WorldCat Identities

Windsperger, Lothar 1885-1935

Works: 491 works in 808 publications in 3 languages and 1,678 library holdings
Genres: Juvenile works  Scores  Manuscripts  Piano music  Thematic catalogs (Music)  Art music  Studies (Music)  Arrangements (Music)  Chamber music  Instructional and educational works 
Roles: Arranger, Author, Editor, Composer, Other, Adapter, Contributor, Creator
Classifications: M25, 786.2
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Lothar Windsperger
Most widely held works by Lothar Windsperger
Rückert Lieder ; Lieder aus der Jugendzeit ; Des Knaben Wunderhorn by Gustav Mahler( )

2 editions published in 2004 in German and held by 281 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive und Themen aus sämtlichen Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's by Richard Wagner( )

in German and held by 88 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive und Themen aus sämtlichen Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's : für Klavier zu 2 Händen by Richard Wagner( )

13 editions published between 1910 and 1953 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 73 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Album for the young : for the piano, op. 68 by Robert Schumann( )

6 editions published in 1924 in 3 languages and held by 48 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Prefacio.- Primera parte : para los pequeños : 1. Melodía = Melodie ; 2. Marcha militar = Soldatenmarsch ; 3. Cancioncilla tarareada = Trällerliedchen ; 4. Coral = Ein Choral ; 5. Piececita = Stückchen ; 6. Pobre huerfanito = armes Waisenkind ; 7. Cancioncita de caza = Jägerliedchen ; 8. El jinete indómito = Wilder Reiter ; 9. Cancioncilla popular = Volksliedchen ; 10. El campesino alegre volviendo del trabajo = Fröhliche Landmann, von der Arbeit zu rückkerhrend ; 11. Siciliana = Sizilianisch ; 12. San Nicolás = Knech Ruprecht ; 13. Mayo, querido mayo, pronto llegarás = Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist du wieder da ; 14. Pequeño estudio = Kleine Studie ; 15. Canto de primavera = Frühlingsgesang ; 16. Primer dolor = Erster Verlust ; 17. El pequeño paseante mañanero = Kleiner Morgenwanderer ; 18. Cancioncilla del segador = Schnitterliedchen.- Segunda parte : para los mayorcitos : 19. Pequeña romanza (Kleine Romanze) ; 20. Canción rústica = Ländliches Lied ; 21. [Sin título] ; 22. Canto de ronda = Rundgsang ; 23. Caballeresca = Reiterstück ; 24. Cancioncilla de siega = Ernteliedchen ; 25. Ecos del teatro = Nachkläng aus de Theater ; 26. [Sin título] ; 27. Cancioncilla canónica = Kanonisches Liedchen ; 28. Recuerdo = Erinnerung ; 29. El extranjero = Fremder Mann ; 30. [Sin título] ; 31. Canción guerrera = Kriegslied ; 32. Scheherezade ; 33. Tiempo de vendimia, tiempo alegre = Wienlesezeit.fröliche Zeit ; 34. Tema = Thema ; 35. Mignon ; 36. Canción de los marinari italiano = Lied italienischer Marinari ; 37. Canción marinera = Matrosenleid ; 38. Tiempo de invierno I y II = Winterszeit I und II ; 39. Pequeña fuga = Kleine Fuge ; 40. Canción nórdica = Nordisches Lied ; 41. Coral figurado = Figurierter Choral ; 42. Canción de fin de año = Sylvesterlied.- Apéndice : 1. Para los muy pequeñitos = Für ganz Kleine ; 2. Canción para acunar a la muñeca = Puppenschlafliedchen ; 3. En la góndola = Auf der Gondel ; 4. El cuco en su escondite = Gukkuk im Versteck ; 5. ¡A que no me coges! = Haschemann ; 6. Laguna veneciana = Lagune in Venedig ; 7. Danza del oso = Bärentanz ; 8. Jeroglífico = Rebus.-. Notas críticas : 1. Las fuentes y sus interrelaciones ; 2. Sobre la crítica textual ; 3. Observaciones (Lecturas) ; 4. Notas al Apéndice: Advertencia preliminar ; 5. Observaciones.- Consejos musicales para la casa y para la vida
A program of songs by Gustav Mahler( Recording )

1 edition published in 1952 in German and held by 47 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive : aus Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's by Richard Wagner( )

19 editions published between 1920 and 2012 in 3 languages and held by 32 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Il maestro e lo scolare = Lehrer und Schüler : piano, vierhändig : à quatre mains : for four hands by Joseph Haydn( )

4 editions published in 1930 in No Linguistic content and Undetermined and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive aus Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's : für Klavier mit übergelegtem Text by Lothar Windsperger( )

in German and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Was die Deutschen Kinder singen : eine Blütenlese der heimatlichen Kinderlieder zusammengestellt von einer Deutschen Mutter( )

8 editions published between 1914 and 1932 in German and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Prélude, choral et fugue : piano by César Franck( )

in Undetermined and No Linguistic content and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Zehn Lieder, op. 23 : for high voice by Lothar Windsperger( )

11 editions published between 1920 and 1996 in German and Undetermined and held by 23 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Violin and Piano Music - PERLMAN, G.( )

2 editions published in 2012 in Undetermined and English and held by 22 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

21 Lieder mit Klavierbegleitung Op. 25 by Lothar Windsperger( )

21 editions published between 1922 and 1935 in German and held by 22 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Quartett [für] 2 Violinen, Viola [und] Violoncello (G moll) by Lothar Windsperger( )

9 editions published in 1920 in 3 languages and held by 22 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Pieces for violoncello = Violoncellostücke = Pièces pour violoncelle = Gordonkadarabok by Franz Liszt( )

1 edition published in 2011 in Multiple languages and held by 16 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Fünfzehn improvisationen : for solo violin by Lothar Windsperger( )

2 editions published in 2010 and held by 15 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive aus Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's : für Klavier mit ubergelegtem Text by Richard Wagner( Book )

8 editions published in 1920 in German and held by 15 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Prélude, aria et final by César Franck( )

and held by 15 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Das Buch der Motive und Themen aus sämtlichen Opern und Musikdramen Richard Wagner's : in zwei Bänden by Lothar Windsperger( Book )

2 editions published in 1931 in German and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Was unsre Kinder singen : eine Sammlung der heimatlichen Kinderlieder( )

6 editions published between 1914 and 1995 in German and No Linguistic content and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  Kids General Special  
Audience level: 0.53 (from 0.34 for Album for ... to 0.94 for Violin and ...)

WorldCat IdentitiesRelated Identities
Alternative Names
Artok, H.

Artok, Leo

Lothar Windsperger

Lothar Windsperger Compositor i pedagog musical alemany

Lothar Windsperger deutscher Komponist der Romantik sowie Lektor und Herausgeber

Lothar Windsperger Duits componist (1885-1935)

Lothar Windsperger German composer and music educator

Lothar Windsperger tysk komponist

Lothar Windsperger tysk kompositör


Windsperger L.

Windsperger, L. 1885-1935

Windsperger, L. (Lothar)

Windsperger, L. (Lothar), 1885-1935

ヴィントシュペルゲル, ロタール
