WorldCat Identities

Quaglio, Lorenzo 1730-1804

Works: 7 works in 7 publications in 2 languages and 8 library holdings
Roles: Author, Artist
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Lorenzo Quaglio
La drôlesse by Jacques Doillon( Visual )

1 edition published in 2004 in French and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Misfit François kidnaps young Mado and takes her to live with him in the attic of his parents' home. A strange relationship evolves till the police comes upon them." IMDB
[24 prospectische neue Architectur-Compositionen] by Lorenzo Quaglio( Book )

1 edition published in 1802 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Ankündigung einer Kupferstich-Sammlung für Künstler und Liebhaber = Annonce d'une collection de gravures pour des artistes et amateurs by Lorenzo Quaglio( Book )

1 edition published in 1801 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

A City Square with Buildings on a Hill in the Background by Lorenzo Quaglio( Visual )

and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for La drôles ... to 0.00 for La drôles ...)

Alternative Names
Lorenzo I Quaglio

Lorenzo I Quaglio arquiteto suíço

Lorenzo I Von Quaglio

Lorenzo Quaglio

Lorenzo Quaglio architect uit Zwitserland (1730-1804)

Lorenzo Quaglio architecte suisse

Lorenzo Quaglio architetto, pittore e incisore svizzero

Lorenzo Quaglio arquitecte suís

Lorenzo Quaglio arquitecto suizo

Lorenzo Quaglio arquiteutu suizu (1730–1804)

Lorenzo Quaglio deutscher Maler, Architekt und Bühnenbildner (1730-1804) italienischer Herkunft

Lorenzo Quaglio German painter, architect and stage designer

Lorenzo Quaglio German stage designer

Lorenzo Quaglio I

Lorenzo von Quaglio I

Quaglia, Lorenzo, I


Quaglio, Laurent

Quaglio, Lorenz 1730-1804 der Ältere

Quaglio, Lorenz der Ältere 1730-1804

Quaglio, Lorenzo

Quaglio, Lorenzo 1730-1804 der Ältere

Quaglio, Lorenzo der Ältere 1730-1804

Quaglio, Lorenzo I

Quaglio, Lorenzo I Von

Quaglio, Lorenzo von, I

Qualia, Lorenzo, I

Qualio, Lorenzo, I


German (4)

French (2)