WorldCat Identities

Luipart, Marcel 1912-1989

Works: 3 works in 4 publications in 2 languages and 5 library holdings
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Marcel Luipart
Most widely held works by Marcel Luipart
St. Francis : (Nobilissima visione) : a choreographic legend( Visual )

1 edition published in 1981 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

A work film of "St. Francis," a ballet inspired by the frescoes of Giotto. Shows the original cast of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo in practice dress. Originally filmed without sound, synchronized music was added by Frederic Franklin, assisted by John Mueller
Audience Level
Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.79 (from 0.68 for St. Franci ... to 0.94 for Marcel Lui ...)

Alternative Names
Fenchel, Marcel 1912-1989

Luitpart, Marcel

Marcel Luipart deutscher Tänzer, Choreograph und Tanzpädagoge

Marcel Luipart Duits muziekpedagoog (1912-1989)

Marcel Luipart German music educator
