WorldCat Identities

Gramann, Johann

Works: 248 works in 326 publications in 5 languages and 662 library holdings
Genres: Musical settings 
Roles: Author, Contributor, Other, Composer, Arranger, Adapter, Honoree, Dedicatee, Librettist
Classifications: Z802.K84, 027.44747
Publication Timeline
Most widely held works about Johann Gramann
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Most widely held works by Johann Gramann
Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek zu Königsberg by Christian Krollmann( Book )

4 editions published in 1929 in German and English and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Magnificat, BWV 243( )

5 editions published in 1999 in English and Undetermined and held by 19 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Cantatas( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 15 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Motets, BWV 225-230 (Chamber Choir of Europe, European Chamber Players, Matt)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 15 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Motets, BWV 225-230 and Anh. 159 (Rheinische Kantorei, Max)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Sacred Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Harnoncourt, Leonhardt)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Sacred Cantatas - BWV 167, 168, 169 (Harnoncourt)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Famous Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Herreweghe)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Motets (St. Jacob's Chamber Choir, REbaroque, Graden)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide


2 editions published in 1999 in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Sacred Cantatas - BWV, 17, 18, 19 (Harnoncourt)( )

2 editions published in 2006 in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Sacred Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Harnoncourt, Leonhardt)( )

2 editions published in 2011 in Undetermined and English and held by 14 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Sacred Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Harnoncourt, Leonhardt)( )

in Undetermined and English and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: 50 Best Classical Masterpieces (The)( )

2 editions published in 2014 in Undetermined and English and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Motets, BWV 225-230( )

in English and held by 13 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

BACH, J.S.: Motets, BWV 225-230 (Collegium Vocale Gent, La Chapelle Royale, Herreweghe) (1985)( )

3 editions published in 2014 in English and Undetermined and held by 8 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Nun lob mein Seel den Herren by Michael Praetorius( )

4 editions published between 1950 and 1955 in German and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

Sammlung von Notenmaterial der ehemaligen SCB-Bibliothek
Eyn vrtayl by Johann Poliander( Book )

1 edition published in 1525 in German and held by 7 WorldCat member libraries worldwide

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Audience Level
Audience Level
  General Special  
Audience level: 0.00 (from 0.00 for Geschichte ... to 0.00 for Geschichte ...)

Alternative Names
Graman, Johann

Graman, Johann 1487-1541

Graman, Johannes

Graman, Johannes 1487-1541

Graman, Johannes aus Neustadt

Graman, Johannes aus Neustadt 1487-1541

Gramann, Ioann

Gramann, Iohann

Gramann J.

Gramann, Joann

Gramann Johann

Gramann, Johann, 1487-1541

Gramannus, Johannes

Gramannus, Johannes 1487-1541

Gramanus, Johannes

Gramanus, Johannes 1487-1541

Gramman Johann

Graumann Johann

Graumann, Johann 1487-1541

Graumann, Johannes 1487-1541

Johann Gramann

Johann Gramann Duits schrijver

Johann Gramann tysk skribent

Johannes Gramann tysk skribent

Johannes Poliander German theologian

Johannes Poliander Germany karimba ŋun nyɛ doo

Johannes Poliander teólogo alemán

Johannes Polliander tysk författare


Poliander 1487-1541

Poliander, Johan

Poliander, Johan 1487-1541

Poliander Johann

Poliander, Johann 1487-1541

Poliander, Johannes

Poliander, Johannes 1487-1541

Polianderis Johanas


Polyander 1487-1541

Polyander Joh.

Polyander, Johan

Polyander, Johann

Polyander, Johann 1487-1541

Polyander, Johannes 1487-1541

Грауманн, Иоганн

چوهانس پولياندير


