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A Story of Yesterday

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A Story of Yesterday is a concise and straight punch to the jaw of life.
Under a sky of different colors germinates a magical story of survival, where the result of each choice, enclosed in this particular tale, will snatch the whereabouts of each story forever.

70 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 6, 2014

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About the author

Sergio Cobo

2 books1,674 followers

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5 stars
9,206 (73%)
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1,960 (15%)
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892 (7%)
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335 (2%)
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110 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews
Profile Image for Alex Ramos.
5 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2020
Es una de esas cabezas, la de Sergio Cobo, a la que a uno le gustaría asomarse, aunque sea unos minutos, para ver que hay dentro, por vamos... el alarde de originalidad, sorpresa y giros que ha sido capaz de tejer en esta historia es digno de estudio. Una lectura apasionante.
21 reviews2 followers
November 22, 2022
I read this book last night (it's very brief, I read it in a couple of hours) and am seriously thinking of reading it again today. I can't stop thinking about it. The way the story is told, the characters, the way it kind of made the hairs on my arms stand up. It felt like an experience more than just reading. When I finished, I felt a bit like I did after reading Requiem for a Dream (ie, put through a wringer of self-destruction, despair, and violence that begets more violence). Still, it is a story perfectly told and perfectly concluded.

My only criticism is that the writing is awkward at times. There were a lot of missing pronouns and sometimes the pronouns were wrong (for example, the character Luna was mostly referred to as "he/him" but in a few places referred to as "her"). I'm guessing that the translation from Spanish to English just wasn't great. If only I was fluent in Spanish so I could read the original text!
Profile Image for Chem.
48 reviews2 followers
February 1, 2021
Me encantan las estructuras no lineales y las historias paralelas que se afectan entre ellas. Sergio Cobo sabe hilar y desarrollar todo esto a la perfección. Ha construido 4 grandes personajes.
1 review
April 6, 2022
I first read this book some months ago and was blown away.
This rereading continues to confirm to me that this novel is near to a masterpiece, it has nothing left over or lacking. For me it is perfect.
Profile Image for Graciela.
32 reviews
July 2, 2022
It is a very short text but it is sooo well written that you have a complex plot develop in few pages. This, in my opinion is one of the big challenges writers have. They usually take forever to tell the story which is not the case here.
Una Historia de Ayer is not a typical narrative, which is my cup of tea. So, yes, I gave it 5 stars.
Profile Image for Josh Wolfe.
112 reviews
March 1, 2022
It’s original and unique. The story just fits together perfectly in 70 pages.
Profile Image for Paolo.
1 review
April 13, 2022
It is a beautiful, violent story, but above all a must-read for all those who consider themselves read lovers.
Profile Image for Rowena.
2 reviews
April 26, 2022
It is very easy to read, follow the story and get caught up in it. Many times I read more than I had planned because it always left me wondering what would happen in the next chapter. I like to read these kind of mystery novels from time to time.

1 review
April 14, 2022
Quite original and independent story. It is a complex story altough if you focus on the story there is no problem.
Profile Image for Eduardo Montiel.
183 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2020
Novela corta de misterio y revancha. El trama principal se centra en la relación entre 4 personajes y como las acciones de cada uno afectan indirectamente a los otros. Lo que hace la historia particularmente interesante es como Cobo desarrolla los eventos de manera no linear y ocupando diferentes narradores.

Octubre 2020. 4/5
1 review
April 15, 2022
Excellent short novel. A penetrating, sensitive and at times shocking examination of the hearts and minds of men. In brief, absorbing and gripping drama mix thriller.
Profile Image for AyesalyaM.
40 reviews14 followers
June 23, 2022
The writyng style is really excellent, are definitely awesome book.
Profile Image for lola.
31 reviews
September 8, 2023
a short but incredibly written mystery revolving the death of lara's sister and victor's wife, set in a bleak but colorful town where cigarette smoke comes in different shades and the sky reflects multiple colors, and how these two strangers are totally connected. deals with themes of drug abuse/addiction, sexual assault/rape and loss.

i'll start with what i loved about this book; it's really short. i was able to finish it in 2 hours so it's perfect if ur looking for something to pass the time. don't let the small amount of pages distract u from the fact this short novel is addicting. i was hooked. i love a good mystery book and i think how cobo managed to weave the plot back to the beginning was really smart. jaw dropped when i saw the first sentence appear at the end.

what i didn't like, though, is how easily i got lost in this book; it changed perspectives quick and confused me a bit. it had unnecessary details like when lara broke into rosa's home just to find... nothing? just to die, i guess. and when they went into detail about victor's problems with the drug cartel i got a little confused about what the author was trying to get across. nonetheless, just small things. the twist made the read worth it.

definitely recommend. i think this short book is underrated.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ricky.
1 review
May 19, 2022
It is a wonderful book, there have been chapters in which it has kept me in suspense until reaching an extraordinary ending that left you full of satisfaction, because it is a book about revenge, and all those plots that the author hatched reached the end of many chapters to great endings.
Profile Image for Raine.
1 review
May 3, 2022
The entire book is a passionate story of revenge and personal redemption, in an attempt to find stolen happiness, a main character who is torn between the many shades of gray, without being really good or bad, can become incredibly cruel and at the same time merciful.
2 reviews
April 6, 2022
Without a doubt, it is one of the suspense books that I liked the most in life. The writing style is clear, straightforward, very light, and he takes the reader through the story with incredible ease.
Profile Image for Rick Keyes.
2 reviews
April 16, 2022
A deftly puzzling journey through an underworld sprung entirely from Cobo's mature imagination, a landscape of danger, shock and violence.

1 review
April 28, 2022
One word that can sum up this book is intense. Everything feels more. The compassion, the threats, the action, the betrayal, the gestures, the words, everything. This has got to be why it's so addicting.
Profile Image for D. Smith.
1 review
May 5, 2022
I found it addictive. Really: a true masterpiece. The characters have incredible development.
The book has it all: mystery, adventure, a bit of fantasy, lots of surprises, and of course, revenge.
Profile Image for Dean.
1 review
May 2, 2022
A true narrative gem. I expected a lot from the novel but it has far exceeded my expectations. A delight for any reader.
Profile Image for Desiderio Espinosa.
35 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2021
Una historia que se lee en pocas horas. Una historia intensa alineal en la que se pueden ver desde adicciones, venganza y asesinatos por un tema de ajuste de cuentas. Recomendable.
April 9, 2022
I read this book on recommendation and the truth is that it left me with very good feelings. I didn't know what to expect when I started with it but it wasn't at all what I imagined.
Profile Image for Shery.
2 reviews
April 13, 2022
A much more complex and profound work of art, with enough psychological dimension to understand the intentions, desires, ambitions and doubts of each of the characters.
Profile Image for Stephen Y_S.
1 review
April 14, 2022
A truly masterful novel that had, among its many virtues, a narration full of jumps in time but perfectly stitched together, a tremendously story.
1 review
April 27, 2022
It's been nearly two years since I first read this book, and if I'm not mistaken this is the third time I've read it. And I find it incredible that it continues to impact me as much as the first time I read it.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews

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