WorldCat Identities

Peter, Ilka

Works: 15 works in 49 publications in 2 languages and 225 library holdings
Genres: Bibliography 
Roles: Author, Arranger, Creator
Classifications: GT2650, 793.319436
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Ilka Peter
Most widely held works by Ilka Peter
Perchtentanz im Pinzgau by Herbert Lager( Book )

9 editions published in 1940 in German and Undetermined and held by 62 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Gasslbrauch und Gasslspruch in Österreich by Ilka Peter( Book )

2 editions published in 1953 in English and held by 32 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Ranggeln im Pinzgau und verwandte Kampfformen in anderen Alpenländern by Ilka Peter( Book )

3 editions published in 1981 in German and Undetermined and held by 19 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ringen, Schwingen, Volkskunde, Sportgeschichte, Mittelalter, Schweiz Österreich, Deutschland
Der Salzburger Fackeltanz : zur Geschichte eines Tanzes by Ilka Peter( Book )

3 editions published in 1979 in German and Undetermined and held by 16 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Tänze aus Österreich by Ilka Peter( Book )

7 editions published between 1946 and 1947 in German and held by 12 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Tanzbeschreibungen, Tanzforschung : gesammelte Volkstanzstudien by Ilka Peter( Book )

3 editions published in 1983 in Undetermined and German and held by 11 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Salzburger Tänze by Ilka Peter( Book )

4 editions published between 1975 and 1988 in German and Undetermined and held by 11 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Perchtentanz im Pinzgau : 71. Mitteilung der Phonogralmnarchivs-Kommission( Book )

1 edition published in 1940 in German and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Der steirische Reiftanz by Ilka Peter( )

1 edition published in 1953 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Perchentanz im Pinzgau ... Mit zwei Schwarz- und einer Farbtafel by Herbert Lager( )

1 edition published in 1940 in Undetermined and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Salzburger Tänze( )

1 edition published in 1975 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Perchtentanz im Pinzgau by Herbert Lager( )

1 edition published in 1940 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Tanzweisen : Ausgabe für Ziehharmoniker (24 Bässe) by Ilka Peter( Book )

in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Perchentanz im Pinzgau, etc. [With music.] by Herbert Lager( Book )

1 edition published in 1940 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

[Programs] by Ilka Peter( Book )

in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.86 (from 0.74 for Tanzweisen ... to 0.97 for Perchtenta ...)

Alternative Names
Ilka Peter Austrian music educator

Ilka Peter muziekpedagoge uit Oostenrijk (1903-1999)

Ilka Peter österreichische Volkskundlerin und Tanzpädagogin

German (28)

English (5)