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Clement VIII Pope 1536-1605

Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Clement
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Most widely held works by Clement
The Societie of the Rosary. Newly augmented by Henry Garnet( )

22 editions published in 1596 in English and held by 303 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sanctissimi D.N.D. Clementis divina providentia papa VIII Præceptum de depositis pecuniarum facien. super montem pietatis ciuitatis Bononiæ by Catholic Church( )

7 editions published in 1592 in Latin and held by 126 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis( Book )

42 editions published between 1591 and 1999 in 3 languages and held by 68 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. pontificis maximi jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita( Book )

13 editions published between 1829 and 1922 in Latin and held by 44 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Hauptinstruktionen Clemens' VIII. für die Nuntien und Legaten an den europäischen Fürstenhöfen, 1592-1605 by Catholic Church( Book )

14 editions published in 1984 in 3 languages and held by 44 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Missale romanum, ex decreto sacro-sancti Concilii tridentini restitutum by Catholic Church( Book )

25 editions published between 1610 and 1911 in 3 languages and held by 41 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis by Sixtus V Pope( Book )

23 editions published between 1633 and 1965 in Latin and Undetermined and held by 34 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sixto-Klementinischen Vulgata nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen by Hildebrand Höpfl( Book )

1 edition published in 1913 in German and held by 31 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. iussu restitutum atque editum by Catholic Church( Book )

11 editions published between 1595 and 1985 in Latin and Undetermined and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Breviarium Romanum : ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum by Catholic Church( Book )

24 editions published between 1624 and 1729 in Undetermined and Latin and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Gabriel de Sancha was the son and successor of Madrid printer Antonio de Sancha (1720-1790)
Index librorum prohibitorum auctoritate Pii IV primum editus by Sixtus( )

4 editions published in 1607 in Latin and held by 25 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Biblia sacra vvlgatae editionis( Book )

3 editions published between 1592 and 1598 in Latin and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Catecismo en la lengua española. Y quichua del Piru. by Catholic Church( )

1 edition published in 1603 in Spanish and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita by Jerome( Book )

13 editions published between 1609 and 1901 in 3 languages and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Caeremoniale episcoporum jussu Clementis VIII pont. max. reformatum by Catholic Church( Book )

11 editions published between 1633 and 1713 in Latin and Undetermined and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Iʻtiqād al-amānah al-Urtūdūksīyah mukhtaṣar alladhī yataqaddam bi-rasm al-kursī al-muqaddas al-rasūlī li-yaʻtaqidūn bi-hi al-Mashāriqah al-atīyīn li-ajl ittiḥādihim maʻa al-Kanīsah al-Muqaddasah al-Rūmānīyah by Catholic Church( )

1 edition published in 1595 in Arabic and held by 23 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Brevis Orthodoxæ fidei professio, quæ ex præscripto Sanctæ Sedis Apostolicæ ab Orientalibus ad Sacrosanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ unitatem venientibus facienda proponitur. Jussu ... Clementis Papæ VIII. excussum, etc
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Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for The Latera ... to 0.00 for The Latera ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Die Hauptinstruktionen Clemens' VIII. für die Nuntien und Legaten an den europäischen Fürstenhöfen, 1592-1605
Rome 1600 : the city and the visual arts under Clement VIIIThe Silver Caesars : a Renaissance mysteryDas Papsttum, die Christenheit und die Staaten Europas 1592-1605 : Forschungen zu den Hauptinstruktionen Clemens VIIIDie Hauptinstruktionen Clemens' VIII. für die Nuntien und Legaten an den europäischen Fürstenhöfen, 1592-1605
Alternative Names
Abdobrandini, Ippolito

Abdobrandini, Ippolito 1536-1605

Aldobrandini, Hipolit

Aldobrandini, Hipolito 1536-1605

Aldobrandini, Hipólito, ca. 1540-1605

Aldobrandini I. 1536-1605

Aldobrandini Ippolito

Aldobrandini Ippolito 1536-1605

Aldobrandini, Ippolito 1536-1605 kardinal

Aldobrandini, Ippolito, kardinal, 1536-1605

Aldobrandini, Ippolito senior 1536-1605

Clemens 1536-1605 Papa

Clemens 1536-1605 papa VIII

Clemens 1536-1605 pape VIII

Clemens 1536-1605 papež

Clemens 1536-1605 Papst

Clemens 1536-1605 Pope VIII

Clemens 1536-1605 VIII.

Clemens 8 Papst 1536-1605

Clemens Octavus.

Clemens P. P. VIII.

Clemens <papa ; 8.>

Clemens (papa) VIII

Clemens Papa, VIII. 1536-1605

Clemens [Papst, VIII.]

Clemens PP. VIII

Clemens VIII

Clemens VIII. 1536-1605

Clemens VIII 1536-1605 Papst

Clemens VIII Katolska kyrkans 231:e påve 1592–1605

Clemens VIII (papa).

Clemens VIII Papa 1536-1605

Clemens VIII, pape

Clemens VIII pape 1536-1605

Clemens VIII., papež, 1536-1605

Clemens VIII., Papst

Clemens VIII Papst 1536-1605

Clemens VIII Papst der römisch-katholischen Kirche

Clemens VIII, Pope

Clemens VIII, Pope, 1536-1605

Clemens VIII, Pope, d.1605

Clemens VIII, Pp.

Clement 1536-1605 Pope VIII

Clement VIII

Clement VIII, 1536-1605

Clément VIII, pape

Clément VIII pape de l'Église catholique (1592-1605)

Clement VIII Papst 1536-1605

Clement VIII Pope

Clement VIII pope of the Catholic Church from 1592 to 1605

Clément VIII prélat catholique

Clement папа VIII 1536-1605

Clemente 1536-1605 papa VIII

Clemente 1536-1605 papež

Clemente 1536-1605 påve VIII

Clemente <papa ; 8.>

Clemente pape VIII

Clemente VIII

Clemente VIII 231° Papa de la Iglesia Católica

Clemente VIII <papa>

Clemente VIII, papa, 1536-1605

Clemente VIII, pape

Clemente VIII pape 1536-1605

Clemente VIII., papež, 1536-1605

Clemente VIII, påve, 1536-1605

Clementis VIII

Clementus Octavus

Climent VIII

Climent VIII papa

Climenti VIII

Gáu-huòng Clemens 8-sié

Giáo hoàng Clêmentê VIII

Kau-fòng Clemens 8-sṳ

Kàu-hông Clemens 8-sè

Klemañs VIII

Klemens 1536-1605 Papa

Klemens 1536-1605 påve VIII

Klemens 8.

Klemens [Papa, VIII.]

Klemens [Papst, VIII.]

Klemens Papst, VIII. 1536-1605

Klemens VIII

Klemens VIII. Papa.

Klemens VIII. Papa 1536-1605

Klemens VIII Papież

Klemens VIII. Papst

Klemens VIII Papst 1536-1605

Klemens VIII, påve, 1536-1605

Klemens папа VIII 1536-1605

Klemensas VIII

Klemensas VIII popiežius

Klement VIII.

Klement VIII. 231. papež katolické církve

Klement VIII 231. pápež katolíckej cirkvi

Klement VIII, papa

Klementas VIII popiežius

Klemente VIII.a

Klemento la 8-a

Klemento VIII

Klements VIII Romas pāvests no 1592. gada līdz 1605. gadam

Kliment 1536-1605 papež

Kliment VIII., papež, 1536-1605

Pab Clement VIII

Pápa Clemeint VIII

Pàpa Clemens VIII

Papa Clement al VIII-lea

papa Clemente VIII 231° vescovo di Roma e papa della Chiesa cattolica

Papa Clemente VIII papa da Igreja Católica de 1592 até 1605

Papa Clemente VIII Papa ti Katoliko a Simbaan

Papa Klementi VIII

Papa Klementi VIII Papa Katolik i shekullit të 17

Pape Clement VIII

Papež Klemen VIII.

Papo Klemens la 8ma

Paus Clemens VIII Italiaans diplomaat

Paus Klemens VIII

Pave Clemens 8.

Pave Klemens VIII

Pope Clement VIII

Pópù Clement 8k

Pous Clemens VIII

VIII. Clemens

VIII. Clemens 1592-1605 yıllarında görev yapmış Floransa'lı Papa

VIII. Kelemen pápa

VIII. Kelemen pápa a római katolikus egyház 231. pápája

Κλήμης Η΄ πάπας

Климент VIII

Климент VIII папа римский

Клімент VIII 231-ы Папа Рымскі (1592—1605)

Клімент VIII, Папа Рымскі

Клімэнт VIII 231-ы папа рымскі

Папа Климент VIII

קלמנס השמיני אפיפיור

كليمنت التامن

كليمنت الثامن

کلمنت هشتم

पोप क्लेमेंट आठवा

สมเด็จพระสันตะปาปาเคลเมนต์ที่ 8

კლემენტ VIII

교황 클레멘스 8세



克勉八世 羅馬天主教會第231任教宗


