WorldCat Identities

Sandoz, May 1936-

Works: 17 works in 41 publications in 5 languages and 497 library holdings
Genres: Operas  Excerpts  Televised performances  Live sound recordings  Television adaptations  Nonfiction television programs  Filmed performances  Librettos  Musical films  Opera films 
Roles: Performer, Other
Classifications: M1500.M84, 782.1
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by May Sandoz
Der Feldprediger : (Querschnitt) by Carl Millöcker( )

2 editions published in 2014 in German and held by 232 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Mozart's The magic flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Visual )

8 editions published between 1978 and 2004 in German and English and held by 203 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The young prince Tamino is being pursued by a horrible snake and finds himself in the lands belonging to the Queen of the Night. After the Queen's Ladies help kill the snake, Tamino meets Papageno, the Queen's bird catcher. It is revealed to Tamino that a distant king, Sarastro, has abducted the Queen's beautiful daughter, Pamina. After seeing her portrait, Tamino quickly falls in love. With the help of a magic flute, given to him by the Queen, Tamino and Papageno go on a quest to save Pamina. Meanwhile, in Sarastro's palace, Pamina is being tormented by the slavekeeper, Monostatos. Tamino and Papageno arrive and are surprised to find that Sarastro is not the cruel tyrant they thought. It turns out that Sarastro abducted Pamina because the gods had intended that she was to marry Tamino. After passing a series of tests by the Priests, Tamino is granted Pamina's hand
Extraits des Fêtes des Vignerons by Franz Grast( Recording )

7 editions published between 1955 and 1964 in 3 languages and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Musik für die Felsenreitschule by Helmut Eder( Recording )

3 editions published in 2005 in 3 languages and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The Magic flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Visual )

3 editions published between 1980 and 1998 in German and Italian and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The Queen of the Night offers her daughter Pamina to Tamino, but he has to bring her back from her father and priest Sarastro. She gives a magic flute to Tamino and magic bells to the bird hunter Papageno, who follows Tamino and wants to find a wife. The duo travels in a journey of love and knowledge. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Die Zauberflöte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Visual )

3 editions published between 1991 and 2005 in German and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Mozart's allegorical fairy tale has charmed audiences and inspired artists, for more than 200 years. A few weeks before this telecast, the Met unveiled a new production of the opera featuring the colorful designs of acclaimed artist David Hockney. His bold colors and vivid images enchanted audiences and seemed to inspire the striking cast, led by James Levine's affectionate conducting. Francisco Araiza is the young prince Tamino, who finds himself in a strange land, forced to undergo mysterious tests so he can rescue, then marry, the woman he loves, Pamina, played by Kathleen Battle. Kurt Moll is the compassionate Sarastro and Luciana Serra is the Queen of the Night
Die Zauberflöte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Visual )

2 editions published in 2004 in German and English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The young prince Tamino is being pursued by a horrible snake and finds himself in the lands belonging to the Queen of the Night. After the Queen's Ladies help kill the snake, Tamino meets Papageno, the Queen's bird catcher. It is revealed to Tamino that a distant king, Sarastro, has abducted the Queen's beautiful daughter, Pamina. After seeing her portrait, Tamino quickly falls in love. With the help of a magic flute, given to him by the Queen, Tamino and Papageno go on a quest to save Pamina. Meanwhile, in Sarastro's palace, Pamina is being tormented by the slavekeeper, Monostatos. Tamino and Papageno arrive and are surprised to find that Sarastro is not the cruel tyrant they thought. It turns out that Sarastro abducted Pamina because the gods had intended that she was to marry Tamino. After passing a series of tests by the Priests, Tamino is granted Pamina's hand
Die zauberflöte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( )

1 edition published in 2005 in German and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Mozarts The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Visual )

1 edition published in 1978 in Undetermined and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Zauberflöte : Oper in zwei Akten by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Book )

1 edition published in 2010 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Glyndbourne-Produktion der Zauberflöte erhielt sowohl für die ausgezeichnete künstlerische Darbietung als auch für das aussergewöhnliche Design von David Hockney viel Anerkennung. Hockney gelingt es, zusammen mit dem Produzenten John Cox, eine Inszenierung zu gestalten, die den mystischen Zauber der bekanntentn Mozart-Oper adäquat herausstellt. Kurz zum Plot: Prinz Tamino und der drollig Vogelfänger Papageno machen sich auf, um Pamina. die Tochter der Königin der Nacht, aus der Gewalt Sarastros zu retten. Sie sind nur mit zwei Zauberinstrumenten bewaffnet: einer Zauberflöte und einem magischen Glockenspiel. In Sarastros Reich angekommen, müssen sie feststellen, dass die Königin sie getäuscht hat und sie die eigentliche Böse ist. Sarastro erklärt, dass Tamino und Pamina für einander geschaffen sind. Um aber in den Kreis der "Eingeweihten" zu kommen, müssen sie erst einige Prüfungen bestehen. Papageno geht mit ihnen in der Hoffnung, eine Frau fürs Leben zu finden. Wie es sich für eine solche Oper gehört, gibt es ein großes Happy End: Tamino und Pamina überstehen die Prüfungen und werden ein Paar, die böse Königin der Nacht wird gestürzt und selbst Papageno findet seine Papagena. Durch die hoch gelobte technische Umsetzung Dave Heathers für Southern Television wird auch die audiovisuelle Aufnahme dieser außergewöhnlichen Inszenierung zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis
Die Zauberflöte Oper in 2 Aufzügen, live aufgenommen in der Glyndebourne Festival Opera ; ungekürzte Fassung( Visual )

1 edition published in 2005 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Zauberflote by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Recording )

in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

18. Jahrhundert; Oper
Die Zauberflöte : opera in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Book )

1 edition published in 1979 in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Zauberflöte : Oper in zwei Akten by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Recording )

1 edition published in 2010 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

Die Zauberflöte : (opera in two acts) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Recording )

1 edition published in 2004 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

The magic flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Recording )

2 editions published in 1990 in German and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide

This abridged English-language version of Mozart's immortal opera, seen at the Met as the annual holiday presentation for families, is conducted by renowned Mozartian Jane Glover. Alek Shrader stars as Tamino, the young prince who finds himself on a quest to rescue and win the beautiful Pamina, sung by Heidi Stober. Nathan Gunn is Tamino's companion, the birdcatcher Papageno, and Eric Owens sings Sarastro, the man who holds Pamina captive--to protect her from her mother, the evil Queen of the Night, sung by Kathryn Lewek
Die Zauberflöte Oper in zwei Akten by Franz Welser-Möst( Visual )

2 editions published in 2006 in German and held by 0 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.39 (from 0.34 for Mozart's T ... to 0.96 for Die Zauber ...)

German (27)

French (4)

English (4)

Italian (1)

Latin (1)