WorldCat Identities

Venturini, Francesco approximately 1675-1745

Works: 79 works in 119 publications in 4 languages and 610 library holdings
Genres: History  Chamber music  Suites  Sonatas  Art music  Operas  Symphonies  Arrangements (Music)  Librettos  Scores 
Roles: Author, Composer, Production personnel, Contributor, Performer, Other, Creator, Vocalist, Singer
Classifications: DG975.P8335, 785.819618926
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works by Francesco Venturini
Concerti by Francesco Venturini( )

2 editions published in 2021 and held by 261 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Un monastero sul mare : ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI) = A monastery by the sea : archaeological research at San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI) by Corinna Bagato( )

6 editions published in 2016 in 3 languages and held by 129 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

I resti del monastero di San Quirico si trovano sulle pendici del poggio Tondo, a poca distanza dall?antica citt{hooka} di Populonia, rivolti verso lo specchio del mare Tirreno costellato dalle isole dell?arcipelago toscano. Le ricerche archeologiche in questo sito, realizzate nel primo decennio del nuovo millennio da due differenti équipe, rispettivamente dell?Universit{hooka} di Siena e Ca? Foscari di Venezia, si sono svolte nell?ambito degli interventi di ampliamento e di valorizzazione del parco archeologico di Baratti-Populonia. Questo volume contiene i risultati di quelle ricerche: l?edizione scientifica dello scavo e l?analisi critica dei materiali rinvenuti. La rielaborazione dei dati raccolti durante tali indagini, unita ad una rilettura della documentazione scritta, ha poi permesso di ricomporre le complesse vicende di questo importante monastero, in una nuova ed inedita narrazione. In tale narrazione le vicende del cenobio e delle sue preesistenze si intrecciano con quelle del promontorio di Populonia e dei territori limitrofi fino a delineare un quadro di sintesi che ridisegna i confini storici di questo territorio tra la Tarda Antichit{hooka} e l?Et{hooka} Moderna
Un monastero sul mare by Francesca Grassi( )

1 edition published in 2016 in Undetermined and held by 32 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The remains of the monastery of San Quirico stand on the slopes of Poggio Tondo, a hill not far from the ancient city of Populonia. They overlook the Tyrrhenian Sea, dotted with the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. Field research at this site, carried out in the first decade of the new millennium by two different teams, from Siena University and Venice's Ca' Foscari University, respectively, was part of ongoing efforts to expand the Baratti-Populonia Archeological Park, and to further explore the features present within it. This volume contains the results of this research work: a scientific publication of the excavation, and a critical analysis of the material found. Processing of the data collected during these investigations, together with a re-reading of written documentation, has made it possible to piece together the complex history of this important monastery, in a totally new narration. In this narration, the history of the monastery, and of the features which existed prior to it, are closely interwoven with the history of the promontory of Populonia and the surrounding area, ultimately producing a new overview which sets out the historical boundaries of this area, between Late Antiquity and the modern era
Concerti da camera by Francesco Venturini( Recording )

11 editions published in 2006 in 3 languages and held by 31 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ouverture nr. 3 in g, for 2 oboes, oboe d'amore (oboe), English horn, and 2 bassoons by Francesco Venturini( )

3 editions published in 1995 and held by 21 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Musik in alten Stadten und Residenzen: Hannover (Lehan)( )

2 editions published in 2013 in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ad illustrem magnanimumque Octauianum Vbaldinum Mercatelli principem Francisci Venturini in Rudimenta grammatices praefatio by Francesco Venturini( Book )

3 editions published in 1482 in Latin and held by 10 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sonata da camera e-moll (1701) by Francesco Venturini( Recording )

3 editions published in 1961 in 3 languages and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Concerti da camera, op. 1 : Sonata XII by Francesco Venturini( )

6 editions published between 1715 and 1960 and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Musik in alten städten & residenzen = [music of old cities and royal courts] by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart( Recording )

1 edition published in 2013 and held by 5 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Hannover, eine festliche Soirée in Herrenhausen( Recording )

2 editions published between 1990 and 2013 and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Concerti da camera op. 1 Amsterdam, ca. 1715 by Francesco Venturini( Recording )

2 editions published in 2006 in No Linguistic content and Undetermined and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ouvertüre (Suite) in e-Moll für 2 Oboen, Oboe d'amore, Taille und 2 Fagotte, Ms. 1723 by Francesco Venturini( )

2 editions published in 2013 in German and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Ouvertüre (Suite) in e-Moll für 2 Oboen, Oboe d'amore, Taille und 2 Fagotte : Ms. 1723 by Francesco Venturini( )

1 edition published in 2013 and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Otello, ossia, L'Africano di Venezia : dramma tragico per musica ; da rappresentarsi nel nobile teatro di S. Benedetto, l'autunno dell'anno 1818 by Gioacchino Rossini( Book )

2 editions published in 1818 in Italian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

The long-run impact of ICT by Francesco Venturini( Book )

2 editions published in 2006 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Concerti Di Camera À 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 e 9 Instromenti : Divisi In Dve Parti ; Opera Prima Parte Seconda by Francesco Venturini( )

1 edition published in 1713 and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

University and inter-firm R&D collaborations: propensity and intensity of cooperation in Europe by David Aristei( )

1 edition published in 2015 in English and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Concerti Di Camera À 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 e 9 Instromenti Divisi in due Parti; Opera Prima Parte Prima by Francesco Venturini( )

1 edition published in 1713 in Undetermined and held by 2 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.52 (from 0.31 for Concerti / ... to 0.97 for The long-r ...)

Alternative Names
Francesco Venturini compositeur et violoniste, d'origine probablement wallone ou française

Francesco Venturini Duits violist (1675-1745)

Francesco Venturini German musician

Francesco Venturini músic alemany

Francesco Venturini músico alemán

Francesco Venturini músicu alemán

Francesco Venturini muzikant gjerman

Francesco Venturini niemiecki kompozytor i skrzypek pochodzenia walońskiego lub francuskiego

Venterini, Francesco


Venturini F.

Venturini, Francesco ca. 1675-1745

Venturini , François

Venturini, François 1675-1745

Φραντσέσκο Βεντουρίνι γερμανός μουσικός

فرانسيسكو فنتوريني موسيقي ألماني

فرانسيسكو ڤينتورينى


English (10)

Italian (6)

German (3)

Latin (3)