WorldCat Identities

Arco, Jean-Baptiste Comte approximately 1650-1715

Works: 2 works in 2 publications in 2 languages and 2 library holdings
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Jean-Baptiste Arco
Most widely held works by Jean-Baptiste Arco
Copia-Schreibens vom chur-bayerischen by Alessandro Maffei( Book )

1 edition published in 1703 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Copie d'un ... to 0.00 for Copie d'un ...)

Associated Subjects
Alternative Names
Arco approximately 1650-1715 Monsieur le Mareschal d'Arco

Arco, Jean Baptist approximately 1650-1715 Count

Arco, Jean Baptist, Count, approximately 1650-1715

Arco, Monsieur le Mareschal d'Arco, approximately 1650-1715

Comte d'Arco, Jean Baptiste approximately 1650-1715

Jean Baptist approximately 1650-1715

Jean Baptist, Comte d'Arco

Jean Baptist, Comte d'Arco, approximately 1650-1715

Jean Baptist, Comte d'Arco Duits soldaat (1650-1715)

Jean Baptist, Comte d'Arco German general

Jean Baptiste approximately 1650-1715

Jean Baptiste, Comte d'Arco, approximately 1650-1715

Jean-Baptiste d'Arco général allemand

Johann Baptist von Arco Generalfeldmarschall des Kurfürstentums Bayern im Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg

Žan Batist, grof od Arkoa

Жан Батист

Жан Батист, гроф од Аркоа

چيان باپتيسانت


German (1)

French (1)