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Hermannus Contractus 1013-1054

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Most widely held works about Hermannus
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Most widely held works by Hermannus
Eleventh-century Germany : the Swabian chronicles by I. S Robinson( Book )

9 editions published between 2008 and 2013 in English and held by 403 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany
The miracle of the century by Hermannus( )

8 editions published in 2013 in Latin and Undetermined and held by 335 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Naked Byrd by Armonico Consort( )

4 editions published in 2011 in Latin and English and held by 283 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"This recording is compiled from Armonico Consort's 'Naked Byrd' programme, featuring music by Tavener, Purcell, Barber and Byrd, composers who wore their hearts on their sleeves, and whose art saw their emotions laid bare, in an atmospheric concert where magical musical moments are intertwined with sublime passages of plainchant and violin improvisation"--Signum Classics website
Die Chronik Herimanns von Reichenau : nach der Ausgabe der Monumenta Germaniae by Hermannus( Book )

31 editions published between 1585 and 2010 in 3 languages and held by 240 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Historia Sanctae Afrae martyris Augustensis by Hermannus( )

13 editions published in 2004 in 4 languages and held by 126 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Werke Wipos by Wipo( Book )

10 editions published between 1915 and 1993 in Latin and held by 125 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Historia Sancti Wolfgangi Episcopi Ratisbonensis by Hermannus( )

2 editions published in 2002 in Latin and held by 124 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Historia Sancti Magni by Hermannus( )

5 editions published in 2013 in Latin and held by 96 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sinfonie Nr. 2 : "Wahre, ewige Seligkeit!" : für Orchester und Solostimme by Galina Ivanovna Ustvolʹskaja( )

7 editions published between 1996 and 2007 in Russian and held by 72 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The stabat mater and other hymns( Book )

3 editions published in 1872 in English and held by 67 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Opusculum Herimanni : (De octo vitiis principalibus) : eine Vers- und Lebensschule by Hermannus( Book )

11 editions published between 2007 and 2016 in German and Latin and held by 65 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Betrifft die Handschrift Cod. 264 der Burgerbibliothek Bern (Rez. in: Scriptorium 62(2008), S. 172*-174*)
Sinfonie Nr. 3 : Jesus Messias, errette uns! by Ustvol'skaâ Galina Ivanovna( )

6 editions published between 1994 and 2007 in 4 languages and held by 62 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hermanni contracti monachi Augiae divitis, Humberti S. R. E. cardinalis Silvae Candidae episcopi opera omnia by Hermannus( Book )

16 editions published between 1853 and 1991 in Latin and held by 55 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sinfonie Nr. 3 by Galina Ivanovna Ustvolskaja( Recording )

2 editions published in 2001 in Russian and held by 41 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hermann der Lahme : Gelehrter und Dichter (1013-1054) by Walter Berschin( Book )

4 editions published between 2004 and 2013 in German and held by 40 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hermanni contracti monachi Augiae divitis, Humberti S.R.E. cardinalis Silvae Candidae episcopi opera omnia by Hermannus( Book )

1 edition published in 1853 in Latin and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Bertholds Fortsetzung der Chronik Hermanns von Reichenau by Berholdus( Book )

1 edition published in 1888 in German and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Quellen des 9. und 11. Jahrhunderts zur Geschichte der hamburgischen Kirche und des Reiches by Rudolf Buchner( Book )

7 editions published between 1961 and 2000 in 3 languages and held by 21 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Eleventh-century Germany : the Swabian chronicles
The Musica of Hermannus ContractusHermann der Lahme Reichenauer Mönch und Universalgelehrter des 11. JahrhundertsHermann of Reichenau : a spiritual novelSalve Regina 2
Alternative Names
Altshausen, Hermann von 1013-1054

Conractus H. 1013-1054

Contractus, Hermannus

Contractus, Hermannus 1013-1054

Contractus, Hermanus 1013-1054

Ermàn de Reichenau

Ermann ëd Reichenau

Ermanno il contratto monaco, astronomo e storico tedesco

Ermanno lo Zoppo

Heriman 1013-1054 der Lahme

Heriman der Lahme

Heriman der Lahme 1013-1054


Herimann 1013-1054 der Lahme

Herimann 1013-1054 von Reichenau

Herimann de Behringen

Herimann de Behringen 1013-1054

Herimann der Lahme 1013-1054

Herimann von Reichenau

Herimann von Reichenau 1013-1054

Herimann von Reichenau 1013-1054 1013-1054

Herimannus 1013-1054 Augiensis

Herimannus 1013-1054 Contractus

Herimannus 1013-1054 de Reichenau

Herimannus Augiensis

Herimannus Augiensis 1013-1054

Herimannus Contractus 1013-1054

Herimannus de Reichenau 1013-1054


Herman 1013-1054 the Cripple

Herman 1013-1054 von Reichenau

Herman Contractus.

Herman de Reichenau

Herman der Krüppel.

Herman of Reichenau 1013-1054

Herman of Reichenau 1013-1054 1013-1054

Heřman, Rychnovský, 1013-1054

Herman, the Cripple

Herman,‏ ‎ the Cripple, 1013-1054

Herman van Reichenau Duits wiskundige

Herman von Reichenau 1013-1054

Heřman, z Altshausenu, 1013-1054

Heřman z Reichenau

Heřman, z Reichenau, 1013-1054

Heřman z Reichenau středověký kronikář, učenec, básník a skladatel


Hermann 1013-1054 Contract

Hermann 1013-1054 der Lahme

Hermann 1013-1054 of Reichenau

Hermann 1013-1054 the Cripple

Hermann 1013-1054 the Lame

Hermann 1013-1054 Veringensis

Hermann 1013-1054 von Altshausen

Hermann 1013-1054 von Reichenau

Hermann 1013-1054 von Vöhringen

Hermann 1013-1054 von Vöringen

Hermann av Reichenau tysk kompositör, matematiker, poet, författare och historiker

Hermann Contract

Hermann‏, Contract‏, 1013-1054

Hermann Contract moine, écolâtre, savant et hymnographe du 11e siècle

Hermann de Reichenau

Hermann de Reichenau 1013-1054

Hermann de Vöringen

Hermann de Vöringen 1013-1054

Hermann, der Lahme

Hermann der Lahme 1013-1054

Hermann le Contrefait

Hermann od Reichenaua

Hermann of Reichenau

Hermann, of Reichenau, 1013-1054

Hermann of Reichenau German 11th-century Benedictine monk, historian, astronomer, mathematician, poet, and musical composer

Hermann of Reichenau Germany karimba ŋun nyɛ doo

Hermann of Reichenau Scholar and composer

Hermann the Cripple

Hermann the Cripple 1013-1054

Hermann,‏ ‎ the Lame, 1013-1054

Hermann Veringensis 1013-1054

Hermann von Altshausen 1013-1054

Hermann von Reichenau.

Hermann,‏ ‎ von Reichenau,‏ 1013-1054

Hermann von Reichenau mittelalterlicher Komponist, Wissenschaftler und Schriftsteller

Hermann von Reichenau tysk komponist, matematiker, poet, skribent og historiker

Hermann von Vöhringen 1013-1054

Hermann von Vöringen 1013-1054

Hermann xứ Reichenau


Hermannus 1013-1054 Augiae Divitis

Hermannus 1013-1054 Contractus

Hermannus 1013-1054 Reichnauensis

Hermannus 1013-1054 Veringensis

Hermannus Augiae Divitis

Hermannus Augiae Divitis 1013-1054

Hermannus Augiensis.

Hermannus Augiensis 1013-1054

Hermannus, Augiensis Contractus, 1013-1054

Hermannus Augiensis, O.S.B., 1013-1054

Hermannus, Contractus

Hermannus Contractus 1013-1054

Hermannus Contractus 1013-1054 1013-1054

Hermannus Contractus középkori német szerzetes és polihisztor

Hermannus Contractus, monachus Augiæ Divitis

Hermannus Contractus patri Benedittin, storiku, astronomu, matematiku, poeta u kompożitur mużikali tas-seklu 11

Hermannus de Reichenau 1013-1054

Hermannus di Vöringen, Contractus, O.S.B., 1013-1054

Hermannus Monachus

Hermannus Reichnauensis

Hermannus Reichnauensis 1013-1054

Hermannus Veringensis

Hermannus Veringensis 1013-1054

Hermannus von Vöringen

Hermano de Reichenau

Hermano de Reichenau compositor alemão

Hermanus 1013-1054 Contractus

Hermanus Contractus 1013-1054

Hermanus Contractus tysk komponist, matematikar, poet, skribent og historikar

Hermanus Contractus tysk komponist, matematiker, poet, skribent og historiker

Reichenau, Hermann von

Vehringen, Hermannus von 1013-1054

Vöhringen, Hermannus von 1013-1054

Герман из Райхенау

Герман із Райхенау

Херман од Рајхенауа

הרמן פון רייכנאו נזיר ומלומד בן המאה ה-11

هيرمان اوف ريتشيناو


