recently finished "I, the Jury" by Mickey Spillane. It was written in different times (the 40's) and some of his wording would be considered offensive today. However, I enjoyed it.

message 118: by Rita (new)

Rita Your story has a happy solution. I do hope you and your boyfriend continue to pray to God and take your baby boy to church. The relationship with only thrive with God's guidance during your long marriage. Thanks for sharing your story.

message 119: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Rita wrote: "Your story has a happy solution. I do hope you and your boyfriend continue to pray to God and take your baby boy to church. The relationship with only thrive with God's guidance during your long ma..."

Rita, is this where you intended to post this comment? It doesn't really belong here, and I'm guessing it's an error. Can you remove it please?

message 120: by BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) (last edited Nov 22, 2016 09:48AM) (new)

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) @Donna
It is, only one of the superlibrarians deleted the inappropriate comment to which this was a response.... Would be nice though if this one was removed too :-)

message 121: by ♥ Joy Joy ♥ (new)

♥ Joy Joy ♥ I never thought of the Hobbit as a crime story. Is that right? 0.o

(currently 3096 on the list)

message 122: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Joy wrote: "I never thought of the Hobbit as a crime story. Is that right? 0.o

(currently 3096 on the list)"

ha! Someone has a sneaky sense of humor. Smaug the dragon stole the dwarves' treasure, and the whole story is about the journey to get to the lonely mountain where both treasure and dragon reside, and the fight to regain the stolen loot.

So, if I were in a bookstore or a real life library with physical shelves, I would not put The Hobbit in the mystery/detective/crime fiction section. But as a volunteer librarian here, I find the ploy so completely hilarious that I will not be the one to pull it off the list. I won't fuss if anyone else does, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I'm going to be giggling now and then for the next hour, so it's a good thing I am home. *snerk!*

message 123: by ♥ Joy Joy ♥ (new)

♥ Joy Joy ♥ Donna wrote: "Joy wrote: "I never thought of the Hobbit as a crime story. Is that right? 0.o

(currently 3096 on the list)"
ha! Someone has a sneaky sense of humor. Smaug the dragon stole the dwarves' treasure, ..."

When you put it the way you did, I can see how that does sort of kind of work.

I can't even type that out with a straight face.

message 124: by Marika (new)

Marika Charalambous LOL, The Hobbit, noway...not even in my dreams.

There are here many mystery authors to choose from, loads with books published even in 2017 -

message 125: by Sandra Montgomery (new)

Sandra Montgomery Quite a mix of titles everything from Wilkie Collins who was a wonderful author to Paterson, and Harlan I enjoyed all of them for different reasons and some more than others.

message 126: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Marika wrote: "LOL, The Hobbit, noway...not even in my dreams.

There are here many mystery authors to choose from, loads with books published even in 2017 -" know that using this discussion board as a promotional tool is a violation of Goodreads rules, right? If you do it again, I will have to flag it. This discussion board exists primarily for technical problems such as duplications or genre issues for specific titles. Once in awhile people voice a viewpoint about the list. What it isn't, is a place to advertise. Anything. Ever.

message 128: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Booklovinglady wrote: "Well said Donna!"

Thank you. I'm leaving now to get my Cranky Librarian sweater. It's a bit chilly in here. And I'd better not catch anyone turning down the corners of pages, either.

message 129: by Fargojay (new)

Fargojay The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is well placed, but I can't believe that I had to get into the nineties on this list until I got to a Walter Mosley or Elmore Leonard book. I only read one Lee Child novel and it was my last; way too much mysogyny for me.

message 130: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis The system found and removed 5 duplicates.

message 131: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis vijay govind wrote: "Maze of Deceit"

And you left this title in the discussion section because...?

message 132: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis I see the listmaker is deleted. How are we with the nonfiction titles? I would pull them, since they are outside of the subtitles listed in the description, but it looks like they've been there a long time and garnered a lot of votes.

Should true crime (nonfiction) stay or go? Not touching them for now.

The system found and removed 3 duplicates, and it's a joy to find a link that works.

message 133: by Vijay (new)

Vijay Narayan My sincere apologies. Not sure how a previous comment is to be deleted - may I request the admin to kindly do it if possible on my behalf. Else - request that it may be kindly ignored as my inadvertence.

Thanks and best regards

message 134: by BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) (last edited Oct 11, 2018 05:58AM) (new)

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Vijay Narayan Govind wrote: "My sincere apologies. Not sure how a previous comment is to be deleted - may I request the admin to kindly do it if possible on my behalf. Else - request that it may be kindly ignored as my inadver..."

The person who posted a comment is able to delete it by clicking 'delete' at the bottom of the placed text...

message 135: by Judy (new)

Judy When is the last comment on this thread?

Anyway, 2 names to add to the list: Peter Robinson (England) and Ian Rankin (Scotland).

message 136: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Judy wrote: "When is the last comment on this thread?

Anyway, 2 names to add to the list: Peter Robinson (England) and Ian Rankin (Scotland)."

The dates and times of the comments show in the beige header bar above each comment, with the name of the commenter on the left, other info on the right.

If you want to add those authors, you have to do that yourself. Use the tab at the top of the list.

message 137: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis The system found and removed 2 duplicates.

message 138: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Surendra wrote: "nice Book thanks for sharing So I was thinking of Reading either is Dark materials or The Millennium trilogy.
Read More"

Note to other users: don't click on this guy's link. It's phishing or I don't know what. It removes you from GR and takes you to a site offering "Illegal Movies."

Obviously, I am flagging it, but I don't have the ability to remove it, so for now--beware.

message 139: by Barb (new)

Barb So can anything be done about all the books on this list that are not the first book in a series? I've gone through the first five pages of the list and found a LOT of them.

message 140: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Dievendin wrote: "I have read the full book this is very nice I have many collections of book like this you want to read just follow this link....."

I have flagged your remark, which is considered spam or self-promotion, and in violation of GR policy. If I were you, I'd delete it before the super-librarians get here.

message 141: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Barb wrote: "So can anything be done about all the books on this list that are not the first book in a series? I've gone through the first five pages of the list and found a LOT of them."

Nope. Sadly, this is one of those things that must be left to participants to do correctly. Every list I have ever seen that carries this instruction is violated widely.

message 142: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Andrade wrote: "why did you remove "una historia de ayer"? It is a crime and mystery book..."

Huh. Wasn't me. That's why it's a good idea for librarians to document their efforts here. Unless...if the title is also on the list in its English version, the system may have considered it a duplicate and merged them.

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) Donna wrote: "Huh. Wasn't me. That's why it's a good idea for librarians to document their efforts here. Unless...if the title is also on the list in its English version, the system may have considered it a duplicate and merged them...."

I noticed the same remark by Andrade in the comment section of several Listopia... When I tried to click through to the profile, it was set to 'private'. I wouldn't worry about it too much; Judging from the comments on several Listopia, it sounds like it was spam...

But you're right: It would be nice if the person who removed it would state a list of removed titles in the comment section of the Listopia...

message 144: by Gary (new)

Gary This list appears to be broken: Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown, is on it.

message 145: by Krševan (new)

Krševan Viduka Beth wrote: "Can't find alot of Caleb Carr or Kathy Reichs
That's because Caleb Carr sucks completely

message 146: by BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) (last edited Aug 16, 2021 01:41AM) (new)

BookLovingLady (deceased Jan. 25, 2023...) A lot of titles I wouldn't qualify as 'crime & mystery' myself but each to his own, I guess.

I've removed several titles (but there are plenty more...) that were not the first book of a series, as the description says.... ("If the book is part of a series, please only vote for the first book.")

message 147: by Donna (last edited Aug 17, 2021 11:34PM) (new)

Donna Davis BookLovingLady wrote: "A lot of titles I wouldn't qualify as 'crime & mystery' myself but each to his own, I guess.

I've removed several titles (but there are plenty more...) that were not the first book of a series, as..."

Boy, that's hard work! Every stinking one has to be checked, unless you know the series. Thanks for your diligence, BookLLady.

message 148: by Sukrit (new)

Sukrit Mr. Twinkie wrote: "This list is laughable. It is full of books that shouldn't be there and books that are basically horrible written."
Exactly my thoughts too after a glance!

message 149: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis Sukrit wrote: "Mr. Twinkie wrote: "This list is laughable. It is full of books that shouldn't be there and books that are basically horrible written."
Exactly my thoughts too after a glance!"

And so, you are here--on this laughable, horrible list--because...?

message 150: by Sukrit (new)

Sukrit Donna wrote: "Sukrit wrote: "Mr. Twinkie wrote: "This list is laughable. It is full of books that shouldn't be there and books that are basically horrible written."
Exactly my thoughts too after a glance!"

And ..."

Because there are good books here nevertheless!

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