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Horschelt, Friedrich 1793-1876

Works: 26 works in 28 publications in 3 languages and 62 library holdings
Genres: Ballets (Music)  Piano scores  Theater programs 
Roles: Author, Choreographer
Classifications: ML52.G35, 782.10268
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Friedrich Horschelt
Bianca e Falliero, ossia, Il consiglio dei tre : melodramma in due atti da rappresentarsi nell'I. R. Teatro alla Scala nel carnovale 1831 by Felice Romani( )

2 editions published in 1831 in Italian and held by 33 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Chevalier Dupe aus den Iahrmarkt : ein pantomimisches Ballet in zwey Acten by Joseph Kinsky( )

2 editions published in 1816 and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Feuer-Nelke : grosse romantische Feen-Pantomime in zwey Haupt-Abtheilungen by Friedrich Horschelt( Book )

1 edition published in 1821 in German and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Der Mechanikus, oder: Chevalier Dupé : komisches Ballet in zwei Abtheilungen by Joseph Kinsky( Book )

1 edition published in 1820 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Feuer-Nelke : Große romantische Feen-Pantomine in 2 Haupt-Abtheilungen( Book )

1 edition published in 1825 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

I Capuleti ed i Montecchi : tragedia lirica : da rappresentarsi nell'I.R. Teatro alla Scala nel carnovale 1830-31 by Felice Romani( Book )

1 edition published in 1830 in Italian and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Der Mechanikus, oder Chevalier Dupé Ballet in 2 Abtheilungen ; von dem Balletmeister Horschelt zu Wien. Musik vom Herrn Kapellmeister Kinsky by Königliche Schauspiele zu Berlin( Book )

1 edition published in 1820 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Les portraits ballet champétre, et comique by Ignaz Moscheles( )

1 edition published in 1818 and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Il Contestabile di Chester. Melodramma per musica [in three acts and in verse] da rappresentarsi nell'I. R. Teatro alla Scala nel Carnovale 1831 by Domenico Gilardoni( )

1 edition published in 1831 in Italian and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Favorit=Stücke aus dem Ballette Die kleine Diebin : für das Piano-Forte by Joseph Kinsky( )

1 edition published in 1815 and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Feuer-Nelke : große romantische Feen-Pantomime in zwey Haupt-Abtheilungen ; aufgeführt im k. k. priv. Thater an der Wien by W. Robert Gallenberg( Book )

1 edition published in 1821 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Der Berggeist : grosses pantomimisches Ballet by Philipp Jakob Riotte( )

1 edition published in 1818 and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die kleine Diebin : divertissement : Op. 219 by Joseph Kinsky( )

1 edition published in 1815 and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Les portraits : Ballet champétre et comique : oeuvre 40 by Ignaz Moscheles( )

1 edition published in 1818 and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Amors Fest : Ein Divertissement von Herrn Balletmeister Horschelt by Friedrich Horschelt( Book )

1 edition published in 1822 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Bianca e F ... to 0.00 for Bianca e F ...)

Alternative Names
Friedrich Horschelt deutscher Ballettmeister und Impresario

Friedrich Horschelt Duits danser (1793-1876)

Friedrich Horschelt German dancer


Horscheldt, ... 1793-1876

Horschelt, .. 1793-1876

Horschelt, F.

Horschelt, F. 1793-1876

Horschelt, Friedrich von

Horschelt, Friedrich von 1793-1876

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