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The Unquiet Bones

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A shocking discovery of human bones reopens an almost fifty-year-old cold case—and rips apart the lives of a group of friends—in a riveting novel by Loreth Anne White, the Amazon Charts and Washington Post bestselling author of The Maid’s Diary.

When human bones are found beneath an old chapel in the woods, evidence suggests the remains could be linked to the decades-old case of missing teen Annalise Jansen.

Homicide detective Jane Munro—pregnant and acutely attuned to the preciousness of life—hopes the grim discovery will finally bring closure to the girl’s family. But for a group of Annalise’s old friends, once dubbed the Shoreview Six by the media, it threatens to expose a terrible pledge made on an autumn night forty-seven years ago.

The friends are now highly respected, affluent members of their communities, and none of them ever expected the dark chapter in their past to resurface. But as Jane and forensic anthropologist Dr. Ella Quinn peel back the layers of secrets, the group begins to fracture. Will one cave? Will they turn on each other?

The investigation takes a sharp turn when Jane discovers a second body—that of the boy long blamed for Annalise’s disappearance. As the bones tell their story, the group learns just how far each will go to guard their own truth.

351 pages, Hardcover

First published March 5, 2024

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About the author

Loreth Anne White

90 books4,710 followers
Loreth Anne White is an Amazon Charts, Washington Post, and Bild bestselling author of thrillers, mysteries, and suspense. With over 3 million books sold around the world, she is an ITW thriller award finalist, a three-time RITA finalist, an overall Daphne du Maurier Award winner, Arthur Ellis finalist, and winner of multiple industry awards.

A recovering journalist who has worked in both South Africa and Canada, she now calls Canada home. She resides in the Pacific Northwest, dividing time between Victoria on Vancouver Island, a ski resort in the Coast Mountains, and a rustic lakeside cabin in the Cariboo.

When she’s not writing or dreaming up plots, you will find her on the lakes, in the ocean, or on the trails with her dog where she tries—unsuccessfully—to avoid bears. For more information on her books please visit her website at lorethannewhite.com

Connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Loreth.Anne....
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Loreth
Or via Instagram: lorethannewhite

Visit her at www.lorethannewhite.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 527 reviews
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
854 reviews13.5k followers
November 20, 2023
Too Many Characters

3.5 stars

“Our lives are written into our bones.”

The Unquiet Bones
is a mystery about the remains of a body found buried under a chapel at a ski resort connected to a 15-year-old girl who went missing 47 years ago.

47 years ago, Annilese Jansen went missing after attending a party. Her immediate friends are thrown into the spotlight, and the media dubs them the Shoreview Six.

In the present, bones are recovered under a chapel in the woods. Sergeant Jane Munro is assigned the case. Jane, who is 6 months pregnant, is also going through a trauma as her fiance went missing 6 months ago.

MANY POVs are included , including all 6 members of the Shoreview Six: Rocco, Jill, Cara, Bob, Mary, and Claude. In addition, there is Jane’s POV, Annilese’s sister, a journalist, and about three to four others. Some POVs are shared late in the game, while others are steady throughout. Because there are so many characters, it is hard to connect, as their POVs are limited. Some only share one chapter, but Jane, Angela, and various members of the Shoreview Six dominate. I had trouble keeping track of who was who, and the many characters overcomplicated the simple plot.

The timeline alternates between the present and 1976.

In addition to the mystery of the bones and Annalise’s disappearance, there is also the mystery of another high school student who disappeared at the same time as Annalise. The mystery behind Jane’s missing fiance isn't resolved, and I can see her showing up in another book.

The mystery is intriguing, but the pacing is slow. I was a little bored in the beginning due to the number of characters, and it takes time for the plot to move, but the pace eventually builds, as does the tension.

The final chapters and reveal are difficult and uncomfortable to read and made me sick to my stomach (see the TW below). The ending is impactful and left me a little shaken.

Overall, this book does come together, but it would have made more of an impact with fewer characters and more development.

TW: Sexual abuse

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and Montlake in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,285 reviews3,056 followers
March 5, 2024
3.5 stars

When human bones are found beneath an old chapel in the woods, evidence suggests the remains could be linked to the decades-old case of missing teen Annalise Jansen.

But for a group of Annalise’s old friends, once dubbed the Shoreview Six by the media, it threatens to expose a terrible pledge made on an autumn night forty-seven years ago. Despite the intense police and media scrutiny, the group stuck to their story, their lies. (Yes, this tired trope again!)

Nearly fifty years later, three women are now digging for the truth.

Homicide Detective Jane Munro’s fiancé, Matt Rossi failed to return from a Solo hiking trip six months ago, and she is carrying his baby-a baby that he never even learned about. It’s been an emotional few months since the disappearance and Jane has since been assigned to the Cold Case unit, so when the bones are discovered-the case falls to her.

Angela Sheldrick, a reporter known for reporting breaking news first, and for often “sensationalizing” stories, gets wind of the news and doesn’t mind putting it out there, before fact checking what she has learned. Her goal is to get approval to host a reality crime series calls “Someone Always Knows” and this could be the case that sells her idea to her bosses.

And, forensic anthropologist, Dr. Ella Quinn, will allow the “unquiet bones” to speak the truth.

Although this plot has been used much too frequently this year, what elevates this story a bit above the rest is the Science shared by Dr. Quinn about forensic genealogy and familial DNA testing.

It is being used to solve many decades old murders such as the high profile Golden State Killer case, and most recently the case in Idaho involving a criminology student charged with killing 4 fellow university students.

Who knew that bones can will reveal if a person was healthy or ill, muscled or frail, vegetarian, or carnivore, and even if the person had been breastfed and for how long?

I enjoyed this aspect of the story much more than the story itself.

But despite that, the women are great characters and there is unfinished business so I get the feeling we just might meet them again for another case in a second installment.

And, I would be okay with that!


Thank You to Montlake for the gifted copy provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,242 reviews3,935 followers
February 11, 2024
Homicide detective Jane Munro Is nearing maternity leave. So after old human bones are discovered on a construction site, she’s handed the file, assuming it will be a light-weight cold case. Sorry Jane…not so fast!

These bones are about to reveal long-buried secrets!

Once the bones are positively identified, the friends from the past known as the “Shoreview Six” start to sweat!

So far, they’ve managed to escape the public eye for most of their lives. Can they disappear once again? They have so much more to lose now.

I adored Jane’s character. Pregnant with her fiancé missing. I would’ve loved a bit more time spent on her story. Her character felt so familiar to me. Was she in one of the previous books from this author? (I feel like she was...just can't recall)🤷🏼‍♀️
Anyhoo…I enjoyed seeing her (again)! And want more of her character in future books.

My only downside was - there were so many characters to keep track of. To add to my confusion the author used their first names, switching to last names, then referred to them by an alias! Ouch! My head was spinning and I needed a flow chart!😂

Loreth Anne White is one of my go-to authors and I look forward to more of her work. Luckily I still have a couple more on my shelf!💃

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake Publishing.

Profile Image for Linzie (suspenseisthrillingme).
431 reviews275 followers
March 18, 2024
Homicide detective Jane Munro has recently—albeit temporarily—been relegated to the cold case unit following a painful personal tragedy. So it’s shocking when her very first case right out of the gate seems to be more than suspicious. After all, bones have been discovered buried beneath a chapel deep in the woods. Found with the skeleton is evidence that could be right out of the seventies. All together, it points to a case from forty-seven years ago and a missing girl named Annalise.

As Jane begins her investigation, however, Annalise’s friends and family are alarmed at what this could mean. Especially the small, formerly tight-knit group the media once dubbed the Shoreview Six. Now older and with established, comfortable lives, they’re each terrified that the possible discovery of Annalise could implode it all if their secrets were to be exposed. Given their pledge all those years ago after one terrible night, will they still stick together and keep quiet? Or—as the tension between them mounts—will the desire to protect themselves first be too tempting to ignore?

Adding to the mix is Angela Sheldrick. A cocky, no-holds-barred reporter, she’ll do anything for a story—even stretch the truth just a little. Hampering Jane, but also keeping the Shoreview Six in the know, Angela is first on the scene when a second body is found. It just so happens to be the very boy who was blamed for Annalise’s disappearance nearly five decades ago. Now that it’s clear that he wasn’t involved, how far will Annalise’s friends go to evade the long arm of the law? Are they to blame for one or both of the deaths? And if not, then who is?

Whoa. The Unquiet Bones was quite the intricate story full of shocking twists, fully fleshed out characters, and one heck of an explosive conclusion. To be frank, it was exactly what Loreth Anne White is known for and more. Even more impressive, however, was how superbly she managed to follow up her strong domestic thriller of The Maid’s Diary with an equally powerful police procedural. It just goes to show that White is nothing if not a literary genius.

The strongest aspect to this dynamite novel, however, were easily the aforementioned characters. Finely layered and each marked by trauma, the multiple POV plot allowed us to see deep into the past without having to relive it. Better still, Jane was a dynamic persona who was revealed to be the best of all worlds: clever, strong, but also marred by grief. In other words, blatantly true-to-life in the best possible way. Add in a character that you’ll love to hate, and the whole cast was pure perfection to this thriller lover.

The plot itself was complex, nuanced, and with White’s characteristic format of round robin POVs. And with many a red herring and potential suspect in sight, there wasn’t a shot for me to guess the dramatic, final reveal. At the same time, however, it felt natural as the truth came to light—despite the disturbing subject matter at hand. And while perhaps not particularly fast-paced in terms of a thriller-esque read, it was action-packed and didn’t linger over police procedure like other crime fiction novels that I’ve read. For me, it was the perfect combination of authentic policing and suspense.

All in all, White has managed to do it yet again. Although this one wasn’t necessarily my favorite by her, it came pretty darn close. Composed of a delightfully refreshing multicultural cast of characters and an intriguing side plot line, I’m now crossing my fingers that the latter is a sign that this is just the first in a series. I mean, Jane’s story needs to be told. So please Ms. White, say that it’s so? After all, I simply could not get enough of this addictive, compelling, bingeable read. Rating of 5 stars.

Thank you to Loreth Anne White and Montlake for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

PUB DATE: March 5, 2024

Scroll down for my potential plot spoiling trigger list.

Trigger warning: missing loved ones, alcoholism, sexual abuse, mention of: stalking, teen pregnancy, dementia, infidelity, a fatal fall, suicide
Profile Image for Nikki Lee.
289 reviews137 followers
March 8, 2024
*** Happy Publication Day*** order your copy now!

Loreth Anne White has done it again! She’s at the top of her game with another mind blowing, jaw dropping, shocking psychological thriller! If you haven’t discovered her yet, here’s your sign 😊😊

Human bones have been found under a church one day while construction workers are excavating the land. A leg that has a boot on it. However, the boot looks outdated and leads to a murder investigation that appears to have been in the 60’s or 70’s.

Meet Jane Munro. The homicide detective on the case. Jane is determined to find out just who those bones belong to. I really LOVED Jane’s character. She’s pregnant by a man who is also missing. Pregnant or not, alone or not, she does what it takes.

I will tell you that Loreth Anne White did some impeccable research when it came to Osteology, the study of bones. The beginning of this tale felt like I was watching an episode of Bones, you know that series that used to be on Fox. Completely fascinating what they can find just from human bones! Loreth wrote Dr. Ella Quinn’s character impeccably detailed, the forensic anthropologist on the case. I learned so much about forensic anthropology just from reading this book.

Of course, there are other plot lines and characters written into this, but I will let you read it in order to find out. Absolutely could NOT put down this GRIPPING RIVETING thriller, written by the brilliant author, Loreth Anne White. I literally got four hours of sleep each night and didn’t even care. If you enjoy police procedurals with fleshed out characters, intricate plot lines, and suspense to boot….. The Unquiet Bones IS a MUST READ!

Loreth, thank you so much for gifting me a signed hardback copy! Gorgeous cover, btw.
Release date March 5th, 2024
Add to your TBR now!
5 brilliant ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
634 reviews607 followers
March 16, 2024
Thank you so much @mbc_books for having me on this book tour!! 🥰🥰 Pub date is March 5th!! Trust me!! 😉 You don’t want to miss this one!! 😍 Wow!! This was a wild ride! This was my first book by @lorethannewhite and I loved it!! ❤️ I will definitely be reading her backlist!! Listen to this…

Inspired by a true crime.. a murder of a 16 year old.. coming home from a party in 1976… her body was found right outside her house…😳🥺… Her murder has never been solved to this day… OH WOW… how heartbreaking… NOW that you have the background… on to THIS story…

A body is found… and it is thought to be female.. but it’s been buried for a very long time… as word gets out that a human skeleton has been found.. under the church.. 😳… the fact that she is still wearing a platform 👢 boot.. has EVERYONE talking… is it… HER?? After 47 years.. has she FINALLY be found?? 😳

My mind was all over the place… were their multiple girls missing??? Who’s POV is accurate?? Who knows what happened that night?? Everyone… and I mean everyone.. was a suspect in my mind… 🤔🤔 🕵️‍♀️

Especially fascinating was the the group of besties.. The Shoreview Six… who were thick as thieves.. and still are.. 🤨

I loved our detective Jane… she herself knows what it is like… to not have closure. I would absolutely LOVE to see Jane again!! Guys… this book was eerie… twisted… and shocking!! That ending… 😬😧😳😠🤯🤯🤯🤯

Highly recommend!! Thank you again @mbc_books for having me on this fantastic tour and for this gorgeous gifted copy!! 🥰🥰🥰 Pub date is March 5th!! 🥳🥳 @amazonpublishing
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,303 reviews1,912 followers
October 17, 2023
4.5 rounded down

April 2023. Two brothers, working on excavator on Hemlock Mountain dig up human bones, which is investigated by homicide detective, Jane Munroe of the RCMP. This proves to be a decades-old case of 15-year-old missing teen, Annelise Jansen. Have her friends at the time, known as the “Shoreview Six”, now highly respected, successful and wealthy members of society, concealed information, which Jane needs to unearth, much like poor Annelise’s bones?? The story is told via multiple points of view, which, in the hands of the writer of skilled at Loreth Anne White, works extremely well, as it creates a multi layered storyline.

I always eagerly anticipate a new novel by this author, as I know I’m in for some excellent storytelling. As ever, it’s rich in atmosphere via the locations, delivering the right level of chills, and you feel a sort of ghostly presence of Annalise throughout, as she is, through forensics science, able to tell part of her story. I really like this aspect of the storytelling, her bones are a silent witness, and hence are “unquiet“.

Right from the start time I’m invested in the plot, which gives many a hint which sends my suspicion antenna into overdrive There’s so much guilt at the heart of this, with abundant lies and coverups, which delivers many a shock in the twisty, tension fuelled, fast paced plot. In the second half the sense of impending doom is palpable as characters try to save themselves, but it becomes clear that no matter how hard you try, the past never truly leaves us and can haunt a life. The ripple effects of this tragic story are very clear to see as the unexpected conclusion arrives but which explains so much.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoy this mystery thriller, finding it hard to put it down. However, there is one aspect of the plot for which we don’t get a definitive answer, so hence four stars and not five.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Montlake for the much appreciated arc in return for a honest review .
Profile Image for DeAnn.
1,460 reviews
March 5, 2024
4 great female detective stars - now available

My favorite part of this book is the detective, Jane; she’s smart and capable even while dealing with her own personal tragedy. I hope that author Loreth Ann White writes another book for her.

It is a somewhat tired trope, though, with a secret from many years ago, friends who lied about things, but now the truth is threatening to come out. The time gap is quite long here, as Jane investigates a cold case nearly 50 years old.

Things start unraveling for the friends, the Shoreview Six, when the bones of a missing girl are found under a chapel that is being relocated. So much for the theory that the girl was abducted or left town.

There’s an interesting storyline with another strong female character, Dr. Ella Quinn, who’s a forensic anthropologist. As Dr. Quinn begins to examine the bones, she finds clues to who the girl is, and her bones help tell the story to crack the case.

As the Shoreview Six group starts to fall apart, Jane keeps digging into old evidence in the case. This includes another missing person.

Another piece I really liked was the reporter's point of view on the case. I really liked the story arc with her and how she ended up at a very different place than the aggressive reporter who would do anything to get the story at the beginning.

My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read and honestly review this one.
Profile Image for Sandra Hoover.
1,294 reviews215 followers
February 24, 2024
THE UNQUIET BONES by Author Loreth Anne White is based on a true unsolved crime that occurred in North Vancouver, Canada in 1976 where White resided as a young teen. A local sixteen-year-old girl disappeared after parting from her best friend and proceeding home alone. Her murder remains unsolved today, leaving loved ones in limbo without closure. White's compassion and empathy for the lost and those left behind to grieve fuels her desire to highlight their plight via her books giving a voice to the emotionally distraught suffering the aftermath of trauma, loss and especially the unknown.

THE UNQUIET BONES, a highly atmospheric suspense thriller involving skeletal remains unearthed during the moving of an old chapel, is book one in the Munroe and Quinn series. Upon the discovery of the remains, speculation is that it could be Annalise Jansen, a young teen who's been missing for forty-seven years after vanishing on her way home from a party. RCMP Sgt. Jane Munro who's mourning the mysterious disappearance of her finance, Matt Rossi, is struggling to come to terms with her overwhelming grief as well as her six-month pregnancy, when she's assigned the cold case. Having experienced unsolved loss, she's sympathetic to families desperate for closure, and determined to give them answers. Jane calls in forensic anthropologist Dr. Ella Quinn and together they vow to identify the remains through every means possible and bring this long-lost individual home to their family.

When news of the recovery circulates, rumors run rampant among the people in the small town. The possibility and high probability it’s Annalise make six outstanding citizens once dubbed the Shoreview Six extremely nervous as they wonder if their long-buried secrets and lies are about to unravel. Meeting in secret, they shore up old alibis and alliances. If the truth is revealed, affluent lives are going up in smoke and someone is going to pay the price for what happened all those years ago. If no one talks, their secrets remain buried, right? Maybe, maybe not. Authorities look to the recovered bones for answers while a town holds their collective breaths. In the hands of a skilled forensic anthropologist like Dr. Ella Quinn, the long buried, unquiet bones speak. They have a story to tell. What do they reveal?

Author Loreth Anne White renders another riveting, impossible to put down, page burner in THE UNQUIET BONES. Her skill as a writer and the fact that this story is based on a true crime take it to another level. Through multiple points of view and past/present chapters, a heartbreaking story emerges with dire implications for several of the large cast of unreliable characters. As fingers are pointed and threats made, an inevitable tone of malice permeates the pages. With each exposed secret and lie, the pace steadily increases, and White brilliantly manipulates readers and characters toward the shocking conclusion. Layers are stripped away, skeletons rattled, and the truth finally breaks free giving loved ones left behind needed closure.

White's unique gift for taking real life tragedies and turning them into mesmerizing stories with grace and passion while weaving forensic science into a riveting story line is simply amazing. No one does it better. The level of research, time, devotion and heart she puts into her work is evident. I can't wait for the next book in this series. Highly recommended to fans of mysteries, suspense and thrillers as well as lovers of crime fiction.
Many thanks to Montlake and Author Loreth Anne White for an arc of this title and for the book tour invitation. All opinions expressed are my own. This book is scheduled for release March 5, 2024. This review first published in Mystery & Suspense Magazine on Feb. 21, 2024. It will be available on my blog Cross My Heart Reviews on March 5 during the book tour as well on Bookstagram.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,216 reviews2,223 followers
March 16, 2024
EXCERPT: I need to find a way out. I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to tell Contrary about it, but I keep chickening out. It's easier to be angry at her and not say anything because I'm afraid if I tell her, it will change what she thinks of me forever. And I'm scared it will somehow get out because, after all, a secret is only a secret if you keep it exclusively to yourself. Or maybe I'm afraid that voicing it to Contrary will make it seem more horribly real than it is, and I desperately don't want it to be real. But I can't do this alone. I really need someone to help me, and I don't know who I can ask if I can't tell anyone. Not one single soul. Except . . . maybe there is one person. . .

ABOUT 'THE UNQUIET BONES': When human bones are found beneath an old chapel in the woods, evidence suggests the remains could be linked to the decades-old case of missing teen Annalise Jansen.

Homicide detective Jane Munro—pregnant and acutely attuned to the preciousness of life—hopes the grim discovery will finally bring closure to the girl’s family. But for a group of Annalise’s old friends, once dubbed the Shoreview Six by the media, it threatens to expose a terrible pledge made on an autumn night forty-seven years ago.

The friends are now highly respected, affluent members of their communities, and none of them ever expected the dark chapter in their past to resurface. But as Jane and forensic anthropologist Dr. Ella Quinn peel back the layers of secrets, the group begins to fracture. Will one cave? Will they turn on each other?

The investigation takes a sharp turn when Jane discovers a second body—that of the boy long blamed for Annalise’s disappearance. As the bones tell their story, the group learns just how far each will go to guard their own truth.

MY THOUGHTS: I certainly wasn't expecting this ending!

There is a lot of focus in this story on teenage peer pressure - the need to belong, the need for approval - and the devastating consequences it can have later in life if you don't listen to your inner voice telling you what is right.

I have read a lot of variations on this plot over the years, but there are two themes in Loreth Anne White's book that set it apart. One leads into the other, but to reveal them would be a major spoiler. It was a twist I certainly didn't see coming and, while shocking, it really was the perfect ending.

Sergeant Jane Munro is an interesting character. She has been sidelined into the cold case unit following an "episode" at work - we aren't privy to what this episode was - is pregnant and suffering PTSD following the disappearance of her fiancé. I really liked Jane. She is both vulnerable and strong. She is dogged, determined and thorough, as ex-police chief Knox Raymond finds out to his detriment. I would like to see another book featuring her character.


#TheUnquietBones #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: A recovering journalist who has worked in both South Africa and Canada, Loreth Anne White now calls Canada home. She resides in the Pacific Northwest, dividing time between Victoria on Vancouver Island, a ski resort in the Coast Mountains, and a rustic lakeside cabin in the Cariboo.

When she’s not writing or dreaming up plots, you will find her on the lakes, in the ocean, or on the trails with her dog where she tries—unsuccessfully—to avoid bears.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Montlake via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of The Unquiet Bones by Loreth Anne White for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
Profile Image for Kimberly .
645 reviews86 followers
March 30, 2024
Loreth Anne White has produced a well written crime thriller about a pregnant Canadian police woman working to trace the killer of a recently found young woman. The murder happened many years ago and the people involved have moved on and created lives for themselves. It was at times difficult to keep all the characters straight but the effort of doing so was rewarding and worth the effort. Definitely recommended.
Profile Image for Maren’s Reads.
728 reviews1,146 followers
March 20, 2024
The discovery of human bones buried more than fifty years ago - beneath a chapel in the woods - reopens a cold case long forgotten.

I have read two books by this author and thoroughly enjoyed both. First and foremost, she is a master at setting the scene, and in The Unquiet Bones, it is a dark and gritty one with elements of Nordic Noir. I loved the concept of the bones that “speak” and how much a cold case can impact the family of the victims for decades, simply from the unknown.

The character development, especially for a thriller, was very well done, and I think the messiness of each of these characters and their actions, adds a great amount of depth to the story. I would suggest taking notes on who’s who at the beginning, to prevent character confusion as the story ramps up.

I read this, in part, via audiobook and it was fantastic! Carly Robin��s is pitch perfect at narrating a full cast of characters and bringing the gritty atmosphere to life. I felt fully immersed whenever I read via my ears (yet another reason I love audiobooks).

Read if you like:
•detective stories
•cold cases
•domestic suspense
•atmospheric reads
•ensemble casts
•bingeable books

⚠️ CW: There may be very serious triggers for some. Please DM me or research before reading if you are sensitive to some.

Thank you Amazon Publishing, MBC Books and Brilliance Publishing for the gifted copies.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,301 reviews185 followers
March 4, 2024
I am not usually a true crime/mystery reader. The gritty details of that kind of story tend to put me off. But Loreth Anne White is an exception to that. She takes an actual event and makes it real, but still gives the reader a certain distance from it while involving us at the same time. She is an exceptional writer and one of my favorites.

The discovery of human bones buried beneath an old skier's chapel at a ski resort set in motion the reopening of a case that is almost fifty years cold and thought to have been resolved. When Annalise Jansen and Darryl Hendricks both go missing after a party, the police assume they ran off together, even though neither is ever heard from again. This doesn't cut it with Jane Munro who has recently lost her fiancé and is living in the same limbo the families have lived in for 47 years.

As Jane digs deep into this cold case, she uncovers several secrets that Annalise took with her to her grave. It soon becomes apparent that her friends, the Shoreview Six, have lied about certain aspects of that night. Now all she has to do is find the weak link in this group to solve the case. That may not be so easy as these teens have all gone on to become well respected members of the communities. But with the help of forensic anthropologist, Dr. Ella Quinn, she now has evidence that the original investigators never had. As Annalise's body tells her story, cracks form in the alliance of the Shoreview Six and soon the terrible secrets are reveled.
My thanks to the Publisher and Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.
Profile Image for Judy.
1,270 reviews25 followers
February 27, 2024
Loreth Anne White can always be counted on to provide a story that keeps me engaged and flipping the pages. I've always enjoyed her books and this one did not disappoint.

When human bones are found beneath an old chapel in the woods, evidence suggests the remains could be linked to the decades-old case of missing teen Annalise Jansen. Homicide detective Jane Munro—pregnant and acutely attuned to the preciousness of life—hopes the grim discovery will finally bring closure to the girl’s family.

But for a group of Annalise’s old friends, once dubbed the Shoreview Six by the media, it threatens to expose a terrible pledge made on an autumn night forty-seven years ago. The friends are now highly respected, affluent members of their communities, and none of them ever expected the dark chapter in their past to resurface. But as Jane and forensic anthropologist Dr. Ella Quinn peel back the layers of secrets, the group begins to fracture. Will one cave? Will they turn on each other?

The investigation takes a sharp turn when Jane discovers a second body—that of the boy long blamed for Annalise’s disappearance. As the bones tell their story, the group learns just how far each will go to guard their own truth.

My Thoughts:
The discovery of the bones under the chapel is the trigger that opens the cold case of a girl gone missing 50 years ago. Detective Jane Munro get the case by default since she is the only person assigned to cold cases (which was supposed to provide less stress while she deals with her own missing person issue and her pregnancy). There are a group of friends who know what happened 50 years ago, but no one talked then and they went on with their lives are are now successful members of the community, some very wealthy. What will happen if one of them talks? This was a fun investigation with a lot of twists and turns and surprises. I think anyone who likes mysteries or police procedurals will enjoy this book.

Thanks to Montlake through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication on March 5, 2024.
Profile Image for Kayla Hewett.
220 reviews17 followers
April 26, 2024
This book took me on a wild goose chase and I really enjoyed it. I thought everyone was guilty and up to no good. But I didn’t predict the ending at all. I was shocked and so mad at the same time.
Profile Image for Patience M. K シ.
53 reviews12 followers
March 11, 2024
As I read through the story, I thought I had figured it all out halfway through. But as I got to the end, I realized I was wrong. The book stirred up a lot of emotions in me, especially anger and sadness. Loreth Anne White's writing is excellent, and I'm excited to read more of her work.
Profile Image for Kristy Riley.
123 reviews5 followers
October 7, 2023
Loreth Anne White continues to be one of my favorite authors and The Unquiet Bones solidified that.

The Unquiet Bones follows Jane Munro who is investigating the discovery of Annalise Jansens bones, who went missing decades earlier.

The way Loreth weaves different points of view together is truly brilliant. She always makes her twists shocking; yet completely realistic which most authors can’t seem to do. Her character development is always done beautifully.

I truly can’t get enough of her books and I’m not sure how I’ll survive til the next one! 😂

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Carla Black.
164 reviews18 followers
March 8, 2024
I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway for my honest review. I enjoyed this book. Jane has been demoted to cold cases in the basement. The first cold case out of the gate is a doozie. A young girl and her math tutor have been missing for 47 years. The girls friends, her six friends from high-school, their stories about what happened that night just aren't adding up. Also, something weird is going on with the missing girls parents. Jane swears she is going to get to the bottom of this disappearance. It seems everyone in this town is harboring secrets, including the retired police chief. This book is very well written. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. You can't wait to see what happens next. A must read. The ending will blow you away. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Krista crone.
284 reviews67 followers
February 20, 2024
4.5 stars rounding up to 5 stars on Goodreads!

Wow, I need more books by Loreth Anne White! I devoured this book over the long holiday week and I just could not put it down! The were several times where I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. This is a fantastic police procedural that you will get the POVs from all parties involved before and during the investigation. If police procedural’s are your jam, you need to add this to your TBR.

I cannot wait to read more books by White!

****Many thanks to MBC books and Loreth Anne White for the gifted final copy in turn for an honest review.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,560 reviews2,187 followers
March 4, 2024
This rating may be a bit generous but I can't quite round down on it. My struggle here is while I enjoy this kind of mystery -- cold case, new evidence, the unfurling of a past timeline, and the red herrings along the way -- I wasn't all that enamoured by any of the characters; and we had a lot of them.

Jane Munro is a homicide detective and our main POV (but again, not our only one by far) and her connection to this case is unique both because she, too, is struggling with a loss that has no answers, no closure, and she, too, like the body that is discovered, is (was) pregnant. That's where the similarities ended but loss, missing persons, that unending grief and how it redirects the path of one's life, was a main player and popped up for a few different characters, too. So, I sorta kinda liked Jane, or at least found her circumstances sympathetic as they informed at least half of the emotional drive for resolution, but with such a large cast, and with the differing timelines, we never spend enough time with any one character, so it ends up being more about the mystery and everyone is just a vehicle for that reveal.

And it was a big one. Also horrible and sad. But, at the same time, not entirely satisfying in some respects (which I think was an interesting choice) and also not action packed and thrilling (which I think was the right choice, but also maybe not what readers have come to expect).

I don't know if this book is meant to kickstart a series -- I can sorta see where breadcrumbs have been left to do so -- but if so? I'll read it.

** I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for Dana.
767 reviews9 followers
February 25, 2024
"Bones are never silent if you ask the right questions."

There is a HUGE cast of characters to keep track of. It took me a bit to find my rhythm but once I had everyone figured out, (it didn't take long) I was flying!

The main character, homicide detective Jane Munro is in the midst of processing her own grief and working through evidence to solve a decades old case. I LOVED her character and hope so much to see her in another book.🤞🤞🤞

The storyline is packed full of lies and deception. I didn't know who to trust, and when the reveals started coming I was SHOOK!

The Unquiet Bones, what an excellent title! It fits the story absolutely perfectly.

This is my first book by this author and definitely won't be my last! I would love suggestions of what I should pick up next?

My thanks to Megan Beatie Communications and Amazon Publishing for this gifted copy!
Profile Image for Kate Rock.
476 reviews71 followers
October 8, 2023
I didn't walk but RAN to read The Unquiet Bones. Loreth Anne White is a go to, instant read for me and this new one cements her writing brilliance.

Bones found, 6 old friends, and a twisted tale of who knows what, whos telling what and who can you trust? Twisted and creepy in a way only White can do.
I loved it and read it in one sitting! Creeptastic!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
73 reviews
October 2, 2023
This book was so well done! I was actually sad when I finished it. I loved the forensics aspect of the story line and the character development was great. I definitely did not see the twist coming and was shocked. If you like thrillers you will not be disappointed!
Profile Image for Tiffany.
384 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2024
3.5ish stars ✨

This book was a solid story. It started off strong and I was initially hooked but as the plot deepened, I lost interest. Not horrible but not a favorite by any means.
Profile Image for Heather.
425 reviews32 followers
February 3, 2024
#ad I received a gifted copy of this book - many thanks to @mbc_books #partner

“It’s easy to succumb to intense, societal pressure to ‘find closure,’ and this message is drummed home by the media, reinforced in movies and novels. It’s echoed in comments from friends and family. We live in a society that places high value on resolving problems, on finding solutions, on ‘getting over’ things quickly,” (7-8).

When skeletal remains are found beneath an old church the past comes back to haunt everyone in this town. The Shoreview Six all become suspects - they all lied and covered for each other to the police about that night when one of them disappeared. Could it be her - the missing friend? But now the past has come back and is threatening their current lives.

Wow! What a twist that I didn’t even see coming. Loreth Anne White has a way with words and this book only showcases her abilities. Written in such a beautiful way you’ll fly through this book.

I also loved the ME scenes, all the sciency information was fascinating. It’s amazing what tools we can use these days to help solve cold cases. What’s even better is that the perpetrators could never have predicted how advanced these tools would become. Like DNA.
Profile Image for Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner).
724 reviews178 followers
March 4, 2024
This book had me hooked right from the beginning, it’s such a page turner!
Fast-paced, short chapter, easy to read and great writing style makes this police procedural mystery book hard to put down!

The multiple POVs is a great touch to the story, readers will be able to see from the investigation view, from the media and public view as well as the people who were involved in the missing girl and boy in 1976.

This story has secrets darker and crueler which left me absolutely shocked and in disbelief after learning the truth. There’s one particular twist that blows my mind because it never crossed my mind when I was making theories about what happened the night two teenagers went missing.

I felt so bad for what happened to the victims and I’m surprised to know that their bones can ‘speak’ the truth which bring closure to their loved ones as well as justice to the ones responsible.
That brings me to one of the most intriguing aspect from this story; human bones can tell a lot about a particular person - whether they’re healthy or sick, their gender, their age, etc.

Overall, this is a thrilling well written story that comes with a mind-blowing twist and satisfying ending.
I’ll definitely look forward to read more books from this author in the future – I wish this one becomes a series though cause I’d like to see more of Det. Jane!

I received an advanced review copy for free through Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Huge thank you to the author and publisher!

⚠️ 𝐓𝐖: adult/minor relationship, child abuse, addiction, alcoholism, infidelity, murder, death
Profile Image for Full of Lit.
468 reviews11 followers
November 1, 2023
It is so refreshing to be able to open a book and know you’re going to love it. That is what it is like reading a Loreth Ann White book. This really was stellar.

The book begins with bones being found buried underneath the church. No one knows how they got there, but typically people don’t bury themselves so you already know something sinister has happened. This book is told from different point of views. One is the detective investigating the case and the other is a group called “the shore view six” which consists of affluent adults, who when they were younger did something that they’ve all tried to hide and forget.

We also get to meet the family of the recently found missing teenage girl, the teacher (who was just a young man himself), and the detective with her missing fiancé and baby on the way.

This was very layered as Loreth Ann White’s books typically are. There was a grief, lies, secrets, people who weren’t who you thought they were, a bit of a racial aspect, and attempts at retribution by some.

This was one of those books I couldn’t wait to get back to every day. There were so many twist in terms, and everyone seem to be hiding something and there were so many bombshells that just kept coming. Of course, the biggest one was at the end and I didn’t see it coming, which, of course made it phenomenal. The only negative would say about this book was there was something that was left unresolved that I would’ve loved an answer to, I can’t say more than that without giving away spoilers.

This is perfect for all fans of thrillers!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!
Profile Image for Gillian R..
92 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2023
Thank you to Montlake and NetGalley for this ARC!

I read my first book my Loreth Anne White earlier this year and fell in love with her as an author. I love reading Canadian authors and have added all her other books to my TBR.

The Unquiet Bones had to many twists and left me guessing right until the end. The story flows brilliantly from the POV of many different characters. The last half of this book had me staying up way too late to finish it as I needed to know who did it!

Highly recommend picking this book up.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 527 reviews

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