WorldCat Identities

Straube, Karl 1873-1950

Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Karl Straube
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Most widely held works by Karl Straube
Magnificat by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

44 editions published between 1900 and 2009 in 5 languages and held by 383 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Composition de l'orchestre : 2.4**.0.1./, clavecin, orgue, cordes
Choralvorspiele alter Meister für den praktischen Gebrauch by Karl Straube( )

38 editions published between 1907 and 1980 in 5 languages and held by 341 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alte Meister des Orgelspiels : neue Folge by Karl Straube( )

38 editions published between 1905 and 1985 in 3 languages and held by 290 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The Britannic organ. Welte's German organists and their music( )

5 editions published in 2015 in No Linguistic content and German and held by 272 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Dir, dir Jehova by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

1 edition published in 2018 in German and held by 254 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Orgelkompositionen by Franz Liszt( )

in 3 languages and held by 250 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Instrumentalmusik. 6. Orgel
Alte Meister : eine Sammlung deutscher Orgelkompositionen aus dem XVII und XVIII Jahrhundert für den praktischen Gebrauch bearbeitet von Karl Straube by Karl Straube( )

38 editions published between 1900 and 1970 in 4 languages and held by 229 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fünfzehn Arien aus Kantaten für Sopran by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

18 editions published between 1927 and 1980 in German and Undetermined and held by 206 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fünfzehn Arien : für eine Baßstimme aus Kantaten by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

17 editions published between 1900 and 2008 in 3 languages and held by 203 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Phantasie für Orgel über den Choral "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott", Opus 27 by Max Reger( )

36 editions published between 1938 and 2019 in 4 languages and held by 188 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Organ works by Franz Liszt( )

5 editions published in 1996 in No Linguistic content and Undetermined and held by 130 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Johann Sebastian Bach's Kompositionen für die Orgel by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

7 editions published between 1928 and 1951 in No Linguistic content and German and held by 128 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Briefe eines Thomaskantors by Karl Straube( Book )

10 editions published between 1952 and 1959 in German and held by 128 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fünfzehn Arien aus Kantaten für Tenor by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

13 editions published between 1927 and 1980 in German and Undetermined and held by 123 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Acht kleine Präludien und Fugen : für die Orgel by Johann Sebastian Bach( )

8 editions published between 1934 and 1983 in 4 languages and held by 99 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Briefe an Karl Straube by Max Reger( Book )

3 editions published in 1986 in German and held by 89 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Alte Meister des Orgelspiels by Karl Straube( )

32 editions published between 1905 and 1988 in 4 languages and held by 81 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Studien für die Orgel : zur Erreichung des obligaten Pedalspiels by Julius Schneider( )

14 editions published between 1870 and 2008 in 4 languages and held by 74 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Orgel-Kompositionen by Franz Liszt( )

23 editions published between 1900 and 1921 in 4 languages and held by 65 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Te Deum Laudamus zur Feier des Sieges bei Dettingen am 27. Juni 1743 by Georg Friedrich Händel( )

22 editions published between 1932 and 1986 in 3 languages and held by 44 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Magnificat ... to 0.00 for Magnificat ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Organ works
Organ worksMax Reger and Karl Straube : perspectives on an organ performing tradition
Alternative Names
Karl Straube

Karl Straube, 1873-1950.

Karl Straube deutscher Organist und Chorleiter

Karl Straube Duits organist (1873-1950)

Karl Straube Duitse organist en koordirigent

Karl Straube German church musician, organist, and choral conductor

Karl Straube German church musician, organist, and choral conductor (1873-1950)

Karl Straube Germana orgenisto kaj directorora direktoro

Karl Straube Germany karimba ŋun nyɛ doo

Karl Straube Německý varhaník a ředitel sboru

Karl Straube Nemški organist in zborovodja

Karl Straube Niemiecki muzyk, organista kościelny i dyrygent chóralny

Karl Straube Organist gjerman dhe drejtor kori

Karl Straube Organista e direttore di coro tedesco

Karl Straube Organista i director de cor alemany

Karl Straube Organista y director de coro alemán

Karl Straube organiste et chef de chœur allemand

Karl Straube professor académico alemão

Karl Straube saksalainen urkuri ja kuoronjohtaja

Karl Straube tysk musiker, pedagog og komponist

Karl Straube Tysk organist och körregissör

Karl Straube Tysk organist og korsjef

Karl Straube tysk professor

Straube, Carl 1873-1950

Straube, K.

Straube, Karl Montgomery Rufus 1873-1950

Straube Montgomery Rufus Karl Siegfried

Straube Montgomery Rufus Karl Siegfried 1873-1950

كارل ستراوب (ملحن)

కార్ల్ స్ట్రూబీ

