WorldCat Identities

Lampe, Walther

Works: 331 works in 1,834 publications in 4 languages and 10,535 library holdings
Genres: Scores  Sonatas  Chamber music  Art music  Juvenile works  Suites  Piano music  Variations (Music)  Parts (Music)  Rondos 
Roles: Editor, Arranger, Adapter, Other, Contributor, Author, Performer, Collaborator, Composer, Corrector, uns
Classifications: M25, 786.2
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Walther Lampe
Klavierstücke by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

70 editions published between 1951 and 2012 in 4 languages and held by 665 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sonaten für Klavier und Violine by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

43 editions published between 1956 and 2018 in 4 languages and held by 475 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"The present collection comprises all the works for pianoforte and violin that Mozart completed after his Mannheim period (1778)"
Klavierstücke by Ludwig van Beethoven( )

51 editions published between 1950 and 2014 in 4 languages and held by 386 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 13. Werke für Klavier
Variationen für Klavier by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

25 editions published between 1959 and 1987 in 3 languages and held by 371 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Enthält: Variationen KV 24-25, KV 179-180, KV 264-265, KV 352-354, KV 398, KV 455, KV 500, KV 573, KV 613 ; KV Anh. 38, KV 460, KV Anh. 138a, KV Anh. 206-207
Klavier-Trios by Ludwig van Beethoven( )

15 editions published between 1992 and 1995 in No Linguistic content and German and held by 317 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 9. Klaviertrios
Fantasiestücke : for the piano, op. 12 by Robert Schumann( )

42 editions published between 1957 and 2014 in 4 languages and held by 301 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 6. Für Klavier zu 2 Händen
Werke für Klavier zu vier Händen by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

26 editions published between 1957 and 2004 in 6 languages and held by 283 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Enthält: Sonaten KV 19d, KV 381, KV 357-358, KV 497, KV 521 ; Andante mit fünf Variationen in G KV 501
Forest scenes : for the piano, op. 82 by Robert Schumann( )

36 editions published between 1958 and 2015 in 4 languages and held by 278 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

No 1. Eintritt (Entrance) : You are entering a forest. You hear the rustle of leaves and branches. You are alert and feel a strange excitement as you experience the peace and wonder of nature
Klaviersonaten by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

45 editions published between 1948 and 1973 in 5 languages and held by 247 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novelletten : for the piano, op. 21 by Robert Schumann( )

29 editions published between 1958 and 2014 in 4 languages and held by 215 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 6. Für Klavier zu 2 Händen
Abegg-Variationen : Opus 1 = Abegg variations : op. 1 by Robert Schumann( )

20 editions published between 1958 and 2004 in 3 languages and held by 208 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 6. Für Klavier zu 2 Händen
Drei Klavierstücke by Franz Schubert( )

24 editions published between 1955 and 2013 in 3 languages and held by 208 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Englische Suiten by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

6 editions published between 1957 and 1958 in No Linguistic content and Undetermined and held by 202 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Album for the young : for the piano, op. 68 by Robert Schumann( )

36 editions published between 1953 and 2007 in 4 languages and held by 194 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Prefacio.- Primera parte : para los pequeños : 1. Melodía = Melodie ; 2. Marcha militar = Soldatenmarsch ; 3. Cancioncilla tarareada = Trällerliedchen ; 4. Coral = Ein Choral ; 5. Piececita = Stückchen ; 6. Pobre huerfanito = armes Waisenkind ; 7. Cancioncita de caza = Jägerliedchen ; 8. El jinete indómito = Wilder Reiter ; 9. Cancioncilla popular = Volksliedchen ; 10. El campesino alegre volviendo del trabajo = Fröhliche Landmann, von der Arbeit zu rückkerhrend ; 11. Siciliana = Sizilianisch ; 12. San Nicolás = Knech Ruprecht ; 13. Mayo, querido mayo, pronto llegarás = Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist du wieder da ; 14. Pequeño estudio = Kleine Studie ; 15. Canto de primavera = Frühlingsgesang ; 16. Primer dolor = Erster Verlust ; 17. El pequeño paseante mañanero = Kleiner Morgenwanderer ; 18. Cancioncilla del segador = Schnitterliedchen.- Segunda parte : para los mayorcitos : 19. Pequeña romanza (Kleine Romanze) ; 20. Canción rústica = Ländliches Lied ; 21. [Sin título] ; 22. Canto de ronda = Rundgsang ; 23. Caballeresca = Reiterstück ; 24. Cancioncilla de siega = Ernteliedchen ; 25. Ecos del teatro = Nachkläng aus de Theater ; 26. [Sin título] ; 27. Cancioncilla canónica = Kanonisches Liedchen ; 28. Recuerdo = Erinnerung ; 29. El extranjero = Fremder Mann ; 30. [Sin título] ; 31. Canción guerrera = Kriegslied ; 32. Scheherezade ; 33. Tiempo de vendimia, tiempo alegre = Wienlesezeit.fröliche Zeit ; 34. Tema = Thema ; 35. Mignon ; 36. Canción de los marinari italiano = Lied italienischer Marinari ; 37. Canción marinera = Matrosenleid ; 38. Tiempo de invierno I y II = Winterszeit I und II ; 39. Pequeña fuga = Kleine Fuge ; 40. Canción nórdica = Nordisches Lied ; 41. Coral figurado = Figurierter Choral ; 42. Canción de fin de año = Sylvesterlied.- Apéndice : 1. Para los muy pequeñitos = Für ganz Kleine ; 2. Canción para acunar a la muñeca = Puppenschlafliedchen ; 3. En la góndola = Auf der Gondel ; 4. El cuco en su escondite = Gukkuk im Versteck ; 5. ¡A que no me coges! = Haschemann ; 6. Laguna veneciana = Lagune in Venedig ; 7. Danza del oso = Bärentanz ; 8. Jeroglífico = Rebus.-. Notas críticas : 1. Las fuentes y sus interrelaciones ; 2. Sobre la crítica textual ; 3. Observaciones (Lecturas) ; 4. Notas al Apéndice: Advertencia preliminar ; 5. Observaciones.- Consejos musicales para la casa y para la vida
Sonaten für Klavier und Violine by Ludwig van Beethoven( )

38 editions published between 1949 and 1978 in 3 languages and held by 192 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ludwig van Beethoven wrote his ten violin sonatas during a period of just fifteen years, between 1797 and 1812. Using our carefully revised two-volume edition of the complete sonatas, the performer can observe with fascination how Beethoven refashions, and varies, the principles of sonata form in each work. What makes this Urtext edition particularly valuable is the fact that all the sonatas have been edited using the surviving manuscripts as well as the original print editions personally supervised by Beethoven. When laying out the text, our editor has attempted to preserve the layout of these sources as exactly as possible. Thus Beethoven's original notation is reproduced in strict conformity with these models, vividly elucidating the musical relationships desired by the composer. Along with an annotated part, an extra part without fingerings is included for violinists who want to establish their own approach to Beethoven's violin sonatas. - Publisher
Trios für Klavier, Violine und Violoncello by Ludwig van Beethoven( )

28 editions published between 1964 and 1999 in 4 languages and held by 181 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Klavierwerke by Robert Schumann( )

16 editions published between 1953 and 1977 in 3 languages and held by 179 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Albumblätter : opus 124 by Robert Schumann( )

21 editions published between 1953 and 2007 in 3 languages and held by 176 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kinderszenen : op. 15 ; Album für die Jugend, op. 68 by Robert Schumann( )

32 editions published between 1953 and 2007 in 5 languages and held by 175 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Partitas : for the piano by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

25 editions published between 1952 and 1958 in 4 languages and held by 171 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ben shu shou lu yue han·Sai ba si di an·Ba he tuo ka ta BWV 825-830,Bing jia yi yan zou ping zhu
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Audience Level
Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.62 (from 0.49 for Album for ... to 0.72 for Drei Klavi ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Lampe G.

Lampe, W.

Lampe, W. (Walther)

Lampe, Walter

Lampe, Walter 1872-1964

Lampe, Walther 1872-

Lampe, Walther 1872-1964

Walther Lampe Duits componist (1872-1964)

Лампе, Вальтер
