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The Lillys #2

Girls with Bad Reputations

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All her life, Kayla heard the same Don't be so loud. Don't act so wild. Don't take up so much space. Now she's the beating heart of an up-and-coming rock band…and the whole world is going to know her name. Once upon a time, the pressure to be the perfect daughter nearly broke Kayla Whitman. Desperate to find an outlet away from her controlling mother, she picked up a pair of drumsticks, forever altering the rhythm of her life. Since then, she's been determined to make her own way, finding her home with her bandmates even as she fights to keep her past and her present firmly separate. Things were simple enough when the Lillys were playing local gigs at dive bars, but now they're on their first official tour―and all Kayla can see are warning signs. Desperate to escape the worry churning inside her, Kayla finds solace in quiet tour bus driver Ty Baldwin…and discovers in him a kindred spirit like no one she's ever met before. Their connection is immediate and intense, but when increasing scrutiny from the press threatens to destroy Ty's newfound peace and Kayla's carefully guarded secrets, Kayla's forced to make an impossible pursue her dream and risk destroying everyone around her? Or give in and lose the chance of ever becoming the person she's always known she could be.

448 pages, Paperback

First published February 6, 2024

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About the author

Xio Axelrod

24 books1,086 followers
Xio Axelrod is a USA Today bestselling author of different flavours of contemporary romance. She also writes what she likes to call strange, twisted tales. Xio grew up in the music industry and began recording at a young age. When she isn’t writing stories, she can be found in the studio, writing songs, or performing on international stages (under a different, no-so-secret name). She lives in Philadelphia with one full-time husband and several part-time cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 61 books9,902 followers
March 1, 2024
Oooh I have been looking forward to this for ages! Second in the series about the all girl rock band The Lillys, this time featuring drummer Kayla.

I think it's fair to say this is at least as much about the Lillys as it is about the romance. Ty and Kayla are a sweet couple, very slow burn romance, and pretty much no conflict once they get together. They both have a lot going on in their lives with the rock band drama and Ty's wrongful conviction and family issues so there's plenty of events, but the romance is just one thread in the story. Which is absolutely fine, I just had other expectations going in so the pacing felt odd until I ajdusted my head.

A long book with a lot of detail, engaged me throughout in a satisfyingly soap operatic way. I really now very much want Jordan and ?Tiff's story please, and I'm guessing Lilly and Cindy??? Thoroughly enjoyable.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,211 reviews13.5k followers
February 7, 2024
This book! I enjoyed this immensely. A female main character that is a rockstar drummer - yes, please! This brought all the nostalgia back for me with Sheila E vibes. Growing up she was one of my fave drummers and even now! This book was all wrapped up in found family and that is my absolute catnip. Xio proved once again that she deserves all the flowers and that she is a beautiful writer. Love the sweet romance too, but my favorite is experiencing Kayla’s journey of coming into her power. I love a strong female that can be soft & vulnerable also. Did I mention the freaking music!!?
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,619 reviews398 followers
February 10, 2024
Girls With Bad Decisions by Xio Axelrod
The Lilly’s series #2. Girl rock band contemporary romance. Can be read as a stand-alone but better as part of the series. This book takes place directly after the first book and the couple from the first book are secondary characters / part of the band, in this book.
Kayla Whitman started to learn to play the drums from her older brother. After he died, she has put her focus and dreams on being a drummer in a rock band. She’s also living a secretive life with the band by using a different name. Her band mates don’t know her real name or that she grew up with restrictions of being proper, quiet, and behaved.
Ty Baldwin is the new driver on the band’s tour of county and State Fairs. He’s constantly reading which makes him a kindred spirit for Kayla and the two soon grow close. He’s had some legal trouble in the past but he just wants to move forward now with a good job to help take care of his grandfather.
But the past isn’t easily forgotten or hidden.

I was so excited to start this second book. I really loved Toni and Seb’s story. This starts shortly after the first from Kayla’s POV. Kayla is impressed with the other women in the group and their talents. She doesn’t realize the key role she plays and often refers to herself as “just the drummer”. Her past is a bit sad and you want her to succeed.
Kayla and Ty together are adorable with their love of books, and carving out their own style. Both have family issues they don’t want to address but they can’t get away with ignoring.
It’s has both sweet and rock and roll vibes and with the band on the route to success, I’m looking forward to the next book of the Lilly’s.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,140 reviews172 followers
March 26, 2024
So I received GIRLS WITH BAD REPUTATIONS as an ARC, didn't realize it was part of a series, read the first book, didn't love it (it was fine), and went into this one with low expectations. I did wind up liking the second book a bit more than the first, but it wasn't an all-time favorite.

In book two, we find the Lillys preparing to go on tour, gaining more popularity with every stop. While book one focuses on Toni, the second features Kayla, the group's drummer. Growing up under the watchful eye of her controlling mother, who demanded nothing short of perfection, music and drumming were Kayla's escape. On tour, she forms a fast friendship with their bus driver, Ty, who is escaping life in his own way. But the Lillys' fame threatens to upend both Kayla and Ty's lives.

Two issues here. One: instant love. Kayla and Ty fall head over heels after interacting about twice over two weeks. Please, form a deeper, more realistic connection before vowing your deep, undying love to one another.

Second: These two have their heads in the sand, or the clouds, or both, to the most frustrating degree. Who joins a band expecting to stay hidden and not noticed by the press? Oh I'm in this band, and I want to be successful but oh, no, I am getting famous, and this is a huge problem because my parents will know I'm in a band? Are we twelve, trying to skip school? Ridiculous. And Ty, while I liked him much more, makes some insane choices where he refuses to face reality and could have improved his quality of life YEARS earlier.

Luckily, issue number one mostly vanishes as the book progresses. Kayla and Ty are cute after a while, I will grudgingly admit. Two little bookworms, quiet and reserved; they definitely are made for each other. Ty has an adorable relationship with his Pop Pop, who has raised him (and seems to be magically wealthy...). And, truly, their ability to avoid reality means they are made for one another.

There's just so much going on here. Continuing drama with Candi, a former Lilly band-mate from book one. So many details about the music industry, touring/being on the road, and more. Sometimes it all just feels... too much. The emphasis on a rock band fronted by diverse women is awesome, though.

Overall, I liked each member of the Lillys enough to get drawn into the story. I just wish everything was a bit more plausible, with more time spent on character motivations and less on minute details.

I received a copy of this book from Negalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca in return for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Lynn Peterson.
945 reviews62 followers
April 6, 2024
Such a fun rockin’ book! Another solid read about the all girl rock band The Lillys. Mother- daughter themes, expectations vs dreams. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Profile Image for Chloe Liese.
Author 17 books8,611 followers
February 27, 2024
This brought feel-good warm fuzzies of a lovable couple falling hard and fast and also wove in some tough but tenderly, thoughtfully explored topics. Big fan of the all-female rock band empowerment and joy, their supportive entourage, and the fun they had on their road to success.

Content notes: misogyny, toxic family relationships, grief, death of a sibling, death of a parent, ailing caregiver and grandparent, racist injustice in the criminal justice system.

Thank you Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the advance review copy; all opinions are my own!
Profile Image for C.E. Clayton.
Author 13 books255 followers
December 19, 2023
I first fell in love with Axelrod’s work through “The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes”, the first book in the Lillys contemporary romance series, all featuring absolute rock star women. In this book, we follow the best drummer around—Kayla—as she tries to stay one step ahead of her secret identity getting out, and their booknerd, kilt wearing tour driver—Ty—as he tries to reclaim his life after being falsely accused of a crime. Both of them are trying to live their truth, while still hiding aspects of themselves that don’t represent the people they are. It was that connection—plus an absolute love of literature and the same taste in alt-rock music—that became the basis for this instant attraction, and slow burn romance where authenticity and consent are key.

There’s a lot going on in this book beside just the romance. You have Kayla, worried that the bands’ success is going to oust her as the inspiration for America’s perfect child—Little Miss Yolanda—and thus ruin her mother’s career, alongside working through her identity free of her mother’s domineering plan, plus the drama around the band courtesy of Candi (who you meet in the first book, but if you don’t read that one it’s fine, you still get the gist of what happened), and that’s just Kayla’s side of things. With Tyrell, you have his fear born from the false accusations and trying to move on from that, on top of him trying to rediscover the path he wants to take in life now, and managing his loyalty to his grandfather that is so deep and sweet that it sometimes holds him back from moving forward. The story is told in dual POV so you see both of these characters grow—together and separately—but there was a lot going on in between the tender moments. So much so that, at times, I wish the story was a bit tighter so we could focus a bit more on their romance. I say that mainly because I just adored Ty; he’s such a sweet and marvelous character—a kilt wearing bisexual and demisexual man? Uh, yes please!

I love the premise of this series though. All the members of the Lillys are so distinct and I can’t wait to see where their band goes and to get more of their stories. Right now, Toni and Seb’s story (the first in the series) is still my favorite mainly because Axelrod writes phenomenal second chance and friends to lover’s romances. I also thought Ty’s struggles were a bit more gripping than Kayla’s, but that’s probably just because we needed more time to unpack Kayla’s family drama which would have further taken the emphasis away from the romance, and that wouldn’t have been good, either (hence the 4 stars). It’s a tough place to be, for sure, but Axelrod still managed to tell a sweet love story with just enough steam to keep the reader warm at night. If you’re a fan of contemporary romances with a rock n’roll flare (Axelrod knows her stuff when it comes to the music industry and it’s always a treat to read) then you’re definitely going to want to read “Girls with Bad Reputations” and all the Lillys books, honestly. And thanks to Netgalley for providing an eARC for review!
Profile Image for Lauren (lololovesthings).
353 reviews27 followers
February 9, 2024

Xio Axelrod could write a phone book and I would read it. My god, she is such a brilliant writer! I absolutely loved Kayla and Ty's story in The Lilly's series. Kayla is the drummer for the band, and Ty winds up becoming their tour bus driver. They find a quick and deep connection with one another that is irresistible, smoldering, and teeming with chemistry. They both bring baggage to the table. Kayla has a fraught relationship with her perfectionist mother, who has tried her damndest to control Kayla's life and keep her away from music, one of the few things that keeps her tethered to her brother Zach, who passed away when he was a teenager. Kayla was the inspiration for her mother's children's book series "Little Miss Yolanda," the perfect A+ child who can do no wrong. Becoming a rock and roll star is antithetical to everything her family stands for, and is in direct opposition to everything Little Miss Yolanda is. Ty was raised by his grandfather, who means the world to him and has had various health issues throughout the years. Ty thought he had it made when he was going to college, until someone he considered a "friend" lied and said he plagiarised her work and physically assaulted her. The university took the woman's side, kicking Ty out of school with no evidence to support her claim. He has been trying to pick up the pieces of his shattered life ever since. Eventually, he becomes the tour bus driver for the Lilly's, comes slowly out of his more introverted shell, meets Kayla, and the rest, as they say, is history. Even though Kayla and Ty are a relatively young couple, they feel like mature and realistic characters. Both of them have terrific arcs that feel authentic to their characters. The steam between the two of them is undeniably sensual and incredibly alluring. As with "The Girl With Stars in Her Eyes," the found family element here is strong and makes the story much more rich and complex. The members of the Lilly's have such an indelible bond with one another. Their rock story is chockful to the brim with passion, power, love, respect, and admiration... that, and kick a$$ music! It seems like there are a lot of moving parts to this story, and there are, but Xio Axelrod balances each storyline so no one plot point outshines the other, ensuring that nothing is dropped by the wayside. I absolutely loved this book, and I truly hope you give this series a chance. Xio Axelrod is one of the best romance writers out there right now!!! Listen to the audiobook, if you can, because narrators Benjamin Charles and Tyla Collier bring these characters to life. This is one of the best audiobooks I have listened to as of late. They did a splendid job differentiating between the characters. Fantastic work!

Thank you to NetGalley, Xio Axelrod, and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.
Profile Image for costitanza (onetoomanybooks).
285 reviews34 followers
February 9, 2024

Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and Sourcebook Casablanca for hitting me an early copy of both the ebook and audiobook of this gem!

Girls with Bad Reputations is not just a love story. The romance was beautiful, a not-so-slow burn, friends-to-lovers story.
But what captivated me in this book were the background stories, where our main characters come from, and why they are the way they are.

Kayla is pulling a double Hanna Montana act. Famous since childhood thanks to a series of books her mother wrote about the perfect child, Little Miss Yolanda, Kathrine - Kayla for friends - wants just to follow her late brother's dream to be a rockstar drummer.

Ty is the perfect student, but when he gets tangled in various injustices, he is forced to quit university and accept any job to help his grandfather out.
Ty is a kind soul, searching for the quiet life he was used to. After his grandfather pushes him to do something for himself he decides to take a job as a bus driver for an all-girl indie rock band, with a no fraternization closet written boldly in his contract.

Ty and Kyla met and they found each other. But like I said at the beginning of the review this book is so much more.
Kyla and her mother's relationship was what struck me the most, but there are various themes that make this book very interesting and I´m sure it will enter soon many people´s hearts.

For the audiobook, the production, like everything Dreamscape, is flawless. The voice actors did a great job interpreting the characters. I loved both of their voices.
Profile Image for Stephanie (stephreadsallthebooks).
291 reviews14 followers
December 25, 2023
This book was honestly just SO GOOD!! I adore Ty and Kayla and their love story was just everything I wanted. I honestly had a hard time writing some highlight down because I really just loved this whole book and so wholeheartedly recommend it (I do highly recommend reading The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes first because I think you need to know what happens in that book to fully appreciate this one).

Kayla is the drummer for the up-and-coming band, The Lilly's, and is struggling with parental expectations. She's hidden her life from her high achieving and exacting mother, whose high expectations only increased after the death of her brother. Ty picks up the gig of driving the band's tour bus while trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life after being unjustly accused of plagiarism and assault and being kicked out of college. Both Kayla and Ty have a lot in common - they love books and are huge nerds - and find themselves starting a friendship that bleeds into more.

Though Ty and Kayla are both relatively young, they never feel young or immature, which is something I so appreciate as I get older. Their relationship is really built on respect and kindness and they actually communicate with each other and are unquestionably there for the other. Ty in particular just really got my heart - he is so sweet, his relationship with his grandpa is just absolutely so lovely, and I love how he is so unapologetically himself!

I really felt for Kayla and the expectations her mom has - I was so glad to see her stand up to herself and try to explain her experience to her mom and work to rebuild their relationship. It's incredibly clear that the author really knows her stuff in regards to the music industry and it was truly a delight to read about. I'm obsessed with the Lilly's and their friends - I'm really excited for a Tiff book and then maybe Lilly's?? I'm so intrigued by her in particular.

Read this for:
- BIPOC Characters
- Queer and Gender nonconforming Rep
- Rock star
- Found Family
- Dual POV

I could not recommend this series enough and I can't wait to see what happens with the Lilly's next!

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and Netgalley for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for N.G. Peltier.
Author 4 books276 followers
February 16, 2024
ARC review.
ok yessssssss, I loved everything about this one. I didn't read the 1st book yet and after this I may have to now go back and read Toni and Seb's story but hiii yesss helloooo a new book boyfriend is born. Of course i loved Kayla, drummer extraordinaire who has her own family baggage going on but Ty mi amor!! Our hero is a pan black man who is a bookworm and wears a kilt and has his ears and nose pierced mmhmm. These two together were so sweet and cute.

I loved how their relationship grew and they just talked things out? Their openness with each other was really refreshing. I love how much they're both enamored with each other in different ways, and they just pay attention. For eg: Ty giving Kayla his straw because he knows she needs something to tap with and she doesn't have her drum sticks. small gestures like this maaaan, so cuuute in romance.

Their romance was a good balance with the rise of the Lillys! I loved getting to each know each member of the band and at no time did I feel like the romance was overshadowed.

Whew, Kayla's issues with her mom come to a head which was much needed and so does the stuff Ty had to deal with, with his past and fears about his grandfather's health etc.

The author did a great job with showcasing the music industry I think. (she's a recording artiste herself so!) Even though some of the descriptions of things did go over my head lol it wasn't too jargon heavy or anything like that to the point of bogging down the flow of the story.

Loved Kayla and Ty, loved all the other characters as well (except Candi she can kick rocks meh!) and I can' wait to see whose book is next. I'm really intrigued by whatever's going on with Tiff so *eye emoji*
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,195 reviews248 followers
February 16, 2024
This book was fantastic! Great plot, great main and side characters that were not just your typical any steriotype, found family, family drama, slow burn romance. I really loved it. I'm a Lillys fan. Can't wait for the next one. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Ashley Shea.
362 reviews65 followers
March 26, 2024
I can officially tell the drummer and the bassist apart!

For this one, I don't think a plot summary is necessary, at least, nothing beyond: this is a continuation of the Lilly's series, where in The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes we followed Toni and in book 2 we're following Kayla, the drummer, and the band is gaining recognition and spends the course of the book doing the festival circuit. Their driver is Ty, and he and Kayla have instant chemistry. There, plot.

I didn't like this one as much as book 1, but I only kind of didn't like it. Mostly I was just kind of indifferent towards it. As in, everything I'm about to expound upon are just points that took away from me loving it. None of the below points are things I hated. I wanna make that clear! I think Xio is a great voice in the romance lexicon and I still enjoyed this.

Kayla and Ty's romance was not as compelling as Toni and Seb's. There was much more backstory to Toni and Seb, so this might be considered unfair, but there it is. There was nothing for these two to get around, they had so much in common, they were literally made for each other. It was NOT not believable, I just wasn't rooting for them as hard BECAUSE they didn't need it.

Kayla's parents were SUPER problematic!! Mostly her mom, but her dad wasn't much better. I have said this before about Xio's books and I'll say it again: I feel like she tries way too hard to make the conflict way too overblown. Kayla's brother died when she was 15, and so her parents - particularly her mom - focused all their energy on making Kayla the perfect child, so she feels bad about being in a band, and this is going to be a huge conflict when, in actuality, Kayla is a full-blown adult and should be completely able to do her own thing. I also lay blame at Kayla's feet because I just said she's an adult and yet she very childishly kept her band a secret from her parents and her parents a secret from her band. More on this later. The point of this point is that the parents themselves were problematic. Kayla's mom at several points said a bunch of problematic, racist, and narcissistic things that Kayla just let pass or worse, apologized for. Or the dad apologized for her mom, and Kayla and her dad rolled over a lot. It was painfully awkward and infuriating.

Ty's impossibly tragic background was way too tragic!!! Let me enumerate this for you! Ty's mother died when he was a baby, his dad died when he was a kid, this grandfather is in the early stages of dementia, his college buddy accused him of plagiarism AND THEN assault, he got kicked out of his university and lost his scholarship, and he can't get a job or get into another university because he's been blacklisted. This was just too much!! Now, all this led to him driving a tour van that put him in Kayla's path, but I could definitely argue that about half this tragedy would have been enough. Between this and Kayla's dead brother, there is so much drama in this series! You can't force character development on people like this. I would have believed he was a good guy without false plagiarism and assault charges.

Racism and sexism tropes were overused. I know these things exist and I know that it's important for people who have a platform to bring attention to them, but they were so so so very ham-handed as to actually take away from the importance. Look, if a guy and a girl walk into a music shop and the male employee mistakes the musician for the guy, a simple "oh, it's actually me who's the musician" should suffice. It could easily happen to anyone. Similarly, the racist woman walking by the bus when Ty was checking it was locked was overwrought, and the racist landlord in the middle of majority-black Philly was not at all believable. The biggest offender was Kayla's mom hearing one inkling that Ty was guilty of plagiarism and assault and immediately believing it. It was especially distressing because even as a woman of color, Kayla's mom immediately believed it must be true, because the accuser was from a legacy white family. With no details!! And then had the gall to scold Kayla about not having her facts straight. And also having the gall to call Kayla out for not being enough of a role model for little Black girls. The sole purpose of all these examples is just to infuriate you, the reader, but instead I became infuriated at the author, who should not have to throw every instance of -ism on the page just to illicit a reaction from us. Black people can be intelligent and upstanding members of society. Women can be role models without conforming to I-don't-even-know-what standards. I didn't need anyone to beat me over the head with this.

The overly dramatic conflicts were overly dramatic!
🔴 Between Kayla and the band: why oh why did it have to be so dramatic that Kayla didn't feel she could admit to her band mates that she was the subject of a kids series her mom wrote? Why exactly did she think this was going to be some kind of deal breaker??
🟠 Between Kayla and her mom: I mentioned this already that her mom was problematic but my issue here is how long it took before Kayla worked up the guts to talk candidly with her mom and admit she was in a band (oh! oh! oh! and she isn't even the one who finally came out and told her parents! some acquaintance blurted it out and even took the agency from Kayla!). And then her mom tried to bulldoze her and went on and on about how disappointed she was and I can't stand it when grown women don't stand up for themselves. And I'll address the concept of race in a minute, but specifically, the idea that Kayla is a disappointment because she's not representing her people appropriately! UGH! It all made me so mad and she needed to be put in her place! But Xio opted for a "mom, you're smothering me" approach that was quieter and maybe more peaceful, but was not at all satisfying.
🟡 Between the band mates and Candi: yup, this bitch is back again. She was kind of a nuisance that I thought might get a redemption arc in the first book, but she was just plain bad in this one. And honestly, I'm a tad sad her downward spiral indicates that this troubled young woman is most definitely not getting the help she needs. So, I'm waiting for the "oh no, Candi's dead" subplot later on in this series. In a book with already too many conflicts, this was an unwelcome addition.
🟢 Between Ty and that ridiculous excuse for a journalist: I forgot to add to Ty's list of tragedies that on top of everything else, there was a journalist running around trying to connect the supposed assault with Ty's classmate's eventual drug overdose... I can't even conceptualize how that leap in logic occurred. And Kayla got all embroiled in it too because the "investigative" journalist found out her real last name and therefore who she was, as a way to... discredit the band?? because Ty was their driver??? And wouldn't her parents be disappointed???? I don't know but this was a big part of the many conflicts and it was way too ridiculous.
🔵 Between Tiff and whatever was going on with her: save it for the next book. It had no place in this one. I was pulled in way too many directions as it was.

Gosh it sounds like I had a lot of problems... Let's just say they were easy to articulate. The issues with this book were obvious but not so detrimental as to make the book not enjoyable. It's a 4 from me but only rounded up from 3.5 territory. I still had fun and I'm still rooting for these girls!!
Profile Image for Lit_Vibrations (Sammesha D.).
217 reviews19 followers
April 27, 2024
Fame can bring more than popularity and with the press now hot on their heels nobody’s past is safe.

It’s the 2nd book in the Lilly’s series which can be read as a standalone because this one focuses more on Kayla and her new love interest Ty. Things were simple when the Lillys were playing local gigs at dive bars, but now they're on their first official tour and all Kayla can see are warning signs. Desperate to escape the worry churning inside her, Kayla finds solace in quiet tour bus driver Ty Baldwin…and discovers in him a kindred spirit like no one she's ever met before.

This was a cute bubbly romance kind of slow at times but having the audiobook really kept me engaged. I really enjoyed the diverse cast of characters throughout the book. But what really got me was Kayla and Ty’s insta-love connection. Over the course of the tour they gradually grew closer. Realizing they have so much in common this attraction eventually turned into more which I expected was going to happen. Also knew Kayla’s mom would have an issue with them dating.

I liked that we were given some backstory on the main characters allowing the author to touch on other themes aside from their romance. Kayla dealt with some grief after losing her brother, was a college dropout, living double lives, not to mention she had to deal with a toxic mother who only cared about her reputation. Ty on the other hand had problems of his own. False accusations nearly ruined his life, he’s taking care of his grandfather, and now has to deal with his past possibly being exposed.

This wasn’t an all out fav after reading but still enjoyable. I came for the romance but stayed for the drama. If you liked the first book in this series you’ll adore this one too. Special thanks to @sourcebookscasa for my gifted copy & @libro.fm for my ALC‼️

Rating: 3.75/5⭐️
Profile Image for Maria.
889 reviews11 followers
February 20, 2024
This is so soft. So full of care, compassion, and fluffy feelings. There are complex things going on in both Kayla and Ty's lives, but their relationship is so wholesome and sweet (which I don't mean in a closed door way, there is some heat here, it's just a slow burn to get there ).

Kayla is grappling with the consequences of fame, letting down her family, dealing with her grief, and living as herself authentically in all facets of her life. Ty is trying to move past a false accusation, coping with his grandfather aging, and recalibrating his dreams after dropping out of university. They are both vibrant, realistic characters who leap off the page with real beating hearts. Xio can weave a romance into a plot so masterfully that I never feel a lack of it, even when it's a slow burn like this one. I love that they take their relationship slowly, genuinely becoming friends first before they give into their attraction. It just feels so grounded in reality, where the romance has a chance to breathe a little bit before it becomes an inevitability.

The Lilly's are a great band and friend group, and I loved seeing the whole gang again. They were on the road this time, so not only did Ty and Kayla have lots of forced proximity fun, they all did. And Xio never neglects friendships for the central romance, so there are plenty of great bonding moments, dramatic reveals, and sticky spots between all the characters. It's just one more thing that makes me forget I'm reading a book, because everyone seems so real. There are no simple cutout characters here, and I love it.
Profile Image for Linda (un)Conventional Bookworms.
2,761 reviews342 followers
January 4, 2024
*I received a free copy of Girls with Bad Reputations from NetGalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review which is honest and unbiased.*

OMG! The motherfucking Lillys are amazing! Axelrod has written this all women's rock group that just keeps getting better! And I swear I could hear the music, feel the excitement of the festival crowds, tap my foot with Kayla's drum rhythm, and have my heart beat faster each time she and Ty looked at each other.

There is much more than the music going on with this one, though. Just like in the prior novel, the readers follow one main character, while the rest of the band is very important as well. And it is clear that both knowledge of the music scene and knowledge of music is very strong thanks to the author.

The little bit of drama in The Girl with Stars in her Eyes could still be felt a little bit, but the emphasis here was more on the budding romance between Kayla and Ty, and how the group is on the verge of becoming not only BIG but BIG. Of course, it's not smooth sailing only, but when it is, it is oh so sweet.

If you enjoy stories about women who go after what they want - and what they deserve - music, friendship, love, fighting for what's right - Girls with Bad Reputations should quickly make it on to your virtual shelf, and maybe try to make sure you get the novel on February 6th ;) It really is worth it. Axelrod rocker!
Profile Image for Amanda Mercedes.
268 reviews22 followers
March 27, 2024
This book was so fun! I spent a lot of my late teens/early 20s doing music promotions and a hobby of mine is going to a lot of concerts and traveling for music festivals so I found it something I could relate to.
This book is actually the second book, and I hadn’t read the first so I can confirm that it can be read as a standalone as I didn’t feel lost when reading it. The characters had their own complex backgrounds, especially difficulties of just existing in society which are unfortunately really realistic; unfortunately in the sense that it actually exists. I love the idea of an all-girl alt band; I’ve seen the Linda Lindas before and they rock. Willow is also amazing. The struggles with the music industry reminded me a bit of Josie and the Pussycats. Overall, this story has a romance subplot but is really about someone living out their dream and honoring their passed brother, while also having that breakthrough conversation with her mom about being her own person and not the idea her mom has for her.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the read!
Profile Image for Becky.
1,076 reviews105 followers
February 5, 2024
Excitedly anticipated this book since "The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes" and it exceeded expectations! Ty and Kayla's love story is everything I hoped for. The Lillys and their world are my latest obsession. 📚💖

Kayla, drummer for The Lillys. Ty, the band's tour bus driver, facing life's uncertainties. The portrayal of Kayla's strained relationship with her mother and the insightful glimpses into the music industry enhance the overall enjoyment of the book. Highly recommended for a delightful read! 🎵📖

If you are are an audiobook person I can not recommend this audio enough! Benjamin Charles and Tyla Collier, the narrators for this book, skillfully brought the characters to life. Tyla, especially, captured Kayla's essence, establishing a profound connection that resonated throughout the narrative.
Profile Image for Jenna (readinginjennaland).
670 reviews21 followers
February 6, 2024
Kayla comes from the perfect family. Her mother expects perfection. Kayla feels like she isn't perfect and just wants to be herself. She's in a band called The Lilly's and her family has no idea. Her band has no idea who her family is. Her mom isn't the nicest and kind of a snob.

The band is about to do a tour to a bunch of festivals. They hire Tyrell to be their bus driver. Tyrell has a past and he is trying to get past it. He lives with his grampa, his only family.

This was such a fun rockstar Romance. I really enjoyed getting to know the other bandmates. I read this as a standalone but I'll definitely be going back and reading the first of the series. I loved the audio book and the narrators did a fantastic job. I can't wait to read more of the series.
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,482 reviews304 followers
January 24, 2024
This was a fun next instalment in the Lillys series that follows an up and coming all girl band as they tour around and has the drummer, Mikayla falling for their bookish bus driver Tyrell despite his own bad reputation.

Full of heart and emotional depth, this was a slow burn romance with a great cast of unique and diverse characters. I really enjoyed it especially the audio book narration by Benjamin Charles and Tyla Collier. Recommended for fans of authors like Jasmine Guillory.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review.

Steam level: some open door scenes
Profile Image for Zhariah.
18 reviews
March 18, 2024
Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS for the advanced copy of this book.

The first book in this series had me hooked. The idea of reading about an all girl rock band was different but I absolutely loved it. This book is no different as it picks up where the last book left off with POV of a new band member, Kayla. The story is completely different from the last and it offers new insights into who makes up the band, Ty and Kayla’s love story was so comforting and non conflicting it was nice.

The story was a bit slow though but I liked it. Really looking forward to see whose story we see next in the Lilly’s.
Profile Image for Shaketta.
188 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2024
Love this book!! It totally exceeded my expectations! I loved the rock band aspect for the Lilys!! I also enjoyed the romance building between the characters Kayla and Ty. I hope to read more from this author. Special thanks to the publisher SourceBooksCasa for this amazing gifted copy!
Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,537 reviews75 followers
January 9, 2024
The Lillys are back and I just want more more more!

Girls With Bad Reputations is the second book in The Lillys series and can be read as a standalone within the series if you choose to. This book is about the drummer, Kayla of an all-girl rock band. We were introduced to her in the previous book, but this one centers around her, her family, her band family (The Lillys), a love interest and a past that is catching up with her. I really liked that we got to see where Kayla came from and how that influenced who she became. It was like she was living a dual life because of family obligations and as a reader, you knew that was going to play into her story. I really felt like I got to know her character deeply and I could understand her actions and why she did what she did. She's the heartbeat of the band, but she also keeps to herself a lot and doesn't feel like she always fits in, except with The Lillys. Because she is one KICKA$$ drummer!

Enter Ty. He's also a quiet, unassuming guy that mostly just keeps to himself and is a major book nerd (can we say swoon??). When he is hired on to become their driver for their tour bus, you immediately feel the connection he has with Kayla. Two characters that are dealing with pasts and family in very different ways, but when they come together it's natural, it's sweet and it's 100% consentual.

This book was all about building who Kayla and Ty were and how that played into the band. Family was definitely important for both of the characters, but you could also feel that the band was a very centering found family for them both as well. The way they traveled together and supported one another was perfection. They truly complimented one another as people. At times I felt like the story dragged on a little bit, but then again, getting so much backstory was helpful in seeing who Kayla and Ty were as individuals and how they developed as individuals as well as a couple. I just loved them together so much even if their relationship was more subdued.

"Haven't you ever met someone, and the moment you met them, your heart suddenly made sense to you?"

I'm an absolute goner for this book, the characters and the creator. If you love music, the life of working musicians and all the drama that comes with touring, this is THE book to pick up. Axelrod did a phenomenal job of bringing the audience into the story and making us feel like we became a part of the band and their tour. You could feel the love that Axelrod has for music all throughout. But most of all, you'll feel like you became part of a family.

With all that said, I want more rockstar books. I want more rockstar books that center around women musicians. I want to feel like I was at a festival enjoying the music all around me. I want to tour with the bands and I want to see the drama unfold and the band all come together like the family they are. Because that's exactly what The Lillys are and Xio Axelrod delivered! Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Courtney.
2,768 reviews7 followers
January 21, 2024
3.5 stars
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
Girls with Bad Reputations is the second in Xio Axelrod’s music romance series, The Lillys, although it can be read as a standalone. With the lengthy period between release dates, I practically forgot I had mixed feelings about the first one, and while in some ways this one was better, this one also suffered in its own way.
I did really like both the leads this time around. Kayla in particular is delightful with her spunky personality, contrasted with her secret about her being the inspiration for the lead character in her mother’s children’s book series. Ty, meanwhile, is also trying to get back on his feet and get his life back together after being falsely accused of a crime. At the heart of the book is a great story of kindred spirits who bond over their respective desire to distance themselves from the bad parts of their lives and live authentically on their terms. And they bond over books too, which is always a win for me.
And while the band stuff is a tough balancing act, I did enjoy the level of drama it added for these two who had a lot of secrets to keep. And the dynamics between the band themselves are so interesting.
And while I can respect that Axelrod wanted to give equal page time to both these distinct things (even at the risk of not being exactly “genre romance”), and that going for a longer book was the best way to do that, I felt like a lot of times, the story dragged, because there was simultaneously so much, yet not much, happening. It’s rare for me that contemporaries merit a page-count of over 400 pages (or whatever the word count equivalent is), and the result just feels a little bloated. Although it’s strange that I’m surprised; while I conveniently forgot this, given how forgettable most things not band-related in book one were, that book was similar in length.
While I felt very mixed about this book, I’m very much in the minority, and as far as long contemporaries go, it’s definitely one of the better ones out there. If longer, slow-burn contemporary romance is your thing, and you’re also interested in the drama of being in a band and navigating the music world, I’d recommend checking this out!
Profile Image for Kilby Blades.
Author 33 books478 followers
April 21, 2024
If you loved "The Girl with the Stars in Her Eyes", you might love "Girls with Bad Reputations" even more. This second book in the series invites you deeper into the inner world of the up-and-coming rock band, The Lillys. Told through the eyes of its prodigious drummer, Kayla, The Lillys are B-listers on the festival circuit, but getting noticed and on the verge of breaking through.

They might break through a little faster if their label didn't seem to be working against them, diverting focus from the music by playing up a dying rivalry between The Lillys and their former guitarist (now on the same label with a new band). The crowds are loving The Lilly's festival sets, but it's hard for Kayla to bask in adulation with the media sharks circling for blood. Kayla, and another bandmate, have secrets from their past. The sharks are too close to comfort.

Enter Ty, the audiobook-obsessed, kilt-wearing, endearingly shy bus driver who has been hired to get them from A to B on tour. Rather simply, they get to talking and a spicy-sweet romance blooms.

Xio is a master at weaving stories of romance between adults who are emotionally mature and wanting of love, but navigating the vicissitudes of life. The challenges her characters face are supremely relatable. Ty's priorities are wrapped up in his ailing grandfather's well-being. His prospects are limited by a criminal record rooted in a false accusation. Kayla is a grown woman who walks on tenterhooks to avoid conflicts between her life as a rockstar and her famous mother's straitlaced career.

This is a beautiful story of two people fighting for themselves and their own happiness. Five stars.

Final note: I listened to the audiobook version and the narration/performance was great!
Profile Image for Chella Thornton.
56 reviews
January 27, 2024
Great concept! This is technically the second book in a series but can be read as a standalone. Kayla is the drummer of the Lillys, an all-girl rock group taking the music scene by storm as they hit the festival circuit and prepare to release their first single - but Kayla is hiding a secret from her bandmates: her mother is best selling author of a hugely successful children’s book series based on Kayla. Or rather, what her mother wishes Kayla was like. Kayla is hiding her family from her band, and her band from her family - how can she work towards her dream while balancing two lives? Ty is working to make money for himself and his grandpa by driving busses, and happens to get a gig driving the Lillys on their first tour when he meets Kayla.

I absolutely loved Ty’s character (the audiobook narrator’s voice likely helped- so good!) and Ty’s love story with Kayla was very cute. I really appreciated the queer representation and the slow build of their relationship.

This read as fiction rather than genre romance. The politics, planning and antics of the band took up a lot of the plot, which wasn’t a *bad* thing, but I had a hard time staying engaged with the band’s drama when there was a lot of “telling rather than showing,” and things ran overall a bit longer than I might have liked. I just wanted more Kayla + Ty content! All in all this was a fun read and had me interested to check out the previous novel to learn more about the other cool ladies in the Lillys.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for providing this ALC!
Profile Image for JessGReads.
86 reviews2 followers
February 23, 2024
I'm disappointed that Book of the Month chose not to continue with the second Lilly's book, after I had really loved The Girl With Stars in Her Eyes. I think contemporary fiction novels about black women in Rock music are few and far between, and these novels in particular (while also being love stories) are something I'd really like to see more of since so many books BOTM chooses by black authors are traumatic. I think there is a lot of value in having books that are quite different than the normal offerings, and I wish I could have also had a matching set when the others come out. Alas, I was super psyched to get the audiobook from Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca, because I got to hear the book which added a really fun, different experience for me that I enjoyed a lot. The two different narrators were really wonderful, and I will 100% look up other work that they've done.

I like that the love story in the book is not technically the main focus, and it didn't feel very forced to me which was also quite enjoyable. The characters are super likable (you already know Kayla a little bit if you read TGWSIHE) and Ty is wonderful. Both characters are trying to move forward and away from their respective pasts, and the book is filled with really fun characters along the way. Ty's Grandfather, Van, was 100% my favorite.

You don't have to read TGWSIHE to enjoy this book. You'll miss the fall-out with Candy which is a subplot, but nothing else is super ties in in a way where this book isn't enjoyable. I think that is really interesting, but great for people who may not want to double back. You will spoil the couple from the first novel, and a bit of the plot over there, but if you don't care about that you can always double back as well.

Overall, I was happy to find The Lilly's again, and catch up with where they are now. I hope it doesn't take 3 years to get the next one!
Profile Image for Anna.
1,702 reviews309 followers
February 22, 2024
I received this book as an audiobook advanced copy from NetGalley and didn't realize that it was actually the second book in a series. I listened to the whole thing and then realized that but I loved it. I really loved the band dynamics and I loved the main characters. I almost am glad I read this one first because I didn't love the first one as much after I went back and read that after this one. Band romances are always a hit or miss for me but this one was extremely well out executed. We've got a super badass drummer making a name for herself and pushing back against the expectations of her well-meaning but overbearing parents. And then we have a guy who is just trying to figure out where his life is going after an incident that really rocked his core. He ends up as the band bus driver for their tour and he and the drummer develop feelings for each other. Of course there's a lot of dynamics in play within the band but also with his aging grandfather.

I loved the romance but my favorite part was really seeing these two characters embrace their own individuality and confront the idea that they are worth happiness. They deserve to live happy fulfilling lives and that is so genuine.

I need to start writing reviews immediately after finishing because I cannot remember the specific representation. I want to say that the FMC is hinted at being queer. I don't remember there being a specific label on page but she's very open to addressing the attractiveness of all people. I'm pretty sure she's bi or pan but don't quote me on it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews

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