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In Wrecking Ball, Book 14 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series—from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney—an unexpected inheritance gives the Heffley family a chance to make major improvements to their home. But they soon find that construction isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When things get rough, will the Heffleys be able to stay . . . or will they be forced to move?

And don’t miss Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal—the instant #1 bestseller—told from Rowley’s perspective!

224 pages, Hardcover

First published November 5, 2019

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About the author

Jeff Kinney

399 books16.4k followers
Jeff Kinney is an author of children's books including Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series. Jeff was born in College Park, Maryland, in 1971 where he created a comic strip called "Igdoof."He also created the children's website 'Poptropica'.

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Profile Image for Sheri.
1,214 reviews107 followers
May 20, 2021
When the Heffley family inherits money, it is soon decided that a few home improvements are in order. Each family member has their own ideas of what sort of improvements should be made, and naturally, Greg’s ideas are generally self-serving and impractical. Greg deftly demonstrates the illogical reasoning of youth as he dreams and schemes of bigger and better things. From marketing gimmicks at his yard sale to imagining a home with all the “conveniences,” Greg’s whims are certainly creative and ingenious, if not always practical and right-minded.

As the home beautification and renovations get under way, Murphy’s Law comes into play and the calamities begin. Adventures with Greg and the gang are hilarious and ring true to real life to a certain extent – the mishaps may seem exaggerated but I have no doubt that that Greg and his family are not the first nor the last to face the ups and downs of home renovation. Will the end result be worth the toil and trouble? Maybe, maybe not. But at least we readers can get some great laughs along the way and be reminded that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side!
Profile Image for NZLisaM.
415 reviews488 followers
November 21, 2019
Creative, imaginative, amusing fun!

Every year as November rolls around I prepare myself for a guaranteed rip-roaringly funny, entertaining, light read, when the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book hits the shelves. We're now up to no. 14Wrecking Ball, and this time around, Greg’s family decide to upgrade their house. But living amidst a construction site of course leads to all sorts of hilarity and disaster. I would not want to be neighbours with the Heffley's, or be any where near the vicinity of their property. They have the best intentions, but every thing they touch backfires on them. They remind me of the Griswold Family from the National Lampoon films.

Like The Simpsons, Greg and company never age – he’s permanently stuck in middle school, although Wrecking Ball’s main focus is his home life (parents and siblings) with few scenes in the school environment. Even Greg's best friend, Rowley rarely made an appearance, but he did have an entire journal devoted to him back in April – Diary of An Awesome Friendly Kid – so probably okay for him to take a backseat. As always the merging of narrative and comic illustrations are pure delight.

Relax and enjoy. Recommended for all ages. And if you need cheering up, look no further.
Profile Image for Fatma Al Zahraa Yehia.
507 reviews673 followers
August 15, 2023
I think it is time for Jeff Kinney to bring in some new blood to the series. There should be one solid idea for every book, not just scattered easy-to-forget situations that are no longer as funny as it was used to be.

By the middle of the book, i got a hope that the series will finally start to add some changes to Greg's family. But apparently the author seems to be too scared to give the series a new lease of life.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
4,890 reviews3,011 followers
January 20, 2021
It's like I am literally raising this kid 💟

It's like he's my kid who I want to scold but love him anyway.

It's like he's my favourite amongst my fictional children characters (your real mommy loves you all, my middle grade and storybooks favourite characters. No, Matilda. I can never forget you. Shhh! It's just that he's on it again 🤦).

I can relate with whatever's is going on in this book. And yes, Kinney's been working hard on this, I can see that!

Much much better than some of the books in the series.

My fictional son here has the same problem as his reader mom here: hoarding problems.

While the mom hoards books and (so many other things?!), he is trying to clean up all his lifelong hoardings.

Yup, we both ended up feeling lost seeing all his things but also getting wide-eyed surprised remembering his sticker obsession (yes, he got that from me 😁 I still collect stickers!).

And yes, we can follow his mom's spring cleaning idea. Much better than Marie Kondo's (it will never work with me. I am an enthusiast! Better follow this mom's methods. Thank you.)

I just love how this kid thinks about how famous he would become in the future 🤦🖤
And he gets all these crazy ideas when he has to attend the funeral of one of his great aunts. Damn this kid 😁😁😁😁

And that 'Wrecking Ball" reference to the house construction sent me laughing my socks off 😂🤣

And yes, Manny is still a toddler.

I wish he grows up and has some contribution to this madness!
Profile Image for Bethany Tyler.
153 reviews
December 3, 2019
1 star

I hate this series now, Greg just gets worse as it goes on.
He is such a selfish kid! Like, he wants a friend, but this "friend" has to do WHATEVER he wants.
He also couldn't understand why Rowley got so upset about him possibly moving which didn't even happen. It was very unrealistic as well, things surely can't get THAT bad......
Greg is always constantly complaining about literally anything
Excuse my ranting people.....😕
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,055 reviews192 followers
May 12, 2021
It's spring so that means spring cleaning for Greg. He finds bunch of his old stuff that he either has to keep or throw away or donate so he decides to make some money out of it. Things don't go according to plan though. When his great aunt dies, she leaves some money for his family and his mum decides to do some additions to the house. Again, things don't go to plan. But then his mum has an even better idea to use the inheritance money which is to buy a bigger house in a new neighborhood. Greg is all excited to move and when he tells this news to his best friend, Rowley, he doesn't take it well. Will they stay best friends? I don't know may be or may be not or may be things will not go according to plan once again.

Much like Greg, I am not a fan of spring cleaning, it stresses me out too. I never know what I want to keep, what I want to throw and what I want to give to charity either so I can relate there. A nice addition about renovations, dealing with cranky neighbors and looking for a new place and moving and above all telling your best friend that you are moving. I enjoyed this but I was also on an edge the entire time thinking what else is going to go wrong now and much, too much goes wrong which is funny but also anxiety inducing. Greg and Rowley's goodbye was pretty emotional too and that I did not expect.

I also loved the part where Greg's dad wants Greg and Rodrick to learn things like fixing stuff around the house and he tries to lead by example, only to fail. That was hilarious. As usual, the sketches are absolutely brilliant.

4 stars
1 review7 followers
July 6, 2019
This book is brilliant. I am 11 and I still love this hilarious book because it makes me laugh out loud. Even when I ask my friends to borrow some of the books, they are kind enough to lend it to me so i can take it home so my big bother even reads them. He loves them too. I have got most of the books. Jeff, you are my favorite author!
Profile Image for সালমান হক.
Author 56 books1,598 followers
January 3, 2022
রসবোধ কমবেশি সবারই থাকে। কিন্তু দশ বছরেরও বেশি সময় ধরে সেই রসবোধ কলম ও ছবির মধ্যে দিয়ে পাঠকের সামনে তুলে আনা চাট্টিখানি ব্যাপার নয়। কিন্তু কি অবলীলায়ই না লেখক সেই কাজটা করলেন, এই বইয়ে। সবথেকে ভালো লেগেছে এন্ডিং। লম্বা সময় ধরে টানা হেসেছি। ছেলে-বুড়ো সবার জন্যেই রিকমেন্ড করবো।
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 26 books5,759 followers
December 4, 2019
Is this the last book? There was a sort of last book vibe to this one, and some major upheaval in the Heffley family (not divorce or anything, nothing that might be too upsetting for kids). Last book or no, I still laugh until I cry over these books!
Profile Image for Kevin Hodgson.
687 reviews86 followers
November 11, 2019
Is it really number 14? That means that every November for the last 14 years, I have been reading this series. Some of the surprising fun of reading about Greg has worn off, from familiarity, but there are always plenty of chuckles along the way. My students are definitely not as interested as they once were (this year, only one single student pre-ordered with me)
Profile Image for Ashley.
1,507 reviews31 followers
November 10, 2019
I hemmed and hawed about buying this book - I've kind of been contemplating purging some of my stuff, I don't really need to collect the Wimpy Kid books, and there's starting to be too many in this series that I don't even know if I overly care anymore. I don't know if those feelings were in the back of my mind while I was reading this, or if the books aren't up to the caliber of the earlier books, but I didn't love Wrecking Ball. I didn't find this as funny or quotable as most of the previous books, and there wasn't really anything I related to. (Except maybe the picture of the hairy drain at the beginning lol.)

I think it's time to face it that, at 36 years old, maybe I'm finally getting to be too old for these books. I'll get the next one - because no doubt, in November 2020, there will be Wimpy Kid #15 - from the library.
Profile Image for Mari.
85 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2020
You know, I was all for a really big change in the Wimpy Kid series, but that wouldn't necessarily be on brand, would it?

It would bring a much needed change to a series that I never particularly enjoyed in the first place, but is growing stale and repetitive. The situations are not very funny, some are less believable than before, and the characters are becoming less likeable (if they ever were to begin with).

After 14 years the series needs something new, but Jeff Kinney seems so afraid of change it's almost funnier than the books themselves.
Profile Image for Vikas.
Author 3 books177 followers
November 14, 2019
This is the 14th yes #14 book in the series and for me this was just about there. I liked it but because they make you laugh here and there but most of the book was static only focusing on one thing at a time and then just getting stuck there. And Although I finish these books fairly quickly and honestly you can finish one of these in couple of hours easy. Ah well it was okay and I hope that next one would be funnier and better because after all there is going to be #15 for sure.

People who don't read generally ask me my reasons for reading. Simply put I just love reading and so to that end I have made it my motto to just Keep on Reading. I love to read everything except for Self Help books but even those once in a while. I read almost all the genre but YA, Fantasy, Biographies are the most. My favorite series is of course Harry Potter but then there are many more books that I just adore. I have bookcases filled with books which are waiting to be read so can't stay and spend more time in this review, so remember I loved reading this and love reading more, you should also read what you love and then just Keep on Reading.
Profile Image for ~Rajeswari~ Roy.
153 reviews37 followers
February 13, 2021
Funny and amusing as always.Though i was a bit sad when Greg was moving out leaving Rowley behind with all his childness and laughter.
A very amusing and brain-clearing read💕
Profile Image for Auj.
1,439 reviews112 followers
May 25, 2022
My 150th book of 2022!

An aunt of the family dies, leaving all her money to the Heffley family. The mom decides to use the money for house improvements, to build an add-on to the kitchen. I honestly think they should have just used the money to go on a nice vacation (Like in "The Getaway"), but knowing this series, that wouldn't have ended out well either. Everything goes wrong. They have animal infestations. Then, they have to tear the addition down because it's too close to the next-door neighbor's property line. With everything going wrong & Greg's school probably about to lose funding from bad standardized test scores, the family decides to move.

I was mad at the other family for making them remove the hot tub, which later !! It was also a really dumb idea for the crane operator to decide to lift the hot tub over their house. I just knew that wasn't a good idea before reading what would happen. I hope they sued the guy, lol.

I didn't understand the whole Manny building his own house, though.

Reading the previous books I wanted Greg to have another crush/love interest. (Just your typical romance reader wanting there to be romance in every book they read;) But it kind of sucked here. The girl was mentioned twice, she barely knew he existed, and she was disgusted when she found out he liked her.

In the middle of me reading this, I came across a YouTube video explaining why Greg Heffley is a sociopath in the making...I see where the guy is coming from, but I'm not sure if I totally agree. Yes, Greg isn't the most morally upstanding citizen, but if anything, he seems to suffer from narcissistic personality over anything. It would be interesting having a psychologist read this series to determine. Someone asked the author over Reddit if Greg was supposed to be a sociopath, and the author said that wasn't the plan.

This book didn't make me laugh so hard, but I still got a few chuckles in there. What really annoys me, though, is why my copy from the library is so dirty. The last Diary of a Wimpy Kid book I got from the library was also dirty, but this one seemed worse. Both had dirt on the covers. I felt the urge to take some rubbing alcohol and wipe them down. This one had several pages with juice stained on them, random holes on a few pages, and the edges of where you turn the pages ripped off!! How many people are reading these books before me, and why are they treating them so badly/what is happening for the books to get so dirty?? None of my other library books are like these. Is it because it's a popular children's book so maybe younger people are reading it? No but seriously, I wonder if 100 people or more read my exact hardcover copy from the library before me.
15 reviews3 followers
November 7, 2019
The fourteenth division in the “ Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, “Wrecking Ball” by best-selling author, Jeff Kinney, is a striking add on to its shelf. It comes out as an unexpected turn for the Heffley family, as a distant family member sadly passes away, leading on into the story an even greater unexpected turn-they use the money to have an addition to their humble house. Greg Heffley is fully-fledged into this idea, but is it really what it’s cut to be? Certain connections I can make through the story are the difficult lifestyles told in the novel, I mean, how would you feel that your life is an improbable level to beat from a video game? I still have to give this a 4-star review, however. I mean, if you read all 14 parts from the series-like me- you can regard that every single story has a predictable ending. Overall, it’s still a surpassing read, especially for elementary students that just want to pause the challenging reads. Same goes for all additional grades as well.
Profile Image for Fred Forbes.
1,034 reviews58 followers
November 10, 2019
The old "in for a penny, in for a pound". Started this series long ago and find it entertaining. Yes, I know it is for kids but for those of us with a sophomoric sense of humor, an appreciation for clever stories and the fun of seeing adult situations through the eyes of a kid, it is a fun read. You will enjoy seeing some of the issues you've had to wrestle with and glad to see they are universal. Well done, as usual.
Profile Image for Zoe Wynns.
Author 8 books5 followers
May 18, 2020
Yes, I am sixteen years old. Yes, I have read all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Yes, I received this book for Christmas, and heck yes, I enjoyed it immensely.
Profile Image for Reilly Zimbric.
252 reviews8 followers
December 13, 2023
Spoiler alert—
The Heffley’s are doomsday preppers.
Also, the “Wrecking Ball” was their hot tub being hoisted into the air by a crane and falling through their ceiling.
Profile Image for Casey.
485 reviews2 followers
November 13, 2019
Boo! I think I’m done. Usually each book makes me laugh at least a few times. This one I didn’t laugh once. Sorry Mr. Kinney, I think your series had a solid start but now it’s time to start a new project, imo.
Profile Image for Erin.
31 reviews30 followers
November 14, 2019
Like all of the other Diary of a Wimpy Kid Books, they are good for all ages. I’m 14, and I’m still reading these books. They are a special type of funny that is right for all ages. These books never fail to disappoint. I would highly recommend to kids aged 7-12. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,106 reviews172 followers
September 9, 2020
Началото на учебната година приближава неумолително. Последната седмица на лятната ваканция изтича като пясък между пръстите и ако питате повечето „жертви на образователната система” - няма начин да човек да „пропилее” тези кратки дни с нещо от рода на книги и четене, нали? Е, грешка. Защото Дръндьо номер 14 вече е тук! Непресъхващите идеи на Джеф Кини запращат стария ни познайник Грег Хефли в нов низ от комични несгоди в „Дневникът на един дръндьо - книга 14: От нищо нещо” (изд. „Дуо Дизайн”). Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
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