WorldCat Identities

Pocci, Franz Graf von 1807-1876

Works: 887 works in 2,421 publications in 3 languages and 7,714 library holdings
Genres: Exhibition catalogs  Popular works  Bibliographies  History  Comics (Graphic works)  Biographies  Pictorial works  Fiction  Academic theses  Humor 
Roles: Author, Illustrator, Editor, Other, Contributor, Artist, Composer, Correspondent, Bibliographic antecedent, Honoree, Translator, Lyricist, Librettist, Recipient, Former owner, Creator
Classifications: PT1101, 741.64
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Franz Pocci
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Most widely held works by Franz Pocci
Lustiges Komödienbüchlein by Franz Pocci( Book )

47 editions published between 1859 and 2017 in German and Undetermined and held by 238 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Bauern ABC by Franz Pocci( Book )

14 editions published between 1856 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 144 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Lustiges Komödienbüchlein : Auswahl in zwei Bänden, mit zahlreichen, zum Teil unveröffentlichten Zeichnungen by Franz Pocci( Book )

29 editions published between 1859 and 1907 in German and Undetermined and held by 97 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Der Staatshämorrhoidarius by Franz Pocci( Book )

24 editions published between 1857 and 2009 in German and English and held by 90 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kasperlkomödien by Franz Pocci( Book )

15 editions published between 1922 and 1982 in German and held by 88 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Franz von Pocci : Schriftsteller, Zeichner, Komponist : Werkausgabe by Franz Pocci( Book )

23 editions published between 2007 and 2011 in German and held by 88 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kasperls Heldentaten 19 Puppenkomödien u. Kasperliaden by Franz Pocci( Book )

19 editions published between 1911 and 1984 in German and Undetermined and held by 83 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alte und neue Jäger-Lieder by Franz Pocci( Book )

26 editions published between 1843 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 82 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alte und neue Soldatenlieder by Franz Pocci( Book )

17 editions published between 1842 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 78 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Todtentänze by Franz Pocci( Book )

9 editions published between 1857 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 73 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Gevatter Tod by Franz Pocci( Book )

10 editions published between 1855 and 1950 in German and held by 67 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Spielfilm nach einem Märchen der Brüder Grimm. <dt.>
Alte und neue Studentenlieder by Franz Pocci( Book )

15 editions published between 1844 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 65 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sechs Altdeutsche Minnelieder by Franz Pocci( Book )

14 editions published between 1835 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 64 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Guldenes Weihnachts ABC by Franz Pocci( Book )

13 editions published between 1854 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 62 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ein Büchlein für Kinder by Franz Pocci( Book )

11 editions published between 1843 and 1990 in German and English and held by 60 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Der Fundevogel by Franz Pocci( Book )

9 editions published between 1845 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 59 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

After saving an orphan boy from a tree, a forester names him Fundevogel and brings him home to live with him and his daugher Lenchen. However their cook wants to boil and eat Fundevogel but he and Lenchen use magic and outsmart the old witch
Kasperl-Theater by Franz Pocci( )

8 editions published between 1920 and 2015 in German and English and held by 56 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Lieder für Knaben und Mädchen by Franz Pocci( Book )

9 editions published between 1832 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 55 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alte und neue KinderLieder mit Bildern u. Singweisen by Franz Pocci( Book )

17 editions published between 1852 and 2019 in 3 languages and held by 55 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kinderreime by Franz Pocci( Book )

10 editions published between 1847 and 1990 in German and Undetermined and held by 55 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Lustiges K ... to 0.00 for Lustiges K ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Franz von Pocci : Schriftsteller, Zeichner, Komponist : Werkausgabe
Der StaatshämorrhoidariusFranz von Pocci : Schriftsteller, Zeichner, Komponist : WerkausgabeKasperl-Theater
Alternative Names
Barth, F.

Barth, F. 1807-1876

Count Franz Pocci artist gjerman

Count Franz Pocci artista alemán

Count Franz Pocci artista alemany

Count Franz Pocci Duits schrijver (1807-1876)

Count Franz Pocci German artist

Count Franz Pocci German artist, writer, scriptwriter, illustrator, musician and composer (1807-1876)

f. von pocci

Franz de Pocci

Franz de Pocci tysk musiker og skribent

Franz Graf Pocci

Franz Graf von Pocci

Franz Graf von Pocci deutscher Zeichner, Radierer, Schriftsteller und Musiker

franz von pocci

Franz von Pocci dessinateur, graveur, écrivain, auteur de pièces pour marionnettes et compositeur allemand

Franz von Pocci illustratore, scrittore e musicista tedesco

Franz von Pocci tysk musiker och författare

Franz von Pocci tysk musiker og skribent

graf f. pocci

Graf Franz Pocci

Graf Franz Von Pocci

graf pocci

Graf von Pocci, Franz


Kaspergraf 1807-1876

Nepos, Franz 1807-1876

Pocci, ...

Pocci 1807-1876

Pocci 1807-1876 Count

Pocci, Comte Franz de

Pocci, Count, 1807-1876

Pocci, F.

Pocci, F. 1807-1876

Pocci, F. 1807-1876 Graf von

Pocci, F. (Franz), Graf von, 1807-1876

pocci, f. v.

pocci, f. von

Pocci, Fr. v.

Pocci, Francis 1807-1876 Count

Pocci, Francis, Count, 1807-1876

Pocci, František 1807-1876

pocci, franz

Pocci Franz 1807-1876

Pocci, Franz, Comte de

Pocci, Franz G. 1807-1876

Pocci, Franz G. von 1807-1876

Pocci Franz Graf

pocci, franz graf von

Pocci, Franz Ludwig Evarist Alexander von

Pocci, Franz Ludwig Evarist Alexander von 1807-1876

Pocci, Franz von

Pocci, Franz von 1807-1876

Pocci, Franz von 1807-1876 Graf

Pocci, Franz von [Graf]

Pocci, Frz. 1807-1876

pocci, graf franz von

Von Pocci, Franz.

Von Pocci, Franz 1807-1876 Graf

Von Pocci, Franz, Graf, 1807-1876

Поччи, Франц фон

Франц фон Поччи немецкий художник и писатель

كونت فرانز پوكسى

ᱠᱟᱣᱩᱸᱴ ᱯᱨᱟᱱᱡᱽ ᱯᱳᱠᱥᱤ

ポッツイ, フランツ

German (394)

English (5)

Czech (1)