WorldCat Identities

Ulászló Magyarország: király II 1456-1516

Works: 306 works in 529 publications in 6 languages and 510 library holdings
Genres: History  Apologetic writings  Controversial literature  Sources 
Roles: Author, Other, Dedicatee
Classifications: DR439.R45,
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Ulászló
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Most widely held works by Ulászló
Continens Opus Tripartitum Juris Consuetudinarii ejusdem Regni by István Werbőczi( Book )

2 editions published between 1779 and 1822 in Latin and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Oratio Magnifici ac Clarissimi. D. Sebastiani Justiniani Oratoris Veneti ad Serenissimu[m] dominum Vladislau[m] Pannonie et Bohemie Regem by Sebastiano Giustiniano( )

2 editions published in 1500 in Latin and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Wladislaw der Zweyte Herzog, dann zweyter König in Böhmen Ein historisches Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. Zur königlichen Krönungsfeuer Kaiser Leopolds des Zweyten geopfert by Heinrich Ferdinand Möller( Book )

2 editions published in 1790 in German and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Listina krále Vladislava : z roku 1497, kterou byla potvrzena stará práva a výsady městu Hodonínu by Vladislav( Book )

1 edition published in 1938 in Czech and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Nález mincí z obce Kosičky : příspěvek k typologii pražských grošů Vladislava II. Jagellonského by Vojtech Brádle( Book )

1 edition published in 2011 in Undetermined and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Wladislaus rex cives Bartfenses adversum rusticos ... insurgere jubet( )

in Latin and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Ulászló levele a bártfaiakhoz, melyben felszólítja őket, hogy fogjanak fegyvert a parasztok ellen
Uladislaus rex insignia regni Sclavoniae innovat( )

in Latin and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

II. Ulászló király Szlavónia címerét megújítja
II. Ulászló király levele Miksa császárhoz a Botenburg vár visszaváltása miatt keletkezett adósság ügyében by Vladislav( )

2 editions published in 1499 in Latin and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Wladislaus rex mandat comitatui Zempliniensi, ut Joannem Zapolya ... pro vero comitatus sui comite agnoscant by Vladislav( )

in Latin and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

II. Ulászló levele Zemplén vármegye nemeseinek, melyben tudatja, hogy Szapolyai Jánost Zemplén vármegye főispánjává nevezte ki
Wladislaus II. rex Hung. civitati Cassoviensi insignia Angelum praeferentia donat( )

in Undetermined and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Bratří a král : bratrský list králi Vladislavovi z roku 1507 by Amedeo Molnár( Book )

1 edition published in 1947 in Czech and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Uladislaus rex comitatui de Valko mandat, ut Emerico de Perén ad reprimendam temeritatem rusticorum eunti in omnibus obediant( )

in Latin and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

II. Ulászló király megparancsolja Valkó vármegye nemeseinek, hogy a parasztfelkelés mielőbbi leverése érdekében mindenben Perényi Imre nádor utasításait kövessék
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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for II. Ulász ... to 0.00 for II. Ulász ...)

Alternative Names
II. Ulászló magyar király magyar, horvát és cseh király

II. Vladislav

Jagellon, Ladislas

Jagellon, Vladislas

Jagellonský, Vladislas

Jagiełło, Władysław

Jagiellończyk, Władysław 1456-1516

Ladislao II.a Bohemiakoa eta Hungariakoa

Ladislao II di Boemia

Ladislas 1456-1516 King of Bohemia and Hungary II

Ladislas II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 1456-1516

Ladislas II, roi de Hongrie

Ladislas IV, roi de Bohème

Ladislas roi de Bohème et de Hongrie

Ladislas roi de Hongrie et de Bohême

Ladislas roi de Hongrie II

Ladislau al II-lea al Boemiei și Ungariei

László 1456-1516 kung av Ungern II

László 1456-1516 Ungarn, König

László II, kung av Ungern, 1456-1516

László II. Ungarn, König 1456-1516

Uladislaus 1456-1516 King of Bohemia and Hungary II

Uladislaus II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 1456-1516

Ulászló 1456-1516 King of Bohemia and Hungary II

Ulászló 1456-1516 kung av Ungern II

Ulászló 1456-1516 Ungarn, König

Ulászló II

Ulászló II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 1456-1516

Ulászló II, kung av Ungern, 1456-1516

Ulászló II, roi de Hongrie

Ulászló II. Ungarn, König 1456-1516

Ulászló la 2ma de Hungaria

Ulászló roi de Hongrie II

Vladislao II de Bohemia y Hungría

Vladislao II de Bohemia y Hungría Trigésimo quinto Rey del Reino de Hungría

Vladislao la 2-a Jogajlido

Vladislas II, roi de Hongrie

Vladislas IV de Bohême

Vladislas roi de Hongrie II

Vladislau II da Hungria

Vladislau II da Hungria Rei da Boêmia e da Hungria

Vladislau II de Bohèmia i Hongria


Vladislaus 1456-1516 Boemia et Hungaria, Rex

Vladislaus 1456-1516 Boemia, Rex

Vladislaus 1456-1516 Hungaria et Boemia, Rex

Vladislaus II

Vladislaus II. Boemia et Hungaria, Rex 1456-1516

Vladislaus II. Boemia, Rex 1456-1516

Vladislaus II. Hungaria et Boemia, Rex 1456-1516

Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary gobernante húngaru (1456–1516)

Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary King of Bohemia and Hungary

Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary King of Bohemia and King of Hungary

Vladislaus II of Hungary

Vladislaus II Unkarin kuningas (1490–1516)

Vladislav 1456-1516 Jagellovec

Vladislav 1456-1516 Magyarország, Király

Vladislav 2. af Bøhmen og Ungarn

Vladislav II

Vladislav II av Böhmen och Ungern

Vladislav II av Bøhmen og Ungarn

Vladislav II av Böhmen og Ungarn konge av Böhmen og Ungarn

Vladislav II Jagelonac

Vladislav II. Jagelović

Vladislav II. Jagelović kralj Ugarske, Hrvatske i Češke

Vladislav II König von Böhmen und Ungarn

Vladislav II, kralj Ugarske

Vladislav II. Magyarország, Király 1456-1516

Vladislav II. Ogrski

Vladislav II Yagellon

Vladislav Jagellonský

Vladislav Jagellonský 1456-1516

Vladislav Jagellonský český (1471–1516) a uherský (1490–1516) král

Vladislav Jagellonský český a uherský král II

Vladislav Jagellovec 1456-1516

Vladislav Jagelović 1456-1516 II.

Vladislav Jagelović II, 1456-1516

Vladislav Jagiello 1456-1516 koning van Bohemen

Vladislav Jagiello, koning van Bohemen, 1456-1516

Vladislavs II Jagellons

Wladislaus 1456-1516 Boemia, Rex

Wladislaus 1456-1516 Hungaria, Rex

Wladislaus 1456-1516 kung av Böhmen II

Wladislaus II. Boemia, Rex 1456-1516

Wladislaus II. Hungaria, Rex 1456-1516

Wladislaus II, kung av Böhmen, 1456-1516

Wladislaus II van Hongarije

Wladislaus II van Hongarije Hongaars heerser (1456-1516)

Wladislaw 1456-1516 Böhmen, König

Wladislaw 1456-1516 Böhmen und Ungarn, König

Wladislaw 1456-1516 koning van Bohemen

Wladislaw 1456-1516 koning van Hongarije II

Wladislaw 1456-1516 kung av Böhmen II

Wladislaw 1456-1516 kung av Ungern II

Wladislaw 1456-1516 Magyarország, Király

Wladislaw 1456-1516 Ungarn, König

Wladislaw II. Böhmen, König 1456-1516

Wladislaw II. Böhmen und Ungarn, König 1456-1516

Wladislaw II. König von Böhmen und Ungarn

Wladislaw II, koning van Hongarije, 1456-1516

Wladislaw II, kung av Böhmen, 1456-1516

Wladislaw II, kung av Ungern, 1456-1516

Wladislaw II. Magyarország, Király 1456-1516

Wladislaw II. Ungarn, König 1456-1516

Wladislaw, koning van Bohemen, 1456-1516

Władysław 1456-1516 King of Bohemia and Hungary II

Władysław II dari Hongaria

Władysław II Jagiellończyk

Władysław II Jagiellończyk król czeski i węgierski

Władysław II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, 1456-1516

Władysław Jagiellończyk.

Władysław Jagiellończyk 1456-1516

Władysław Jagiellończyk 1456-1516 II.

Władysław Jagiellończyk II. 1456-1516

Βλαδίσλαος Β΄ της Ουγγαρίας βασιλιάς της Βοημίας και της Ουγγαρίας

Владислав II Ягеллон король Чехии и Венгрии

Владислав II Ягелончик

Владислав II Ягелончик король Богемії й Угорщини

Владислав II Јагелонац

Владислав Јагелонски

Уласла II

Уласло II

Ուլասլո II

אולסלו השני, מלך בוהמיה והונגריה

اولاسلوی دوم

ایکینجی اولاسلوی

فلاديسلاف التانى ملك المجر

فلاديسلاف الثاني ملك المجر

ვლადისლავ II (უნგრეთი)

울라슬로 2세


ウラースロー2世 ボヘミアとハンガリーの王


Latin (40)

Czech (11)

Hungarian (9)

German (3)

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Polish (1)