WorldCat Identities

Posegga, Hans

Works: 107 works in 172 publications in 3 languages and 487 library holdings
Genres: History  Short films  Documentary films  Nonfiction films  Historical films  Chamber music  Scores  Parts (Music)  Sonatas  Suites 
Roles: Composer, Author, Musician, Conductor, Other, Performer
Classifications: N332.G43, 707.114322
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Hans Posegga
Die Parallelstraße La route parallèle = The parallel street by Ferdinand Khittl( Visual )

6 editions published in 2010 in German and held by 106 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Five men are participants in a discussion, a sixth man observes them as a minute taker. Their task is to classify documents that are related to another man whose identity is not disclosed. These documents, against the black and white scenes of their discussions, are short color sequences accompanied by the minute taker reading narration. They have three nights, and their death awaits if they do not succeed
The Bauhaus : its impact on the world of design( Visual )

in English and held by 81 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Everything we think of as modern in style originated in this extraordinary school of design, where painters, architects, craftsmen and engineers first joined together to humanize the products of machines
Tanzsuite für vier Fagotte by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 1998 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The Bauhaus : its impact on the world of design by Detten Schleiermacher( Visual )

3 editions published between 1976 and 2012 in English and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Everything we think of as modern in style originated in this extraordinary school of design, where painters, architects, craftsmen and engineers first joined together to humanise the products of machines
Licht und Finsternis : für Gitarre solo by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 2000 in No Linguistic content and German and held by 9 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Jokehnen oder Wie lange fährt man von Ostpreußen nach Deutschland? by Michael Lähn( Visual )

5 editions published between 1987 and 2014 in German and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The story is about Hermann Steputat who was born on 2. August 1934 in Jokehnen, a fictitious East Prussian village. It is no coincidence that his hame is Hermann and that his birth took place on the day Hindenburg died and Hitler gained power in Germany. Hermann's father owns a small tailor shop and is also the town mayor. As most people in his small town, he falls in step behind Hitler, joins the NSDAP, and when Hermann was old enough, he joined the Hitler Youth. There were few problems for them in the beginning even as the second world war started. But as prisoners of war were brought to Jokehnen from Poland and Russia, and as refugees from bombed out cities such as Hamburg streamed into their town, the reality of what was happening finally hit home. The Red Army marched in, captured members of his family, some were sent to Russia. As the war ended and the Russians left, the town was under Polish control and the remaining Germans had only several hours to collect their belongings and flee to western Germany
Out of the dark ages : a tale of four german emperor( Visual )

2 editions published between 2000 and 2011 in English and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

V.2 The reign of Henry II, which began in 1039, marks the zenith of Salian rule. This program presents the story of the man who formed the strongest central government in medieval German history--a government under which Romanesque culture blossomed while making the papacy a virtual vassal to imperial power. However, lay opposition to the emperor in the Holy Roman Empire and criticism of Henry's regime over its treatment of the Church were on the rise during the last years of his reign
Frühling 1945 am Edewechterdamm für Flöte, Fagott und Klavier by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 2002 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sonate für Violine und Pianoforte : hommage à Jacques Thibaud (1943, neu bearbeitet 1994) by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 1998 in No Linguistic content and German and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hitler, une carrière by Joachim C Fest( Visual )

3 editions published between 2005 and 2010 in French and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"De l'arrivée au pouvoir à la chute d'Hitler, ce film retrace l'une des plus monstrueuses carrières politiques de l'Histoire. Inspiré du best-seller de l'historien Joachim C. Fest, "Hitler, une carrière" est uniquement composé d'images d'archives et d'un commentaire fidèle à l'oeuvre de Fest. Il permet de comprendre comment un homme a pu conduire un peuple à commetre l'irréparable et à plonger le monde dans l'horreur
The Bauhaus : its impact on the world of design( Visual )

1 edition published in 1976 in English and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

An historical account of the Bauhaus school of design, where painters, architects, craftsmen and engineers first joined together to humanise the products of machines
Vanishing wilderness( Visual )

2 editions published in 2002 in English and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Renowned German photographer Heinz Sielmann and Arthur R. Dubs venture through rarely seen wilderness areas to capture a look at the wild creatures of North America as they challenge nature in their bid for survival
Die Parallelstraße = La route parallèle = The parallel street( Book )

2 editions published between 2010 and 2014 in German and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Es( Visual )

4 editions published between 1965 and 2012 in German and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Das Zusammenleben eines unverheirateten jungen Paares, das in eine Krise gerät, als das Mädchen ein Kind erwartet und die Schwangerschaft ihrem Partner verheimlicht. Eines der ersten, beispielhaften Werke des Jungen Deutschen Films: Mit dem Versuch, bundesdeutsche Alltagswirklichkeit und das Lebensgefühl der jungen Generation einzufangen, wendet sich Regisseur Ulrich Schamoni gegen die Tabus und Konventionen des problemfreien Unterhaltungskinos der 50er und 60er Jahre. Experimentelle Verfremdungen brechen den Illusionscharakter des Films - und die Naivität der Helden -, um Distanz zu den dargestellten Problemen zu schaffen." []
Baroque Suite : für Gitarre solo by Hans Posegga( )

3 editions published in 2002 in 3 languages and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Parallelstraße route parallèle by Ferdinand Khittl( Visual )

1 edition published in 2010 in German and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Cinq hommes, cinq membres d'une "société" regardent pendant trois nuits, sous la houlette d'un "secrétaire", 308 "documents; filmiques de la vie 'dune "personnalité problématique" dont, auf final, on ne saura rien. L'hétérogénité des images, leur curieuse succession, les décalages absurdes, l'étrange poésie des juxtapositions, les hitoires "passées" racontées au futur, et la "personnalité problématique transforment le raod movie exotique et le jeu cruel en conte philosophique sur les entreprises humaines, le sens des images, le cinéma. Le DVD présente le film avec des court-métrages rares de Ferdinand Khittl qui montrent son inventivité dans le domaine du film industriel d'avant-garde." [Source : jaquette]
Caspar David Friedrich - Grenzen der Zeit by Peter Schamoni( Visual )

6 editions published between 1986 and 2016 in German and English and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

An Hand von Werk und Leben des Romantikers Caspar David Friedrich interpretiert der Film den Maler als einen Vorreiter ökologischen Bewußtseins. In historisierenden Szenen, unter Bezugnahme auf die Fülle der Landschaftsbilder Friedrichs, wird das Werk des zu seiner Zeit unverstandenen Künstlers in sehr subjektiver Deutung dem Zuschauer nahegebracht. Ein Porträt, das die Empfindungen anspricht und die zeitgeschichtlichen Hintergründe beleuchtet. [film-dienst]
Die seltsamen Träume des Don Quijote für Fagottquartett by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 2003 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Kunterbuntes : für Klavier : 17 kurzweilige Stücke by Hans Posegga( )

2 editions published in 2005 and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Schonzeit für Füchse nach dem Roman "Das Gatter" von Günter Seuren( Visual )

3 editions published between 1966 and 2014 in German and Undetermined and held by 6 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.69 (from 0.19 for Vanishing ... to 0.96 for Licht und ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Hans Posegga A German composer, pianist and conductor

Hans Posegga compositeur allemand pianiste et chef d'orchestre

Hans Posegga Duits componist (1917-2002)

Hans Posegga German composer, pianist and conductor

Hans Posegga tysk pianist och kompositör

Hans Posegga tysk pianist og komponist

Hans Posegga Un compositeur allemand pianiste et chef d'orchestre

Posegga, Hans Leopold 1917-2002

Ганс Позегга немецкий композитор, пианист и дирижёр

هانس پوسگا آهنگساز آلمانی


German (31)

English (10)

French (3)