WorldCat Identities

Zdeněk Lev z Rožmitálu a z Blatné approximately 1425-1485

Works: 20 works in 56 publications in 7 languages and 1,712 library holdings
Genres: History 
Roles: Author
Classifications: G161, 914
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Zdeněk Lev
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Most widely held works by Zdeněk Lev
Viajes por España by Antonio María Fabié( Book )

4 editions published in 1879 in Spanish and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Commentarius brevis et iucundus itineris atque peregrinationis pietatis et religionis causa susceptae ab illustri et magnifico domino, domino Leone, libero barone de Rosmital et Blatne by Václav Šašek z Bířkova( Book )

4 editions published in 1951 in Latin and held by 22 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Viajes por España de Jorge de Einghen by Antonio María Fabié( Book )

1 edition published in 1879 in Spanish and held by 20 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany, Flanders, England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, 1465-1467 by Zdeněk Lev( Book )

1 edition published in 2017 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Baron Leo of Rozmital was born in Bohemia in 1426 and died in 1480. His brother-in-law was George Podiebrad, the Hussite king of Bohemia, whose throne was endangered by his heresies. Leo's journey was perhaps made to obtain the support of European kings for Podiebrad or at any rate to hear their views and persuade them to intercede with the Pope. Rozmital left Prague in 1465 with two chroniclers, Tetzel and Schaseck, who each described the journey. They met the rulers of the principal countries of Europe and observed the customs and ways of life -- both good and bad. At Brussels the party was entertained by Philip the Good. After Bruges, Ghent and Calais, they crossed to England. Their stay includes descriptions of Edward IV and his court and English life generally. They returned to France, which they liked, then on to Spain where they had difficulties. They also went to Portugal and Italy and ultimately returned home via Venice and Austria
The travels of Leo of Rozmital : through Germany, Flanders, England, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, 1465-1467 by Zdeněk Lev( Book )

2 editions published in 1957 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Commentarius brevis et iucundus itineris atque peregrinationis, pietatis et religionis causa susceptae ab Illustri et Magnifico Domino, Domino Leone, libero barone de Rosmital et Blatna by Jaroslav Lev z Rožmitála a z Blatné( Book )

1 edition published in 1951 in Latin and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Dopisy Pana Zdeňka Lva z Rožmitála by Zdeněk Lev( Book )

1 edition published in 1847 in Czech and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for The travel ... to 0.00 for The travel ...)

The travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany, Flanders, England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, 1465-1467
The travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany, Flanders, England, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy 1465-1467
Alternative Names
de Roshmithal de Blatna, Léon

de Roshmithal, Léon


Leo, baron de Rosmital et Blatna, approximately 1425-1485

Leo, baron de Rosmital et Blatna, ca. 1425-1485

Leo de Rosmital

Leo de Rozmital

Lev z Rozmitálu a z Blatné

Lev z Rožmitálu a z Blatné, 1425 (ca.)-1485

Lev, z Rožmitálu a z Blatné, Zdeněk, approximately 1425-1485

Lev, z Rožmitálu a z Blatné, Zdeněk, ca. 1425-1485

Roshmital de Blatna, Léon de

Roshmithal de Blatna, Léon de

Roshmithal, Léon de

Rosmital, Leo

Rosmital, Leo baron

Rozmitál, Leo

Rožmitálu a Blatné, Lev z

Rožmitálu a Blatné, Zdeněk

Rožmitálu a Blatné, Zdeněk Lev z, approximately 1425-1485

Rožmitálu a Blatné, Zdeněk Lev z, ca. 1425-1485

Rožmitálu a z Blatné, Lev z

Rožmitálu, Lev z

z Rožmitálu

z Rožmitálu a z Blatné, Lev

Zdeněk Lev, z Rožmitálu a z Blatné, ca. 1425-1485

English (18)

Latin (12)

Czech (10)

German (6)

Spanish (5)

French (2)

Slovak (2)