Arnauné, Auguste 1855-1926
Works: | 48 works in 162 publications in 3 languages and 488 library holdings |
Genres: | History Bibliographies |
Roles: | Author, Author of introduction |
Classifications: | HG221, 332.4 |
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by
Auguste Arnauné
La monnaie, le crédit et le change by
Aug Arnauné(
64 editions published between 1894 and 1926 in 3 languages and held by 226 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
64 editions published between 1894 and 1926 in 3 languages and held by 226 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Le commerce extérieur et les tarifs de douane by
Aug Arnauné(
18 editions published in 1911 in French and held by 110 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
18 editions published in 1911 in French and held by 110 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaire, le crédit et le change by
Aug Arnauné(
3 editions published between 1906 and 1922 in French and held by 17 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
3 editions published between 1906 and 1922 in French and held by 17 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Étude sur les débats du Parlement anglais relatifs à la représentation proportionnelle by
Aug Arnauné(
5 editions published in 1884 in French and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
5 editions published in 1884 in French and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaie, le crédit et le change : la circulation, ses instruments, son mécanisme by
Aug Arnauné(
5 editions published between 1922 and 1926 in French and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
5 editions published between 1922 and 1926 in French and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La Monnaie, le crédit et le change by
Aug Arnauné(
7 editions published between 1894 and 1913 in French and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
7 editions published between 1894 and 1913 in French and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La Monnaie. Le Crédit et le Change, par Aug. Arnauné, membre de l'Institut, conseiller maître à la Cour des comptes, ancien
directeur de l'administration des Monnaies et Médailles, professeur à l'Ecole des sciences politiques. 6e édition refondue
et mise au courant by
Aug Arnauné(
1 edition published in 1922 in French and held by 9 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1922 in French and held by 9 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Des causes de la cherté actuelle de la vie : rapports et observations présentés à l'Académie des sciences morales et
4 editions published between 1920 and 2015 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
4 editions published between 1920 and 2015 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Du droit de suite en matière hypothécaire by
Aug Arnauné(
1 edition published in 1879 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1879 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Manuel pratique du change des monnaies étrangères : billets de banque, monnaies d'or et d'argent des principaux pays by
J. G. de Villefaigne(
5 editions published between 1921 and 1930 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
5 editions published between 1921 and 1930 in French and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Napoléon, 1800-1815 by
Ernest Lavisse(
2 editions published in 1897 in French and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1897 in French and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaie : le crédit et le change by
Aug Arnauné(
1 edition published in 1922 in French and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1922 in French and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La représentation proportionnelle : etudes de législation et de statistique comparées publiées sous les auspices de la
Société pour l'étude de la représentation proportionnelle : documents législatifs et débats parlementaires des principaux
états d'Europe et d'Amérique, statistique électorales avec six cartes en couleur by F Christople(
2 editions published in 1888 in French and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1888 in French and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Politica commerciale dei piu' importanti stati civili nell'ultimo decennio : Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Italia,
Germania, Inghilterra/ Peez, Mahaim ...[et al.] by Roberto Giffen(
1 edition published in 1896 in Italian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1896 in Italian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaie le crédit et le changeOuvrage couronné par l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques by
Aug Arnauné(
1 edition published in 1906 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1906 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Alexandre Ribot by
Aug Arnauné(
1 edition published in 1923 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1923 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Manuel pratique du change des monnaies étrangères, par J.G. de Villefaigne, ancien élève de l'Institut commercial de Paris,
diplômé des écoles supérieures de commerce, chef de service à la Société générale. Préface d'Aug. Arnauné, membre
de l'Institut, président de chambre à la Cour des comptes, ancien directeur de l'Administration des monnaies et médailles.
Bibliographie revue et mise à jour par E.-D. Grand, archiviste-paléographe. 5e édition, illustrée de nombreuses photographies,
avec introduction par Raphaël-Georges Lévy by
J. G. de Villefaigne(
1 edition published in 1926 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
1 edition published in 1926 in French and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaie, le crédit et la change by
Aug Arnauné(
2 editions published between 1906 and 1913 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published between 1906 and 1913 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La monnaie, le crédit et le change p. Aug. Arnauné, prof. à l'école d. sc. polit. by
Aug Arnauné(
2 editions published between 1894 and 1913 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published between 1894 and 1913 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Discours à l'occasion de la mort de M. Paul Cambon ... lu dans la séance du samedi 31 mai 1924 by
Aug Arnauné(
2 editions published in 1924 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1924 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide


Audience Level
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General | Special |

- Lebon, André 1859-1938
- Villefaigne, J. G. de Author
- Great Britain Parliament
- Académie des sciences morales et politiques (France) Editor
- Lavisse, Ernest 1842-1922 Editor
- Faculté de droit (Toulouse ; 1805-1896) Degree grantor
- Rambaud, Alfred 1842-1905 Editor
- Christople, F. Author
- Lévy, Raphaël-Georges Author of introduction
- Académie des sciences morales et politiques (France)
Useful Links
Alternative Names
Arnauné A.
Arnauné, A. 1855-1927
Arnauné, A. (Auguste), 1855-1927
Arnauné, Aug.
Arnauné, Auguste
Arnauné, Auguste 1855-1927
Arnauné, François-Auguste
Arnauné, François-Auguste 1855-1927
Auguste Arnauné altu cargu francés (1855–1927)
Auguste Arnauné économiste, haut fonctionnaire français
Auguste Arnauné Frans hoge ambtenaar in Frankrijk (1855-1927)
Auguste Arnauné French high-ranking civil servant in france
Auguste Arnauné French official