WorldCat Identities

Antun Zadranin

Works: 81 works in 142 publications in 3 languages and 252 library holdings
Genres: Prayers and devotions  History 
Roles: Translator, Author, Adapter, Editor, Other, Contributor
Classifications: BS2190, 224.059182
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Antun
Katekismus. Edna Malahna Kniga : U Koi Jesu Vele Potribni I Korisni Naouci I Artikouli Prave Karstianske Vere ... = Catechißmus, mit außlegung, in der Syruischen Sprach by Primož Trubar( Book )

7 editions published in 1561 in Croatian and Serbian and held by 25 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novi testament ... 1562. Latinički prijepis glagoljskog izvornika by Anton Dalmatin( Book )

9 editions published between 2013 and 2015 in Croatian and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novi Testament 1562/1563( Book )

2 editions published in 2007 in Croatian and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novi testament, 1563 : [pretisak]( Book )

2 editions published in 2008 in Croatian and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Cirilska tabla za dicu by Anton Dalmatin( Book )

1 edition published in 1959 in Undetermined and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Postilla, 1568 by Johannes Brenz( Book )

4 editions published in 1993 in Croatian and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Novi teštament : va tom su svi četiri evangelisti i apustolska d·jan·ja, iz· mnozih· jazikov·, v sadašni opšteni i razumni hrvatski jazik·( Book )

4 editions published between 1562 and 2008 in Croatian and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Proroczi MDLXIIII : prvotisak Proroka Staroga zavjeta na hrvatskom jeziku : studija i preslik( Book )

1 edition published in 2002 in Croatian and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kurtze Außlegung über die Sontags-, unnd der fürnembsten Fest Evangelia durch das gantz Jar, jetzt erstlich in crobatischer Sprach mit crobatischen Buchstaben getruckt by Primus Truber( Book )

1 edition published in 1562 in Serbian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.89 (from 0.73 for ... del No ... to 0.95 for ... del No ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Aleksandrovic', Antun -1579

Anton Dalmatin d.1579

Antonio -1579 de Zara

Antonio de Zara -1579

Antonius -1579 Dalmata

Antonius -1579 de Iadra

Antonius ab Alexandro Dalmata

Antonius Dalmata

Antonius Dalmata 15..-1579

Antonius Dalmata -1579

Antonius Dalmata ab Alexandro m. 1579

Antonius Dalmata Exul

Antonius de Iadra -1579

Antun -1579 Dalmatin

Antun -1579 Duka

Antun -1579 Zadranin

Antun Dalmatin

Antun Dalmatin -1579

Antun Duka -1579

Antun Zadranin -1579

Dalmata -1579 Antonius

Dalmata ab Alexandro, Antonius -1579

Dalmata, Antoine -1579

Dalmata, Antoine d. 1579

Dalmata, Anton

Dalmata, Anton -1579

Dalmata, Antonius

Dalmata Antonius -1579

Dalmata, Antonius ab Alexandro -1579

Dalmata, Antonius ab Alexandro d. 1579

Dalmata, Antun -1579

Dalmata, Antun d. 1579

Dalmatin, Anthony -1579

Dalmatin, Anthony d. 1579

Dalmatin, Anton

Dalmatin, Anton -1579

Dalmatin, Anton d.1579

Dalmatin, Antonio -1579

Dalmatin, Antonio d. 1579

Dalmatin, Antun

Dalmatin Antun 15..-1579

Dalmatin, Antun -1579

Dalmatin, Antun Aleksandrović, m. 1579

Dalmatin, Antun d. 1579

Dalmatin, Sándor -1579

Duka, Antun -1579

Segnianin, Anton

Zadranin, Antun -1579
