WorldCat Identities

Weigand, Konrad

Works: 10 works in 12 publications in 1 language and 14 library holdings
Genres: Drama  Robinsonades  Juvenile works  Fiction  Readers (Publications)  History  Criticism, interpretation, etc  Heroic drama  Abridgments  Literature 
Roles: Illustrator, Engraver, Author
Classifications: PT1915.E3, 832.6
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Konrad Weigand
Reineke Fuchs für die Jugend by Karl Seifart( Book )

2 editions published between 1874 and 1880 in German and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Parzival und die Wunder des heiligen Grales : der reiferen Jugend erzählt von Hildebrandt-Strehlen. Mit 6 Holzschn. nach Orig.-Zeichn. von Konrad Weigand by Karl Theodor Heinrich Hildebrandt-Strehlen( Book )

2 editions published between 1892 and 1897 in German and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Goethes Egmont by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe( Book )

1 edition published in 1871 in German and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Egmont is a play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which he completed in 1788. Its dramaturgical structure, like that of his earlier 'Storm and Stress' play Gotz von Berlichingen (1773), is heavily influenced by Shakespearean tragedy. In contrast to the earlier work, the portrait in Egmont of the downfall of a man who trusts in the goodness of those around him appears to mark a shift away from 'Storm and Stress' values. In Egmont, Goethe relates the fight of Count Egmont (1522-1568) against the despotic Duke of Alba. Egmont is a famous Dutch warrior and the Duke of Alba represents the Spanish invader. Though under threat of arrest, Egmont refuses to run away and give up his ideal of liberty. Imprisoned and abandoned because of the cowardice of his people, and despite the desperate efforts of his mistress Klarchen, he is sentenced to death. Egmont is a political manifesto in which Egmont's craving for justice and national liberty is opposed to the despotic authority of the Duke of Alba. It is also a drama of destiny in which the Flemish nobleman, with fatalism, accepts the dire consequences of his straightforwardness and honesty
Erich und Erika und andere Erzählungen für Kinder im Alter von 9-14 Jahren by Philipp Graf zu Eulenburg( Book )

1 edition published in 1893 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

The new Robinson Crusoe by Joachim Heinrich Campe( Book )

in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

The adventures of a castaway as related in a dialogue between father and children
W. Hauff's Märchen by Wilhelm Hauff( Book )

in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Aus der Kinderwelt by Konrad Weigand( Book )

in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Erzählungen und Märchen für die reifere Jugend by Katharina Diez( Book )

1 edition published in 1874 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Im Gebirge( )

1 edition published in 1871 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Vier Bilderwitze zeigen amüsante Szenen aus der Bergwelt: Ein unbedarfter Maler kann sich und sein neustes Bild gerade noch auf den Bretterzaun retten, als eine Kuhherde durch die Viehgasse und über seine sonstige Ausrüstung hinweg heranstürmt ("Das gerettete Bild"); ganz romantisch genießt ein junges Paar das alpine Panorama, während sich zwei weidende Kühe im Vordergrund über den abgelegten Strohhut der jungen Dame hermachen ("Die schöne Fernsicht"); ahnungslos sitzen drei Männer beim Bier am Tisch, ein Ziegenbock, der im Hintergrund bereits Anlauf nimmt, wird sie mit den Köpfen zusammenstoßen lassen ("Dutz Bock"; schwäbisches Kinderspiel, von Dutsch-bock, einer Bezeichnung für einen streitbaren Ziegenbock, abgeleitet); eine städtisch-bürgerlich bekleidete Ausflugsgesellschaft muß ihrem bäuerlichen Wanderführer an einem Berghang entlang strauchelnd folgen, da ein großer, schwarzer Stier den eigentlichen Weg versperrt ("Der versperrte Weg")
Die Pilger und der Lindwurm by Gustav Nieritz( Book )

1 edition published in 1865 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Reineke Fu ... to 0.00 for Reineke Fu ...)

Alternative Names
conrad weigand

Konrad Weigand

Konrad Weigand deutscher Genre- und Historienmaler

Konrad Weigand Duits illustrator (1842-1897)

Konrad Weigand German genre and history painter (1842-1897)


weigand, conr.

German (12)