WorldCat Identities

田中路子 1913-

Works: 5 works in 15 publications in 4 languages and 49 library holdings
Genres: Film adaptations  Drama  Romance films 
Roles: Actor
Classifications: PN1995.91.F7,
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about 田中路子
Most widely held works by 田中路子
Yoshiwara by Max Ophuls( Visual )

6 editions published between 1937 and 2012 in French and Undetermined and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

In 1860s Tokyo, a young woman of good family is forced into prostitution; soon she is caught in a love triangle between a Russian naval officer and a rickshaw driver, with grave political repercussions
Madame Butterfly( Visual )

4 editions published between 1955 and 2012 in 3 languages and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Adaptación cinematográfica de la ópera homónima de Puccini, sobre una pequeña geisha que le da su amor a un oficial de la marina estadounidense que luego la abandona
Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Michiko Ta ... to 0.00 for Michiko Ta ...)

Alternative Names
Michiko de Kowa-Tanaka japanische Sängerin

Michiko Tanaka

Michiko Tanaka Japanese singer and actress

Michiko Tanaka Japans actrice (1909-1988)

Танака, Митико

田中路子 1913-1988
