WorldCat Identities

Ive, Antonio 1851-1937

Works: 48 works in 181 publications in 5 languages and 569 library holdings
Genres: History  Criticism, interpretation, etc 
Roles: Author, Editor, htt, Annotator, Other
Classifications: PC890, 851.04
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Antonio Ive
I dialetti ladino-veneti dell'Istria by Antonio Ive( Book )

33 editions published between 1900 and 2020 in Italian and English and held by 141 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Canti popolari istriani by Antonio Ive( Book )

22 editions published between 1877 and 1967 in Italian and held by 84 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

L'antico dialetto di Veglia by Antonio Ive( Book )

13 editions published between 1886 and 2000 in Italian and held by 58 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Canti popolari velletrani, raccolti e annotati da Antonio Ive by Antonio Ive( Book )

3 editions published between 1907 and 1972 in Italian and held by 43 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Canti popolari velletrani by Antonio Ive( Book )

19 editions published between 1907 and 1972 in Italian and Undetermined and held by 37 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Saggi di dialetto rovignese by Antonio Ive( )

5 editions published between 1888 and 1962 in Italian and held by 37 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fiabe istriane by Antonio Ive( Book )

4 editions published in 1993 in Italian and Undetermined and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Rimatori napoletani del Quattrocento by Mario Mandalari( Book )

5 editions published between 1885 and 1979 in Italian and held by 20 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die istrianischen Mundarten by Antonio Ive( Book )

7 editions published in 1893 in German and Undetermined and held by 12 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Nozze Ive-Lorenzetto, XXVIII novembre MDCCCLXXVII by Antonio Ive( )

2 editions published in 1877 in Italian and held by 12 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fiabe popolari rovignesi by Antonio Ive( Book )

6 editions published in 1878 in 3 languages and held by 9 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Canti e racconti del popolo Italiano by Antonio Ive( Book )

4 editions published between 1877 and 1967 in Italian and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fiabe istriane by Antonio Ive( Book )

3 editions published in 1993 in Italian and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novelline popolari rovignesi by Antonio Ive( Book )

5 editions published in 1877 in Italian and Undetermined and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Rimatori napoletani del quattrocento : dal Cod. 1035 della Bibl. Nazionale di Parigi by G Mazzatinti( Book )

3 editions published in 1885 in Italian and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Storia documentata di Rovigno by Bernardo Benussi( Book )

2 editions published between 1962 and 2004 in Italian and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Dei banchi feneratizj e capitoli degli Ebrei di Pirano e dei monti di pietà in Istria : versione dal francese by Antonio Ive( Book )

4 editions published in 1881 in Italian and French and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Lehr- und Lesebuch der Italienischen Sprache by Otto Boerner( Book )

3 editions published between 1902 and 1914 in German and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Canti popolari veglioto odierno by Antonio Ive( Book )

4 editions published between 1900 and 1968 in Italian and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Il dalmatico : resti di un'antica lingua romanza parlata da Veglia a Ragusa e sua collocazione nella Romània appennino-balcanica by Matteo Bartoli( Book )

1 edition published in 2000 in Italian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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I dialetti ladino-veneti dell'Istria
Alternative Names
Antonio Ive Austrian ethnologist

Antonio Ive Austrian ethnologist (1851-1937)

Antonio Ive etnólogo austríaco

Antonio Ive etnoloog uit Oostenrijk (1851-1937)

Antonio Ive italienisch-österreichischer Romanist und Ethnologe

Antonio Ive linguista austriaco

Ive, A.

Ive, Antonio 1851-

Ive, Antonio Giovanni

Ive, Giovanni Antonio

Ive, Ivan A.

Антоніо Іві

Иве, Антонио итальянский и австрийский филолог-романист, исследователь североитальянских диалектов

Italian (129)

German (8)

French (1)

English (1)

Romance (1)