WorldCat Identities

Huppertz, Gottfried 1887-1937

Works: 203 works in 453 publications in 6 languages and 5,161 library holdings
Genres: Silent films  Drama  Science fiction films  Film adaptations  Dystopian films  Fantasy films  Documentary films  Expressionist films  Action and adventure films  Orchestral music 
Roles: Author, Composer, Musician, Arranger, Other, msd, Actor, Editor, Creator, Adapter
Classifications: PN1997, 791.4372
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Gottfried Huppertz
Most widely held works by Gottfried Huppertz
Metropolis by Fritz Lang( Visual )

91 editions published between 1927 and 2020 in 7 languages and held by 2,480 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Freder Fredersen is the son of Joh Fredersen, who reigns over the great city of Metropolis in the year 2026. The younger Fredersen is surprised to discover his lifestyle has been built on the unseen, but backbreaking, labor of an entire class of workers who tend the machines that make the city run, and he descends to the subterranean levels of Metropolis in an effort to understand their lives
Die Nibelungen by Gottfried Huppertz( )

10 editions published between 2015 and 2016 and held by 525 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Nibelungen( Visual )

1 edition published in 2002 and held by 403 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

In part one, Siegfried wins the hand of Kriemhilde by slaying the dragon and defeating Brunhilde. When Brunhilde learns that magic has been used to conquer her, she has Siegfried murdered. In part two, Kriemhilde seeks revenge for Siegfried's death and marries Attila, king of the Huns, in order to further her purpose
Metropolis : original motion picture score by Gottfried Huppertz( )

5 editions published in 2011 in No Linguistic content and Undetermined and held by 324 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Zur Chronik von Grieshuus by Gottfried Huppertz( )

3 editions published in 2016 and held by 282 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Metropolis : the complete original motion picture score by Gottfried Huppertz( )

3 editions published in 2018 and held by 273 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Nibelungen by Fritz Lang( Visual )

23 editions published between 2002 and 2016 in 5 languages and held by 221 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Siegfried, son of King Sigmund, hears of the beautiful sister of Gunter, King of Worms, Kriemhild. On his way to Worms, he kills a dragon and finds a treasure, the Hort. He helps Gunther to win Krimhild, a mask that makes him invisible proves to be very useful. But because Brunhild is cursing Kriemhild, she tells her what really happened. Now Brunhild wants Siegfried's head. Is Gunther going to do her that favor? Country of production: Germany
Metropolis by Fritz Lang( Visual )

26 editions published between 1926 and 2018 in 6 languages and held by 54 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Der Industriemagnat Fredersen (Alfred Abel) herrscht über die geteilte Stadt Metropolis. In den Hochhäusern residieren die Herren, die Arbeiter leben tief unter der Erde. In den "ewigen Gärten", in denen sich die Söhne der Reichen vergnügen, taucht Maria (Brigitte Helm) auf, die Heldin aus der Unterstadt. Freder (Gustav Fröhlich), der Sohn des Herrschers, verliebt sich in die Frau. Sein Vater beauftragt den Erfinder Rotwang (Rudolf Klein-Rogge), dem Roboter, an dem er arbeitet, das Aussehen Marias zu geben. (Quelle: Umschlag)
Fritz Lang's Metropolis( Visual )

4 editions published between 2002 and 2010 in 3 languages and held by 44 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

In a futuristic time and place, humans are divided into two groups: the thinkers, who make plans, and the workers, who achieve goals. Completely separate, neither group is complete, but together they make a whole. One man from the "thinkers" dares visit the underground where the workers toil, and is astonished by what he sees
Metropolis( Visual )

1 edition published in 2010 in English and held by 35 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The future. Metropolis is a wonderful city, high above the ground its towers stand. The people prosper, the economy is flourishing, the suspended streets are busy. But Metropolis also has a great secret, so hidden that not even Freder Fredersen, son of founder Joh Fredersen knows about it. He is spending his free time in the Eternal Gardens, when suddenly a woman shows up, with what looks like a class of children. They're from the City of Workers, in the depth, Freder learns. "These are your brothers," she tells the children, before she is forced to leave. Freder is so intrigued he follows them into the depth and doesn't like what he sees. The workers are exploited, they must do labor like robots. Freder tries to convince his father to change, while the woman tries to keep workers' morale high by predicting a man will stand up that will mediate. Someone that will use both hands and head, someone that will be the heart. Soon after its premiere, Metropolis was severely shortened and altered. Since then, more than a quarter of the film was assumed to have been lost. In 2008, an almost complete version of the film was discovered in Buenos Aires. The material was heavily damaged and, because it had been printed on 16mm film stock, does not have the full-aperture silent picture ratio. Utilizing the footage from Argentina, a virtually complete Metropolis has been reconstructed and its proper editing has been restored. The text of the intertitles was taken from German censorship records and has been translated into English. In order to maintain the scale of the restored footage, the missing portion of the frame appears black. Black frames indicate points at which footage is still lost. Intertitles in a different typeface have been added to summarize the contents of the missing scenes
Metropolis : op. 29 : Musik zum Fritz-Lang-Stummfilm von 1925/26 by Gottfried Huppertz( )

14 editions published between 1927 and 2006 in 3 languages and held by 30 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kriemhilde's Revenge( Visual )

1 edition published in 2019 in English and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

After her husband is killed by Hagen (Hans von Schlettow), Kriemhild (Margarethe Schön) develops an intricate revenge plot. Kriemhild also has to overcome her brothers, who long ago swore allegiance to Hagen. She flees to Burgundy to marry Etzel (Rudolf Klein-Rogge), king of the Huns. When she bears a child, she invites her brothers for a party, which soon turns deadly as the Huns attack Kriemhild's brothers and Hagen. War is declared, and Kriemhild loses more than she bargained for. Directed by Fritz Lang
Metropolis( Visual )

6 editions published between 2005 and 2010 in German and English and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences
Fritz Lang : the silent films( Visual )

2 editions published in 2017 in English and held by 18 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Wandering shadow: In the wake of a sex scandal a woman seeks solitude in the Bavarian Alps where she is continually haunted by her past but stumbles upon a chance of redemption. 2013 restoration
Metropolis( Visual )

3 editions published in 2005 in German and Undetermined and held by 18 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The story of a 21st century city run by a 'super trustee' and his collaborators who live in a paradise-like garden. Workers are totally enslaved by machines and condemned to live underground. In the midst of this misery, a young woman, Maria, arises and attempts to inspire the workers to throw off their oppressors
Metropolis( Visual )

3 editions published between 2009 and 2010 in German and Multiple languages and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Metropolis( Visual )

1 edition published in 2004 in German and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Des ouvriers travaillent dans les souterrains d'une fabuleuse métropole de l'an 2026. Ils assurent le bonheur des nantis qui vivent dans les jardins suspendus de la ville. Un androïde mène les ouvriers vers la révolte
Metropolis by Fritz Lang( Book )

7 editions published between 2008 and 2018 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Agora numa cópia restaurada, o mais influente e visionário de todos os filmes mudos, METROPOLIS, poderá ser apreciado em sua total magnitude e exuberância. Graças à arte da tecnologia digital, podemos ver detalhes nunca antes visto nas inúmeras e mutiladas cópias do filme espalhadas pelo mundo. Fritz Lang, na época já considerado o maior cineasta alemão, havia regressado de Nova York e de lá trouxe toda a influência arquitetônica para realizar seu mais famoso filme, considerado naquele período o mais caro de todos os tempos. METROPOLIS se passa em 2026, a população está dividida em duas classes: a elite dominante e a classe operária, que vive num mundo subterrâneo, escravizada pelas monstruosas máquinas que fazem funcionar a todo vapor a cidade. Uma revolução operária é planejada, mas sempre impedida pela líder Maria. O chefe da cidade pede a um cientista malígno que construa um robô à imagem e semelhança dela, para que possa incitar os trabalhadores à revolta
Fritz Lang Epic Collection( Visual )

1 edition published in 2004 in English and held by 11 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

A view of the future in which people either live underground or in a wonderous aboveground city ; a story of Seigfried and his quest for a wife, followed by the wife's revenge upon Siegfried's murderers ; an undercover agent seeks to bring down the head of a criminal empire ; a futuristic view of the first moon expedition
Die Nibelungen( Visual )

2 editions published in 2012 in German and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Teil 2, Kriemhilds Rache: Die mittlerweile mit Hunnenkönig Etzel verheiratete Kriemhild hat Rache für Siegfrieds Tod geschworen und löst ein unvorstellbares Blutbad aus, bei dem auch sie ihr Ende findet. (Quelle: Umschlag)
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WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Gottfried Huppertz

Gottfried Huppertz compositeur allemand

Gottfried Huppertz compositor alemán

Gottfried Huppertz compositor alemany

Gottfried Huppertz Duits componist (1887-1937)

Gottfried Huppertz German composer

Gottfried Huppertz kompozitor gjerman

Gottfried Huppertz tysk komponist

Готфрид Хупперц

Готфрид Хупперц немецкий композитор

גוטפריד הופרץ מלחין גרמני

جوتفريد هوپيرتز


