WorldCat Identities

Hagen, Oskar 1888-1957

Works: 189 works in 598 publications in 6 languages and 4,085 library holdings
Genres: History  Drama  Academic theses  Vocal scores  Operas  Art 
Roles: Author, Editor, Contributor, Other, Adapter, Arranger, Translator, Author of introduction, win, wpr
Classifications: ND207, 709.46
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Oskar Hagen
The birth of the American tradition in art by Oskar Hagen( Book )

17 editions published between 1940 and 1986 in English and held by 762 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Patterns and principles of Spanish art, a completely rewritten edition by Oskar Hagen by Oskar Hagen( Book )

33 editions published between 1935 and 1987 in 3 languages and held by 565 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

"Study of ... the uniform structure of art in Spain from the days of the Moors to those of Francisco Goya" -- Author's foreword
Art epochs and their leaders; a survey of the genesis of modern art by Oskar Hagen( Book )

9 editions published between 1927 and 1971 in English and Undetermined and held by 452 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Matthias Grünewald by Oskar Hagen( Book )

36 editions published between 1919 and 1923 in 4 languages and held by 345 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Rodelinde by George Frideric Handel( )

5 editions published in 2002 in German and held by 296 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Xerxes, oder Der verliebte König (Serse) : heitere Oper in drei Akten by George Frideric Handel( )

19 editions published between 1924 and 1998 in German and Undetermined and held by 164 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Julius Caesar; Oper in drei Akten by Georg Friedrich Händel( )

28 editions published between 1922 and 1990 in 6 languages and held by 141 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

II. Vokalmusik. 1. Opern
Deutsche Zeichner von der Gotik bis zum Rokoko by Oskar Hagen( Book )

20 editions published between 1912 and 1921 in German and Undetermined and held by 137 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Deutsches Sehen, gestaltungsfragen der deutschen kunst by Oskar Hagen( Book )

17 editions published between 1920 and 1933 in German and held by 118 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hans Baldungs Rosenkranz, Seelengärtlein, Zehn gebote, Zwölf apostel by Oskar Hagen( Book )

16 editions published in 1928 in 3 languages and held by 117 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Deutsches sehen by Oskar Hagen( Book )

12 editions published between 1919 and 1933 in German and held by 96 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Correggio Apokryphen : eine kritische Studie über die sogenannten Jugendwerke des Correggio by Oskar Hagen( Book )

13 editions published in 1915 in German and Undetermined and held by 79 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Rodelinde, Oper in 3 Akten by Georg Friedrich Händel( )

19 editions published between 1923 and 1996 in 3 languages and held by 74 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Die Madonna mit dem heiligen Franziskus und die sogenannten Jugendwerke des Antonio da Correggio by Oskar Hagen( Book )

12 editions published in 1914 in German and held by 61 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Julius Caesar : an opera in 3 acts by George Frideric Handel( )

5 editions published between 1923 and 1926 in English and held by 31 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Van Gogh. Mappe by Vincent van Gogh( Book )

7 editions published between 1919 and 1920 in German and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Julius Cäsar : Oper in drei Akten by Georg Friedrich Händel( Book )

14 editions published between 1922 and 1966 in German and held by 23 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Julius Caesar; Oper in drei Akten by Georg Friedrich Händel( Book )

12 editions published between 1922 and 1952 in 4 languages and held by 22 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Xerxes oder der verliebte König, Serse. Heitere Oper in drei Akten. Musikalische Einrichtung auf Grund der Partitur der Deutschen Händelgesellschaft by George Frideric Handel( )

2 editions published in 1924 in German and held by 21 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Vincent Van Gogh-mappe by Vincent van Gogh( Book )

5 editions published in 1924 in German and held by 21 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for The birth ... to 0.00 for The birth ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Hagen, Oscar.

Hagen, Oscar 1888-1957

Hagen, Oskar Frank Leonard

Hagen, Oskar Frank Leonard 1888-

Hagen, Oskar Frank Leonard 1888-1957

Hagen, Oskar Frank Leonhard.

Hagen, Oskar Frank Leonhard 1888-1957

Oskar Frank Leonhard Hagen German art historian

Oskar Frank Leonhard Hagen historiador del arte alemán

Oskar Frank Leonhard Hagen historian gjerman i artit

Oskar Frank Leonhard Hagen istoric al artei german

Oskar Hagen deutscher Kunsthistoriker und Begründer der Händel-Festspiele in Göttingen

Oskar Hagen Duits kunsthistoricus (1888-1957)

Oskar Hagen historiador de l'art alemany

Oskar Hagen historien de l'art allemand

Оскар Хаген немецкий искусствовед

اوسكار هاجن

أوسكار هاغن مؤرخ فن ألماني


오스카 하겐



